After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’

The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving .
Two perverts packing each other's fudge isn't evolving. .. :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
Evolutionary pun intended.

You might also believe this:

Conservative Christian Pastor: Coronavirus Is Punishment For 'LGBT Sin'

GBTQ people have been blamed for hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorist attacks, and other disasters — and now they’re being blamed for the coronavirus outbreak.

Steven Andrew, pastor of the USA Christian Church — which appears to be a virtual, internet-based church — has declared March to be Repent of LGBT Sin Month, and one of the reasons is the emergence of the coronavirus strain that’s so far infected 100,000 people around the world.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.

Funny . I didn't know that. So happens that I am white, married and like the opposite sex. Feeling stupid yet?
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.

Funny . I didn't know that. So happens that I am white, married and like the opposite sex. Feeling stupid yet?
Course if you're a Democrat you should feel stupid.
Because that's their favorite rhetoric.
Nevermind so many of them signify what they hate, but voting Democrat gives them a pass.
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Provo • Despite removing the section on “homosexual behavior” from its Honor Code last month, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has clarified for the first time that same-sex romantic behavior is still “not compatible” with the rules at Brigham Young University.

The surprising announcement came Wednesday morning after weeks of questions about the change and after LGBTQ students had celebrated what they hoped that it meant. Many said they recently came out as gay only because they believed — and were told by some Honor Code staff — that the school and faith now allowed it.

“We felt like we finally had a place and then they ripped it away again,” said junior Katie Guerrero, who is bisexual.

In the afternoon, hundreds of students met in the campus quad to protest what they saw as a painful reversal by BYU. They solemnly sang church hymns and marched in a circle. One person clung to a poster that read, “Jesus said love everyone." And they chanted together, “The Honor Code is honor-less."

After BYU Honor Code change, LDS Church now says same-sex relationships are ‘not compatible’ with the faith’s rules

I'm not sure why there is surprise.

Relevant reading...

Federal Court Finds That "Misgendering" Is Not First Amendment Protected Speech

An Ohio federal court has found that "misgendering" - refusal to participate in gender ideology - is not protected by the First Amendment and there are no religious exceptions. The decision was made on the recommendation of Jewish Magistrate Judge Karen Litkovitz, and upheld by Judge Susan J. Dlott in the District Court for the Southern District of Ohio.

The complaint was filed in November 2018 by Shawnee State University philosophy professor Nicholas Meriweather. According to Meriweather, he was reprimanded by administrators at his publicly funded school after a man pretending to be a woman joined his class and began demanding to be referred to as "she" and "ms."

Meriweather refused to participate in the ideological exercise, but did not "misgender" the student either. Instead, he attempted to compromise and address the student only by his surname. In response the transgender student began threatening him and calling him names, finally enlisting administrators to punish him.

Meriweather took Shawnee State to court, stating that his religious beliefs forbade him from pretending men are women and that he had a First Amendment right to refuse the new arbitrary transgender cultural imposition. In a landmark ruling, Litkovitz and Dlott dismissed the case, stating that "His speech -- the manner by which he addressed a transgender student -- was not protected by the First Amendment."
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

^^^^^A load of nonsense. Faggots literally scream and jump up and down for attention, and then snivel when they get it. They don't get to control the dialogue and the reaction to their deviant agenda and mental illness, nor do they get to deliberately make up fake 'science' and whine when it gets proven to be utter bullshit.

Those in the Peanut Gallery can read through this media agenda and see if it looks familar; it's right out of the Communist propagandist Gramsci's program for destroying societies resistant to totalitarianism and sociopathic degeneracy. Goebbels was a big fan, too, as was Saul Alinsky; his Rules For Radicals is Gramsci For Dope Addled Dummies.


A prime example is how they have many of you using the word 'gay' instead of 'homosexual fetishist' to describe the deviants and pedophile friendly 'rights' hoax.
And this would be an example of the bigotry and hate directed at gay Americans.
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

"Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?"

How many peoples would consider being a pervert to be normal? Perversion is the corruption and/or the distortion of the original course, it is the deviation from the original and accepted norm. Most peoples would not consider Deviants to be normal.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.

Funny . I didn't know that. So happens that I am white, married and like the opposite sex. Feeling stupid yet?

Well if you are WHY are you so obsessed with pushing the LGBTQ thing? Why are you so obsessed with young children having the LGBTQ thing pushed on them in schools as Propaganda?

The majority of straight, white males who like the opposite sex do NOT obsess about PROMOTING LGBTQ, do NOT obsess about young children being taught about LGBTQ. The majority of straight, white males AND straight, white females who like the opposite sex tend to SUPPORT the continuation of Heterosexuality as the norm within society, you do the OPPOSITE of ALL of this. IF Mr. Lucy started to obsess about LGBTQ in the way YOU do then I would say to him "so you're sexually attracted to men now as well?" Because it is NOT normal for a Heterosexual man to spend so much time like you do PROMOTING and DEFENDING the LGBTQ Agenda and Lifestyle.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.

Funny . I didn't know that. So happens that I am white, married and like the opposite sex. Feeling stupid yet?

Well if you are WHY are you so obsessed with pushing the LGBTQ thing? Why are you so obsessed with young children having the LGBTQ thing pushed on them in schools as Propaganda?

The majority of straight, white males who like the opposite sex do NOT obsess about PROMOTING LGBTQ, do NOT obsess about young children being taught about LGBTQ. The majority of straight, white males AND straight, white females who like the opposite sex tend to SUPPORT the continuation of Heterosexuality as the norm within society, you do the OPPOSITE of ALL of this. IF Mr. Lucy started to obsess about LGBTQ in the way YOU do then I would say to him "so you're sexually attracted to men now as well?" Because it is NOT normal for a Heterosexual man to spend so much time like you do PROMOTING and DEFENDING the LGBTQ Agenda and Lifestyle.

There is nothing necessary about having a "norm." There is no such thing as the "LGBTQ Agenda," and people chose their own "lifestyle." Many people would not approve of your choice of "lifestyle," either. Nobody should be promoting a lifestyle, but I note that people promote heterosexuality constantly.. Some people are born heterosexual and some people aren't. Many people just promote freedom for themselves and for others. What you are promoting is bigotry, and you are obsessed with it.
People who live inside echo chambers are always shocked when something 'From Outside' leaks into their tiny little heads.
Tiny little heads? Like yours ? Consider the your own echo chamber. Your own bubble. The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving . Unfortunately some of you are not. Deal with it.
Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.

Funny . I didn't know that. So happens that I am white, married and like the opposite sex. Feeling stupid yet?

Well if you are WHY are you so obsessed with pushing the LGBTQ thing? Why are you so obsessed with young children having the LGBTQ thing pushed on them in schools as Propaganda?

The majority of straight, white males who like the opposite sex do NOT obsess about PROMOTING LGBTQ, do NOT obsess about young children being taught about LGBTQ. The majority of straight, white males AND straight, white females who like the opposite sex tend to SUPPORT the continuation of Heterosexuality as the norm within society, you do the OPPOSITE of ALL of this. IF Mr. Lucy started to obsess about LGBTQ in the way YOU do then I would say to him "so you're sexually attracted to men now as well?" Because it is NOT normal for a Heterosexual man to spend so much time like you do PROMOTING and DEFENDING the LGBTQ Agenda and Lifestyle.
Hamilton, let me tell you a thing or two. I have been an advocate for civil rights and equality all of my long adult life, and LGBTQ issues are civil rights issues. You can blather all you want about my being obsessed, using propaganda and pushing stuff on children all you want. The only thing that you are proving is the extent to which you are out of touch with the real world where decent people are secure in their own identity, and emotionally mature, and have no need to spew the bizarre and hateful crap that you do. You are even in denial about how many straight people support gay rights as supported by numerous polls.

Most of us inhabit a world that you are, sadly unfamiliar with and will never know. A work where rational people understand that supporting LGBTQ causes is not tantamount to undermining heterosexuality. It is inhabited by people who are san and smart enough to understand that it is not a zero sum game where there has to be winners and losers -who know that when a group gains rights or recognition, it in no way diminishes the rights and status of others.

So, feel free to continue to rant and rave like a hysterical and unstable hag all that you want. You asked me why I'm obsessed. I could ask you the same thing. You think that I'm obsessed because I'm a closet gay? I think that your obsessed because you are miserable and insecure and frightened by the changes that you see in society and possibly with issues about your own seuality. I also think that you have a primitive and pathological need to hate others and to convince yourself that you are better, while deep inside, you really know that is not true.

Bottom line is that I am comfortable in my skin and grateful that can relate to all sorts of people , and have no hatred in my heart, which at 72 is beating strong.

You on the other hand come off as a miserable and angry person. We might have to put up with people like you, but I thank the Gods and Goddesses every day that I AM NOT YOU.
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If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

^^^^^A load of nonsense. Faggots literally scream and jump up and down for attention, and then snivel when they get it. They don't get to control the dialogue and the reaction to their deviant agenda and mental illness, nor do they get to deliberately make up fake 'science' and whine when it gets proven to be utter bullshit.

Those in the Peanut Gallery can read through this media agenda and see if it looks familar; it's right out of the Communist propagandist Gramsci's program for destroying societies resistant to totalitarianism and sociopathic degeneracy. Goebbels was a big fan, too, as was Saul Alinsky; his Rules For Radicals is Gramsci For Dope Addled Dummies.


A prime example is how they have many of you using the word 'gay' instead of 'homosexual fetishist' to describe the deviants and pedophile friendly 'rights' hoax.
And this would be an example of the bigotry and hate directed at gay Americans.
Well, this is an example of bigotry and hate by gays directed at everyone else:

Human decency never changes.

What changes is how you define perversion.

Today the left thinks being white and married and liking the opposite sex is sick.

When did anyone say that?

Of course, our definition of perversion has changed. Within my lifetime, it was ILLEGAL to marry someone of another race. Now some of my dearest friends are in mixed race marriages... and no one thinks twice about it.
How many peoples would consider being a pervert to be normal? Perversion is the corruption and/or the distortion of the original course, it is the deviation from the original and accepted norm. Most peoples would not consider Deviants to be normal.

Again, until the 1960's, mixed race marriages were considered "perverse" and were against the law.
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

^^^^^A load of nonsense. Faggots literally scream and jump up and down for attention, and then snivel when they get it. They don't get to control the dialogue and the reaction to their deviant agenda and mental illness, nor do they get to deliberately make up fake 'science' and whine when it gets proven to be utter bullshit.

Those in the Peanut Gallery can read through this media agenda and see if it looks familar; it's right out of the Communist propagandist Gramsci's program for destroying societies resistant to totalitarianism and sociopathic degeneracy. Goebbels was a big fan, too, as was Saul Alinsky; his Rules For Radicals is Gramsci For Dope Addled Dummies.


A prime example is how they have many of you using the word 'gay' instead of 'homosexual fetishist' to describe the deviants and pedophile friendly 'rights' hoax.

Wow! You typed all the right buzzwords for generating hate! Impressive. You said that the "f#gg#ts" scream and jump up and down for attention, but they don't do this any more than, say, the preacher-creatures, who are always jumping up and down to get attention. The whole whining "Christian conservative" extravaganza does it. Most LGBTs I've known just live their lives. They haven't been bothering anybody. But the right-wing supposedly "religious" make a career out of it

I used to think that religion was all good, but the more I've seen of it, the more I realize that there is a lot of evil in it. Look at the mess that the religion based on the life of Jesus has become. Now it's just an effort to turn people into atheists and get people to vote for a fascist society. The teachings of Jesus have been relegated to nothing.

Again these bots can't think outside their predetermined narratives. I've never, even once, used any religious basis to point out the sickness of homosexual fetishism and the pedophile friendlies who love and support them. It isn't necessary, for one, they and you are so obviously mentally ill no one needs religious texts to point out the obvious, and of course the chronic public health menace they present is alone enough to demand their being quarantined, and then there is their rather large penchant for kiddie rape. You sickos are just frauds patting yourselves on the back for role playing as 'enlightened and caring hippies; when all you really are is narcissists, sociopaths, and psychos who hate any restraints on your sick indulgences.
If people who have too much time on their hands didn't spend so much of it worried about what other people do, we would have a much happier world. Why would this prohibition have to be in the honor code in the first place? Why this emphasis on forcing everyone to be "normal," according to somebody's interpretation of "normal?" There should be something much more substantial to any religion than just an overriding sexual obsession.

^^^^^A load of nonsense. Faggots literally scream and jump up and down for attention, and then snivel when they get it. They don't get to control the dialogue and the reaction to their deviant agenda and mental illness, nor do they get to deliberately make up fake 'science' and whine when it gets proven to be utter bullshit.

Those in the Peanut Gallery can read through this media agenda and see if it looks familar; it's right out of the Communist propagandist Gramsci's program for destroying societies resistant to totalitarianism and sociopathic degeneracy. Goebbels was a big fan, too, as was Saul Alinsky; his Rules For Radicals is Gramsci For Dope Addled Dummies.


A prime example is how they have many of you using the word 'gay' instead of 'homosexual fetishist' to describe the deviants and pedophile friendly 'rights' hoax.

Wow! You typed all the right buzzwords for generating hate! Impressive. You said that the "f#gg#ts" scream and jump up and down for attention, but they don't do this any more than, say, the preacher-creatures, who are always jumping up and down to get attention. The whole whining "Christian conservative" extravaganza does it. Most LGBTs I've known just live their lives. They haven't been bothering anybody. But the right-wing supposedly "religious" make a career out of it

I used to think that religion was all good, but the more I've seen of it, the more I realize that there is a lot of evil in it. Look at the mess that the religion based on the life of Jesus has become. Now it's just an effort to turn people into atheists and get people to vote for a fascist society. The teachings of Jesus have been relegated to nothing.
I can't be bothered with that ridiculous fool any more

Yes, you never refute a thing I ever said about your cult of degenerates, and you could never post a link to any legitimate study or science, either, which tells me you never actually read any of that crap you've ever cited. Surely there is some poor hapless pedo being held in jail you can be spending your time rescuing; we certainly have your number here and you aren't selling anybody on your mental illness as 'compassion'.
The world is changing. Society is changing? Standards of human decency are evolving .
Two perverts packing each other's fudge isn't evolving. .. :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:
No one thinks about anal sex more than so-called heteros talking about gay people.

lol the old tired and infantile 'reverse psychology' stupidity, which is about all you ever produce as a response, fake 'psychobabble from the pages of Teen Beat or some similar source of intellectual giantism.
Hint: you've already read them all, and you just want to waste my time with repetition and playing ' I Touched You Last!!!' rubbish.

I'm sure I have, but they all are variations of "God says it's bad" and "I think it's icky". Neither is a rational reason to worry about what other people are doing.

Oh please do cite me using anything remotely religious re faggots and homo pedophiles. And I see you can't refute the fact you faggots are the major promoters of 'talking about your fetishes', but like you they then whine when they don't control the dialogue and language. You're commies and deviants, but you know both of those suck and can't really call yourselves that.

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