Afraid of the future

If we can manage civil unrest throughout the nation without martial law coming in to play that would be preferable.

Why don't you worry about preparing yourself to survive by getting an education in a field that is likely to have high demand regardless of the economy?
Because for the last 5 or 6 years of my life I have not learned a single useful thing from our education system and feel that I can learn more through real world experience, I would rather have a strong skill set and no piece of paper from college than a piece of paper and no skills.

Do you not think it will impact your ability to get a job?
I acknowledge that it may make my life more difficult at points but I don't believe in going along with a system that I do not believe in just because other people do.
If we can manage civil unrest throughout the nation without martial law coming in to play that would be preferable.

Why don't you worry about preparing yourself to survive by getting an education in a field that is likely to have high demand regardless of the economy?
Because for the last 5 or 6 years of my life I have not learned a single useful thing from our education system and feel that I can learn more through real world experience, I would rather have a strong skill set and no piece of paper from college than a piece of paper and no skills.

Do you not think it will impact your ability to get a job?
I acknowledge that it may make my life more difficult at points but I don't believe in going along with a system that I do not believe in just because other people do.
Then how will you exist living outside the parameters of society? Crime? Sponge?
for the last 5 or 6 years of my life I have not learned a single useful thing from our education system....

That's your fault, dope. You won't get less stupid by avoiding school.
I could present a few arguments against that but am pretty sure you would ignore me, as to your accusation that I am a dope and that I am the problem not our education system, I consistently had the highest grades on my tests, except for Spanish, I have no talent for foreign languages its true, this was without doing homework because it was trivial and bored me, and I would sit through classes all day either sleeping or messing around on my phone. Myself and another student had to teach our physics class because our teacher was a narcissistic compulsive liar (she told us on numerous occasions that she was a general in the air force, no such thing, spoke 15 different languages, never heard more than the most basic phrases that even I could pick up, worked for the cia and nasa, well you get my drift.) My college philosophy course even was little more than memorizing the arguments of the Greek and Roman philosophers. My grades always suffered from my refusal to do homework but I could manage mostly b's and a's due to my test scores. I acknowledge that test scores are not everything, hell I think we need a lot less testing in our school system, our school system has become little more than a fact regurgitation factory which is utterly worthless in the modern age with information available at the tips of your fingers. Give me a school that teaches critical thinking and life skills and I will be happy to learn, until then I will settle for learning from the world around me.
If we can manage civil unrest throughout the nation without martial law coming in to play that would be preferable.

Why don't you worry about preparing yourself to survive by getting an education in a field that is likely to have high demand regardless of the economy?
Because for the last 5 or 6 years of my life I have not learned a single useful thing from our education system and feel that I can learn more through real world experience, I would rather have a strong skill set and no piece of paper from college than a piece of paper and no skills.

Do you not think it will impact your ability to get a job?
I acknowledge that it may make my life more difficult at points but I don't believe in going along with a system that I do not believe in just because other people do.
Then how will you exist living outside the parameters of society? Crime? Sponge?
Not sure what sponge means, but it will make my life more difficult, not impossible, I also do not personally want much in life, I will be happy if in 10 years I can be running a fishing charter and making enough to have a roof over my head and food in my belly.
I am a 20 year old college drop out that looks at the path this country is headed down and I do not know whether to cry from sorrow or to run away in fear, before you try to recruit me to your side, if you pledge allegiance to the republicans, the democrats, or big business don't waste your breath on me. We have hard times ahead of us but I really want to believe that we can save ourselves before it is too late.
Quit, give up. No other generation had to go through the same lonesome valley as you, NOPE. Everyone else fought their demons and struggled. No other generation asked these same questions? They all managed to tough it out. You want a nursemaid?
Can't blame millennials entirely for the basket cases they are, they were raised by self entitled and narcissistic baby boomers, who squandered the inheritance of the Greatest Generation and are leaving millennials the mess they created.
I am a 20 year old college drop out that looks at the path this country is headed down and I do not know whether to cry from sorrow or to run away in fear, before you try to recruit me to your side, if you pledge allegiance to the republicans, the democrats, or big business don't waste your breath on me. We have hard times ahead of us but I really want to believe that we can save ourselves before it is too late.
Quit, give up. No other generation had to go through the same lonesome valley as you, NOPE. Everyone else fought their demons and struggled. No other generation asked these same questions? They all managed to tough it out. You want a nursemaid?
Can't blame millennials entirely for the basket cases they are, they were raised by self entitled and narcissistic baby boomers, who squandered the inheritance of the Greatest Generation and are leaving millennials the mess they created.
Just because you can't understand us doesn't make us crazy, are we a little desperate? Without a doubt we are due to the mess you mentioned.
Just out of curiosity, which generation are you?
I am a 20 year old college drop out that looks at the path this country is headed down and I do not know whether to cry from sorrow or to run away in fear, before you try to recruit me to your side, if you pledge allegiance to the republicans, the democrats, or big business don't waste your breath on me. We have hard times ahead of us but I really want to believe that we can save ourselves before it is too late.
Quit, give up. No other generation had to go through the same lonesome valley as you, NOPE. Everyone else fought their demons and struggled. No other generation asked these same questions? They all managed to tough it out. You want a nursemaid?
Can't blame millennials entirely for the basket cases they are, they were raised by self entitled and narcissistic baby boomers, who squandered the inheritance of the Greatest Generation and are leaving millennials the mess they created.
Just because you can't understand us doesn't make us crazy, are we a little desperate? Without a doubt we are due to the mess you mentioned.
Just out of curiosity, which generation are you?
The cave man generation...
I am a 20 year old college drop out that looks at the path this country is headed down and I do not know whether to cry from sorrow or to run away in fear, before you try to recruit me to your side, if you pledge allegiance to the republicans, the democrats, or big business don't waste your breath on me. We have hard times ahead of us but I really want to believe that we can save ourselves before it is too late.
Quit, give up. No other generation had to go through the same lonesome valley as you, NOPE. Everyone else fought their demons and struggled. No other generation asked these same questions? They all managed to tough it out. You want a nursemaid?
Can't blame millennials entirely for the basket cases they are, they were raised by self entitled and narcissistic baby boomers, who squandered the inheritance of the Greatest Generation and are leaving millennials the mess they created.
Just because you can't understand us doesn't make us crazy, are we a little desperate? Without a doubt we are due to the mess you mentioned.
Just out of curiosity, which generation are you?
The cave man generation...
So a few generations after congress?
I am a 20 year old college drop out that looks at the path this country is headed down and I do not know whether to cry from sorrow or to run away in fear, before you try to recruit me to your side, if you pledge allegiance to the republicans, the democrats, or big business don't waste your breath on me. We have hard times ahead of us but I really want to believe that we can save ourselves before it is too late.
Quit, give up. No other generation had to go through the same lonesome valley as you, NOPE. Everyone else fought their demons and struggled. No other generation asked these same questions? They all managed to tough it out. You want a nursemaid?
Can't blame millennials entirely for the basket cases they are, they were raised by self entitled and narcissistic baby boomers, who squandered the inheritance of the Greatest Generation and are leaving millennials the mess they created.
Just because you can't understand us doesn't make us crazy, are we a little desperate? Without a doubt we are due to the mess you mentioned.
Just out of curiosity, which generation are you?
I am a 20 year old college drop out that looks at the path this country is headed down and I do not know whether to cry from sorrow or to run away in fear, before you try to recruit me to your side, if you pledge allegiance to the republicans, the democrats, or big business don't waste your breath on me. We have hard times ahead of us but I really want to believe that we can save ourselves before it is too late.
Quit, give up. No other generation had to go through the same lonesome valley as you, NOPE. Everyone else fought their demons and struggled. No other generation asked these same questions? They all managed to tough it out. You want a nursemaid?
Can't blame millennials entirely for the basket cases they are, they were raised by self entitled and narcissistic baby boomers, who squandered the inheritance of the Greatest Generation and are leaving millennials the mess they created.
Just because you can't understand us doesn't make us crazy, are we a little desperate? Without a doubt we are due to the mess you mentioned.
Just out of curiosity, which generation are you?
The cave man generation...
So a few generations after congress?
Or the creation of rocks...
for the last 5 or 6 years of my life I have not learned a single useful thing from our education system....

That's your fault, dope. You won't get less stupid by avoiding school.
I could present a few arguments against that but am pretty sure you would ignore me, as to your accusation that I am a dope and that I am the problem not our education system, I consistently had the highest grades on my tests, except for Spanish, I have no talent for foreign languages its true, this was without doing homework because it was trivial and bored me, and I would sit through classes all day either sleeping or messing around on my phone. Myself and another student had to teach our physics class because our teacher was a narcissistic compulsive liar (she told us on numerous occasions that she was a general in the air force, no such thing, spoke 15 different languages, never heard more than the most basic phrases that even I could pick up, worked for the cia and nasa, well you get my drift.) My college philosophy course even was little more than memorizing the arguments of the Greek and Roman philosophers. My grades always suffered from my refusal to do homework but I could manage mostly b's and a's due to my test scores. I acknowledge that test scores are not everything, hell I think we need a lot less testing in our school system, our school system has become little more than a fact regurgitation factory which is utterly worthless in the modern age with information available at the tips of your fingers. Give me a school that teaches critical thinking and life skills and I will be happy to learn, until then I will settle for learning from the world around me.
I wouldn't go back to school unless you want to go into the STEM's. Otherwise, I think you should go into one of the trades. It is one of the few remaining professions that still provides a steady middle class income without a college degree, and you don't get the tens of thousands in debt. Another option is going to the oil fields in West Texas or North Dakota. The hours are hell and the work is grueling but people there can make high five figures starting out an with experience and no college degree still make six figures all said and done and leave after a couple years with significant savings and no debt.

There are plenty of options for success outside of going the 4-year college route.
You people wanna cry cause the Boomers blew the dough of the greatest generation? All I can say is..there was no fortune to pass my family, so you can take it from me, if you want anything in life, don't mind workin' for it...
I am a 20 year old college drop out that looks at the path this country is headed down and I do not know whether to cry from sorrow or to run away in fear, before you try to recruit me to your side, if you pledge allegiance to the republicans, the democrats, or big business don't waste your breath on me. We have hard times ahead of us but I really want to believe that we can save ourselves before it is too late.
I already know a bleak possible future, but not unexpected either.

2000s was a lovely boom and bust cycle, with a twist.

But all the mistakes of the recession and the last decade have not been learned:
- Americans still are debt ridden, and the Middle Class is weakened the most by it.
- The Credit Score system penalizes consumers if they don't get into debt and use credit cards i.e. extreme Keynesian economics.
- Reverse Mortgages and other schemes are still being pushed as 'safe'.
- High costs of student loans, make education not very affordable - and as such a barrier to employment.
- Successive budgets that blow out military spending, and don't bring down the National debt.
- Perpetual wars that weaken the capability of the US to face internal and external threats i.e. like from Russia or China.
- Bad debt trades are still a thriving market, and speculation is as out of control as ever.
- Out of control lenders and loan sharks cheat Americans, or provide them credit they can't afford, and put this risky debt in the marketplace.
- Token regulations in the finance sector by the US government, which put the economy at risk.
- Perpetual drug war, which puts millions in prison for non-violent crimes, and most of them are just users.

The future as a result is obvious:
- There will be another major recession, and a bailout will again be forced on taxpayers.
- The US government will continue struggle with the National debt, and blow out budgets with military spending.
- The Middle Class will weaken still further, and become a minority, within a mass of poor or jobless Americans.
- Globalization will kill millions of jobs, as the US can't compete in all sectors with China, India, and other low-cost producers.
- Technology will kill million of jobs, both white and blue collar, leaving more and more out of work.
- Student Loans will become so expensive, that Americans will be forced to leave America to get an education.
- Corporations will take more control over the government, as it weakens and is attacked by all sides.
- Poverty will continue to explode, until the government just stops caring (though you might say that has happened already).
- Exodus of wealthy and/or educated Americans to other countries, to escape debt, crime, and chaos back home.
- China will overtake the US as a military power, as it gradually increases its military budget, and the US is forced to decrease the military budget.

But all this I don't think about often, as a) it is depressing, b) I can't do anything about it, and c) I could be (hopefully) wrong.
You people wanna cry cause the Boomers blew the dough of the greatest generation? All I can say is..there was no fortune to pass my family, so you can take it from me, if you want anything in life, don't mind workin' for it...
Stop trying to pass the buck and shift the blame. That 18 trillion in national debt is on your generation.
for the last 5 or 6 years of my life I have not learned a single useful thing from our education system....

That's your fault, dope. You won't get less stupid by avoiding school.
I could present a few arguments against that but am pretty sure you would ignore me, as to your accusation that I am a dope and that I am the problem not our education system, I consistently had the highest grades on my tests, except for Spanish, I have no talent for foreign languages its true, this was without doing homework because it was trivial and bored me, and I would sit through classes all day either sleeping or messing around on my phone. Myself and another student had to teach our physics class because our teacher was a narcissistic compulsive liar (she told us on numerous occasions that she was a general in the air force, no such thing, spoke 15 different languages, never heard more than the most basic phrases that even I could pick up, worked for the cia and nasa, well you get my drift.) My college philosophy course even was little more than memorizing the arguments of the Greek and Roman philosophers. My grades always suffered from my refusal to do homework but I could manage mostly b's and a's due to my test scores. I acknowledge that test scores are not everything, hell I think we need a lot less testing in our school system, our school system has become little more than a fact regurgitation factory which is utterly worthless in the modern age with information available at the tips of your fingers. Give me a school that teaches critical thinking and life skills and I will be happy to learn, until then I will settle for learning from the world around me.
I wouldn't go back to school unless you want to go into the STEM's. Otherwise, I think you should go into one of the trades. It is one of the few remaining professions that still provides a steady middle class income without a college degree, and you don't get the tens of thousands in debt. Another option is going to the oil fields in West Texas or North Dakota. The hours are hell and the work is grueling but people there can make high five figures starting out an with experience and no college degree still make six figures all said and done and leave after a couple years with significant savings and no debt.

There are plenty of options for success outside of going the 4-year college route.
I agree completely, I am currently unable to work because of a concussion from a car accident about a month ago but up until then I was working full time as a server at a casual upscale steakhouse, making pretty good money and working my way towards getting in to management, my current plan is to work for the restaurant for a few years, not a bad gig for a kid in his 20's with no real commitments, put away some money and then either start my own business or part of me would be satisfied with outfitting a sail boat to live on and just sailing around the world going wherever the wind takes me, though the starting my own business is the more likely of the two sadly.
You people wanna cry cause the Boomers blew the dough of the greatest generation? All I can say is..there was no fortune to pass my family, so you can take it from me, if you want anything in life, don't mind workin' for it...
Stop trying to pass the buck and shift the blame. That 18 trillion in national debt is on your generation.
I bet you won't find my signature on the loan...
You people wanna cry cause the Boomers blew the dough of the greatest generation? All I can say is..there was no fortune to pass my family, so you can take it from me, if you want anything in life, don't mind workin' for it...
Stop trying to pass the buck and shift the blame. That 18 trillion in national debt is on your generation.
I bet you won't find my signature on the loan...
Nor mine.

Fortunately I have another passport, so if either country goes to hell - I have an exit plan.
You people wanna cry cause the Boomers blew the dough of the greatest generation? All I can say is..there was no fortune to pass my family, so you can take it from me, if you want anything in life, don't mind workin' for it...
Stop trying to pass the buck and shift the blame. That 18 trillion in national debt is on your generation.
I bet you won't find my signature on the loan...
I personally am a lot less concerned with the national debt, still pretty concerned but not as much, as I am with the state of our nations politics and its reliance on big business and religion.
for the last 5 or 6 years of my life I have not learned a single useful thing from our education system....

That's your fault, dope. You won't get less stupid by avoiding school.
I could present a few arguments against that but am pretty sure you would ignore me, as to your accusation that I am a dope and that I am the problem not our education system, I consistently had the highest grades on my tests, except for Spanish, I have no talent for foreign languages its true, this was without doing homework because it was trivial and bored me, and I would sit through classes all day either sleeping or messing around on my phone. Myself and another student had to teach our physics class because our teacher was a narcissistic compulsive liar (she told us on numerous occasions that she was a general in the air force, no such thing, spoke 15 different languages, never heard more than the most basic phrases that even I could pick up, worked for the cia and nasa, well you get my drift.) My college philosophy course even was little more than memorizing the arguments of the Greek and Roman philosophers. My grades always suffered from my refusal to do homework but I could manage mostly b's and a's due to my test scores. I acknowledge that test scores are not everything, hell I think we need a lot less testing in our school system, our school system has become little more than a fact regurgitation factory which is utterly worthless in the modern age with information available at the tips of your fingers. Give me a school that teaches critical thinking and life skills and I will be happy to learn, until then I will settle for learning from the world around me.
I wouldn't go back to school unless you want to go into the STEM's. Otherwise, I think you should go into one of the trades. It is one of the few remaining professions that still provides a steady middle class income without a college degree, and you don't get the tens of thousands in debt. Another option is going to the oil fields in West Texas or North Dakota. The hours are hell and the work is grueling but people there can make high five figures starting out an with experience and no college degree still make six figures all said and done and leave after a couple years with significant savings and no debt.

There are plenty of options for success outside of going the 4-year college route.
I agree completely, I am currently unable to work because of a concussion from a car accident about a month ago but up until then I was working full time as a server at a casual upscale steakhouse, making pretty good money and working my way towards getting in to management, my current plan is to work for the restaurant for a few years, not a bad gig for a kid in his 20's with no real commitments, put away some money and then either start my own business or part of me would be satisfied with outfitting a sail boat to live on and just sailing around the world going wherever the wind takes me, though the starting my own business is the more likely of the two sadly.
You aren't in bad shape for your age. Do you live with your parents or have your own place? At this point, what you need to do is keep living costs(food, entertainment, rent etc) down as much as possible and stacking cash.

My only recommendation would be to make sure you are moving on the management track and not get caught for too long in the server gig. If you work hard you should be in management by your mid 20s.

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