Affirmative Action for Everyone!!!

Brilliant! You nutters are just brilliant!

Niglet? That's so cool!
Is there a line in the sand that even the dolts at affirmative action will NOT sponsor? Pedophile head hunting cannibals? That is Diversity. Maybe they need to overcome oppression. Or ISIS rebels that want to outlaw freedom and other religions and institute sharia law and stone people to death for having a stutter. Affirmative action is a oxymoron.
Ummmm, excuse me people, but her name is Caitlyn Jenner !!!
Incorrect Poindexter.

The freak is a "him" not a "her".......and his male birth certificate says "Bruce Jenner". ... :cool:
Correct. We are not buying into this mental illness.

What astonishes me the most is the amount of people who DON'T consider it a mental illness.

If you are born a male and transition yourself into a female (and vice versa), because you 'feel' like you are a woman, you are mentally ill. It's that simple.
One official has called for a protest against the NAACP because of the organization's support for Ms. Dolezal.

I wonder if there will be rioting and looting now in the city of Spokane? ..... :cool:
One official has called for a protest against the NAACP because of the organization's support for Ms. Dolezal.

I wonder if there will be rioting and looting now in the city of Spokane? ..... :cool:
In your dreams, with those virgins. :rolleyes:

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