ADL apologizes to Beck


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Beck Responds to ADL Statement Calling His Soros Reporting ‘Horrific’ & ‘Offensive’ | The Blaze

The new left talking point is that Glenn is an anti-semite. It's a pretty pitiful attempt considering his track recording supporting Israel. Looks like the ADL has apologized for any statements made against him.

Funny thing is the New York Times knew this and published their story anyway.

You know, if you dont agree with Glenn. I understand. But can we atleast have some sort of honest assessment rather than these blatantly false stuff?
Beck Responds to ADL Statement Calling His Soros Reporting ‘Horrific’ & ‘Offensive’ | The Blaze

The new left talking point is that Glenn is an anti-semite. It's a pretty pitiful attempt considering his track recording supporting Israel. Looks like the ADL has apologized for any statements made against him.

Funny thing is the New York Times knew this and published their story anyway.

You know, if you dont agree with Glenn. I understand. But can we atleast have some sort of honest assessment rather than these blatantly false stuff?

You are kidding right? Every time a liberal's lips move it blatant and false stuff spewing forth. They are mindless robots.
Beck Responds to ADL Statement Calling His Soros Reporting ‘Horrific’ & ‘Offensive’ | The Blaze

The new left talking point is that Glenn is an anti-semite. It's a pretty pitiful attempt considering his track recording supporting Israel. Looks like the ADL has apologized for any statements made against him.

Funny thing is the New York Times knew this and published their story anyway.

You know, if you dont agree with Glenn. I understand. But can we atleast have some sort of honest assessment rather than these blatantly false stuff?
Well, Beck did use a interview that chopped off a part of an interview with Soros and the result was a misrepresentation of what Soros said. So falsehoods are not only on the left side of the aisle.
BECK: I want you to know and remember this: In the last three episodes, I'm not making claims, I'm not asking questions, I'm not telling you statements of fact. What I'm telling you is, watch George Soros in his own words. Where is the country headed? George Soros.

[start video clip]

QUESTIONER: The question is what whether we need and whether Mr. Soros and his foundations can help to bring more foreign influence in the United States instead of relying on what is essentially a balance between Democrats and conservative Republicans.

SOROS: I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order, and that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet, it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup.

[end video clip]

BECK: It's a problem for him that people in China or France don't get to vote, find out who sits in Congress. Is it for you? You need to make a choice. Mr. Soros has made his choice. I have made mine. Tonight you decide.

Here's the complete statement by Soros

SOROS: Look, I think -- I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order, and that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet, it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup. I don't think you can correct it by giving the Chinese government a vote in Congress. But it is a flaw, and I think this is where American leadership is needed, to take into account and respect the interests of others as well, in order to retain the dominant position we currently enjoy.

I bolded the part that was editied out by somebody to sensationalize something. So here we are, the New York Times not being honest and Beck not being honest. Why do they do that crap?
And don't jump all over me about Soros. Personally, I think Soros is the boogeyman created by the far right talking heads. Much like the Koch brothers are to the left.
The demonizing by both sides of the aisle is pretty sad. But in the long run, I think Big Money (Soros, Koch Bros., etc) controlling thus country's politics takes away the voice of Main Street America. Right or wrong, that's my opinion.
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Beck Responds to ADL Statement Calling His Soros Reporting ‘Horrific’ & ‘Offensive’ | The Blaze

The new left talking point is that Glenn is an anti-semite. It's a pretty pitiful attempt considering his track recording supporting Israel. Looks like the ADL has apologized for any statements made against him.

Funny thing is the New York Times knew this and published their story anyway.

You know, if you dont agree with Glenn. I understand. But can we atleast have some sort of honest assessment rather than these blatantly false stuff?
Well, Beck did use a interview that chopped off a part of an interview with Soros and the result was a misrepresentation of what Soros said. So falsehoods are not only on the left side of the aisle.
BECK: I want you to know and remember this: In the last three episodes, I'm not making claims, I'm not asking questions, I'm not telling you statements of fact. What I'm telling you is, watch George Soros in his own words. Where is the country headed? George Soros.

[start video clip]

QUESTIONER: The question is what whether we need and whether Mr. Soros and his foundations can help to bring more foreign influence in the United States instead of relying on what is essentially a balance between Democrats and conservative Republicans.

SOROS: I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order, and that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet, it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup.

[end video clip]

BECK: It's a problem for him that people in China or France don't get to vote, find out who sits in Congress. Is it for you? You need to make a choice. Mr. Soros has made his choice. I have made mine. Tonight you decide.

Here's the complete statement by Soros

SOROS: Look, I think -- I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order, and that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet, it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup. I don't think you can correct it by giving the Chinese government a vote in Congress. But it is a flaw, and I think this is where American leadership is needed, to take into account and respect the interests of others as well, in order to retain the dominant position we currently enjoy.

I bolded the part that was editied out by somebody to sensationalize something. So here we are, the New York Times not being honest and Beck not being honest. Why do they do that crap?
And don't jump all over me about Soros. Personally, I think Soros is the boogeyman created by the far right talking heads. Much like the Koch brothers are to the left.
The demonizing by both sides of the aisle is pretty sad. But in the long run, I think Big Money (Soros, Koch Bros., etc) controlling thus country's politics takes away the voice of Main Street America. Right or wrong, that's my opinion.

Sorry "They all do it" is not a defense. Your citation of Beck's editing doesn't in any way equate to what the NYT did.
Beck Responds to ADL Statement Calling His Soros Reporting ‘Horrific’ & ‘Offensive’ | The Blaze

The new left talking point is that Glenn is an anti-semite. It's a pretty pitiful attempt considering his track recording supporting Israel. Looks like the ADL has apologized for any statements made against him.

Funny thing is the New York Times knew this and published their story anyway.

You know, if you dont agree with Glenn. I understand. But can we atleast have some sort of honest assessment rather than these blatantly false stuff?
Well, Beck did use a interview that chopped off a part of an interview with Soros and the result was a misrepresentation of what Soros said. So falsehoods are not only on the left side of the aisle.
BECK: I want you to know and remember this: In the last three episodes, I'm not making claims, I'm not asking questions, I'm not telling you statements of fact. What I'm telling you is, watch George Soros in his own words. Where is the country headed? George Soros.

[start video clip]

QUESTIONER: The question is what whether we need and whether Mr. Soros and his foundations can help to bring more foreign influence in the United States instead of relying on what is essentially a balance between Democrats and conservative Republicans.

SOROS: I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order, and that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet, it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup.

[end video clip]

BECK: It's a problem for him that people in China or France don't get to vote, find out who sits in Congress. Is it for you? You need to make a choice. Mr. Soros has made his choice. I have made mine. Tonight you decide.

Here's the complete statement by Soros

SOROS: Look, I think -- I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order, and that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet, it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup. I don't think you can correct it by giving the Chinese government a vote in Congress. But it is a flaw, and I think this is where American leadership is needed, to take into account and respect the interests of others as well, in order to retain the dominant position we currently enjoy.

I bolded the part that was editied out by somebody to sensationalize something. So here we are, the New York Times not being honest and Beck not being honest. Why do they do that crap?
And don't jump all over me about Soros. Personally, I think Soros is the boogeyman created by the far right talking heads. Much like the Koch brothers are to the left.
The demonizing by both sides of the aisle is pretty sad. But in the long run, I think Big Money (Soros, Koch Bros., etc) controlling thus country's politics takes away the voice of Main Street America. Right or wrong, that's my opinion.

Sorry "They all do it" is not a defense. Your citation of Beck's editing doesn't in any way equate to what the NYT did.

Your right, the New York Times ignored the ADL apology and Beck edited Soros' verbage.
Just as you see what the New Times did as a much bigger deal, I'm sure someone from the left would think what Beck did was the bigger deal.
I see both cases representing intentional intellectual dishonesty.
It's possible to be pro-Israel and anti-semitic.

I thought his lies about Soros were over the line and offense and smacked of anti-semitism.
Beck Responds to ADL Statement Calling His Soros Reporting ‘Horrific’ & ‘Offensive’ | The Blaze

The new left talking point is that Glenn is an anti-semite. It's a pretty pitiful attempt considering his track recording supporting Israel. Looks like the ADL has apologized for any statements made against him.

Funny thing is the New York Times knew this and published their story anyway.

You know, if you dont agree with Glenn. I understand. But can we atleast have some sort of honest assessment rather than these blatantly false stuff?
Well, Beck did use a interview that chopped off a part of an interview with Soros and the result was a misrepresentation of what Soros said. So falsehoods are not only on the left side of the aisle.
BECK: I want you to know and remember this: In the last three episodes, I'm not making claims, I'm not asking questions, I'm not telling you statements of fact. What I'm telling you is, watch George Soros in his own words. Where is the country headed? George Soros.

[start video clip]

QUESTIONER: The question is what whether we need and whether Mr. Soros and his foundations can help to bring more foreign influence in the United States instead of relying on what is essentially a balance between Democrats and conservative Republicans.

SOROS: I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order, and that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet, it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup.

[end video clip]

BECK: It's a problem for him that people in China or France don't get to vote, find out who sits in Congress. Is it for you? You need to make a choice. Mr. Soros has made his choice. I have made mine. Tonight you decide.

Here's the complete statement by Soros

SOROS: Look, I think -- I think you put your finger on a very important flaw in the current world order, and that is that only Americans have a vote in Congress. And yet, it is the United States that basically determines policy for the world. That is a flaw in the current setup. I don't think you can correct it by giving the Chinese government a vote in Congress. But it is a flaw, and I think this is where American leadership is needed, to take into account and respect the interests of others as well, in order to retain the dominant position we currently enjoy.

I bolded the part that was editied out by somebody to sensationalize something. So here we are, the New York Times not being honest and Beck not being honest. Why do they do that crap?
And don't jump all over me about Soros. Personally, I think Soros is the boogeyman created by the far right talking heads. Much like the Koch brothers are to the left.
The demonizing by both sides of the aisle is pretty sad. But in the long run, I think Big Money (Soros, Koch Bros., etc) controlling thus country's politics takes away the voice of Main Street America. Right or wrong, that's my opinion.

Sorry "They all do it" is not a defense. Your citation of Beck's editing doesn't in any way equate to what the NYT did.

And it also does'nt change the fact that Soros wants an "Open Society" free of borders and flags.... no sovereinty for America basically.
The premise is still the same.

I say if the rest of the world does'nt like us having the "dominant position we currently enjoy", then maybe they should do something about their own flawed systems, and stop trying to tear us down to their level.
The title is misleading, the ADL has not apologized to Beck. A link needs to be posted if they did for this incident.
This is the reason I don't put stock into the ADL anymore. They are partisan machine attacking the right. Trying to label anyone on the right as antisemitic.

If they were truthful to only fighting antisemitism, they would be giving Hannity, Beck, Farah and Rush awards. Praising these people for their great deeds for the Israel and the Jewish people!

Yet they have the BALLZ to label Beck antisemite. I saw a few pieces Beck did on Israel and he is more Pro-Jew than most Jews!

The ADL is becoming as useless due to partisanship bullshit as the NAACP!
This is the reason I don't put stock into the ADL anymore. They are partisan machine attacking the right. Trying to label anyone on the right as antisemitic.

If they were truthful to only fighting antisemitism, they would be giving Hannity, Beck, Farah and Rush awards. Praising these people for their great deeds for the Israel and the Jewish people!

Yet they have the BALLZ to label Beck antisemite. I saw a few pieces Beck did on Israel and he is more Pro-Jew than most Jews!

The ADL is becoming as useless due to partisanship bullshit as the NAACP!
What great deeds are you talking about?

You can read, right? The letter is from October 22. Well after this current incident happened, which is what this current article is about. So yes, the title is misleading. Also, the first link isn't a apology. Try again.



You guys didnt let me down.

You can read, right? The letter is from October 22. Well after this current incident happened, which is what this current article is about. So yes, the title is misleading. Also, the first link isn't a apology. Try again.



You guys didnt let me down.
You don't post links because they always prove you wrong?

I am not surprised.
It's possible to be pro-Israel and anti-semitic.
Possibly, but not likely! Out of 10 million Israel supports, you might find 1 or 2 antisemites.

However, out of 10 million far leftist, you will probably find 9.9 million antisemites!
It's possible to be pro-Israel and anti-semitic.

I thought his lies about Soros were over the line and offense and smacked of anti-semitism.

No, not really. I have seen and known people who were anti Israel but not anti semitic. But not vice versa.
Beck is no anti semite.

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