Nearly 200 Pride Flags Stolen

I'm more stealthy.....Stars and Bars for the win. ;)

NOBODY is proud of being a sexual deviant. Nobody. You might have made an acceptable adjustment, but pride? It is absurd. It's like being proud of being left-handed.

Same goes for the other gang of sexual irregulars who celebrate this day and month. Proud? I don't think so. And there is no logical connection between being "gay" and being "trans." They only celebrate the other because it's fashionable.

That's a sinister joke for educated people!
NOBODY is proud of being a sexual deviant. Nobody. You might have made an acceptable adjustment, but pride? It is absurd. It's like being proud of being left-handed.

Same goes for the other gang of sexual irregulars who celebrate this day and month. Proud? I don't think so. And there is no logical connection between being "gay" and being "trans." They only celebrate the other because it's fashionable.

Those flags make it clear……I am not ashamed to be gay
A lot of homophobia here.

Personally, we be kinda cool with the Pride attention this week.
All those of that and women....that I have had contact business, and in our neighborhoods, I have found to be good folks.
Better than most, in fact.
Kinda think it is that they have been tested a bit more strenuously than the rest of us who are the more accepted hetero.

When I intended to step down from a board I was serving on I vigorously promoted a gay guy to take my place as I was a fan of his sense of responsibility, attention to detail, and his diplomatic skills with people.

I think he acquired that due to having navigate his 'bent' in a hetero world. He was a good guy.
I've long lost touch with him and that board.

Today, on my drive to the farm I pass through a rural community that now has a 'Pride Day'. It tickles me. It shows the acceptance what the America I want to live in is capable of. They had booths on the sidewalk by entrepreneurial types selling stuff that had an appeal to that that market desire.

Good for them. Good for America.

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