Zone1 Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
I just did that video a half an hour ago, I only did it to ask a guy if i sound austrian when speaking standard german, and to fool around if i "could be a "real austrian/german" which im not im a non-white non-aryan untermensch. I posted that somewhere else but for decided to post it here.

I think that jews have "racial characteristics" is not anti-semitic anymore, it is now even embraced by jewish philosphers now, they do understand themselfes as "ethnic group" (ethnic groups have common ancestry therefore it is a bit racial) so it is not anti-semitic anymore, but hundred two hundred years ago jews tried to assimilate, and some were secular or abandoned judaistic beliefs, and it was seen as anti-semitic to claim they are anything else then just a religious community. Nowadays with zionism, they themselfes changed that attitude.

But Im curious what you think jews have common racial characteristics on average, or they are just a religion? Or just white people who are not catholic or protestant but jewish?

Adolf Hitler Mein Kampf.... Where he speaks about "the jew" as a race and not only religious community, that "the jew is a race"

translation of the passage in english

“The Jew was always a people with certain racial characteristics and never religion, only their advancement
probably made him look for a means early on to avoid the unpleasant attention to himself
person could disperse. But what would have been more useful and harmless at the same time than what was “stolen” from a religious community? Because here too everything is borrowed, or rather stolen. However, from his original nature the Jew cannot have a religious institution because he is given the
Idealism in any form is missing and therefore belief in an afterlife is completely alien. Now you can
But one cannot imagine a religion according to the Aryan view, which is based on the conviction of survival after that
Death in any form is missing. In fact, the Talmud is not a preparation book for this
Beyond, but rather only for a practical and bearable life in this world."
“The Jew was always a people with certain racial characteristics and never religion,

sortof one in the same, they certainly use heavenly personifications as a cement to justify their selective community as an entitlement from above.
Alphabet Inc. yanked your vid, brah.
My video was removed because of "hate speech"... Maybe someone reported me... But now it is on bitchute with english subtitles

If you are in europe, you probably need a vpn.... because my channel is censored in europe
My video was removed because of "hate speech" ...

You made a video which propagates the deadly bullshit and nonsense Hitler said on what reason exactly? To share the feeling to be a victim of the Nazis in the extermination camp "youtube"?

You made a video which propagates the deadly bullshit and nonsense Hitler said on what reason exactly? To share the feeling to be a victim of the Nazis in the extermination camp "youtube"?
I did not made the Video for ideological reasons just as roleplay as villain
My video was removed because of "hate speech"... Maybe someone reported me... But now it is on bitchute with english subtitles

If you are in europe, you probably need a vpn.... because my channel is censored in europe

Are you German. Or do you speak fluent German?

Are you a supporter of the legacy of the third ride? It’s OK I’m not going to insult you whatever your answer is. Free speech shd prevail
My video was removed because of "hate speech"... Maybe someone reported me... But now it is on bitchute with english subtitles

If you are in europe, you probably need a vpn.... because my channel is censored in europe

most likely a desert inhabitant ...

maybe you can text your message to make it - enjoyable for everyone ... subtext in video are illegible.
Are you German. Or do you speak fluent German?

Are you a supporter of the legacy of the third ride? It’s OK I’m not going to insult you whatever your answer is. Free speech shd prevail
I speak fluent german and no im not a supporter of the third reich I act only as one in the video like in a movie I do not share that ideology
I did not made the Video for ideological reasons just as roleplay as villain

Did you ever be for hours in a toilett and tried to calm down your stomach? No? Then you studied the wrong writings from the 30 years war and world war 1+2.


Somewhere in the world
There's a little bit of happiness,
And I dream of it every moment.
Somewhere in the world
There's a little bit of bliss,
And I've been dreaming of it for a long time.

If I knew where it was, I'd go into the world,
For I'd like to be right one day,
To be happy from the bottom of my heart.
Somewhere in the world
My path to heaven begins;
Somewhere, somehow, sometime.

I have such a longing,
I dream so often;
One day happiness will be near me.
I have such a longing,
I have hoped,
One day the hour will come.
Days and nights
I wait for it:
I never give up hope.

Somewhere in the world
There's a little bit of happiness,
And I dream of it every moment.
Somewhere in the world
There's a little bit of bliss,
And I've been dreaming of it for a long time.

If I knew where it was, I'd go into the world,
For I'd like to be right one day,
To be happy from the bottom of my heart.
Somewhere in the world
My path to heaven begins;
Somewhere, somehow, sometime.
Somewhere, somehow, sometime.
Last edited:
In this weeks a female German politicisn in Berling - left political spectrum - drove very drunken car. She showed teh so called "Hitlergruß" and called two te8imews "hiel Gitepröl":
Heil Hitler in Russian sounds like Geil Gitler! 😁

you probably know 💥

Hermann Hesse (1877-1962).
A man who was ~37 years old when world war 1 started and ~68 years old when world war 2 ended.


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