Afghanistan and Joe Biden. A short video that shows succinctly why this man has no business in the White House...

Bodecea said:
Sounds like you need to go over there to show them how it's done.
Those who really want to demonstrate their commitment need not put their nation's money and the lives of others where their mouth is. Soldiers of fortune abound in unfortunate causes.

Not surprisingly there are fanatics who are desperate to see the United States mired in Afghanistan for another twenty years, squandering another $2 trillion.

These are the latest versions of the diehards who would still have Americans dying in the paddy fields of the Viet Nam fiasco.

Rather than shutting one's eyes, covering one's ears, and going la la la for a couple more decades, facing the music now is preferable to deferring the inevitable tune for another generation or two.
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You can't blame the Military for the political failure of the Tet offensive or Afghanistan. The fault lies with the politicians who set the rules so that we couldn't possibly win. Afghanistan is Biden's failure.

It’s a terribly unjust world with so many psychopaths in charge.
It's a fair question. Pulling out of Afghanistan was always going to be a horror show that made our hard work and sacrifices there worthless. Why did you like the idea last year but not now? Didn't hear a peep from the right when Trump wanted to cut and run. It seems he even planned to betray the Afghans who worked with us.
you still cant do anything, but deflect...go figure
thanx 4 playing
enjoy that TRUMP orgasm, shit stain
when you open your eyes, and realize how delusional you are, and don't deflect, or deny, get back to me
You thought pulling out all the sudden and giving Afghanistan back to the taliban was a wonderful idea when Trump had it.
you should show me a link that says those words came out of me....good luck--LIAR
Afghanistan is a disaster but Tet was a major military victory for the US. I know, I was there.

The better analogy is comparing the disastrous withdrawal of American troops from Iraq by The Worthless Negro, which resulted in ISIS talking over 90% of the country.
Your racism ignores the reality. President Obama honored the timetable of withdrawal from Iraq that Bush had negotiated.

August 21, 2008​
The Bush Administration and the Iraqi government have agreed on a timetable for troop withdrawal.​

Bush's Status of Forces agreement established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009.

View attachment 525528
It’s a terribly unjust world with so many psychopaths in charge.
These folks are talking about, "intelligence failures. . "


Hell. . Pakistan is helping the Taliban, and the ISI is in bed with the CIA. It's like folks just believe everything they hear on the corporate and government sponsored propaganda on the radios and TEE VEE. . . as if there is any truth there.
short term memory.....TRUMP is not president at the moment...duh...this is on beijing xiden--the corrupt, pedophile, that made the decision....not TRUMP...
barrag-o could have done this, but that traitor only ruined AMERICA....
this is on the scum demonRATS in DC ...NOW, not yesterday, not last year....NOW
Do you honestly think we should of remained in Afghanistan?
Your racism ignores the reality. President Obama honored the timetable of withdrawal from Iraq that Bush had negotiated.

August 21, 2008​
The Bush Administration and the Iraqi government have agreed on a timetable for troop withdrawal.​

Bush's Status of Forces agreement established that U.S. combat forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Worthless Negro screwed up the withdrawal from Iraq big time becuase a few months later ISIS had taken over most of the country.

You can do your stupid uneducated Moon Bat denial of The Worthless Negro's failures all you want but the facts speak for themselves.
You can't blame the Military for the political failure of the Tet offensive or Afghanistan. The fault lies with the politicians who set the rules so that we couldn't possibly win. Afghanistan is Biden's failure.
Propping up the notoriously corrupt regime in South Vietnam was a lost cause.
These folks are talking about, "intelligence failures. . "


Hell. . Pakistan is helping the Taliban, and the ISI is in bed with the CIA. It's like folks just believe everything they hear on the corporate and government sponsored propaganda on the radios and TEE VEE. . . as if there is any truth there.
In a sane nation we’d be demanding an end to these constant wars and mass murdering, that the imperialist neocons have given us. Yet hardly a peep in the corporate media. Is it any wonder Americans are the most uninformed people on the planet?
The Worthless Negro screwed up the withdrawal from Iraq big time becuase a few months later ISIS had taken over most of the country.

You can do your stupid uneducated Moon Bat denial of The Worthless Negro's failures all you want but the facts speak for themselves.
You can persist in contriving fake excuses for your racism, but you are unable to deny the withdrawal date specified in Bush's Status of Forces Agreement that his successor honored.

You can acquaint yourself with the reality here, Buttercup:

[Behind the U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq]
In a sane nation we’d be demanding an end to these constant wars and mass murdering, that the imperialist neocons have given us. Yet hardly a peep in the corporate media. Is it any wonder Americans are the most uninformed people on the planet?
Good to hear from New Zealand. Your envy of America is most entertaining.
The Deep State's "intelligence" community is pretty pathetic in this country. Do you remember when characters like Vindman, Kent and Taylor showed their cluelessness before the House committee. And with Sleepy Joe in charge, we can expect them to go downhill even faster.
Our "deep state intelligence community" is focused more on chumming up to China's CCP and undermining our freedoms than what goes on in Afghanistan.

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