Afghan government accuses US special forces of civilian death and torture


Diamond Member
Dec 7, 2012
The Afghan government has ordered all US special forces to leave one of Afghanistan's most restive provinces, after receiving reports from local officials claiming the elite force is behind several cases of Afghan civilians being tortured or disappeared.

Officials in Maidan Wardak, a province which borders Kabul and where security has deteriorated over the past year, had presented evidence to President Hamid Karzai and other security officials alleging that nine people had disappeared after being seized by US special forces in raids on their homes.

-- Golnar Motevalli in Kabul / Guardian, Sunday 24 February 2013 11.04 EST
The Afghan government has ordered all US special forces to leave one of Afghanistan's most restive provinces, after receiving reports from local officials claiming the elite force is behind several cases of Afghan civilians being tortured or disappeared.

Officials in Maidan Wardak, a province which borders Kabul and where security has deteriorated over the past year, had presented evidence to President Hamid Karzai and other security officials alleging that nine people had disappeared after being seized by US special forces in raids on their homes.

(My bold)

I bolded the 3 most outstanding lies in the article. Yes, we should investigate to make sure that US Army Special Forces - unless something less specific was meant - aren't overstepping their bounds. That said, mayor Karzai is a travelling geek sideshow all by his lonesome. It's long past time the US declare victory, hold a parade, & march our military, spooks & diplomats out of country, & leave Karzai to reign in all his glory - right up until he is hanged from any convenient lamppost.

The initial raids on Afghanistan (there, another lie) were reasonably effective. Invading & trying to hold Afghanistan is/was insane. It's time to correct the problem, & abandon the field to people who enjoy bloody games.
It's really time to go. No matter how you slice it.

We aren't doing any good there anymore. We should go with the Biden plan and keep special forces at the ready should Al Qaeda return..but that's it.
Why are we still there Barack?
Obama is dead, wtf are we doing there still?
It's really time to go. No matter how you slice it.

We aren't doing any good there anymore. We should go with the Biden plan and keep special forces at the ready should Al Qaeda return..but that's it.

Yep, going on 5 years of more war with Obama.... But yet you still think he's better than Bush. Fuck if it were not for Bush's timeline and Iraq kicking us outa Iraq we would still fully be invested there.... Gotta love the Democratic war party, only slightly bigger of a war party than Republicans.
Why are we still there Barack?
Obama is dead, wtf are we doing there still?

Careful... With the NDAA Obama can have you assassinated with no trial for talk like that.... BTW I'm not fuckin around. You can thank Progressives for that one.
Why are we still there Barack?
Obama is dead, wtf are we doing there still?

Careful... With the NDAA Obama can have you assassinated with no trial for talk like that.... BTW I'm not fuckin around. You can thank Progressives for that one.

I think the poster meant Osama is dead, not Obama. None of my progressive or liberal friends are in favor of NDAA or the Patriot Act. I certainly am against it. Pisses me off that Obama is continuing the Bush/Republican/Conservative police state. But I suppose if you give someone that kind of power they aren't going to just turn around and give it up. You can thank your conservo-fascist friends for opening Pandora's box on that one.

I do agree with the OP that we should leave Afghanistan. Nothing useful is being accomplished. We are wasting lives and treasure over nothing. Just declare victory and GTFO already.

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