Adoptees Against Abortion


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 10, 2022
Long Island, NY
I was born in 1969, well before Roe v Wade. For whatever reason, my birth Mother carried me to term, but decided to give me up. My adopted parents let me know about this as far back as I can remember; around four years old.

I accepted that at then without any afterthought of illegitimacy, and had a wonderful upbringing.

I am sure glad I didn't get scraped out of the womb!

Adoption is surely not birth control, but a humane alternative to the termination of a viable Human life like I enjoy and prosper in.

Perhaps I'm just lucky; anyone else?
I was born in 1969, well before Roe v Wade. For whatever reason, my birth Mother carried me to term, but decided to give me up. My adopted parents let me know about this as far back as I can remember; around four years old.

I accepted that at then without any afterthought of illegitimacy, and had a wonderful upbringing.

I am sure glad I didn't get scraped out of the womb!

Adoption is surely not birth control, but a humane alternative to the termination of a viable Human life like I enjoy and prosper in.

Perhaps I'm just lucky; anyone else?
Great post.

People are too quick to throw up their hands and give up. There is no desire to face adversity and overcome challenges. Convenience has taken precedence over human life in the hearts of many.
Great post.

People are too quick to throw up their hands and give up. There is no desire to face adversity and overcome challenges. Convenience has taken precedence over human life in the hearts of many.
Well then, here's a way any pro-lifer can contribute.

Find a pregnant woman who wants to get an abortion. Pay her to give birth instead.

Surely your selfish convenience doesn't override some poor wee baby's life?

What's that? You say your own selfish conveniences do take priority? Imagine that. Hard to take you seriuosly now.
My sister is adopted.

Some time after she reached adulthood, she tracked down her birth mother, and learned of the unfortunate circumstances of her conception and birth.

She could have been a victim of abortion, but like the OP, her birth mother allowed her to live, and to be put up for adoption, which led to her becoming my sister, and part of my family.

She now has a good relationship with her birth mother, as well as with her adopted family.

How horrible is it that a young woman, more than half a century ago, had to carry and give birth to her rapist's baby? My sister's birth mother certainly does not seem to think, in the end, that it was all that bad after all.

What an unthinkable tragedy it would have been, if my sister had never been allowed to be born.
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Well then, here's a way any pro-lifer can contribute.

Find a pregnant woman who wants to get an abortion. Pay her to give birth instead.

Surely your selfish convenience doesn't override some poor wee baby's life?

What's that? You say your own selfish conveniences do take priority? Imagine that. Hard to take you seriuosly now.
You post a lot of dumb shit.
Well then, here's a way any pro-lifer can contribute.

Find a pregnant woman who wants to get an abortion. Pay her to give birth instead.

Surely your selfish convenience doesn't override some poor wee baby's life?

What's that? You say your own selfish conveniences do take priority? Imagine that. Hard to take you seriuosly now.
how about abortion clinics help pregnant women find people that want to adopt,, that would be far easier than going around asking women if they are pregnant and want to give up their child to adoption,,

you know like the pro life clinics that are being burned down do,,
how about abortion clinics help pregnant women find people that want to adopt,, that would be far easier than going around asking women if they are pregnant and want to give up their child to adoption,,

you know like the pro life clinics that are being burned down do,,
However, abortion clinics have been used to supply baby parts. They are going to go under ground.
Well then, here's a way any pro-lifer can contribute.

Find a pregnant woman who wants to get an abortion. Pay her to give birth instead.

Surely your selfish convenience doesn't override some poor wee baby's life?

What's that? You say your own selfish conveniences do take priority? Imagine that. Hard to take you seriuosly now.
So people need financial compensation to not murder their child and im the problem? The logic in this one. Your argument treats human life as some sort of property to be purchased.
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Well then, here's a way any pro-lifer can contribute.

Find a pregnant woman who wants to get an abortion. Pay her to give birth instead.

Surely your selfish convenience doesn't override some poor wee baby's life?

What's that? You say your own selfish conveniences do take priority? Imagine that. Hard to take you seriuosly now.
Hundreds of adoptive families do just that.
Well then, here's a way any pro-lifer can contribute.

Find a pregnant woman who wants to get an abortion. Pay her to give birth instead.

Surely your selfish convenience doesn't override some poor wee baby's life?

What's that? You say your own selfish conveniences do take priority? Imagine that. Hard to take you seriuosly now.
There are many agencies that do just that. Adopting families pay living and medical expenses to the pregnant woman and then pay a lump sum when a healthy baby is adopted. There just aren't enough women willing to adopt out their child. Many would just rather kill it.
I was born in 1969, well before Roe v Wade. For whatever reason, my birth Mother carried me to term, but decided to give me up. My adopted parents let me know about this as far back as I can remember; around four years old.

I accepted that at then without any afterthought of illegitimacy, and had a wonderful upbringing.

I am sure glad I didn't get scraped out of the womb!

Adoption is surely not birth control, but a humane alternative to the termination of a viable Human life like I enjoy and prosper in.

Perhaps I'm just lucky; anyone else?
Yep, we are adopting a 14 year old girl on Tuesday! Can't wait. Life is the best.

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