African-American Nurse banned from caring for white child

I don't think she should have sued the hospital,it's a really dumb decision and the case will be dropped. However I hope that Nazi bastard's child dies. People like him don't deserve children nor happiness.

And before any of you say anything, if Nazis are willing to kill my children why should care for theirs?

However I hope that Nazi bastard's child dies. People like him don't deserve children nor happiness.

This statement tells us all we need to know about race relations in this country....
One guy doesn't want a black person caring for his child...
Another person because of that wishes his child dies.

Pretty scary stuff here.

So Nazis = All White people, yeah okay.

I hate certain groups and ideologues, not races. So excuse me, for being apathetic for a fucking Nazi and his shithead family. He endangered his own child (who is in intensive care) for his stupid racial ideology, it would be fitting if his child died. Then he would whine about it at Stormfront, or better yet he can follow his leader. Why should I be PC for these assholes?

Just to be fair, if the government can just execute all Nazi's, Black Panthers, Gangbangers or whatever racial extremists. I wouldn't shed a tear if their families died with them. It's not the government ever adhered to the Constitution in first place.
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Sounds like the Reverand Al Sharpton has a story to lead off his next show.
Yeah lets get that hospital to pay up says Sharpton...

How about Mcdonalds, they need to pay up, because they sure are guilty of discriminationg hiring practices right now in the area in which I live, as well as many other fast food chains that are becoming guilty of this also.

Maybe these corporations are using this for their defense of their slick actions, where as lets say that they have resteraunts in the middle or upper part of the nation, and they have a majority of whites working in them all due to geographical or locations involved, where as blacks and others of color are absent in these areas, so then they (the corp) thinks that they can justify improper hiring practices (an exploited loop hole maybe) within other areas (the south for example) where the balance is more equal in diversity of people, yet they are promoting (one race over another), and this mainly for cheap labor practices in which they are doing this? Even when the area is teaming with diversity in which suggest proper hiring practices in the area to be adhered to, and to represent the diversity in a more balanced and even approach way when hiring, they are hiring in a very lop sided way, instead doing it right by what I am seeing right now in the situation. Blacks of all people should be livid at this practice, because it is keeping their wages low, and it is denying their friends who are of other colors (equal opportunity) along side of them as it should be. They of all people should notice these things going on, and should be strongly voicing there opinions about them & against them, especialy after all that they had fought for in the equal rights department. For them to be complicit and looking at this as a good thing, they should know that it always comes at a price, and the price is low wages and hard labor because they have abandoned their cause when the shoe was found on the other foot. The only way to be strong is to unite, not to be segregated by corporations for their own greed and their own ends, so think about what is going on people, just think for a change.
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The father is no doubt a racist however he should have some control as to who cares for his child. I think if I ran the hospital and the nurse was capability of providing the care the child needs, I would tell the father he should take his child elsewhere if he doesn't like the care being given.

The perfect response.
I don't think she should have sued the hospital,it's a really dumb decision and the case will be dropped. However I hope that Nazi bastard's child dies. People like him don't deserve children nor happiness.

And before any of you say anything, if Nazis are willing to kill my children why should care for theirs?

Familiar writing technique. :)
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The father is no doubt a racist however he should have some control as to who cares for his child. I think if I ran the hospital and the nurse was capability of providing the care the child needs, I would tell the father he should take his child elsewhere if he doesn't like the care being given.

The perfect response.
Then the unstable father with an opinion as he has, burns the hospital down next, because his child died during the transfer.... Wake up man..
The father is no doubt a racist however he should have some control as to who cares for his child. I think if I ran the hospital and the nurse was capability of providing the care the child needs, I would tell the father he should take his child elsewhere if he doesn't like the care being given.

The perfect response.
Then the unstable father with an opinion as he has, burns the hospital down next, because his child died during the transfer.... Wake up man..

Who's fault is that? And that's what should have happened (except for the fire). However this is Flint, Michigan.
So what in the hell is she suing the hospital? What in the hell were they suppose to do if what she is saying is true? The guy is a jerk for sure but what if they had told him to screw off and he brought a gun to the hospital? Being PC sure would have worked. People have to realize there are aholes in the world and they are not always going to like someone for some reason.

They should have just told him NO. Simple as that. I doubt any hospital has enough staff to allow each patient to pick and choose the appearance of their nurse even if they wanted to. Why jump to the conclusion that his next step was a shooting rampage in a hospital?
So what in the hell is she suing the hospital? What in the hell were they suppose to do if what she is saying is true? The guy is a jerk for sure but what if they had told him to screw off and he brought a gun to the hospital? Being PC sure would have worked. People have to realize there are aholes in the world and they are not always going to like someone for some reason.

They should have just told him NO. Simple as that. I doubt any hospital has enough staff to allow each patient to pick and choose the appearance of their nurse even if they wanted to. Why jump to the conclusion that his next step was a shooting rampage in a hospital?

Because the dude was literally a Nazi.
The father is no doubt a racist however he should have some control as to who cares for his child. I think if I ran the hospital and the nurse was capability of providing the care the child needs, I would tell the father he should take his child elsewhere if he doesn't like the care being given.

The perfect response.
Then the unstable father with an opinion as he has, burns the hospital down next, because his child died during the transfer.... Wake up man..

Again, what the hell leads you to believe some idiot racist's next step is going to be murder and mayhem? Just tell the asshole NO. Hopefully, his insurance would not cover the expense of moving to another hospital if it came to that.
The court documents say: "She [BATTLE]was shocked, offended and in disbelief that she was so egregiously discriminated against based on her race and re-assigned."

Indeed, a shocking and disgusting display of ignorant racism and cowardice on the part of the employer.

Clearly the hospital can not demonstrate a legitimate reason for its actions that can be construed as non-discriminatory.

The father is no doubt a racist however he should have some control as to who cares for his child. I think if I ran the hospital and the nurse was capability of providing the care the child needs, I would tell the father he should take his child elsewhere if he doesn't like the care being given.


The hospital should have told the racist father that his child would receive the very best of medical care by skilled and dedicated professionals, regardless their race. And if that is not satisfactory to him he is free to seek medical care elsewhere when warranted by the child’s health.
So what in the hell is she suing the hospital? What in the hell were they suppose to do if what she is saying is true? The guy is a jerk for sure but what if they had told him to screw off and he brought a gun to the hospital? Being PC sure would have worked. People have to realize there are aholes in the world and they are not always going to like someone for some reason.

They should have just told him NO. Simple as that. I doubt any hospital has enough staff to allow each patient to pick and choose the appearance of their nurse even if they wanted to. Why jump to the conclusion that his next step was a shooting rampage in a hospital?

Because the dude was literally a Nazi.

Then he was probably a big mouth coward who wouldn't really do shit unless surrounded by his laundry club.
They should have just told him NO. Simple as that. I doubt any hospital has enough staff to allow each patient to pick and choose the appearance of their nurse even if they wanted to. Why jump to the conclusion that his next step was a shooting rampage in a hospital?

Because the dude was literally a Nazi.

Then he was probably a big mouth coward who wouldn't really do shit unless surrounded by his laundry club.

Or he could follow Wade Michael Page.
The perfect response.
Then the unstable father with an opinion as he has, burns the hospital down next, because his child died during the transfer.... Wake up man..

Again, what the hell leads you to believe some idiot racist's next step is going to be murder and mayhem? Just tell the asshole NO. Hopefully, his insurance would not cover the expense of moving to another hospital if it came to that.
Have you been reading the news lately, there seems to be a lot of unstable people around as of late. So let me get this straight, otherwise you would be willing to take the chance of anything happening bad, because you want to make an example of this person for others to go by, even though the risk would out weigh the good in which may come from this specific instance in time ?

I say the hospital done the right thing in this case, but it could make a note of it, and formulate a plan for the future if something like this comes along again. Maybe a hospital ten comandments posted on the wall right in the front entrance, and for all to read, that would therefore speak in one of the comandments written about it's policy towards this sort of thing, and then maybe a form to be filled out and agreed to, that gets the agreements of that policy signed by it's patients before admittance takes place?
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Hospitals in Michigan generally have non-discriminatory policies but the nurse in charge at Hurley Medical Center may have been physically intimidated by a man, who allegedly pulled up his sleeve and revealed a tattoo believed to be a Swastika, and the hospital subsequently gave in to the father's demands to avoid further troubles with a dangerous looking man who could be a gang member.
Hospitals in Michigan generally have non-discriminatory policies but the nurse in charge at Hurley Medical Center may have been physically intimidated by a man, who allegedly pulled up his sleeve and revealed a tattoo believed to be a Swastika, and the hospital subsequently gave in to the father's demands to avoid further troubles with a dangerous looking man who could be a gang member.
And if this was the case, it could have been a strategy to avoid catastrophic circumstances at the moment, so they did the right thing as a team, but undoubtedly the nurse isn't playing on the same team.
Then the unstable father with an opinion as he has, burns the hospital down next, because his child died during the transfer.... Wake up man..

Again, what the hell leads you to believe some idiot racist's next step is going to be murder and mayhem? Just tell the asshole NO. Hopefully, his insurance would not cover the expense of moving to another hospital if it came to that.
Have you been reading the news lately, there seems to be a lot of unstable people around as of late. So let me get this straight, otherwise you would be willing to take the chance of anything happening bad, because you want to make an example of this person for others to go by, even though the risk would out weigh the good in which may come from this specific instance in time ?

I say the hospital done the right thing in this case, but it could make a note of it, and formulate a plan for the future if something like this comes along again. Maybe a hospital ten comandments posted on the wall right in the front entrance, and for all to read, that would therefore speak in one of the comandments written about it's policy towards this sort of thing, and then maybe a form to be filled out and agreed to, that gets the agreements of that policy signed by it's patients before admittance takes place?


Second, if you are proposing that we cater to the unreasonable whims of idiotic racists because you're scared of them, then you are advocating that we just throw civilization out the window. Great fucking idea, you idiot.

Finally, sober up. Your rambling, stream-of-consciousness posts are a form of pollution.
There might just be a little more to the story here.
Maybe he asked the nurse to do something or just answer a question and he didn't
like her attitude.It could be he had a problem with her abilities and not her color.

I have heard many reports about how the right did something like vote on a bill only to learn
later on from another source the reason why they voted that way.

the Liberal run media has a history of distorting the facts to suit their agenda.


Um, read the article......

....Dad had a swastika tattooed on his arm. The nurse was African American.

The note was put in the file to protect the hospital's staff from some fruitcake that would tattoo a swastika on himself, and possibly carve one into anyone he felt should not be the caregiver for his baby.

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