African-American Music Appreciation Month, 2016

You asked for an equivilent. I gave it to you to show that this one isn't divisive. Now here you are adding new requirements never stated to show what?

It's divisive because it was announced by Obama so you label it political. As if black music has anything to so with a party.
He got his feelings hurt because Obama didnt mention a white music form. Probably too hard to find one that wasnt first invented by Black people.
The Ancient Greeks (whitey) discovered the importance of 5th and 4th degree relative to a root note and subsequently the major scale and modes of the major scale that all Western music is based on! The Italians took it from there to develop notation and chords. The Irish came up with standard format for folk songs. Germans came up with classical standards. Meanwhile, Afro Americans still in Africa were hitting a block of wood with a leg bone around that time and probably not keep good time based on the black drummers I know. :p
The Ancient Greeks (whitey) discovered the importance of 5th and 4th degree relative to a root note and subsequently the major scale and modes of the major scale that all Western music is based on! The Italians took it from there to develop notation and chords. The Irish came up with standard format for folk songs. Germans came up with classical standards. Meanwhile, Afro Americans still in Africa were hitting a block of wood with a leg bone around that time. :p
You cant discover something someone showed you. The ancient Black egyptians showed the greeks who in turn taught whites. After europeans regressed almost back to cave man like status, Black Moors once again educated whites on the civilized things in life.
I will appreciate pretty much any music, except when blacks started delivering the putrid bilge known as Rap.
I will appreciate pretty much any music, except when blacks started delivering the putrid bilge known as Rap.
Good thing you have no influence and no one cares what you think of the best music form in existence.
I will appreciate pretty much any music, except when blacks started delivering the putrid bilge known as Rap.
Good thing you have no influence and no one cares what you think of the best music form in existence.

This is just the segregationist-in-chief doing his dividing act again.
What the hell is African-American music and why should we celebrate musicians based on their skin color, those with visually discernable traces of sub-Saharan African lineage specifically?
Whites like Americano feel inferior. If you say Beyonce is pretty he hears "white women are butt ugly".

Ah, I see you're triggered. Chimping out yet?

Feel inferior? To what, amoeba?

I just came from the park where I stepped in something that was smarter than you and probably smelled better too.
Since racial lines are not divided enough, the President has been working hard to change that over the last 7 1/2 years.

You want to know why racial lines are so divided? Because butt hurt white boys like consider any action by Obama to be against whites. For example: Claiming that Appreciating black music is an affront to you and whites in general.

Thats some funny shit right there. But let me explain why there's really racial divide. Its because when some dumbass niggah breaks the law and resists arrest, the white cop gets called a racist by liberals like yourself for merely doing his job.
Since racial lines are not divided enough, the President has been working hard to change that over the last 7 1/2 years.

You want to know why racial lines are so divided? Because butt hurt white boys like consider any action by Obama to be against whites. For example: Claiming that Appreciating black music is an affront to you and whites in general.

It is an affront, to humanity, we don't need a fucking appreciation month for every fucking time a minority farts.

Not to mention what a waste of government time. Tell me what problem "faggot appreciation month" solves.

Appreciation days or months isnt something to solve anything. Its called appreciation not solution.

If you're the arbiter of what we need then I would agree with you, but that has nothing to do with the OP claiming this divides anyone except his own butthurt everytime Obama opens his mouth because he's black

Most people in the country want a President that solves things not does something to pander to his supporters. That's what happens when you put an unqualified black in a government job. It makes certain people feel better but the results are awful.

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