AF One Bill for Africa vacation:$6.5 Mil- military closes pools, no fireworks

I said in a different thread, the base we are stationed at did indeed nix fireworks this year. However, we are still having a celebration. Including bounce houses, food vendors, games and a concert.

The only difference this year from last is that the fireworks has been replaced with "a laser light show".
Did anyone read the article?
Or was this just a pile on "_______" whoever you wanted to thread?

All of these cuts were made to military base celebrations.

Did anyone commenting on this thread consider our own armed forces, our military families, are the ones getting the shaft?

This isn't about Bush or Africa.

This is about disrespecting our military.

You have lost sight of what the Fourth of July is all about.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.


"One can surely say that with furloughs of military personnel, canceling the fireworks or Navy bands might seem like the least painful budget choice. But wait a minute. How many defense insiders in Washington continue to proceed in comfort without limitation while the families of our fighting men and women at our military installations can’t have Fourth of July fireworks?"

Wait...every base I've ever been to does not have its own fireworks display. Where are you getting this stuff?

The article in the OP

Very odd...been stationed at Newport, Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Pensacola, Pt Mugu, Moffett, North Island, Miramar, Barber's Point, and even Jacksonville Arkansas with the Air Force over the 4th one year. NONE of those bases ever held fireworks displays themselves. Out in town, local parks were where they were at. (Tho one year at P-cola, we had an afternoon thunderstorm on the 4th that knocked out the power and made the sky very dark and everyone in the BOQ started firing off bottle rockets. It was like a mini-war zone. :D
Wait...every base I've ever been to does not have its own fireworks display. Where are you getting this stuff?

The article in the OP

Very odd...been stationed at Newport, Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Pensacola, Pt Mugu, Moffett, North Island, Miramar, Barber's Point, and even Jacksonville Arkansas with the Air Force over the 4th one year. NONE of those bases ever held fireworks displays themselves. Out in town, local parks were where they were at. (Tho one year at P-cola, we had an afternoon thunderstorm on the 4th that knocked out the power and made the sky very dark and everyone in the BOQ started firing off bottle rockets. It was like a mini-war zone. :D

Just kind of shows you how times have changed. My Dad was a Staff Officer in the Air Force. Nearly every base we were ever on - and there was a crud load of them - had celebrations. This was in the 50s and 60s. I remember Luke AFB (phoenix) fondly when their fireworks "demonstration" after a day of a parade, cookout, static displays on the tarmac, and a show by the Thunderbirds, all went off at the same time. Seemed like WWIII....funny as all hell....

Then when I was in the Army, it was seldom done. I was at Fort Knox, Fort Huachucha, Fort Hood, Fort Benning, Fort Bragg, and Bolling AFB (stateside) and Saigon, Quang Tri, Heidleberg, Mannheim, Munich, Berlin, Moscow and Gdansk overseas. The only fireworks overseas was in VietNam - and they were real.....
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What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

Y'know, LadyWingnut, you're a little late to this party.


Where has she gone?

I actually have a life. I'm not a 70 year old dyke lying around stuffing my face, wearing combat boots and lying on every online forum my greasy fingers can get to. That's your calling and everyone knows it. Try actually reading the OP for once..
Every leftist ZOMBIE ran to this thread simply to attack.. nothing more. The article clearly states that 4th festivities have been cancelled due to the Sequester at many of our military bases, all the while Odumbo flies all over the world vacationing. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Every leftist ZOMBIE ran to this thread simply to attack.. nothing more.

That's all you deserve. You're a vile human being and a lying sack of shit with a very limited scope. You don't like it? Then don't post this nonsense. And stop whining. Nobody wants to hear your whining, Butthurt Queen.
Every leftist ZOMBIE ran to this thread simply to attack.. nothing more.

That's all you deserve. You're a vile human being and a lying sack of shit with a very limited scope. You don't like it? Then don't post this nonsense. And stop whining. Nobody wants to hear your whining, Butthurt Queen.

<Grins> Meltdown #5467 from the board loon.. ;-) Glad I piss you off. Totally my intention.
Every leftist ZOMBIE ran to this thread simply to attack.. nothing more.

That's all you deserve. You're a vile human being and a lying sack of shit with a very limited scope. You don't like it? Then don't post this nonsense. And stop whining. Nobody wants to hear your whining, Butthurt Queen.

A Sequester Fizzle for Military Fireworks This Fourth of July

Several military bases have canceled their firework celebrations this Fourth of July due to sequestration.

Read more: A Sequester Fizzle for Military Fireworks This Fourth of July |

LOL Who's the liar??? Why it looks to be you leftist ZOMBIES.. You're just pissed you get caught in it all of the time by me. Too fuckin bad.. TRUTH hurts, doesn't it dummy? ;-)
ODUMBO flies all over the world vacationing while military members are hit by Sequestration.. and what do the Zombies do?? MELTDOWN over facts. lol
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

Why aren't conservatives also condemning the Bush vacation to Africa that also cost taxpayer dollars?
What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

Why aren't conservatives also condemning the Bush vacation to Africa that also cost taxpayer dollars?

I'll do it.. I CONDEMN THAT MORON BUSH for all of his vacations. There, feel better?
ODUMBO flies all over the world vacationing while military members are hit by Sequestration.. and what do the Zombies do?? MELTDOWN over facts. lol

a) It's not a vacation

b) Congress chose sequestration. If they want to reinstate fireworks at bases, then they can amend the bill like they did for those poor people waiting in airport lines. Just don't ask them to spare cuts to Head Start, cancer screenings for the poor, or Meals on Wheels. Those poor sobs don't deserve it.

c) You're a fucking moron
ODUMBO flies all over the world vacationing while military members are hit by Sequestration.. and what do the Zombies do?? MELTDOWN over facts. lol

a) It's not a vacation

b) Congress chose sequestration. If they want to reinstate fireworks at bases, then they can amend the bill like they did for those poor people waiting in airport lines. Just don't ask them to spare cuts to Head Start, cancer screenings for poor people, or Meals on Wheels. Those poor sobs don't deserve it.

c) You're a fucking moron

^^^ Got his dumb azz owned in this thread now whining like a parade biatch in San Francisco! LOL
ODUMBO flies all over the world vacationing while military members are hit by Sequestration.. and what do the Zombies do?? MELTDOWN over facts. lol

a) It's not a vacation
b) Congress chose sequestration. If they want to reinstate fireworks at bases, then they can amend the bill like they did for those poor people waiting in airport lines. Just don't ask them to spare cuts to Head Start, cancer screenings for the poor, or Meals on Wheels. Those poor sobs don't deserve it.

c) You're a fucking moron

:razz: LMAO

The Obama Family Trip to Africa to Cost $60 to $100 Million
The Obama Family Trip to Africa to Cost $60 to $100 Million | The Weekly Standard

Obama Africa Trip To Cost Up To $100 Million: Report

Must defend Odumbo at all costs! lol
ODUMBO flies all over the world vacationing while military members are hit by Sequestration.. and what do the Zombies do?? MELTDOWN over facts. lol

a) It's not a vacation

b) Congress chose sequestration. If they want to reinstate fireworks at bases, then they can amend the bill like they did for those poor people waiting in airport lines. Just don't ask them to spare cuts to Head Start, cancer screenings for poor people, or Meals on Wheels. Those poor sobs don't deserve it.

c) You're a fucking moron

^^^ Got his dumb azz owned in this thread now whining like a parade biatch in San Francisco! LOL


You're a very delusional person, aren't you?

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