After 1 year, refugees become legal residents


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Maybe this goes over a lot of empty heads out there... maybe I am just being overly paranoid... maybe there is nothing to worry about... but DID YOU KNOW... after one year, the Syrian refugees will become "legal residents" of the United States and thus, fully eligible for naturalization as citizens?

Ahh... now we understand what the Democrats are up to with this!

In a recent survey, 13% of the Syrian refugees say they are sympathetic to the Islamic State (ISIS). Obama has announced he wants to bring 10,000 here... we all know that it will ultimately be many more than 10k. But.... 10k calculates to approximately 1,300 ISIS sympathizers. It took 19 people to bring down the WTC buildings and attack the Pentagon on 9/11. At the conservative estimate of 1,300 it works out to 25 potential terrorists per state.

But the narrative from the liberals is... this is all women and orphans. It's amazing how orphans from Syria are able to come to the US on their own, isn't it? That is even more impressive than the women who aren't allowed to drive or show their faces in public.

We are lectured on our tolerance and reminded of the Jews escaping persecution in Germany during WWII or Vietnamese refugees fleeing Communism after the war in Vietnam. Although, I don't recall 13% of them supporting the philosophy of attacking and destroying America.

This ordeal is national suicide. This is a dysfunctional and dangerous political party out of control and out of their minds. America better wake up, and fast. It is time to marginalize these people politically once and for all. They have gone completely insane and there is no rationalizing with them. They don't intend to stop, they are hell bent on doing everything in their power to destroy this country.
Think we should listen to the President's brilliant reminder how Syrian refuges are like the Pilgrim 'refugees' landing in the New World.

Yup...And over not much time the refugees overthrew the native population murdering most, and subjugating the rest onto little islands of land which amount to nothing more than Nazi death camps where they spend their remaining lives thinking they're self-governing and autonomous until they die.

So yes, let's throw open the US to any and all refugees. What could possibly go wrong?
Think we should listen to the President's brilliant reminder how Syrian refuges are like the Pilgrim 'refugees' landing in the New World.

Yup...And over not much time the refugees overthrew the native population murdering most, and subjugating the rest onto little islands of land which amount to nothing more than Nazi death camps where they spend their remaining lives thinking they're self-governing and autonomous until they die.

So yes, let's throw open the US to any and all refugees. What could possibly go wrong?
Think we should listen to the President's brilliant reminder how Syrian refuges are like the Pilgrim 'refugees' landing in the New World.

Yup...And over not much time the refugees overthrew the native population murdering most, and subjugating the rest onto little islands of land which amount to nothing more than Nazi death camps where they spend their remaining lives thinking they're self-governing and autonomous until they die.

So yes, let's throw open the US to any and all refugees. What could possibly go wrong?

Well, I am not concerned about Syrians taking over the country. Europeans wiped out the indigenous tribes because they had the boom-boom sticks. This has been the case around the world for centuries. What is new to the world is national suicide. Very few countries have ever willingly taken in sworn enemies of state who are actively at war with them and committed to their demise.

I mean, can you imagine FDR saying... "Uhm, we're going to be fire-bombing Dresden next week, so all you Nazis should pack up and come stay with us for a while!" Or Truman saying... "We're going to conduct some nuclear testing around Nagasaki and Hiroshima next week, why don't all you lovely Japanese folks come hang out with us and roast some marshmallows?'ll be fun!"

The Democrat Liberal Party have completely lost their collective minds. I know there may have been some arguments before, some people defending them by citing mere difference of opinions, etc., but this is certified proof. Their insanity has to be stopped.
Maybe this goes over a lot of empty heads out there... maybe I am just being overly paranoid... maybe there is nothing to worry about... but DID YOU KNOW... after one year, the Syrian refugees will become "legal residents" of the United States and thus, fully eligible for naturalization as citizens?

Ahh... now we understand what the Democrats are up to with this!

In a recent survey, 13% of the Syrian refugees say they are sympathetic to the Islamic State (ISIS). Obama has announced he wants to bring 10,000 here... we all know that it will ultimately be many more than 10k. But.... 10k calculates to approximately 1,300 ISIS sympathizers. It took 19 people to bring down the WTC buildings and attack the Pentagon on 9/11. At the conservative estimate of 1,300 it works out to 25 potential terrorists per state.

But the narrative from the liberals is... this is all women and orphans. It's amazing how orphans from Syria are able to come to the US on their own, isn't it? That is even more impressive than the women who aren't allowed to drive or show their faces in public.

We are lectured on our tolerance and reminded of the Jews escaping persecution in Germany during WWII or Vietnamese refugees fleeing Communism after the war in Vietnam. Although, I don't recall 13% of them supporting the philosophy of attacking and destroying America.

This ordeal is national suicide. This is a dysfunctional and dangerous political party out of control and out of their minds. America better wake up, and fast. It is time to marginalize these people politically once and for all. They have gone completely insane and there is no rationalizing with them. They don't intend to stop, they are hell bent on doing everything in their power to destroy this country.

Why don't you just chill the fuck out and google exactly how many muslims since Bush that we have allowed in this short your parinoia is a day late and a dollar short.

YOU: I don't recall 13% of them supporting the philosophy of attacking and destroying America.
Why don't you just chill the fuck out

Why don't you just fuck the hell off, terrorist sympathizer!

Hey, sugar britches.....chill out else yous gonna have a stroke.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...cowardly maggot!!

LMAO... YOU are the coward. Your whole party is nothing BUT cowards. That's what all this appeasing PC bullshit is about... You are too scared shitless by Islamists dressed in black to even utter the words "radical Islamic terrorist!" You project your cowardice onto your political enemy because you're guilty as hell and you know it.
Why don't you just chill the fuck out

Why don't you just fuck the hell off, terrorist sympathizer!

Hey, sugar britches.....chill out else yous gonna have a stroke.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...cowardly maggot!!

LMAO... YOU are the coward. Your whole party is nothing BUT cowards. That's what all this appeasing PC bullshit is about... You are too scared shitless by Islamists dressed in black to even utter the words "radical Islamic terrorist!" You project your cowardice onto your political enemy because you're guilty as hell and you know it.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, I'm a coward? Who's on all the threads, the blogs, etc scared shittless of having a sand nigga live next door? It sure as hell ain't this black bitch....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You and people like you RRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEKKKKKK of cowardliness!!

Why don't you just chill the fuck out

Why don't you just fuck the hell off, terrorist sympathizer!

Hey, sugar britches.....chill out else yous gonna have a stroke.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...cowardly maggot!!

LMAO... YOU are the coward. Your whole party is nothing BUT cowards. That's what all this appeasing PC bullshit is about... You are too scared shitless by Islamists dressed in black to even utter the words "radical Islamic terrorist!" You project your cowardice onto your political enemy because you're guilty as hell and you know it.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, I'm a coward? Who's on all the threads, the blogs, etc scared shittless of having a sand nigga live next door? It sure as hell ain't this black bitch....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You and people like you RRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEKKKKKK of cowardliness!!

A WHAT? Did you just use a racist epithet?

So... you must also be an ignorant racist coward?
Why don't you just chill the fuck out

Why don't you just fuck the hell off, terrorist sympathizer!

Hey, sugar britches.....chill out else yous gonna have a stroke.....LOLOLOLOLOLOL...cowardly maggot!!

LMAO... YOU are the coward. Your whole party is nothing BUT cowards. That's what all this appeasing PC bullshit is about... You are too scared shitless by Islamists dressed in black to even utter the words "radical Islamic terrorist!" You project your cowardice onto your political enemy because you're guilty as hell and you know it.

ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, I'm a coward? Who's on all the threads, the blogs, etc scared shittless of having a sand nigga live next door? It sure as hell ain't this black bitch....LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

You and people like you RRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEKKKKKK of cowardliness!!

A WHAT? Did you just use a racist epithet?

So... you must also be an ignorant racist coward?

I am many many many things, but ignorant I am not, maybe and a coward?? Not on your life...I served under Reagan for 10 years in the military with a constant threat of nuclear war and and and I live in the hood...among white trash...can't get no braver than that, sugar britches.
Maybe this goes over a lot of empty heads out there... maybe I am just being overly paranoid... maybe there is nothing to worry about... but DID YOU KNOW... after one year, the Syrian refugees will become "legal residents" of the United States and thus, fully eligible for naturalization as citizens?

Ahh... now we understand what the Democrats are up to with this!

In a recent survey, 13% of the Syrian refugees say they are sympathetic to the Islamic State (ISIS). Obama has announced he wants to bring 10,000 here... we all know that it will ultimately be many more than 10k. But.... 10k calculates to approximately 1,300 ISIS sympathizers. It took 19 people to bring down the WTC buildings and attack the Pentagon on 9/11. At the conservative estimate of 1,300 it works out to 25 potential terrorists per state.

But the narrative from the liberals is... this is all women and orphans. It's amazing how orphans from Syria are able to come to the US on their own, isn't it? That is even more impressive than the women who aren't allowed to drive or show their faces in public.

We are lectured on our tolerance and reminded of the Jews escaping persecution in Germany during WWII or Vietnamese refugees fleeing Communism after the war in Vietnam. Although, I don't recall 13% of them supporting the philosophy of attacking and destroying America.

This ordeal is national suicide. This is a dysfunctional and dangerous political party out of control and out of their minds. America better wake up, and fast. It is time to marginalize these people politically once and for all. They have gone completely insane and there is no rationalizing with them. They don't intend to stop, they are hell bent on doing everything in their power to destroy this country.

Makes sense actually. Squatters gain legal possession of properties they squat in after about a year in some states.
Maybe this goes over a lot of empty heads out there... maybe I am just being overly paranoid... maybe there is nothing to worry about... but DID YOU KNOW... after one year, the Syrian refugees will become "legal residents" of the United States and thus, fully eligible for naturalization as citizens?

Ahh... now we understand what the Democrats are up to with this!

In a recent survey, 13% of the Syrian refugees say they are sympathetic to the Islamic State (ISIS). Obama has announced he wants to bring 10,000 here... we all know that it will ultimately be many more than 10k. But.... 10k calculates to approximately 1,300 ISIS sympathizers. It took 19 people to bring down the WTC buildings and attack the Pentagon on 9/11. At the conservative estimate of 1,300 it works out to 25 potential terrorists per state.

But the narrative from the liberals is... this is all women and orphans. It's amazing how orphans from Syria are able to come to the US on their own, isn't it? That is even more impressive than the women who aren't allowed to drive or show their faces in public.

We are lectured on our tolerance and reminded of the Jews escaping persecution in Germany during WWII or Vietnamese refugees fleeing Communism after the war in Vietnam. Although, I don't recall 13% of them supporting the philosophy of attacking and destroying America.

This ordeal is national suicide. This is a dysfunctional and dangerous political party out of control and out of their minds. America better wake up, and fast. It is time to marginalize these people politically once and for all. They have gone completely insane and there is no rationalizing with them. They don't intend to stop, they are hell bent on doing everything in their power to destroy this country.

Why don't you just chill the fuck out and google exactly how many muslims since Bush that we have allowed in this short your parinoia is a day late and a dollar short.

YOU: I don't recall 13% of them supporting the philosophy of attacking and destroying America.
Why do you want these refugees coming here competing for jobs that black Americans should have? What is in it for you? You're just parroting Obama and marching to the party line. You liberals don't give a fuck about these refugees and even less about security.

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