

Sep 23, 2010

Mediacrats is a winner:

"The media and Democrats are so close in association and so close in their philosophical views that we might as well use one word to describe both, and that's 'Mediacrats,'" said Texas Rep. Lamar Smith, founder of the House Media Fairness Caucus.​


President Trump can do more than scold the media. He can crap on the media by eliminating the advertising tax deduction:

While he has no plans to punish the media other than by scolding, he praised Trump for finding away around his press corps.​

Anti-Trump media: 91% coverage negative, 96% of donations to Hillary
By Paul Bedard
3/19/17 12:32 PM

Anti-Trump media: 91% coverage negative, 96% of donations to Hillary

Advertising tax dollars paid for all of the harm media (TELEVISION) did to this country since 1960. That is why I prefer the phrase Advercrats. Let me explain my preference:

For decades, the phrase media bias was pooh-poohed by the people who profited from liberal bias. Media bias was real. Manmade climate change is a fraud. The Left’s technique for dealing with both is the same. Anyone who accused media of a liberal bias laid the foundation for the charge of global-warming-denier. Happily, social media blew the phrase out of the water —— you seldom hear it anymore because it became a fact of life. Eliminating the advertising tax deduction will blow the media industry out of political influence. The beautiful part is that the First Amendment is not damaged.

Serendipitously, eliminating the advertising tax deduction will eliminate all of the environmental scams. If you doubt it, imagine environmental hustlers paying to advertise their scams out of their own pockets. Hustlers, halfwits, and sign-carriers are the only people who promote manmade climate change now. How many fools will fall for environmental scams after advertising is all but eliminated?
Your media machine is controlled by concentrated corporate power and wealth. So basically your suggestion is that the 6 major multinational corporations that bought up the US media machine once Clinton deregulated the FCC are pushing a “leftist” agenda. Um, ... sure, ok pard.
:lol: ^^^ The business media conglomerates are pushing a "leftist" agenda :lol:
pushing a “leftist” agenda.
To Fenton Lum: Make an effort to understand the topics you talk about.

Global government, worldwide Socialism/Communism, the environmental movement, the United Nations, universal Rights paid for with tax dollars have been major components in the media’s agenda for decades. Collectively, they constitute the Left’s agenda.
The business media conglomerates are pushing a "leftist" agenda
To JakeStarkey: Halfwit. Acquiring advertising tax dollars to pay for their agenda is a business decision. Is that too much for you to grasp?
Advertising tax dollars paid for all of the harm media (TELEVISION) did to this country since 1960.
the environmental movement,
Bottom line: Advertising tax deductions pay to get out the EPA’s message:

An unnamed career staffer told Politico that EPA employees will “fight actions they deem ill-advised or illegal by quietly providing information of what is happening inside their agencies to advocacy groups and the media.”​

‘I Will Name Names’: Infighting At EPA Drives Top Official To Resign
Michael Bastasch
9:07 PM 03/19/2017

‘I Will Name Names’: Infighting At EPA Drives Top Official To Resign
Would it not be a bitch if the public blacklisted products advertised on FOX because Judge Napolitano was punished for being one of the few good ones:

Napolitano last week tried to bolster President Trump's own previous and unfounded claim that the Obama administration had wiretapped him when he was transitioning into the White House.

"He used GCHQ. What is that? It's the initials for the British intelligence-finding agency," Napolitano said on Fox. "So, simply by having two people saying to them president needs transcripts of conversations involving candidate Trump's conversations, involving President-elect Trump, he's able to get it and there's no American fingerprints on this."​

Fox News suspends Andrew Napolitano over British spying claim: Report
By Eddie Scarry
3/20/17 8:39 PM

Fox News suspends Andrew Napolitano over British spying claim: Report

I have not been paying attention to the media noise about wiretapping. I knew everything I needed to know one hour after I learned the basics.

For eight years Obama lied every time he opened his mouth. There is not a chance he is suddenly telling the truth.

Note that once again feather head Susan Collins gives Democrats a helping hand:

Sen. Susan Collins, Republican from Maine, took to national television airwaves over the weekend to insist that President Donald Trump explain why he decided it was OK to accuse Barack Obama of wiretapping his conversations in Trump Tower.

Here, let me help: Because Obama’s White House was tapping into people all the time.​

Trump wiretap claims? Well, Obama did secretly spy
By Cheryl K. Chumley
Monday, March 20, 2017

Trump wiretap claims? Well, Obama did secretly spy

Frankly, I do not understand the reason for Napolitano’s dismissal. Both he and President Trump did nothing more than dress up an opinion. Indeed, it is called acceptable opinion journalism when left-leaning media mouths do it.

Question: Does FOX know that newspaper editorial pages are nothing more than opinion?

NOTE: Democrats are out to destroy opinion as much as they want to abolish freedom of speech. Accomplish the latter and you achieve the former.

I do understand why FOX lowered the boom on the judge. The Murdochs cannot fire the president; so they are taking it out on Napolitano.
The Murdochs cannot fire the president; so they are taking it out on Napolitano.
FOX is now full bore liberal. Judge Napolitano’s dismissal was a message to the few good contributors. “Say a word that disputes a Democrat position on anything and you are out.”

Fox News anchor Bret Baier likes to end his Special Report broadcast with the claim that Fox News is “fair, balanced and unafraid.” Well, Fox News seems not to be fair when it throws contributor Judge Andrew Napolitano under the bus for linking surveillance of Team Trump to Team Obama’s links with British intelligence.

Apparently, Fox News isn’t as “fair and balanced” as it pretends to be. While it endlessly repeats totally unsubstantiated claims of Trump critics of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, as well as repeatedly dismissing Trump claims of Obama administration surveillance of Trump tower, they have dared to take Fox News contributor Judge Napolitano off the air for repeating what three intelligence agents told him -- that the Obama administration in fact had British intelligence conduct the surveillance so as not to leave a trail.​

March 22, 2017
Fox Throws Judge Napolitano under the Bus
By Daniel John Sobieski

Articles: Fox Throws Judge Napolitano under the Bus

Television news is an organ of the Democrat party. Democrats are the only people who swear media mouths are “. . . fair, balanced and unafraid.”. FOX got away with that line of bullshit for two decades. After eight years of protecting, promoting, and ignoring Obama’s lies the liberal agenda is un-sellable.
For eight years Obama lied every time he opened his mouth. There is not a chance he is suddenly telling the truth.
Happily, there is not a chance that a vast majority of Americans believe anything media mouths say on FOX any more than they believe the garbage sister networks put out.
pushing a “leftist” agenda.
To Fenton Lum: Make an effort to understand the topics you talk about.

Global government, worldwide Socialism/Communism, the environmental movement, the United Nations, universal Rights paid for with tax dollars have been major components in the media’s agenda for decades. Collectively, they constitute the Left’s agenda.
The business media conglomerates are pushing a "leftist" agenda
To JakeStarkey: Halfwit. Acquiring advertising tax dollars to pay for their agenda is a business decision. Is that too much for you to grasp?
Advertising tax dollars paid for all of the harm media (TELEVISION) did to this country since 1960.

Concentrated corporate wealth/power also bought out your government son, and what they push over the corporate state media machine is mass globalist consumption/capitalism, endless war and occupation, mass orchestrated fear/anxiety, and the mass distraction/confusion you have so wonderfully exhibited here.
Fox Throws Judge Napolitano under the Bus
At his beginning of his latest appearance, host Bill Hemmer brought up the suspension, yet Napolitano said he still stands by claim.​

Fox News Brings Back Judge Napolitano, Who Still Stands By Obama Wiretapping Claim
Christian Datoc
11:17 AM 03/29/2017

JUDGE NAP IS BACK! Fox Just Brought Napolitano Back On Air, And He's Already Dropping Bombs [VIDEO]


Judge Napolitano: I stand by my statement on surveillance

Bill O’Reilly is neither a conservative nor a hardcore liberal. So FOX dumping O’Reilly makes sense when you realize that liberals constitute television’s largest audience by far; ergo, FOX programs for liberals.

Interestingly, advertisers dumped O’Reilly:

O'Reilly's sudden departure from Fox News arrives after over 50 advertisers pulled their ads from the news network. The decisions of each company took place after the allegations of sexual harassment against O'Reilly gained prominence in media.


Carlson will be taking up O'Reilly's 8 p.m. slot on April 24, according to Fox News. His own 9 p.m. slot will be replaced by The Five, a show that hosts a roundtable of commentators on different issues.​

Tucker Carlson Will Replace Bill O’Reilly In The Much-Desired Evening Time Slot
By Mehreen Kasana
10 hours ago

Tucker Carlson Will Replace Bill O’Reilly In The Much-Desired Evening Time Slot

I have one question for Bill: Will you now take on the people you sucked up to all of those years when you were their fair-haired boy?
President Trump can do more than scold the media. He can crap on the media by eliminating the advertising tax deduction:
Eliminating the advertising tax deduction will blow the media industry out of political influence.
Serendipitously, eliminating the advertising tax deduction will eliminate all of the environmental scams.
Advertising tax deductions pay to get out the EPA’s message:
You will also see more liberals on panels spouting the standard garbage. Global warming and open-borders top the list:

James Murdoch, 34, who buys into global warming hysteria, has in recent days been labeled the “News Corporation Heir” and “Son King”. . .


James Murdoch is said to have convinced his father, 76, to “go green” in a major May 9 speech. In the speech, Rupert Murdoch sounded like Al Gore, saying that “Climate change poses clear, catastrophic threats” and that “We may not agree on the extent, but we certainly can’t afford the risk of inaction.”

Marc Gunther of Fortune magazine commented that “Murdoch has boldly promised to make News Corp. carbon neutral by 2010 and to weave environmental issues and themes into his newspapers, TV shows, movies and online properties-a tricky business, particularly when it comes to news.” (emphasis added)

The Hillary front organization known as Media Matters has challenged Murdoch to rein in the various Fox News personalities, including Hannity, who have voiced skepticism about the man-made global warming theory. The group complains that conservative voices on Fox far outnumber “progressive” voices and that Fox anchors, reporters, and guests inject pro-Republican views into the shows.​


That means that James’ liberal philosophy on environmental and other matters could become the party line not only of News Corporation but the Fox News Channel.


The London Telegraph reports that “Thanks to friendships with Al Gore and Bill Clinton, he [James Murdoch] has developed deep green instincts?” His father made a $500,000 gift to the Clinton Global Initiative.

“I’ve gotten to know Al [Gore] in a number of different contexts in the last number of years,” James Murdoch told the Financial Times in an interview. We “think the same way about the necessity of being realistic concerning the climate crisis,” Gore piped in during the same interview.​


. . . many conservatives regard the theory of man-made global warming as a hoax. Has James Murdoch been persuaded by Al Gore to embrace it?​


Proceeds from the LiveEarth concerts went to the Alliance for Climate Protection, a group headed by Al Gore.​

Rupert Murdoch Picks Liberal Son as Successor
Cliff Kincaid — December 11, 2007

Rupert Murdoch Picks Liberal Son as Successor


Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty
By Jerry A. Kane
August 10, 2015

Fox News Lurches Left as Murdoch’s Sons Take Control of Media Dynasty

Liberals defend television “news” for obvious reasons. Conservative never defend television “news” for obvious reasons.

The Murdochs are gambling that their brand of liberalism will continue to beat the other networks in the ratings. The second gamble is that conservatives will continue to tune in now that FOX is openly liberal simply because conservatives have nowhere to go.

Finally, Bill O’Reilly’s was no bargain for conservatives, but his departure moves FOX liberals up a notch —— most notably Bob Beckel and Juan Williams on The Five. Those two pontificating on the same show amounts to FOX serving up diarrhea and a solid turd on the same plate.
Liberal ladies love Bill Clinton. Nina Burleigh even said:

“. . . she would be "happy to give [Bill Clinton] a blowjob . . .".​

Reporter Who Offered Bill Clinton Oral Sex Calls "Clinton Cash" Author "Right-Wing Hatchet Man"
Posted By Ian Schwartz
On Date April 23, 2015

Reporter Who Offered Bill Clinton Oral Sex Calls "Clinton Cash" Author "Right-Wing Hatchet Man"

Can you imagine what would the media would do to a man who said he would be happy to munch on a pussy?

I am no fan of Bill O’Reilly, but I do have a question: Ask yourself why liberal female journalists, and advertisers, prefer a lying rapist over media mouth Bill O’Reilly? Jeffrey Lord’s most informative article does not answer my question with a simple double standard:

But none of that should stop a serious look at the politically correct nature of the double standard that is sexual harassment.​

Sponsors Ditch Bill O’Reilly, Partner With Bill Clinton
Jeffrey Lord
April 20, 2017, 12:04 am

Sponsors Ditch Bill O’Reilly, Partner With Bill Clinton
Happily, there is not a chance that a vast majority of Americans believe anything media mouths say on FOX any more than they believe the garbage sister networks put out.

Media Bias: A New Chart | Sharyl Attkisson

FOX moved way over to left side of the chart a long time ago:

The sun was setting in New York as James Murdoch, looking confident in cream pants and a dark blazer, stepped before 350 guests in a glass-walled concert hall and waxed poetic about his pet TV channel and its dedication to “scientific literacy.”

The event on Wednesday night was an advertising showcase for National Geographic, which Mr. Murdoch, 44, has doted on since becoming chief executive of its parent company, 21st Century Fox. As a person who cares deeply about “issues related to the environment, conservation, exploration and education,” he told the crowd, “I’m personally grateful for the important work National Geographic does.”​

In House of Murdoch, Sons Set About an Elaborate Overhaul
FOX moved way over to left side of the chart a long time ago:
No surprise here:

As the rest of the mainstream media continue their efforts to undermine and “resist” the Trump Administration, this development bodes ill for the future -- not only of the unique kind of fair and balanced if right of center reporting pioneered by the Fox News Channel (FNC), but of the prospects for conservatives continuing to have a major media platform, maintain power, and advance their agenda in the months and years ahead.​

May 19, 2017
With Fox News’s Ratings in Free Fall, the Future Looks Bleak
By Peter Barry Chowka

Articles: With Fox News’s Ratings in Free Fall, the Future Looks Bleak

Conservative Americans might just as well writeoff television altogether, and focus on social media while they still can.

Democrats Launch Petition to Try to Save FCC’s Privacy Rules for Internet Providers
By Ted Johnson Published March 29, 2017

Democrats Launch Petition to Try to Save FCC’s Privacy Rules for Internet Providers


Democrats want to make GOP pay for attacking internet rules
By Alex Byers
03/29/2017 08:01 PM EDT

Democrats want to make GOP pay for attacking internet rules

Bottom line:

Just prior to his appointment as President Obama’s so-called regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein wrote a lengthy academic paper suggesting the government should “infiltrate” social network websites, chat rooms and message boards. Such “cognitive infiltration,” Sunstein argued, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.”​

Such “cognitive infiltration,” Sunstein argued, should be used to enforce a U.S. government ban on “conspiracy theorizing.”​

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites
Sunstein wants agents to 'undermine' talk in chat rooms, message boards
Published: 01/12/2012 at 10:56 PM
by Aaron Klein

Obama czar proposed government ‘infiltrate’ social network sites

Hillary Clinton Proves Fake News Is Newspeak

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