AF One Bill for Africa vacation:$6.5 Mil- military closes pools, no fireworks

What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

A "commander-in-thief" that is NOT a leader. Obama is a clown. He understand the idea of "lame duck" and intends to play it for all it's worth.

Troops cut to the "bare bones"?? Do you hionestly think he gives a damn about the "troops"??

This is Barry's idea of "leadership":

[ame=]Classic Movie Line #47 - YouTube[/ame]

You're in need of some tissues, I can tell.

Just stating the facts as I see them. If it bothers you - get used to it. Barry has only just begun. Of course, by the time we get this poseur out of the office - it will all be Bush's fault, right?

I assert, that's it YOU who needs the tissues.
A "commander-in-thief" that is NOT a leader. Obama is a clown. He understand the idea of "lame duck" and intends to play it for all it's worth.

Troops cut to the "bare bones"?? Do you hionestly think he gives a damn about the "troops"??

This is Barry's idea of "leadership":

Classic Movie Line #47 - YouTube

You're in need of some tissues, I can tell.

Just stating the facts as I see them. If it bothers you - get used to it. Barry has only just begun. Of course, by the time we get this poseur out of the office - it will all be Bush's fault, right?

I assert, that's it YOU who needs the tissues.

Doing quite well under Obama the last 5 years thank you very much....and business is only looking up....and DADT, DOMA, and OBL are all gone gone gone. :D
I've been looking for those costs so I could compare them....and could find NOTHING. I found a lot of articles about their trips, but nothing gave what they cost. But I never heard of any of Bush's trips where they had to take 14 limousines, their own bullet proof glass, and how many SS??? Plus there's a ship at dock nearby for emergencies. Who all went with them to Africa? I heard it was other family and friends.....did we tax payers pay for them too? I'm really asking honest questions because I can't find these things.

And.....when Bush was president, we weren't under a sequester because our government was spending too much and couldn't pay the bills.

The same article I linked earlier also notes:

>> For some odd reason, the GAO (General Accounting Office) records on the cost of the Bush family’s Africa travels seem to have vanished. The media has contacted the GAO, but no specific numbers have been provided yet. President Clinton’s Africa trip in 1998 cost taxpayers $42.8 million. George W. Bush’s two trips five and ten years later were likely more expensive. <<

But again, if LGS or anyone else could simply direct us to the threads taking exception to the costs of the Bush trips at the time, I'm sure the numbers would be in there.

If only those threads actually.... existed. :eusa_whistle:

I honestly do not recall LGS making such complaints during the Bush Presidency. She may have....perhaps she can direct us to such threads.

Are you daft? I don't recall military 4th of July events shut down along with pools and other things taking a beating.. As to George Bush.. I literally dislike him as much as that idiot Obama.. they are two peas in a pod. So anything Bush did regarding the economy, HE SUCKED AT imo. What the hell does that have to do with your savior parading all over the world when we have NO MONEY for it?? He allows everyone to take cuts and hits but stays in hotels that are hundreds of thousands of dollars a night and you Zombies lick his balls saying it's ok?? I don't care whose President. It's not fucking ok.. Bush shouldn't have gone on any trips either but he's too damn stupid to know any better.. let's just all keep giving these politicians a pass.. Whats a few million dollars anyhow, right? YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.. Not the solution.
You're in need of some tissues, I can tell.

Just stating the facts as I see them. If it bothers you - get used to it. Barry has only just begun. Of course, by the time we get this poseur out of the office - it will all be Bush's fault, right?

I assert, that's it YOU who needs the tissues.

Doing quite well under Obama the last 5 years thank you very much....and business is only looking up....and DADT, DOMA, and OBL are all gone gone gone. :D

You betcha!! Hell, next week there will be zero unemployment!! Let's run into the streets and shout for joy!!

You are a raving lunatic.
The same article I linked earlier also notes:

>> For some odd reason, the GAO (General Accounting Office) records on the cost of the Bush family’s Africa travels seem to have vanished. The media has contacted the GAO, but no specific numbers have been provided yet. President Clinton’s Africa trip in 1998 cost taxpayers $42.8 million. George W. Bush’s two trips five and ten years later were likely more expensive. <<

But again, if LGS or anyone else could simply direct us to the threads taking exception to the costs of the Bush trips at the time, I'm sure the numbers would be in there.

If only those threads actually.... existed. :eusa_whistle:

I honestly do not recall LGS making such complaints during the Bush Presidency. She may have....perhaps she can direct us to such threads.

Are you daft? I don't recall military 4th of July events shut down along with pools and other things taking a beating.. As to George Bush.. I literally dislike him as much as that idiot Obama.. they are two peas in a pod. So anything Bush did regarding the economy, HE SUCKED AT imo. What the hell does that have to do with your savior parading all over the world when we have NO MONEY for it?? He allows everyone to take cuts and hits but stays in hotels that are hundreds of thousands of dollars a night and you Zombies lick his balls saying it's ok?? I don't care whose President. It's not fucking ok.. Bush shouldn't have gone on any trips either but he's too damn stupid to know any better.. let's just all keep giving these politicians a pass.. Whats a few million dollars anyhow, right? YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.. Not the solution.

So...can we safely say that you made NO complaints about Presidential trips when Bush was President? It's only now when you have to cover for whining about Obama's trips?

BTW....ever since I can remember, everywhere I've been, 4th of July fireworks are paid for by fundraising all year round. No government spending around here. You must live in an area where they habitually mooch off the government.
The same article I linked earlier also notes:

>> For some odd reason, the GAO (General Accounting Office) records on the cost of the Bush family’s Africa travels seem to have vanished. The media has contacted the GAO, but no specific numbers have been provided yet. President Clinton’s Africa trip in 1998 cost taxpayers $42.8 million. George W. Bush’s two trips five and ten years later were likely more expensive. <<

But again, if LGS or anyone else could simply direct us to the threads taking exception to the costs of the Bush trips at the time, I'm sure the numbers would be in there.

If only those threads actually.... existed. :eusa_whistle:

I honestly do not recall LGS making such complaints during the Bush Presidency. She may have....perhaps she can direct us to such threads.

Are you daft? I don't recall military 4th of July events shut down along with pools and other things taking a beating.. As to George Bush.. I literally dislike him as much as that idiot Obama.. they are two peas in a pod. So anything Bush did regarding the economy, HE SUCKED AT imo. What the hell does that have to do with your savior parading all over the world when we have NO MONEY for it?? He allows everyone to take cuts and hits but stays in hotels that are hundreds of thousands of dollars a night and you Zombies lick his balls saying it's ok?? I don't care whose President. It's not fucking ok.. Bush shouldn't have gone on any trips either but he's too damn stupid to know any better.. let's just all keep giving these politicians a pass.. Whats a few million dollars anyhow, right? YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.. Not the solution.

You are, indeed, a person after my own heart! Bush was a clown. Barry is a poseur clown. This is the "best" that America has to offer........May God have mercy on us.
I honestly do not recall LGS making such complaints during the Bush Presidency. She may have....perhaps she can direct us to such threads.

Are you daft? I don't recall military 4th of July events shut down along with pools and other things taking a beating.. As to George Bush.. I literally dislike him as much as that idiot Obama.. they are two peas in a pod. So anything Bush did regarding the economy, HE SUCKED AT imo. What the hell does that have to do with your savior parading all over the world when we have NO MONEY for it?? He allows everyone to take cuts and hits but stays in hotels that are hundreds of thousands of dollars a night and you Zombies lick his balls saying it's ok?? I don't care whose President. It's not fucking ok.. Bush shouldn't have gone on any trips either but he's too damn stupid to know any better.. let's just all keep giving these politicians a pass.. Whats a few million dollars anyhow, right? YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.. Not the solution.

So...can we safely say that you made NO complaints about Presidential trips when Bush was President? It's only now when you have to cover for whining about Obama's trips?

BTW....ever since I can remember, everywhere I've been, 4th of July fireworks are paid for by fundraising all year round. No government spending around here. You must live in an area where they habitually mooch off the government.
Are you going to start lying about your military record now? I've never said ONE SINGLE word good about that moron Bush but go knock yourself out and find it dummy.
There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

I know Obama being a loving family man bothers you. I get that. But his wife went to the First Lady did Former First Lady Laura Bush.

LGS= USMB's own rw spazz hater of families :up: I'm a vet & have no problem w/ Boehner's House (R) cancelling fireworks & closing pools on military bases. The ball was in his court & he (Boehner) swung & missed.
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I honestly do not recall LGS making such complaints during the Bush Presidency. She may have....perhaps she can direct us to such threads.

Are you daft? I don't recall military 4th of July events shut down along with pools and other things taking a beating.. As to George Bush.. I literally dislike him as much as that idiot Obama.. they are two peas in a pod. So anything Bush did regarding the economy, HE SUCKED AT imo. What the hell does that have to do with your savior parading all over the world when we have NO MONEY for it?? He allows everyone to take cuts and hits but stays in hotels that are hundreds of thousands of dollars a night and you Zombies lick his balls saying it's ok?? I don't care whose President. It's not fucking ok.. Bush shouldn't have gone on any trips either but he's too damn stupid to know any better.. let's just all keep giving these politicians a pass.. Whats a few million dollars anyhow, right? YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.. Not the solution.

You are, indeed, a person after my own heart! Bush was a clown. Barry is a poseur clown. This is the "best" that America has to offer........May God have mercy on us.

Exactly... The far left and far right have destroyed this country with their partisan BULLSHIT. Old Bodey can't help herself as you can see.
Are you daft? I don't recall military 4th of July events shut down along with pools and other things taking a beating.. As to George Bush.. I literally dislike him as much as that idiot Obama.. they are two peas in a pod. So anything Bush did regarding the economy, HE SUCKED AT imo. What the hell does that have to do with your savior parading all over the world when we have NO MONEY for it?? He allows everyone to take cuts and hits but stays in hotels that are hundreds of thousands of dollars a night and you Zombies lick his balls saying it's ok?? I don't care whose President. It's not fucking ok.. Bush shouldn't have gone on any trips either but he's too damn stupid to know any better.. let's just all keep giving these politicians a pass.. Whats a few million dollars anyhow, right? YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.. Not the solution.

So...can we safely say that you made NO complaints about Presidential trips when Bush was President? It's only now when you have to cover for whining about Obama's trips?

BTW....ever since I can remember, everywhere I've been, 4th of July fireworks are paid for by fundraising all year round. No government spending around here. You must live in an area where they habitually mooch off the government.
Are you going to start lying about your military record now? I've never said ONE SINGLE word good about that moron Bush but go knock yourself out and find it dummy.

-- then what is your basis for the cost of the O'bama trip (which is only a guess anyway) being excessive? Again, how much is too much? How much did the Bush trips cost? Were they excessive too? By how much? What about Clinton's?

Still waiting on that ... :eusa_whistle:

Meanwhile, speak of the devil, isn't this even more excessive?

>> Barack Obama and his predecessor George W Bush found common ground in east Africa on Tuesday when they honoured the victims of a terrorist attack a world away from home. << (video at the link)
Its called an investment LGS. Google it. Africa is one of the last continents on the planet that hasn't been completely exploited for its resources.

Are you daft? I don't recall military 4th of July events shut down along with pools and other things taking a beating.. As to George Bush.. I literally dislike him as much as that idiot Obama.. they are two peas in a pod. So anything Bush did regarding the economy, HE SUCKED AT imo. What the hell does that have to do with your savior parading all over the world when we have NO MONEY for it?? He allows everyone to take cuts and hits but stays in hotels that are hundreds of thousands of dollars a night and you Zombies lick his balls saying it's ok?? I don't care whose President. It's not fucking ok.. Bush shouldn't have gone on any trips either but he's too damn stupid to know any better.. let's just all keep giving these politicians a pass.. Whats a few million dollars anyhow, right? YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM.. Not the solution.

So...can we safely say that you made NO complaints about Presidential trips when Bush was President? It's only now when you have to cover for whining about Obama's trips?

BTW....ever since I can remember, everywhere I've been, 4th of July fireworks are paid for by fundraising all year round. No government spending around here. You must live in an area where they habitually mooch off the government.
Are you going to start lying about your military record now? I've never said ONE SINGLE word good about that moron Bush but go knock yourself out and find it dummy.

I've got a military And are've not said ONE SINGLE WORD about Bush......that's the point, is it not? You whine and complain about Obama, but NOT ONE SINGLE WORD about Bush doing essentially the same thing. Methinks you are a tad hypocritical about this whole thing.
So...can we safely say that you made NO complaints about Presidential trips when Bush was President? It's only now when you have to cover for whining about Obama's trips?

BTW....ever since I can remember, everywhere I've been, 4th of July fireworks are paid for by fundraising all year round. No government spending around here. You must live in an area where they habitually mooch off the government.
Are you going to start lying about your military record now? I've never said ONE SINGLE word good about that moron Bush but go knock yourself out and find it dummy.

I've got a military And are've not said ONE SINGLE WORD about Bush......that's the point, is it not? You whine and complain about Obama, but NOT ONE SINGLE WORD about Bush doing essentially the same thing. Methinks you are a tad hypocritical about this whole thing.

why the hell should someone complain about Bush when he isn't the one in office right now?
And did Bush close down the pools and fireworks for our military and their families on our Independence day?

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