AFL-CIO Realizes They Can't Keep Their Union Healthcare Plans Under Obamacare


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The AFL-CIO is finally realizing one thing: When President Obama said "if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it," he wasn't telling the truth. In the case of union worker healthcare plans, without a fix, Obamacare will make current coverage unaffordable and therefore unavailable. Late Wednesday, the AFL-CIO passed another scathing resolution criticizing President Obama's signature legislation.

The AFL-CIO approved a resolution saying that President Obama's health care overhaul will drive up the costs of union-sponsored health plans to the point that workers and employers are forced to abandon them.

In a strongly worded resolution released Wednesday, the federation said that labor unions still support the Affordable Care Act's overall goals of reducing health costs and bringing coverage to all Americans, but added that the law is being implemented in a way that is "highly disruptive" to union health care plans.

Some individual unions have complained about the law's impact for months, but the resolution marks the first time the nation's largest labor federation has gone on record embracing that view. Unions were among the most enthusiastic backers of the law when it passed in 2010.

Back in August, AFL-CIO Nevada passed a resolution to openly criticize Obamacare. Two weeks ago, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, who has been an honored guest of Obama's at many Washington events, openly admitted mistakes were made with Obamacare and that the legislation needs to be "tweeked."

“It still needs to be tweaked,” said Trumka, who pointed to the possibility that union members will lose their health insurance because of the inability of some union plans to qualify for federal tax subsidies.

AFL-CIO Realizes They Can't Keep Their Union Healthcare Plans Under Obamacare - Katie Pavlich
Everybody who actually supported ObamaCare will eventually receive waivers.
Thats what happens when you pass something and don't read the damned thing.

The Unions are going to try to get members subsidized by we the taxpayer.

Oh yeah. The ACA is gonna be so affordable.
I don't TRUST anything that man says...

looks where the snake Obama is speaking at in this video

[ame=]Obama on single payer health insurance - YouTube[/ame]
This is hilarious. The unions are demanding their employer-sponsored health insurance be eligible for the federal subsidies which are given to insurance policies purchased through a health insurance exchange by people who don't have employer-sponsored health insurance.

The unions are claiming their employer-sponsored health insurance (which they have had since long before anyone ever heard of Obama, by the way) is suddenly no longer affordable, and they need to get on this newly created government tit.

Things that make you go, "Hmmmm..."
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They will be excused from the "program".

This has nothing to do with being excused from some "program". This has to do with the unions seeing the federal government putting money on the table for the poor and they aren't being invited to partake.

Their employer-sponsored health insurance is completely unchanged by ObamaCare. They are being greedy and want some of that free taxpayer money.
The unions cheered this disaster of a bill on.

And now they don't like it. Make up your f-ing minds!
This is hilarious. The unions are demanding their employer-sponsored health insurance be eligible for the federal subsidies which are given to insurance policies purchased through a health insurance exchange by people who don't have employer-sponsored health insurance.

The unions are claiming their employer-sponsored health insurance (which they have had since long before anyone ever heard of Obama, by the way) is suddenly no longer affordable, and they need to get on this newly created government tit.

Things that make you go, "Hmmmm..."

Wow, you saw something you hate, unions, criticizing something you support without thought, Obamacare, and jumped to an unsupported, offensive, and stupid, conclusion, what a surprise.
I doubt union workers are low income.

You Lo-Info moron.

They are objecting to being taxed for their "cadillac" coverage.


You must realize, dear, that since I have retired I find it most pleasurable to think of my Social Security coming to my bank account almost directly from the paychecks of the few libs on here who work. :D That one's a real big warm fuzzy!

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I doubt union workers are low income.

You Lo-Info moron.

They are objecting to being taxed for their "cadillac" coverage.


You must realize, dear, that since I have retired I find it most pleasurable to think of my Social Security coming to my bank account almost directly from the paychecks of the few libs on here who work. :D That one's a real big warm fuzzy!


and they will be paying for my ObamaTax and I'm creeping up on SS in a few years...I can hardly wait just for that reason you stated...
hell I might just quit working and go on welfare so they can pay for me that way too


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They will be excused from the "program".

This has nothing to do with being excused from some "program". This has to do with the unions seeing the federal government putting money on the table for the poor and they aren't being invited to partake.

Their employer-sponsored health insurance is completely unchanged by ObamaCare. They are being greedy and want some of that free taxpayer money.

It does not.

It has to do with the fact that Obamacare is making some union plans illegal. Obama has repeatedly promised a fix to this, but he actually wants to destroy all non government insurance, so he really doesn't give a fuck about it hurting unions. It is also about the tax on union plans that was touted as a feature by idiots like you when people like me pointed out how it would make things worse.

They also want Congress to make it illegal to hire part time workers.

I suggest you read the actual resolution before you make a total fool out of yourself.

Sorry, I forgot I was talking to a total fool.

Resolution 54: AFL-CIO Convention Resolution on the Affordable Care Act
I doubt union workers are low income.

You Lo-Info moron.

They are objecting to being taxed for their "cadillac" coverage.


That's not what their beef is at all.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Tell me something, if that isn't their beef, why the fuck do they list it as a beef?

WHEREAS, workers should not be penalized for negotiating good health care benefits by having them subjected to special taxation—particularly so long as the tax system as a whole is tilted so severely in the direction of the very rich;

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