African-American Nurse banned from caring for white child

What do I think? I think the judge should throw it out and make her pay all the costs involved. Then the hospital needs to transfer her to maintenance. She sued the wrong people and is obviously too stupid to be trusted with sharp objects.
Again, what the hell leads you to believe some idiot racist's next step is going to be murder and mayhem? Just tell the asshole NO. Hopefully, his insurance would not cover the expense of moving to another hospital if it came to that.
Have you been reading the news lately, there seems to be a lot of unstable people around as of late. So let me get this straight, otherwise you would be willing to take the chance of anything happening bad, because you want to make an example of this person for others to go by, even though the risk would out weigh the good in which may come from this specific instance in time ?

I say the hospital done the right thing in this case, but it could make a note of it, and formulate a plan for the future if something like this comes along again. Maybe a hospital ten comandments posted on the wall right in the front entrance, and for all to read, that would therefore speak in one of the comandments written about it's policy towards this sort of thing, and then maybe a form to be filled out and agreed to, that gets the agreements of that policy signed by it's patients before admittance takes place?


Second, if you are proposing that we cater to the unreasonable whims of idiotic racists because you're scared of them, then you are advocating that we just throw civilization out the window. Great fucking idea, you idiot.

Finally, sober up. Your rambling, stream-of-consciousness posts are a form of pollution.
Ok so now you are going to stalk me and follow me around like a little troll, because you are mad now.. Uhh who is the uncivilized speaking idiot, that is attempting to speak of the civilized now ? I think that be you, you blooming idiot... B )
What do I think? I think the judge should throw it out and make her pay all the costs involved. Then the hospital needs to transfer her to maintenance. She sued the wrong people and is obviously too stupid to be trusted with sharp objects.
I think she sued the wrong people also, because the hospital may have seen this as a dangerous situation, and acted appropriately in the situation. It would be good if she was on the team, and then she could have became part of the solution process for the future, instead of where it is at now with her attacking maybe the wrong people.

Wouldn't it have been nice if she would have stood down for the situation as a team player, knowing that the staff as a team with her on it, would work hard to fix the situation so it would not happen again against anyone in that hospital ? I mean unless she has proof that there are more problems with racism (a pattern), to be found in the hospital management as her employer or within the staff she works with, then we might can understand better about what is going on with her sueing in the way that she is sueing in this case. Otherwise it could be a case of enough is enough for her, but we shall soon see as the case goes foward or onward maybe.
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