AfD enters three more federal parliaments in Super Bunzel Election Day


Nov 14, 2012
Three federal states hold parliamentary elections today and one result is the most interesting: The AfD gets over 21 % in Sachsen- Anhalt and is second power. Each of the three elections ended with two digits for the AfD.
The "anti-democrats, misanthropes, right-wing extremists, and idiots of the AfD" (Summary of the established parties´ "election campaigns") and their election results were declared in the forefield a mood barometer for the satisfaction with Merkel´s handling of the refugee crisis. The AfD will be represented in 8 federal parliaments by now.

Unexpected successes are noted in Baden-Württemberg, where the Green Party was able to improve its result by 8 % to 32,1 % and keeps providing the MP and in Rheinland-Pfalz for the Social Democrats that also will provide the head of the federal government again.

AfD krempelt Deutschlands Parteienlandschaft um
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Three federal states hold parliamentary elections today and one result is the most interesting: The AfD gets over 21 % in Sachsen- Anhalt and is second power. Each of the three elections ended with two digits for the AfD.
The "anti-democrats, misanthropes, right-wing extremists, and idiots of the AfD" (Summary of the established parties´ "election campaigns") and their election results were declared in the forefield a mood barometer for the satisfaction with Merkel´s handling of the refugee crisis. The AfD will be represented in 8 federal parliaments by now.

Unexpected successes are noted in Baden-Württemberg, where the Green Party was able to improve its result by 8 % to 32,1 % and keeps providing the MP and in Rheinland-Pfalz for the Social Democrats that also will provide the head of the federal government again.

AfD krempelt Deutschlands Parteienlandschaft um

This is great news. Hopefully the rest of Europe and the US will follow suit.
Erika Steinbach, who belongs to Merkel's party, published this picture (the result of Merkel's migration policy) on her micro-blog:

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Frau Steinbach other day also post this on her Twitter. My copy and paste is messed up :(
She correctly states about Traitor Merkel and her criminal policy - Since September all without the consent of the Bundestag as in a Dictatorship.
Erika Steinbach


Seit September alles ohne Einverständis des Bundestages. Wie in einer Diktatur
203c.png … via @focusonline

12:04 PM - 13 Mar 2016

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