Administration Sold Guns To Mexican Drug Cartels


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

It seems we have a major scandal brewing and it's not about the debt or terrorism. It's about guns.

Government agents are telling members of the media that under the guise of arming the Mexican military in their fight against drug cartels, hundreds of weapons ended up in the hands of the drug cartels instead. It was discovered that some of these weapons were used to kill border agents earlier this month.

The Obama Administration is in full COA mode attempting to quiet the uproar that is brewing.

On Glenn Becks's talk-radio program yesterday morning, an ICE official called in and said the reason that the Obama Administration sold hundreds of automatic weapons to drug cartels is because they wanted a scandal to help push new anti-gun legislation later this year. They hoped nobody would trace the guns back to the White House. ATF gunwalking scandal: Second agent speaks out - CBS Evening News - CBS News

This is a prime example of how the left thinks that the ends justify the means. The goal is a safer disarmed America. Who cares that people end up dying in the process.

President Obama said that an investigation is underway and that the guilty parties will be found. I almost snarfed my coffee when I heard him say this, it was so ironic. I've been doing a search on this story and discovered several links that have been removed. A cover-up is underway.

The excuse will be that they lost control of the guns. That corruption in the Mexican government allowed the guns to fall into the hands of drug cartels instead. Mark my words. If the story is ever allowed to see the light of day, this will be their excuse.

From the link:
Yet ATF agents told us they were ordered to let thousands of weapons walk. Two of them, assault rifles, were later found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in Arizona last December. Another gunrunning suspect under ATF surveillance was linked to the shooting of Customs Agent Jaime Zapata. And sources say many more "walked" weapons turned up at Mexican crime scenes.
So we let arms into Mexico that can be used against us but at the same time try to blame Gun Shows for it. Plus, our military is Aiding Al Qaida in Libya.

I agree with Dennis Kucinich, it's time for Impeachment.
From the link:
Yet ATF agents told us they were ordered to let thousands of weapons walk. Two of them, assault rifles, were later found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in Arizona last December. Another gunrunning suspect under ATF surveillance was linked to the shooting of Customs Agent Jaime Zapata. And sources say many more "walked" weapons turned up at Mexican crime scenes.
So we let arms into Mexico that can be used against us but at the same time try to blame Gun Shows for it. Plus, our military is Aiding Al Qaida in Libya.

I agree with Dennis Kucinich, it's time for Impeachment.

wont do any good since we dont have a government of the people and the president is above the law.Remember Clinton?
From the link:
Yet ATF agents told us they were ordered to let thousands of weapons walk. Two of them, assault rifles, were later found at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in Arizona last December. Another gunrunning suspect under ATF surveillance was linked to the shooting of Customs Agent Jaime Zapata. And sources say many more "walked" weapons turned up at Mexican crime scenes.
So we let arms into Mexico that can be used against us but at the same time try to blame Gun Shows for it. Plus, our military is Aiding Al Qaida in Libya.

I agree with Dennis Kucinich, it's time for Impeachment.

wont do any good since we dont have a government of the people and the president is above the law.Remember Clinton?

The problem is that too many in this country never take anything seriously.

As long as a Democrat is in charge nothing is serious.

Well, I take that back.

Don't Ask, Don't Tell is. So is Same-sex Marriage. Cutting spending is serious, but only when someone attempts to do it. Oh, and nuclear power-plants are serious, even though nobody in the states has ever died from a nuclear accident.
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