African geography quiz

74 on the countries......ouch!

That's not bad, really. A lot of posters here would score lower, I'm sure.

I struggle with spotting the likes of Sao Tome & Principe or CAR and I work part of the year in Africa!!
I got South Africa, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, and Tanzania. Then I made it about halfway before I gave up :(
And.......Miss Saigon is still a pretentious fucking douche.

Not a bad point... half those countries will have different names or not exist in a few years anyways. I bet over 95% of the planet's population couldn't name more than 5.
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Not a bad point... half those countries will have different names or not exist in 5 years anyways. I bet over 95% of the planet's population couldn't name more than 5.

Probably they couldn't....although only South Sudan has been added to the map in the past 10 years or so, and I can't think of any other changes.

I just think Africa is a difficult continent. There are 51 countries, and how often does Togo or Benin make the news? Not often.

Most people would score much higher with Asia, South America or Europe.
And.......Miss Saigon is still a pretentious fucking douche.

All those years of thinking South Africa was somewhere near South Dakota....I can see that could be embarrassing.

Ya mean it's not? Garsh, how humiligratin'! I sur wish I had me one-a them pretentious douchebags from Finland ta help me no da geeeograffy!


I get all those countries on the coast of west Africa mixed up.

I get all those countries on the coast of west Africa mixed up.

That is an impressive score, Toro.

There won't be many of us who could pick Guinea from Guinea Bissau, or remember which is Togo and which Benin, that's for sure. The funny thing is that when you are there, they can also seem so incredibly different to each other!

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