AF One Bill for Africa vacation:$6.5 Mil- military closes pools, no fireworks

Are you going to start lying about your military record now? I've never said ONE SINGLE word good about that moron Bush but go knock yourself out and find it dummy.

I've got a military And are've not said ONE SINGLE WORD about Bush......that's the point, is it not? You whine and complain about Obama, but NOT ONE SINGLE WORD about Bush doing essentially the same thing. Methinks you are a tad hypocritical about this whole thing.

why the hell should someone complain about Bush when he isn't the one in office right now?

No one is complaining about back when he was in office. That's rather the point. :D
How much did the US shell out for security and other costs for Bush, Jr.'s African trip this week?

Now appearing in the dictionary under the entry for the word inconvenient:

But hey, I'm sure there are several similar threads from those years with furrowed brow concern about how much Bush's trips were costing.

.... right?

Oh, but of course.

Remember when all the commie hippies were howling about how much Shrub's visits cost?


Neither do I.

What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

Y'know, LadyWingnut, you're a little late to this party.

What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

Here are some stats for you LadyGunSlinger. This report brings to light only a small window, into just HOW MUCH President Obama makes use of Air Force One and Marine One.

According to Knoller's copious notes, during the last year [2010 alone] Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six vacation trips over 32 days.
He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed in 29 rounds of left-handed golf.
Obama last year gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements. That's more talking than goes on in some entire families, at least from fatherly mouths.

Obama and Air Force One: It's good to have a 747 -
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

Here are some stats for you LadyGunSlinger. This report brings to light only a small window, into just HOW MUCH President Obama makes use of Air Force One and Marine One.

According to Knoller's copious notes, during the last year [2010 alone] Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six vacation trips over 32 days.
He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed in 29 rounds of left-handed golf.
Obama last year gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements. That's more talking than goes on in some entire families, at least from fatherly mouths.

Obama and Air Force One: It's good to have a 747 -

Well well, look who's scrubbed the bogus George Washington "liberty's teeth" quote from his signature after being called on it, while he thought nobody was looking and replaced it with a new one. Courageous. :rolleyes:

At least you're not alone -- somebody else tried to get away with the same thing just today. She ran away too.

Meanwhile, for perspective...
>> As conservatives rage about the cost of Obama’s Africa trip, it is important to remember that George and Laura Bush made a combined 7 trips to Africa all on the taxpayers’ dime.

We’ve played this game before, but anytime the nation’s first black president spends more than a dollar, the right wing freaks out about Barack Obama “wasting taxpayer dollars.” Back in 2011, the right claimed that First Lady Obama’s Africa trip would cost taxpayers millions, but even if you use numbers that the White House disagrees with ($424,000), they weren’t even close.

... During Bush’s second term alone, Laura Bush made five “goodwill” trips to Africa. President Bush made the trip twice during his presidency.

... Wow, that’s a lot of trips to Africa. In 2007, Laura Bush also took her daughters with her, and they went on a safari. You know, the same kind of outing that President Obama just canceled.

... The Washington Post story didn’t say that Obama’s trip will cost $100 million, but that the trip could cost $60-100 million, and that the cost was based on similar African trips made in recent years, “Obama’s trip could cost the federal government $60 million to $100 million based on the costs of similar African trips in recent years, according to one person familiar with the journey, who was not authorized to speak for attribution.”

President Obama hasn’t made any trips to Africa, except a 22 hour stopover in Ghana in 2009, so it is pretty clear that Secret Service is basing their cost estimate on the cost of the Bush trips.

... The reality is that presidential trips are expensive. It would be fair to be opposed to all of them, but the hypocrisy of only being outraged when certain presidents travel is unacceptable. George W. Bush appears to have had himself quite a little African spending spree, but apparently cost only matters when Barack Obama is the president who is doing the traveling. << -- Cost of Obama Trip Dwarfed by Bush
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

Here are some stats for you LadyGunSlinger. This report brings to light only a small window, into just HOW MUCH President Obama makes use of Air Force One and Marine One.

According to Knoller's copious notes, during the last year [2010 alone] Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six vacation trips over 32 days.
He took 196 helicopter trips, signed 203 pieces of legislation and squeezed in 29 rounds of left-handed golf.
Obama last year gave 491 speeches, remarks or statements. That's more talking than goes on in some entire families, at least from fatherly mouths.

Obama and Air Force One: It's good to have a 747 -

Well well, look who's scrubbed the bogus George Washington "liberty's teeth" quote from his signature after being called on it, while he thought nobody was looking and replaced it with a new one. Courageous. :rolleyes:

At least you're not alone -- somebody else tried to get away with the same thing just today. She ran away too.

Meanwhile, for perspective...
>> As conservatives rage about the cost of Obama&#8217;s Africa trip, it is important to remember that George and Laura Bush made a combined 7 trips to Africa all on the taxpayers&#8217; dime.

We&#8217;ve played this game before, but anytime the nation&#8217;s first black president spends more than a dollar, the right wing freaks out about Barack Obama

< snip > .... rather lengthy and drawn out

Yes I skimmed through that rather lengthy view, too bad its only focus is that of AFRICA. I was hoping you'd provide something NEW to add to the discussion, instead of rambling over the same talking points.
Last edited:
Here are some stats for you LadyGunSlinger. This report brings to light only a small window, into just HOW MUCH President Obama makes use of Air Force One and Marine One.

Well well, look who's scrubbed the bogus George Washington "liberty's teeth" quote from his signature after being called on it, while he thought nobody was looking and replaced it with a new one. Courageous. :rolleyes:

At least you're not alone -- somebody else tried to get away with the same thing just today. She ran away too.

Meanwhile, for perspective...
>> As conservatives rage about the cost of Obama’s Africa trip, it is important to remember that George and Laura Bush made a combined 7 trips to Africa all on the taxpayers’ dime.

We’ve played this game before, but anytime the nation’s first black president spends more than a dollar, the right wing freaks out about Barack Obama

< snip > .... rather lengthy and drawn out

Yes I skimmed through that rather lengthy view, too bad its only focus is that of AFRICA.

Get someone to read the title of this thread to you.
Well well, look who's scrubbed the bogus George Washington "liberty's teeth" quote from his signature after being called on it, while he thought nobody was looking and replaced it with a new one. Courageous. :rolleyes:

At least you're not alone -- somebody else tried to get away with the same thing just today. She ran away too.

Meanwhile, for perspective...
>> As conservatives rage about the cost of Obama’s Africa trip, it is important to remember that George and Laura Bush made a combined 7 trips to Africa all on the taxpayers’ dime.

We’ve played this game before, but anytime the nation’s first black president spends more than a dollar, the right wing freaks out about Barack Obama

< snip > .... rather lengthy and drawn out

Yes I skimmed through that rather lengthy view, too bad its only focus is that of AFRICA.

Get someone to read the title of this thread to you.

My response provided stats on the use of Air Force One and Marine One for the year 2010, to which you then responded. Obama as a result has more flight time than Bush, which is very difficult to state otherwise.
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

Y'know, LadyWingnut, you're a little late to this party.


Where has she gone?
Yes I skimmed through that rather lengthy view, too bad its only focus is that of AFRICA.

Get someone to read the title of this thread to you.

My response provided stats on the use of Air Force One and Marine One for the year 2010, to which you then responded. Obama as a result has more flight time than Bush, which is very difficult to state otherwise.

That's a pretty funny statement right there. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Obama's 2013 Air Force One bill $24 million --- $6.5 million for Africa alone |

Sequestration Cancels July 4th? | CNS News
King Obama flies his family all over the world vacationing while military members who sacrifice their lives, their families will have NO 4th of July due to the Sequestration. Pools are closed, etc.. ALL HAIL KING OBAMA.

If the military is not having fireworks, it isn't because of the President performing his duties. Use your empty heads. Since Defense spending is at levels not seen since WWII, that should be A HUGE FUCKING CLUE something is TOTALLY FUCKED UP if the only place they can find to cut costs is in FIREWORKS.

Mm-kay, dipshits?

And this fucking bullshit over the cost of Obama's trip has been repeated so many times on this board, you people are the very definition of parrots. So I am just going to recycle a post from one of the multitude of topics about this, since that is what you deserve:

Jesus Fucking Christ, this shit AGAIN!?! Would all you idiots on the same mass email list at least make an attempt to coordinate so we don't have umpteen topics about the same stupidity inflicted on us?

First, it is NOT a vacation, fool.



Bush on his African safari:


Aren't you morons aware one of the President's primary duties is foreign policy?

The President is visiting with heads of state, forming and maintaining important alliances on a continent which provides many vital natural resources to our economy. A continent China is making overtures toward, trying to split us away from our allies there.

And you dumbnuts... are back at the hotel lobby screaming over his hotel bill!!!

Jesus, you are diving into the single digit IQ range, man!
Did anyone read the article?
Or was this just a pile on "_______" whoever you wanted to thread?

All of these cuts were made to military base celebrations.

Did anyone commenting on this thread consider our own armed forces, our military families, are the ones getting the shaft?

This isn't about Bush or Africa.

This is about disrespecting our military.

You have lost sight of what the Fourth of July is all about.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.


"One can surely say that with furloughs of military personnel, canceling the fireworks or Navy bands might seem like the least painful budget choice. But wait a minute. How many defense insiders in Washington continue to proceed in comfort without limitation while the families of our fighting men and women at our military installations can’t have Fourth of July fireworks?"
Did anyone read the article?
Or was this just a pile on "_______" whoever you wanted to thread?

All of these cuts were made to military base celebrations.

Did anyone commenting on this thread consider our own armed forces, our military families, are the ones getting the shaft?

This isn't about Bush or Africa.

This is about disrespecting our military.

You have lost sight of what the Fourth of July is all about.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.


"One can surely say that with furloughs of military personnel, canceling the fireworks or Navy bands might seem like the least painful budget choice. But wait a minute. How many defense insiders in Washington continue to proceed in comfort without limitation while the families of our fighting men and women at our military installations can&#8217;t have Fourth of July fireworks?"

Wait...every base I've ever been to does not have its own fireworks display. Where are you getting this stuff?
Did anyone read the article?
Or was this just a pile on "_______" whoever you wanted to thread?

All of these cuts were made to military base celebrations.

Did anyone commenting on this thread consider our own armed forces, our military families, are the ones getting the shaft?

This isn't about Bush or Africa.

This is about disrespecting our military.

You have lost sight of what the Fourth of July is all about.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.


"One can surely say that with furloughs of military personnel, canceling the fireworks or Navy bands might seem like the least painful budget choice. But wait a minute. How many defense insiders in Washington continue to proceed in comfort without limitation while the families of our fighting men and women at our military installations can’t have Fourth of July fireworks?"

Wait...every base I've ever been to does not have its own fireworks display. Where are you getting this stuff?

The article in the OP

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