After $15 billion and 450 miles, Joe Biden will halt border wall, Trump’s signature project


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
WASHINGTON — Mexico never paid for any of it. It’s less than half finished. And on Jan. 20 or soon thereafter, construction will come to an abrupt halt on the “big beautiful wall” that President Donald Trump promised to build along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The project has cost $15 billion so far, most of it diverted from the military budget after Congress refused to provide full funding.

President-elect Joe Biden vowed during the campaign to kill the project, but leave in place whatever the Trump administration leaves behind.

At the moment, that’s about 400 miles worth of levee wall and 30-foot-tall bollard fencing, though nearly all of that mileage already had some sort of barrier before Trump took office. Only 12 miles did not.

The rest is upgrade or replacement for shorter, less sturdy fencing, or a second layer of barrier meant to slow migrants and smugglers long enough for the Border Patrol to arrive.

Although Biden won’t push to dismantle Trump’s physical legacy, he will undo sharp curbs on refugee admissions and a host of other immigration policies put in place through executive order.

Much more at the link below...

Sounds great to me! I welcome President Biden terminating this boondoggle that diverted funds from the military. What do you think?
WASHINGTON — Mexico never paid for any of it. It’s less than half finished. And on Jan. 20 or soon thereafter, construction will come to an abrupt halt on the “big beautiful wall” that President Donald Trump promised to build along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The project has cost $15 billion so far, most of it diverted from the military budget after Congress refused to provide full funding.

President-elect Joe Biden vowed during the campaign to kill the project, but leave in place whatever the Trump administration leaves behind.

At the moment, that’s about 400 miles worth of levee wall and 30-foot-tall bollard fencing, though nearly all of that mileage already had some sort of barrier before Trump took office. Only 12 miles did not.

The rest is upgrade or replacement for shorter, less sturdy fencing, or a second layer of barrier meant to slow migrants and smugglers long enough for the Border Patrol to arrive.

Although Biden won’t push to dismantle Trump’s physical legacy, he will undo sharp curbs on refugee admissions and a host of other immigration policies put in place through executive order.

Much more at the link below...

Sounds great to me! I welcome President Biden terminating this boondoggle that diverted funds from the military. What do you think?
The wall has saved thousands of lives and it’s only 40 percent done ? Why would you want to risk the safety of yourself and family ??
The USA Military is the most bloated waste of $$ in the history of mankind. Cut the military budget by 30 percent
The wall is pennies and saves lives ..
Of course Biden is going to stop the wall. That's the first step to opening the borders to human trafficking and free drug flow. Democrats are so smart they figured out that border walls don't work and they are Racist.

Oh and did you hear the Refugee limit will be raised from 18,000 to 125,000 per year? Let's hear from a Biden supporter who wants New Syria setup in their city.
Fuck it... I'm just gonna' start hitting anyone who looks like they've spent too much time in the tanning salon...
You leftist idiots have obliterated your white grandchildren’s future and you don’t even know it !!
With tens of millions of new trash from the 5th world and massive affirmative might as well just dig those holes
Cut the US military by half but keep the wall
The wall is very effective and would be done in 2 yrs
The USA military is a bloated disgrace
All you need is an Air Force and special forces and small navy and small army
WASHINGTON — Mexico never paid for any of it. It’s less than half finished. And on Jan. 20 or soon thereafter, construction will come to an abrupt halt on the “big beautiful wall” that President Donald Trump promised to build along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The project has cost $15 billion so far, most of it diverted from the military budget after Congress refused to provide full funding.

President-elect Joe Biden vowed during the campaign to kill the project, but leave in place whatever the Trump administration leaves behind.

At the moment, that’s about 400 miles worth of levee wall and 30-foot-tall bollard fencing, though nearly all of that mileage already had some sort of barrier before Trump took office. Only 12 miles did not.

The rest is upgrade or replacement for shorter, less sturdy fencing, or a second layer of barrier meant to slow migrants and smugglers long enough for the Border Patrol to arrive.

Although Biden won’t push to dismantle Trump’s physical legacy, he will undo sharp curbs on refugee admissions and a host of other immigration policies put in place through executive order.

Much more at the link below...

Sounds great to me! I welcome President Biden terminating this boondoggle that diverted funds from the military. What do you think?
The impeached president trump had such high hopes for his wall.

He had big plans for the kickbacks he would receive in the years to come, from the contractors for the expensive maintenance and repairs on the completed wall. Not to mention the kickbacks he's already gotten from the builders.

WASHINGTON — Mexico never paid for any of it. It’s less than half finished. And on Jan. 20 or soon thereafter, construction will come to an abrupt halt on the “big beautiful wall” that President Donald Trump promised to build along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The project has cost $15 billion so far, most of it diverted from the military budget after Congress refused to provide full funding.

President-elect Joe Biden vowed during the campaign to kill the project, but leave in place whatever the Trump administration leaves behind.

At the moment, that’s about 400 miles worth of levee wall and 30-foot-tall bollard fencing, though nearly all of that mileage already had some sort of barrier before Trump took office. Only 12 miles did not.

The rest is upgrade or replacement for shorter, less sturdy fencing, or a second layer of barrier meant to slow migrants and smugglers long enough for the Border Patrol to arrive.

Although Biden won’t push to dismantle Trump’s physical legacy, he will undo sharp curbs on refugee admissions and a host of other immigration policies put in place through executive order.

Much more at the link below...

Sounds great to me! I welcome President Biden terminating this boondoggle that diverted funds from the military. What do you think?
The impeached president trump had such high hopes for his wall.

He had big plans for the kickbacks he would receive in the years to come, from the contractors for the expensive maintenance and repairs on the completed wall. Not to mention the kickbacks he's already gotten from the builders.

It appears it saved 20 million Americans life's from the Yahoo virus
WASHINGTON — Mexico never paid for any of it. It’s less than half finished. And on Jan. 20 or soon thereafter, construction will come to an abrupt halt on the “big beautiful wall” that President Donald Trump promised to build along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The project has cost $15 billion so far, most of it diverted from the military budget after Congress refused to provide full funding.

President-elect Joe Biden vowed during the campaign to kill the project, but leave in place whatever the Trump administration leaves behind.

At the moment, that’s about 400 miles worth of levee wall and 30-foot-tall bollard fencing, though nearly all of that mileage already had some sort of barrier before Trump took office. Only 12 miles did not.

The rest is upgrade or replacement for shorter, less sturdy fencing, or a second layer of barrier meant to slow migrants and smugglers long enough for the Border Patrol to arrive.

Although Biden won’t push to dismantle Trump’s physical legacy, he will undo sharp curbs on refugee admissions and a host of other immigration policies put in place through executive order.

Much more at the link below...

Sounds great to me! I welcome President Biden terminating this boondoggle that diverted funds from the military. What do you think?
Well of course he would. How are his son and other friends supposed to get their underaged kicks on?
WASHINGTON — Mexico never paid for any of it. It’s less than half finished. And on Jan. 20 or soon thereafter, construction will come to an abrupt halt on the “big beautiful wall” that President Donald Trump promised to build along the U.S.-Mexico border.

The project has cost $15 billion so far, most of it diverted from the military budget after Congress refused to provide full funding.

President-elect Joe Biden vowed during the campaign to kill the project, but leave in place whatever the Trump administration leaves behind.

At the moment, that’s about 400 miles worth of levee wall and 30-foot-tall bollard fencing, though nearly all of that mileage already had some sort of barrier before Trump took office. Only 12 miles did not.

The rest is upgrade or replacement for shorter, less sturdy fencing, or a second layer of barrier meant to slow migrants and smugglers long enough for the Border Patrol to arrive.

Although Biden won’t push to dismantle Trump’s physical legacy, he will undo sharp curbs on refugee admissions and a host of other immigration policies put in place through executive order.

Much more at the link below...

Sounds great to me! I welcome President Biden terminating this boondoggle that diverted funds from the military. What do you think?
ROTFL! First the Democrats complained Trump spent too much on the military. Now they are complaining that DJT took money from the military. If they tear down the wall, they will have to hire more Border Patrol guards to replace it. The wall worked by reducing illegal immigration by a big amount. You take it down and we will get more criminals and more drugs from Latin America. The next time an illegal alien from South of the border kills an American citizen, let Biden explain himself to the victim's family.

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