Advice? If someone has a gun, don't attack them...Farmer found not guilty in shooting...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This 19 year old was drunk and out of control, and it cost him his life.....advice to would be violent drunks...don't drink and be violent, and as an added extra, don't attack someone who has a gun...

Not Guilty Verdict in Illinois 'George Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin 2.0' Murder Trial - The Truth About Guns

The two mens’ worlds collided last June. A very intoxicated 19-year-old Hartman had rolled his pickup truck adjacent to Love’s property, not far from the farmer’s residence. When the farmer came out to offer help as a good Samaritan, Hartman attacked to prevent Love from calling police.

Obviously, Hartman didn’t want the police. In addition to the drunk driving issue, he would have found himself in hot water on his probation for a mob violence arrest from the previous year. In other words, Hartman had motivation to keep himself out of the clink.

When attacked by the aggressive, stronger young man, the farmer drew a Ruger LC9s and tried racking it as Hartman pummeled him. Eventually he did get a round into the chamber and fired into the pavement to dissuade his attacker. Amazingly, Hartman pressed his attack against a drawn gun, post-warning shot. Certainly not the most rational decision, but Hartman’s .234 blood alcohol level probably had something to do with that.

As the farmer tried to retreat back to his home, the two struggled for control of the gun. As part of this, Hartman landed some blows about the farmer’s head. Love fired a second warning shot as they grappled.

Hartman still continued the attack – almost as if emboldened by the warning shots. Some have wondered if Hartman believed, after two warning shots, the farmer simply didn’t have the guts to shoot someone.

Meanwhile, Love told the court he worried he would soon lose control of the pistol to his attacker, so he fired a third time, “aiming” low.

The round hit Hartman’s thigh. Moments later, Hartman broke off the attack (it’s remarkable how a gunshot wound can have that effect on an aggressor). Hartman ran a short distance before he collapsed and bled out in a ditch, long before police or medical help could arrive at the rural location.

Testimony given at the trial and in an earlier court hearings portrayed young Mr. Hartman as a violent, volatile drunk, according to his friend. Indeed, Xavier had such violent, unpredictable tendencies that the friend said Hartman’s own mother was scared of her son when he had been drinking.

It was bad enough that Hartman’s mother filed for an emergency order of protection against him in February, 2018.

After the night of the shooting, the politically-connected family of the deceased kid had the ear of the Assistant State’s Attorney Brian Kerr. Kerr had previously received an appointment as neighboring Henry County’s state’s attorney. He liked playing “god” when it came to charging decisions, but voters rejected him at the next election.

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