AF One Bill for Africa vacation:$6.5 Mil- military closes pools, no fireworks

What kind of a Commander In Chief goes running around all over the world with his family on vacation spending 10's of millions of dollars while his troops are cut to bare bones for simple pleasures they rarely get to partake of?? This THUG, that's who.

There were state visits and at least one conference also attended by former President Bush and First Lady Laura know.

Why aren't conservatives also condemning the Bush vacation to Africa that also cost taxpayer dollars?

you got nothing better than "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"
I thought the liberals were saying Bush never did anything right, now they are using his behavior as a standard for Obama's. Really seem hypocritical.

I will say, if Bush spent this amount of money on a trip to Africa AFTER the democrat take over of congress and the resultant recession they caused then certainly he is at fault. But by my recollection when Bush went the economy wasn't all that bad.
And now it's bad thanks to Bush's policies. Oh the irony!
LOL He has to take his entire family?? Is there anything you Obama Zombies will hold him to account for?? You should be ashamed being a former military member.

I know Obama being a loving family man bothers you. I get that. But his wife went to the First Lady did Former First Lady Laura Bush.

Makes you wonder why a "First Lady Conference" was held in Africa?
No matter, Remember that the sequester is Obama's baby and that he informed the White House staff to make sequester cuts as painful as possible. We are just seeing it played out. Obama is going to make sure the people that defied him will think twice before doing it again. As far as the Royal Family's African Vacation they feel they are entitled to it and no one or no circumstance will deny them from it.
Internal Government Email: Make Sequester Cuts As Painful As Possible

The First Lady Conference was between Laura Bush and the First Ladies of Africa held in Tanzania to honor George and Laura Bush for their work in organizing and constructing women's clinics across the continent. It was not a conference of First Ladies of the world, although Cherie Blair also attended. Big Moo just crashed the party. In a conference about reducing AIDS and protecting women's health with cancer screenings the Mooster managed to make it about herself. In her defense, Moo may not know anything about the topic of the Conference, which was Investing in Women, Strengthening Africa. She does know a lot about herself.

The first ladies club: Obama and Bush share stage in Africa | World news |

Blog | Bush Center
Now appearing in the dictionary under the entry for the word inconvenient:


HuH ?? WTF ???
Is Bush going to reimburse the taxpayers for security on his vacation?

"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"
you really want to know what kind of CIC ? for starters he is a muslime, he hates America, he hates us patriots, he is a muslime sympathizer, he hates the Constitution and Bill Of Rights, he hates our military. he truly is Satan

At least he can spell.

He is trying to impress on us that Muslims are slime

well i'll be a patriots uncle.., one of you liarberals finally caught on.., i take it you are a muslime lover ??

"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"
Oh wait. What was the First Lady doing there? Was that a vacation on the taxpayers' dime?


"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"
Is Bush going to reimburse the taxpayers for security on his vacation?

"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"

well, considering how ODS dumbshits such as yourself want to keep bashing this Prez for the same thing the last one did...

"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"
Oh wait. What was the First Lady doing there? Was that a vacation on the taxpayers' dime?


"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"

Yeah, wingnut. Bush did do it.

Oh wait. What was the First Lady doing there? Was that a vacation on the taxpayers' dime?


"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"

Yeah, wingnut. Bush did do it.


Hey DUMMY, was the military cut and denied 4th of July over Bush's vacations? DING DING DING.. You leftists are braindead zombies.. you truly are. This man is SUPPOSE to be the CINC.. He should lead by example but of course he never has.. He does use them to hold an umbrella over his pointy head when it rains..
All Presidents make these trips. Doesn't matter which party. And all of them cost money.

I can't stand Obama, but it is part of what Presidents do.

Now on Sequester?

This was Obama's plan, to cut a deal. He PROMISED no new Taxes in the deal and stated that they would agree to CUTS at a later date.

HE LIED as usual, and so the Military and others have taken cuts instead of taking away wasteful spending or DUPLICATE agencies working on the same things. Which was his Fing plan to begin with anyway. Libs/Dems have always had no problems cutting the military. It's like another one of their Holy Grail BS stigmas.

So our military is now losing some of their benefits, without hardly a complaint from the LEFT AT ALL.

They aren't going to complain because a lot of them believe the DOD should be cut anyway.

Typical SPEND SPEND SPEND Libs on BS, while they say F U to the troops.
Is Bush going to reimburse the taxpayers for security on his vacation?

"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"

well, considering how ODS dumbshits such as yourself want to keep bashing this Prez for the same thing the last one did...

Bush never did what obama has done. Bush went to Africa as part of the nation's business. obama goes to Africa on vacation. Bush didn't take 30 friends and extended family with him. obama did. Bush didn't do it.
Hey DUMMY, was the military cut and denied 4th of July over Bush's vacations? DING DING DING.. You leftists are braindead zombies.. you truly are. This man is SUPPOSE to be the CINC.. He should lead by example but of course he never has.. He does use them to hold an umbrella over his pointy head when it rains..

^ still stupid
"Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," "Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it," Bush did it, Bush did it, Bush did it,"

well, considering how ODS dumbshits such as yourself want to keep bashing this Prez for the same thing the last one did...

Bush never did what obama has done. Bush went to Africa as part of the nation's business. obama goes to Africa on vacation. Bush didn't take 30 friends and extended family with him. obama did. Bush didn't do it.

It's not a vacation. You have mental issues.

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