Africa: The Growing Campaign To Revoke Obama's Nobel Peace Prize...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
By Norman Solomon | 5 April 2013

The Nobel Peace Prize that President Obama received 40 months ago has emerged as the most appalling Orwellian award of this century. No, war is not peace.

George Carlin used to riff about oxymorons like "jumbo shrimp," "genuine imitation," "political science" and "military intelligence." But humor is of the gallows sort when we consider the absurdity and tragedy of the world's most important peace prize honoring the world's top war maker.

This week, a challenge has begun with the launch of a petition urging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to revoke Obama's Peace Prize. By midnight of the first day, nearly 10,000 people had signed. The online petition simply tells the Nobel committee: "I urge you to rescind the Nobel Peace Prize that was awarded to Barack Obama."

Many signers have added their own comments. Here are some samples:

"It is with very great regret that I sign this petition, but I feel it is morally the right thing to do. I had phenomenally high hopes that our President would be a torch bearer for the true message of Peace. Instead he has brought death, destruction and devastation to vast areas of the world, and made us less safe by creating more enemies." - Sushila C., Punta Gorda, FL

"War is nothing to be given a peace prize for." - Brent L., San Diego, CA

"President Obama has clearly demonstrated that he is undeserving of the Nobel Peace Prize. Revoke his prize and give it to Bradley Manning!" - Henry B., Portland, OR... Africa: The Growing Campaign to Revoke Obama's Nobel Peace Prize (Page 1 of 6)
Africa: The Growing Campaign To Revoke Obama's Nobel Peace Prize | Peace . Gold . Liberty
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