After 6 Years of Democrats ruling


Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
It's time for change. It's time to move forward. We've tried Democrats play... Where has it gotten us? Moving America in the Direction of Greece will not make US better.
It's time for change. It's time to move forward. We've tried Democrats play... Where has it gotten us? Moving America in the Direction of Greece will not make US better.

Would be a good idea if that were happening, but it's not.
It's time for change. It's time to move forward. We've tried Democrats play... Where has it gotten us? Moving America in the Direction of Greece will not make US better.

I'll be nice and pretend you really believe that.

You see, dear, Greece is under an austerity program. An austerity program is what the far right wants. Look it up. Austerity programs like Greece's and the teabaggers' cuts all government spending pretty much to where they can just have the lights on and the toilets flushing. That means cops and teachers aren't getting paid and all public assistance ends.

That means nobody has any money to buy things at the shops. So the shops lay off the workers and close down.

With those working not getting paid, and most others laid off, their is far less tax revenue to pay the national debt. So Greece is forced to borrow more, while cutting more sources of revenue.

Do you really want the right wing's austerity program here? I'd rather see the highway system repaired, new bridges built, high speed rail easing air traffic congestion, and infrastructure rebuilds that can save people from natural disasters. Do you really think FEMA should be privatized, possibly by a foreign owner?
What it means is Greece did the same thing that we are doing, only quicker. They thought they could spend their way out of debt too. Now they have no money left for anything.
Austerity should have been their mantra years ago. Uncontrolled spending comes to an end when there is nothing left to spend. Poor Greece. Poor America.
And yet Greeks STILL would have been fine without greedy Pubs and their cronies on Wall St. melting down the world economy- Great job, Pubbies.
And yet Greeks STILL would have been fine without greedy Pubs and their cronies on Wall St. melting down the world economy- Great job, Pubbies.

yep and you still want affirmative action housing....yay housing for people who cant pay for cant be that bad......oh wait
BS, dupe- Boooshie regulators and cronies did that. CRA was for WORTHY pooer and minority people...IDIOT. And only a small part of the meltdown was poor people.
BS, dupe- Boooshie regulators and cronies did that. CRA was for WORTHY pooer and minority people...IDIOT. And only a small part of the meltdown was poor people.

LOL, now I het a nerve....yeah it had ALOT to do with it. banks HAD to loand or be designated as racist and open up to bullshit lawsuits......this is onetime liberals wanted LESS regulation, and since they dont know much about economics, it failed miserably....even Clinton's Secretary of HUD, Andre Cuomo stated it would happen

Frank's fingerprints are all over the financial fiasco - The Boston Globe
Yup, otherwise normal people mouthing Pubcrappe bothers intelligent people....

Dems had real power for 6 months, not 6 years ....Pubs are great con men and obstructionists...
Yup, otherwise normal people mouthing Pubcrappe bothers intelligent people....

Dems had real power for 6 months, not 6 years ....Pubs are great con men and obstructionists...

Obama is the obstructionist. Followed by Harry Reid. Or didn't you understand that this is how the Government works ?



I noticed your rep continues to fall. You really are an asshole.
Sure. Pubs in congress won't vote for ANYTHING- even their own ideas- a joke

And I give a damn about rep- It's a circle jerk for RWers, much like the RW
Sure. Pubs in congress won't vote for ANYTHING- even their own ideas- a joke

And I give a damn about rep- It's a circle jerk for RWers, much like the RW

In other words, you don't understand that when the people pulled the house from Obama, it was the majority of people living in a majority of districts that made sure we had damage control on Mr. Hope and Change's radical agenda.

Well, now you know.

STFU...BTW, I took you down another notch. I'm hoping we can get you in the red before Tuesday.
What it means is Greece did the same thing that we are doing, only quicker. They thought they could spend their way out of debt too. Now they have no money left for anything.
Austerity should have been their mantra years ago. Uncontrolled spending comes to an end when there is nothing left to spend. Poor Greece. Poor America.

Yea, let's compare the United States to a country whose economy is smaller than some U.S. cities.

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What it means is Greece did the same thing that we are doing, only quicker. They thought they could spend their way out of debt too. Now they have no money left for anything.
Austerity should have been their mantra years ago. Uncontrolled spending comes to an end when there is nothing left to spend. Poor Greece. Poor America.

No, quite the opposite. Greece instituted the same austerity programs that the teatards want. That path destroys jobs. No jobs, no taxes. No taxes, no way to pay the bills. No way to pay the bills, more debt.

If Obama's plan had been followed fewer people would need to draw from welfare, more people would be working, more people would have spending money, more businesses would be created to accommmodate them, more people would be paying taxes, more money would be available to pay down the debt.

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