AF One Bill for Africa vacation:$6.5 Mil- military closes pools, no fireworks

What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

President's only commander in chief during wartime. USA hasn't had a declared war since 1941.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

I know Obama being a loving family man bothers you. I get that. But his wife went to the First Lady did Former First Lady Laura Bush.
There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

I know Obama being a loving family man bothers you. I get that. But his wife went to the First Lady did Former First Lady Laura Bush.

Makes you wonder why a "First Lady Conference" was held in Africa?
No matter, Remember that the sequester is Obama's baby and that he informed the White House staff to make sequester cuts as painful as possible. We are just seeing it played out. Obama is going to make sure the people that defied him will think twice before doing it again. As far as the Royal Family's African Vacation they feel they are entitled to it and no one or no circumstance will deny them from it.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

Why should she be ashamed to be former military? :confused:

So how do these cost numbers -- whatever they are -- compare to other presidents' trips, say the Bush trips? I'm sure you looked it up for comparison and found this O'bama trip was way over the top, right? How much more we talkin'?

(answer below)
If you rely on oil Obama's Africa is very important to you & the USA. In 2011 three african countries supplied over 20% of the u.s.'s oil needs. Good african relations are vital to the US economy.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

A "commander-in-thief" that is NOT a leader. Obama is a clown. He understand the idea of "lame duck" and intends to play it for all it's worth.

Troops cut to the "bare bones"?? Do you hionestly think he gives a damn about the "troops"??

This is Barry's idea of "leadership":

[ame=]Classic Movie Line #47 - YouTube[/ame]
There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

Why should she be ashamed to be former military? :confused:

So how do these cost numbers -- whatever they are -- compare to other presidents' trips, say the Bush trips? I'm sure you looked it up for comparison and found this O'bama trip was way over the top, right? How much more we talkin'?

(answer below)

Time's up.

>> As conservatives rage about the cost of Obama’s Africa trip, it is important to remember that George and Laura Bush made a combined 7 trips to Africa all on the taxpayers’ dime.

We’ve played this game before, but anytime the nation’s first black president spends more than a dollar, the right wing freaks out about Barack Obama “wasting taxpayer dollars.” Back in 2011, the right claimed that First Lady Obama’s Africa trip would cost taxpayers millions, but even if you use numbers that the White House disagrees with ($424,000), they weren’t even close.

... During Bush’s second term alone, Laura Bush made five “goodwill” trips to Africa. President Bush made the trip twice during his presidency.

... Wow, that’s a lot of trips to Africa. In 2007, Laura Bush also took her daughters with her, and they went on a safari. You know, the same kind of outing that President Obama just canceled.

... The Washington Post story didn’t say that Obama’s trip will cost $100 million, but that the trip could cost $60-100 million, and that the cost was based on similar African trips made in recent years, “Obama’s trip could cost the federal government $60 million to $100 million based on the costs of similar African trips in recent years, according to one person familiar with the journey, who was not authorized to speak for attribution.”

President Obama hasn’t made any trips to Africa, except a 22 hour stopover in Ghana in 2009, so it is pretty clear that Secret Service is basing their cost estimate on the cost of the Bush trips.

... The reality is that presidential trips are expensive. It would be fair to be opposed to all of them, but the hypocrisy of only being outraged when certain presidents travel is unacceptable. George W. Bush appears to have had himself quite a little African spending spree, but apparently cost only matters when Barack Obama is the president who is doing the traveling. << -- Cost of Obama Trip Dwarfed by Bush

But hey, I'm sure there are several similar threads from those years with furrowed brow concern about how much Bush's trips were costing.

.... right?
There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

Why should she be ashamed to be former military? :confused:

So how do these cost numbers -- whatever they are -- compare to other presidents' trips, say the Bush trips? I'm sure you looked it up for comparison and found this O'bama trip was way over the top, right? How much more we talkin'?

(answer below)

I missed LGS's personal shot at me. :lol: Goes to show more about her. As for Bush...he went too.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

A "commander-in-thief" that is NOT a leader. Obama is a clown. He understand the idea of "lame duck" and intends to play it for all it's worth.

Troops cut to the "bare bones"?? Do you hionestly think he gives a damn about the "troops"??

This is Barry's idea of "leadership":

[ame=]Classic Movie Line #47 - YouTube[/ame]

You're in need of some tissues, I can tell.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

I started a thread on this same thing.....according to the left, this is all just dandy with them. It doesn't matter that others are going without, Obama gets to go have their family fun time! Then they bring up Bush's trips to Africa....they just don't get that when Bush went, we weren't in a sequester at the time because our Govt spent too much money.
There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

Why should she be ashamed to be former military? :confused:

So how do these cost numbers -- whatever they are -- compare to other presidents' trips, say the Bush trips? I'm sure you looked it up for comparison and found this O'bama trip was way over the top, right? How much more we talkin'?

(answer below)

I've been looking for those costs so I could compare them....and could find NOTHING. I found a lot of articles about their trips, but nothing gave what they cost. But I never heard of any of Bush's trips where they had to take 14 limousines, their own bullet proof glass, and how many SS??? Plus there's a ship at dock nearby for emergencies. Who all went with them to Africa? I heard it was other family and friends.....did we tax payers pay for them too? I'm really asking honest questions because I can't find these things.

And.....when Bush was president, we weren't under a sequester because our government was spending too much and couldn't pay the bills.
According to the leaked document about the cost of this trip, it says they based it on past POTUS trips to Africa. Since Obama has never traveled to Africa, that means it was based on the Bush trips.
LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

Why should she be ashamed to be former military? :confused:

So how do these cost numbers -- whatever they are -- compare to other presidents' trips, say the Bush trips? I'm sure you looked it up for comparison and found this O'bama trip was way over the top, right? How much more we talkin'?

(answer below)

I've been looking for those costs so I could compare them....and could find NOTHING. I found a lot of articles about their trips, but nothing gave what they cost. But I never heard of any of Bush's trips where they had to take 14 limousines, their own bullet proof glass, and how many SS??? Plus there's a ship at dock nearby for emergencies. Who all went with them to Africa? I heard it was other family and friends.....did we tax payers pay for them too? I'm really asking honest questions because I can't find these things.

And.....when Bush was president, we weren't under a sequester because our government was spending too much and couldn't pay the bills.

The same article I linked earlier also notes:

>> For some odd reason, the GAO (General Accounting Office) records on the cost of the Bush family’s Africa travels seem to have vanished. The media has contacted the GAO, but no specific numbers have been provided yet. President Clinton’s Africa trip in 1998 cost taxpayers $42.8 million. George W. Bush’s two trips five and ten years later were likely more expensive. <<

But again, if LGS or anyone else could simply direct us to the threads taking exception to the costs of the Bush trips at the time, I'm sure the numbers would be in there.

If only those threads actually.... existed. :eusa_whistle:
Why should she be ashamed to be former military? :confused:

So how do these cost numbers -- whatever they are -- compare to other presidents' trips, say the Bush trips? I'm sure you looked it up for comparison and found this O'bama trip was way over the top, right? How much more we talkin'?

(answer below)

I've been looking for those costs so I could compare them....and could find NOTHING. I found a lot of articles about their trips, but nothing gave what they cost. But I never heard of any of Bush's trips where they had to take 14 limousines, their own bullet proof glass, and how many SS??? Plus there's a ship at dock nearby for emergencies. Who all went with them to Africa? I heard it was other family and friends.....did we tax payers pay for them too? I'm really asking honest questions because I can't find these things.

And.....when Bush was president, we weren't under a sequester because our government was spending too much and couldn't pay the bills.

The same article I linked earlier also notes:

>> For some odd reason, the GAO (General Accounting Office) records on the cost of the Bush family’s Africa travels seem to have vanished. The media has contacted the GAO, but no specific numbers have been provided yet. President Clinton’s Africa trip in 1998 cost taxpayers $42.8 million. George W. Bush’s two trips five and ten years later were likely more expensive. <<

But again, if LGS or anyone else could simply direct us to the threads taking exception to the costs of the Bush trips at the time, I'm sure the numbers would be in there.

If only those threads actually.... existed. :eusa_whistle:

I honestly do not recall LGS making such complaints during the Bush Presidency. She may have....perhaps she can direct us to such threads.

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