Affirmative Action for Everyone!!!

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Bruce Jenner has proven that anyone can claim to be the opposite sex and it will accepted with no questions asked.

Rachel Dolezal and Elizabeth Warren have shown that a person can lay claim to any race or ethnicity based on how they think or feel at the time.

Thus by today's new standards. If you are a non-minority person. Lets say a white male and want to apply for minority programs like Affirmative Action.

Just write down on the application that you are a black female..........again it doesn't matter that you are white or a are the race, gender, ethnicity, that you feel at the time.

Now you can go to the head of the line for college scholarships, free tuition, civil service jobs, Section 8 housing, etc. Because you are an oppressed minority and a victim of society.

And don't don't have to prove anything to anyone.....just go for it. ...... :cool:
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Think about it........

Lets say I''m a young white guy with average grades and no money.

My dream has always been to follow the example of Pres. Obama and go to Harvard Law School.

Now that dream is possible because suddenly the doors of Affirmative Action placement are wide open to me.

Just write in the blank space for race as "Black" .......and the blank space for gender as "Female".

Free tuition.......and low grades mean questions asked.

Harvard here I come!!! ........ :thup:
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Transage will be loved by liberal pedophiles

Transtaxbracket will be loved by republicans
The fight between trannies and man hating lesbian feminists will really get ugly and this bullshit will stop when man hating feminists win after males start dominating women's sports.
If a white male applies for an AA job position or university scholarship using his newly discovered feelings of being a black woman and is rejected because they don't believe him.

He will be able to sue for millions because his civil rights were violated.

Transracism is the new victim class. ...... :cool:
If a white male applies for an AA job position or university scholarship using his newly discovered feelings of being a black woman and is rejected because they don't believe him.

He will be able to sue for millions because his civil rights were violated.
Transracism is the new victim class. ...... :cool:
Why not go one up? Trans-Speciesism i.e:

"I am a white male, to white human parents.

But I identify as a unicorn.

Therefore I get a stable, straw, carrots, and cupcakes.

If you don't agree, you're speciesist!

Our Struggle is Your Struggle

Expect Ponies and Bronies everywhere, to file a lawsuit to have their Pony/Brony-Rights respected. :popcorn:
......................^^^........what's up with you and freakin unicorns?? ...... :confused-84:
......................^^^........what's up with you and freakin unicorns?? ...... :confused-84:
You obviously haven't heard of the invisible pink unicorn argument*1, and the My Little Pony fetish*2, both of which are fairly funny.

Though it is also my avatar for the moment, hence the relevance.

*1: "The IPU is used to argue that supernatural beliefs are arbitrary by, for example, replacing the word God in any theistic statement with Invisible Pink Unicorn.[3] The mutually exclusive attributes of pinkness and invisibility, coupled with the inability to disprove the IPU's existence, satirize properties that some theists attribute to a theistic deity."

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