Admit Being Duped Here


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
Please feel free to use this thread to discuss cases in which you were duped by a media source or a politician.....and know it. In other words.....this is not a debate thread about whether or not you were duped. This is a simple thread where you can admit that you fell for a line of bull and now know that you were misled.

For example......if you once believed that Barack Obama was born in Kenya but....after examining the know that he was born in it here.

It will not hurt.....I promise.

I will start.

I once repeated a bit of misinformation regarding Sarah Palin. I actually wrote that she said she could see Russia from her house. I fell for a comedy line....and...without checking for accuracy.....repeated it. Boy....did I feel dumb.

Your turn.......
I once believed that I could sleep my way straight. It didn't work. :lol:
I start threads and forget to post in them.
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Before the VietNam war, I thought that we only went to war to protect ourselves and our allies. I found out later that wars are political, diplomatic, and due to monetary interests. Thus the reasons why we never fight wars as war.

In the 50s and early to mid 60s, I thought that our government actually cared about this country and her citizens. Later, I found out that Washington politics is in place to serve the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, and special interests.

Up until I was about 30 years old ( around the late 70s ), I actually thought that our judicial system was one of true justice. Later, I found out that it's a shameful corrupt cruel system that locks away innocent citizens, and allows the wealthy, the famous, and those with status to walk free even when they commit crimes, and are caught red handed.

I was once fooled into believing that we had taxation with representation. Around the age of 30, I realized how wrong I was.

Dammit, Sonny. How about just sticking to the premise of the thread.
Voted Clinton, first term not second
Same with W (actually didn't choose a Presidential candidate on that ballot, and I hated not voting)
Yea, I voted for McMaverick :slap:
Before the VietNam war, I thought that we only went to war to protect ourselves and our allies. I found out later that wars are political, diplomatic, and due to monetary interests. Thus the reasons why we never fight wars as war.

In the 50s and early to mid 60s, I thought that our government actually cared about this country and her citizens. Later, I found out that Washington politics is in place to serve the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, and special interests.

Up until I was about 30 years old ( around the late 70s ), I actually thought that our judicial system was one of true justice. Later, I found out that it's a shameful corrupt cruel system that locks away innocent citizens, and allows the wealthy, the famous, and those with status to walk free even when they commit crimes, and are caught red handed.

I was once fooled into believing that we had taxation with representation. Around the age of 30, I realized how wrong I was.

Dammit, Sonny. How about just sticking to the premise of the thread.
Before the VietNam war, I thought that we only went to war to protect ourselves and our allies. I found out later that wars are political, diplomatic, and due to monetary interests. Thus the reasons why we never fight wars as war.

In the 50s and early to mid 60s, I thought that our government actually cared about this country and her citizens. Later, I found out that Washington politics is in place to serve the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, and special interests.

Up until I was about 30 years old ( around the late 70s ), I actually thought that our judicial system was one of true justice. Later, I found out that it's a shameful corrupt cruel system that locks away innocent citizens, and allows the wealthy, the famous, and those with status to walk free even when they commit crimes, and are caught red handed.

I was once fooled into believing that we had taxation with representation. Around the age of 30, I realized how wrong I was.

Dammit, Sonny. How about just sticking to the premise of the thread.
I'll delete it, no problem.
Before the VietNam war, I thought that we only went to war to protect ourselves and our allies. I found out later that wars are political, diplomatic, and due to monetary interests. Thus the reasons why we never fight wars as war.

In the 50s and early to mid 60s, I thought that our government actually cared about this country and her citizens. Later, I found out that Washington politics is in place to serve the wealthy, the powerful, the influential, and special interests.

Up until I was about 30 years old ( around the late 70s ), I actually thought that our judicial system was one of true justice. Later, I found out that it's a shameful corrupt cruel system that locks away innocent citizens, and allows the wealthy, the famous, and those with status to walk free even when they commit crimes, and are caught red handed.

I was once fooled into believing that we had taxation with representation. Around the age of 30, I realized how wrong I was.

Dammit, Sonny. How about just sticking to the premise of the thread.
I deleted it. Sorry.
I used to believe USMB Poster "Crick" knew what he was talking about.

Turns out it's all bullsh*t. Why did you do it Crick? Why?
I believed Iraq had WMD. I watched when Powell put one hell of a dog & pony show per direction of W. & Dick.
Duped into voting for Obama in '08. Fell for all his BS hook, line and sinker. Although I don't buy all the crap Republican's throw his way, he's proven to be nothing more than a puppet. (like the rest of them)

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