What if the President asked your advice? What would you recommend?

What if the President asked your advice? What would you recommend?

Resign. Quick.[/QUO

Agree--Resign immediately!

A 3 punch combination ending with an upper cut to the jaw of the establishment.
Thanks eagle1462010

I think Cruz can better dismantle out of control govt with
Constitutional tax reforms. Trump is not a Constitutionalist,
but as long as he listens to those who are, we can get
govt back on track. And shift social programs back to
states and people to fund as they believe instead of fighting on a federal level
not designed for such sensitive issues govt cannot regulate on our behalf.

Go Cruz! Go Trump! Sanders and Paul!
If we team up, we can clean up govt by
answering the grievances that all parties
have researched where govt has run amok.
Collectively, that's a lot of dirt, damages and debts
we can agree to charge back to wrongdoers and
credit back to taxpayers who should not be punished
for the crimes and corruption of others. The party leaders
can pull this off, and Trump could be the one to pull them all together
on a central plan that utilizes their best talents and knowledge to clean up govt messes and abuses.
Cruz is a fokking insane ego maniac.

He wants to play Ronnie Reagan in a movie.

Dear yiostheoy whatever ego Cruz and Trump have
let's use that to put them in charge of a winning solution they can take credit for and courage and pride in.

I'm glad you think what I said is funny.
If it's entertaining, to force parties to team up on a solutions,
we could pitch a reality show contest so these leaders
can compete to demonstrate who is more effective.

I'd like to pitch the idea to Trump to challenge party leaders
including Clinton and Sanders, Cruz and the Libertarians
to each build a city state from scratch along the border, so they
create legal jobs to end the war on illegal trafficking of drugs and immigrant workers.

The University of Texas at Brownsville already has an international program
that crosses the border, so build similar campuses in each border state
so enrollees who register in the program can apply for dual citizenship
instead of dividing families of mixed status. Then work out terms of
working and student visas, where applicants earn their amnesty by
working off debts or penalties owed for past violations, provided they
disclose all information to authorities to qualify for the programs.

yiostheoy if you think this real life political reality show
would be funny, to watch candidates scramble to look good
by actually solving the problems they preach about, raise funds
to develop and implement policies they would lead in order to
prove they will deliver on their promises, let's pitch this to Trump.

I'm sure he would enjoy being in charge of hiring firing or
dressing down the people who take on the challenges,
and let viewers vote with their donations which parties
they want to support in creating real life solutions.

What do you think of that idea?

Just add cameras, post online, and let viewers
and voters fund the leaders and programs they
believe deserve their invested dollars or donations,
then subtract these from taxes so the money goes
directly into localized govt decided by the people funding it.
In honor of Obama's birthday today (regardless what country you believe this occurred in), HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my evil twin. Almost. My birthdate is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. (And August 6 is Children's World Peace Day and Worldwide Forgiveness Day, both events I celebrate and promote.)

What's ironic is even though I oppose Obama's abuse and overriding of Constitutional process of Govt, some of his writings on proposed reforms are almost "mirror images" of things I've written. From microlending to a "national security force" where citizens get involved as a team.

Here is my answer posted on Yahoo 'a decado ago' (7/1/2007) when someone else asked the question

"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

They would like to help the poor people leave behind their traditional technology so that they can take advantage of better health care and deal with people coming into there territory. What would you suggest that would be given to these people to hellp them change their way of life for the better.....'

What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Best Answer chosen by Asker [of 7 answers posted]

Best Answer:
1. Build more teaching hospitals that provide scholarships to interns in medical education in exchange for service in public health care. Reduce class sizes in schools to create more jobs for more teachers while providing better education and individual attention to students. Promote peer mediation and means for school communities to vote on or decide their own policies on prayer and religion, sex education, creation/evolution, etc.

2. Create a federal banking program, modeled after the federal reserve, where loans are issued in the form of notes against the debt owed to victims of fraud and civil rights violations. This would allow taxpayers to be paid back for corruption or malfeasance by government or corporate wrongdoing, such as Enron. And the loans could be used to finance rebuilding of impoverished areas to help low-income people to become owners of land, homes and businesses. Microlending is not a handout, but promotes financial education and training, and could eventually replace the current welfare system. Microfinancing to promote property and business ownership would also be a feasible alternative to reparations for slavery; but restitution for all civil rights violations could be provided this way.

3. Expand the Justice Dept. into the Dept. of Peace and Justice. Create and train a peace force of civilian volunteers to work with leaders and citizens in oppressed or at-risk areas to prevent war and violence. Add "mediation and consensus" to the choices along with "trial by judge" and "trial by jury." Add a third house of Congress based on "proportional representation" by party, where all groups have representation, and any one or any group can propose legislation, but bills are written by joint committees and endorsed by consensus. So the point is for opposing groups to work out the issues that divide them and create legislation that fairly represents the whole public, not one side over the other.

4. I would allow and encourage the President and Vice President to come from different parties to balance the ticket. I would recommend using the President's position to focus on external affairs, or foreign policy; and use the Vice President position to focus on internal affairs or domestic policy. As President of the Senate, the Vice President can make sure there is consensus among the 100 Senators on legislation that touches on "church and state" issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty/abortion/euthanasia, school prayer and evolution/creation, immigration and war, etc. in order to prevent any religious imposition by one group over another. For example, in order to remove the unfair bias against women in criminalizing abortion, I would propose legislation that holds men responsible for the consequences of sex, by making it a lesser degree of rape (punishable by mandatory counseling or other restitution) if sex results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted abortion or other injury to the woman.

5. Foreign policy -- Define a civil procedure by which minority states can petition for independence from the parent country WITHOUT bloodshed, war or violence. Since history shows that independence is a natural stage in social development, why not define a process and provide a mentoring or support system by which states can take steps to become self-governing and economically viable, with civil infrastructure and educational and social resources to support a healthy population.

6. Immigration -- Build a series of campus complexes across the Mexican border to create city-states for dual citizens to live legally while accessing educational and work opportunities, health care and other services. U.S. Residents and businesses that have committed violations of immigration laws can either provide voluntary or mandatory restitution in the form of community service hours or investing money or other resources to build "North Mexico" so that no one has to break the law in order to seek a better life. The border state will include a maximum security prison system and correctional facility, so that the armed prison guards will double as border patrol. Inmates will include sex offenders, who need to be segregated from the general population while seeking therapy, and violent conflicts who will lose their citizenship for the duration of their sentence, to create a space for an immigrant applying for citizenship who wants to be a law-abiding productive member of society. So this system would enforce respect for laws as the requirement of citizenship by rewarding civil behavior and punishing violation or abuse of rights and freedoms by loss of citizenship and serving time across the border.

7. For sex offenders who have committed rape or murder, these convicts could serve restitution by working in factories in place of child laborers. So in place of the lives or childhood dreams they destroyed, they can save the lives of young children otherwise sold into slavery or sex trafficking, who can then go to school and get an education to have a better life. So I would propose this system as a joint program between the government, which would provide the military security, and the Catholic church which supports immigrant services, is opposed to the death penalty, and believes in restitution and rehabilitation.

8. Constitutional reform, education, and compliance - I would support legislation that requires corporations and citizens to respect the same Constitutional rights and freedoms required of government, including the Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics for Government Service. Set up a grievance process for Constitutional compliance, modeled after OSHA process, and mediation process that requires consensus to resolve conflicts between parties. Any state or community, local or foreign, where corporations enjoy Constitutional rights and freedoms, the local population would be guaranteed the same. I would also apply the petitioning and mediation process to help embattled regions worldwide to resolve political and religious conflicts. For local areas, such as the Headwaters Redwood Forest in California and Freedmen's Town in Houston, restitution for corporate and government abuses of public resources and civil rights would be invested in preserving these areas as National Parks. All government agencies and institutions would be reviewed for Constitutional compliance or violation, and reformed or removed accordingly and/or replaced with an appropriate private or nonprofit organization funded voluntarily instead of with public taxes.

9. Invest medical research into documenting the existence and treatment of spiritual "viruses" or negative "demonic" energies that cause mental and criminal illness and addictions so proper treatment can be made accessible to prevent victims of these. Addicts or offenders or their families could be required to report crimes in order for convicts to qualify to serve sentences locally if they cooperate with authorities; while those who evade the law or obstruct justice would lose the right to citizenship and be forced to serve time in foreign prisons for the length of the sentence. This would encourage people to come forward to receive treatment for criminal addiction or illness, and provide harsher punishment to those who refuse to seek help to change their behavior.

10. Tax reform -- legislation that allows citizens to choose options to fund that do not violate their religious beliefs, such as those alternatives mentioned above: life in foreign labor or community service as an alternative to capital punishment; service in the peace force as opposed to military and war; options to fund private schools, private prisons, privatized social security that recognizes same sex partnerships and benefits; more effective sex and spiritual education to prevent abandoned children, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions, etc. Instead of punishing tax evasion by imprisonment, restitution or fines could be paid into funding alternative solutions and programs listed above.

emilynghiem 1 decade ago


From your near-evil twin who believes in constitutional limits on govt giving taxpayers free choice in fund reforms we believe in to prevent imposing conflict.

May your visions of microlending to rebuild the economy finally come to fruition when parties agree to work together instead of against each other.


I would tell the current Ass Clown (Trump) to resign immediately.


He has brought a Yuuugge circus with him.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News
A 3 punch combination ending with an upper cut to the jaw of the establishment.
Thanks eagle1462010

I think Cruz can better dismantle out of control govt with
Constitutional tax reforms. Trump is not a Constitutionalist,
but as long as he listens to those who are, we can get
govt back on track. And shift social programs back to
states and people to fund as they believe instead of fighting on a federal level
not designed for such sensitive issues govt cannot regulate on our behalf.

Go Cruz! Go Trump! Sanders and Paul!
If we team up, we can clean up govt by
answering the grievances that all parties
have researched where govt has run amok.
Collectively, that's a lot of dirt, damages and debts
we can agree to charge back to wrongdoers and
credit back to taxpayers who should not be punished
for the crimes and corruption of others. The party leaders
can pull this off, and Trump could be the one to pull them all together
on a central plan that utilizes their best talents and knowledge to clean up govt messes and abuses.
Cruz is a fokking insane ego maniac.

He wants to play Ronnie Reagan in a movie.

Dear yiostheoy whatever ego Cruz and Trump have
let's use that to put them in charge of a winning solution they can take credit for and courage and pride in.

I'm glad you think what I said is funny.
If it's entertaining, to force parties to team up on a solutions,
we could pitch a reality show contest so these leaders
can compete to demonstrate who is more effective.

I'd like to pitch the idea to Trump to challenge party leaders
including Clinton and Sanders, Cruz and the Libertarians
to each build a city state from scratch along the border, so they
create legal jobs to end the war on illegal trafficking of drugs and immigrant workers.

The University of Texas at Brownsville already has an international program
that crosses the border, so build similar campuses in each border state
so enrollees who register in the program can apply for dual citizenship
instead of dividing families of mixed status. Then work out terms of
working and student visas, where applicants earn their amnesty by
working off debts or penalties owed for past violations, provided they
disclose all information to authorities to qualify for the programs.

yiostheoy if you think this real life political reality show
would be funny, to watch candidates scramble to look good
by actually solving the problems they preach about, raise funds
to develop and implement policies they would lead in order to
prove they will deliver on their promises, let's pitch this to Trump.

I'm sure he would enjoy being in charge of hiring firing or
dressing down the people who take on the challenges,
and let viewers vote with their donations which parties
they want to support in creating real life solutions.

What do you think of that idea?

Just add cameras, post online, and let viewers
and voters fund the leaders and programs they
believe deserve their invested dollars or donations,
then subtract these from taxes so the money goes
directly into localized govt decided by the people funding it.
"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Spoken like a real he-man.
But obviously not a Christian.

If you would not like to be crushed or driven out, or hear those you love lamenting in pain,
why would you wish this on anyone else?

I see humor does not come easily to you.

In terms of Christian, that is not your judgment to make, now is it?

John 7:24
"Judge not by appearance, but judge righteous judgment"

Sorry Billy_Kinetta I will delete the A and just say not Christian as in the judgment not being Christian.

since Christian love and judgment of right and wrong is based on loving one another equally as neighbors in Christ, then there is no room for any person taking judgment in their own hands and rejecting or wreaking revenge.

Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice which heals relations and society inclusively of ills by forgiving and correcting wrongs. Sorry this wasn't clear.

We are called to judge righteous judgment, in order to rebuke and correct wrongs to RESTORE neighborly relations, not judge each other as in fear punishment and rejection. We judge right and wrong for the purpose of correction to save our relations and society from going down the wrong path.

Thanks for your correction, is this clarification more clear as to what the Bible means?

I notice that you speak of Jesus, but yet, offer un-Christian like proposals. Does this mean you are duplicitous, or just talking about both sides of your mouth?

Hi Spare_change What is unchristian about anything I said here?

I believe the right solutions will unite people in agreement in Christ or by conscience.
So only the true answers will pass the test of everyone's standards,
and this will prove what is God's true will, by uniting us all regardless what tribe or nation we ascribe to and identify with.

I believe the spirit of Christ Jesus means "Restorative Justice"
"Equal Justice Under Law" and perfect love compassion and charity for all people.

So what is it that you object to as not being in the spirit of restoring peace and justice universally to all people?

Can you be specific about which thing or idea
that offends you as unchristian (or "unconscionable" to translate into secular terms).

Thanks in advance for this opportunity
for correction and clarification. Can you
please point out the error or omission you find fault with?

Thank you Spare_change
this is very important to the process
of establishing agreement on truth, justice and peace
which I believe is the process symbolized in the Bible.
Late Nite comedy would be so boring without Donald Trump as a main topic.

And we though Dubya was outrageous !!!
In honor of Obama's birthday today (regardless what country you believe this occurred in), HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my evil twin. Almost. My birthdate is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. (And August 6 is Children's World Peace Day and Worldwide Forgiveness Day, both events I celebrate and promote.)

What's ironic is even though I oppose Obama's abuse and overriding of Constitutional process of Govt, some of his writings on proposed reforms are almost "mirror images" of things I've written. From microlending to a "national security force" where citizens get involved as a team.

Here is my answer posted on Yahoo 'a decado ago' (7/1/2007) when someone else asked the question

"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

They would like to help the poor people leave behind their traditional technology so that they can take advantage of better health care and deal with people coming into there territory. What would you suggest that would be given to these people to hellp them change their way of life for the better.....'

What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Best Answer chosen by Asker [of 7 answers posted]

Best Answer:
1. Build more teaching hospitals that provide scholarships to interns in medical education in exchange for service in public health care. Reduce class sizes in schools to create more jobs for more teachers while providing better education and individual attention to students. Promote peer mediation and means for school communities to vote on or decide their own policies on prayer and religion, sex education, creation/evolution, etc.

2. Create a federal banking program, modeled after the federal reserve, where loans are issued in the form of notes against the debt owed to victims of fraud and civil rights violations. This would allow taxpayers to be paid back for corruption or malfeasance by government or corporate wrongdoing, such as Enron. And the loans could be used to finance rebuilding of impoverished areas to help low-income people to become owners of land, homes and businesses. Microlending is not a handout, but promotes financial education and training, and could eventually replace the current welfare system. Microfinancing to promote property and business ownership would also be a feasible alternative to reparations for slavery; but restitution for all civil rights violations could be provided this way.

3. Expand the Justice Dept. into the Dept. of Peace and Justice. Create and train a peace force of civilian volunteers to work with leaders and citizens in oppressed or at-risk areas to prevent war and violence. Add "mediation and consensus" to the choices along with "trial by judge" and "trial by jury." Add a third house of Congress based on "proportional representation" by party, where all groups have representation, and any one or any group can propose legislation, but bills are written by joint committees and endorsed by consensus. So the point is for opposing groups to work out the issues that divide them and create legislation that fairly represents the whole public, not one side over the other.

4. I would allow and encourage the President and Vice President to come from different parties to balance the ticket. I would recommend using the President's position to focus on external affairs, or foreign policy; and use the Vice President position to focus on internal affairs or domestic policy. As President of the Senate, the Vice President can make sure there is consensus among the 100 Senators on legislation that touches on "church and state" issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty/abortion/euthanasia, school prayer and evolution/creation, immigration and war, etc. in order to prevent any religious imposition by one group over another. For example, in order to remove the unfair bias against women in criminalizing abortion, I would propose legislation that holds men responsible for the consequences of sex, by making it a lesser degree of rape (punishable by mandatory counseling or other restitution) if sex results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted abortion or other injury to the woman.

5. Foreign policy -- Define a civil procedure by which minority states can petition for independence from the parent country WITHOUT bloodshed, war or violence. Since history shows that independence is a natural stage in social development, why not define a process and provide a mentoring or support system by which states can take steps to become self-governing and economically viable, with civil infrastructure and educational and social resources to support a healthy population.

6. Immigration -- Build a series of campus complexes across the Mexican border to create city-states for dual citizens to live legally while accessing educational and work opportunities, health care and other services. U.S. Residents and businesses that have committed violations of immigration laws can either provide voluntary or mandatory restitution in the form of community service hours or investing money or other resources to build "North Mexico" so that no one has to break the law in order to seek a better life. The border state will include a maximum security prison system and correctional facility, so that the armed prison guards will double as border patrol. Inmates will include sex offenders, who need to be segregated from the general population while seeking therapy, and violent conflicts who will lose their citizenship for the duration of their sentence, to create a space for an immigrant applying for citizenship who wants to be a law-abiding productive member of society. So this system would enforce respect for laws as the requirement of citizenship by rewarding civil behavior and punishing violation or abuse of rights and freedoms by loss of citizenship and serving time across the border.

7. For sex offenders who have committed rape or murder, these convicts could serve restitution by working in factories in place of child laborers. So in place of the lives or childhood dreams they destroyed, they can save the lives of young children otherwise sold into slavery or sex trafficking, who can then go to school and get an education to have a better life. So I would propose this system as a joint program between the government, which would provide the military security, and the Catholic church which supports immigrant services, is opposed to the death penalty, and believes in restitution and rehabilitation.

8. Constitutional reform, education, and compliance - I would support legislation that requires corporations and citizens to respect the same Constitutional rights and freedoms required of government, including the Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics for Government Service. Set up a grievance process for Constitutional compliance, modeled after OSHA process, and mediation process that requires consensus to resolve conflicts between parties. Any state or community, local or foreign, where corporations enjoy Constitutional rights and freedoms, the local population would be guaranteed the same. I would also apply the petitioning and mediation process to help embattled regions worldwide to resolve political and religious conflicts. For local areas, such as the Headwaters Redwood Forest in California and Freedmen's Town in Houston, restitution for corporate and government abuses of public resources and civil rights would be invested in preserving these areas as National Parks. All government agencies and institutions would be reviewed for Constitutional compliance or violation, and reformed or removed accordingly and/or replaced with an appropriate private or nonprofit organization funded voluntarily instead of with public taxes.

9. Invest medical research into documenting the existence and treatment of spiritual "viruses" or negative "demonic" energies that cause mental and criminal illness and addictions so proper treatment can be made accessible to prevent victims of these. Addicts or offenders or their families could be required to report crimes in order for convicts to qualify to serve sentences locally if they cooperate with authorities; while those who evade the law or obstruct justice would lose the right to citizenship and be forced to serve time in foreign prisons for the length of the sentence. This would encourage people to come forward to receive treatment for criminal addiction or illness, and provide harsher punishment to those who refuse to seek help to change their behavior.

10. Tax reform -- legislation that allows citizens to choose options to fund that do not violate their religious beliefs, such as those alternatives mentioned above: life in foreign labor or community service as an alternative to capital punishment; service in the peace force as opposed to military and war; options to fund private schools, private prisons, privatized social security that recognizes same sex partnerships and benefits; more effective sex and spiritual education to prevent abandoned children, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions, etc. Instead of punishing tax evasion by imprisonment, restitution or fines could be paid into funding alternative solutions and programs listed above.

emilynghiem 1 decade ago


From your near-evil twin who believes in constitutional limits on govt giving taxpayers free choice in fund reforms we believe in to prevent imposing conflict.

May your visions of microlending to rebuild the economy finally come to fruition when parties agree to work together instead of against each other.


I would tell the current Ass Clown (Trump) to resign immediately.


He has brought a Yuuugge circus with him.
James Clapper says Watergate scandal "pales" in comparison with Russian claims - CBS News

Dear oreo many far right conservatives might also prefer to ditch
him because they want Pence to be President instead.

I think Trump has a better chance than Pence of uniting people
of all parties around common business solutions that solve
problems beyond what govt can fix with simple yes no votes.

But if it takes booting Trump out of office before he can
promote a national campaign to invest in solutions, I'd
say the same of Obama I think is better off campaigning
for grassroots change OUTSIDE office rather than
restricted to Constitutional duties. We'll see if Trump
can lead that change through the media while holding office.

I think he has a better chance through the media and working
with party leaders outside the system, creating plans first,
then making changes to tax policies that will allow citizens
and their parties to direct taxes to fund what they believe in
as the best solutions. Since parties don't always agree on beliefs
they refuse to compromise, that's why I recommend separating taxes
when it comes to political beliefs, and let each party fund their own.

We'll see if Cruz and other Constitutionalists and Libertarians can
unite on tax reform, and if Trump needs to be inside or outside office
to get those changes approved.
Late Nite comedy would be so boring without Donald Trump as a main topic.

And we though Dubya was outrageous !!!

No yiostheoy Trump would NOT be the main topic
but the circus of getting Clinton, Sanders, Libertarians,
Greens, and Constitutionalists/Conservatives/Christians
working on border plans to develop sustainable sites and solutions
to prove their leadership and policies work in order to solicit votes and funding support.

Trump would be about as entertaining as watching Simon
dissing on contestants who are putting all their heart and soul on the line.

The Talent on those shows is amazing and the only reason I
would watch those clips. It would be to promote aspiring leaders
and officials by letting them prove their effectiveness if they are
expecting to get support or get hired by the public. Prove it first.

Spoken like a real he-man.
But obviously not a Christian.

If you would not like to be crushed or driven out, or hear those you love lamenting in pain,
why would you wish this on anyone else?

I see humor does not come easily to you.

In terms of Christian, that is not your judgment to make, now is it?

John 7:24
"Judge not by appearance, but judge righteous judgment"

Sorry Billy_Kinetta I will delete the A and just say not Christian as in the judgment not being Christian.

since Christian love and judgment of right and wrong is based on loving one another equally as neighbors in Christ, then there is no room for any person taking judgment in their own hands and rejecting or wreaking revenge.

Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice which heals relations and society inclusively of ills by forgiving and correcting wrongs. Sorry this wasn't clear.

We are called to judge righteous judgment, in order to rebuke and correct wrongs to RESTORE neighborly relations, not judge each other as in fear punishment and rejection. We judge right and wrong for the purpose of correction to save our relations and society from going down the wrong path.

Thanks for your correction, is this clarification more clear as to what the Bible means?

I notice that you speak of Jesus, but yet, offer un-Christian like proposals. Does this mean you are duplicitous, or just talking about both sides of your mouth?

Hi Spare_change What is unchristian about anything I said here?

I believe the right solutions will unite people in agreement in Christ or by conscience.
So only the true answers will pass the test of everyone's standards,
and this will prove what is God's true will, by uniting us all regardless what tribe or nation we ascribe to and identify with.

I believe the spirit of Christ Jesus means "Restorative Justice"
"Equal Justice Under Law" and perfect love compassion and charity for all people.
So what is it that you object to as not being in the spirit of restoring peace and justice universally to all people?

Can you be specific about which thing or idea
that offends you as unchristian (or "unconscionable" to translate into secular terms).

Thanks in advance for this opportunity
for correction and clarification. Can you
please point out the error or omission you find fault with?

Thank you Spare_change
this is very important to the process
of establishing agreement on truth, justice and peace
which I believe is the process symbolized in the Bible.

You speak one language, but act in another.

You speak of "restorative justice:" on one hand - and bemoan the biblical justice of Christians. You say that you "believe" these things, but yet, your proposals give the lie to them. You can't be interested in "Equal justice under the law" and propose stripping people of their individual rights by expanding government control over every facet of their lives. You don't serve God - you deny Him. You claim to believe in an all-powerful God, but you clearly demonstrate a commitment to an all-powerful government.

Frankly, your so-called soliloquy is simply a lot of fluff and motion - missing facts and devoid of reality. You claim to be Christian, but yet you propose programs and policies that will enslave the people to the all-powerful government. You seek not to enrich the individual, but rather, to beggar him by robbing him of his most precious right - the right of self determination. Your political proposals strike at the very heart of those rights "endowed by our creator". You seek to diminish God, but yet, you falsely claim to be a follower of God.

If you wish, I will be more than pleased to go back to your earlier posts and discuss the heresy incumbent in your proposals - though, I seriously believe it would be an exercise in futility, because you have deluded yourself and would be unwilling to face any legitimate criticism.
Spoken like a real he-man.
But obviously not a Christian.

If you would not like to be crushed or driven out, or hear those you love lamenting in pain,
why would you wish this on anyone else?

I see humor does not come easily to you.

In terms of Christian, that is not your judgment to make, now is it?

John 7:24
"Judge not by appearance, but judge righteous judgment"

Sorry Billy_Kinetta I will delete the A and just say not Christian as in the judgment not being Christian.

since Christian love and judgment of right and wrong is based on loving one another equally as neighbors in Christ, then there is no room for any person taking judgment in their own hands and rejecting or wreaking revenge.

Christ Jesus means Restorative Justice which heals relations and society inclusively of ills by forgiving and correcting wrongs. Sorry this wasn't clear.

We are called to judge righteous judgment, in order to rebuke and correct wrongs to RESTORE neighborly relations, not judge each other as in fear punishment and rejection. We judge right and wrong for the purpose of correction to save our relations and society from going down the wrong path.

Thanks for your correction, is this clarification more clear as to what the Bible means?
I notice that you speak of Jesus, but yet, offer un-Christian like proposals. Does this mean you are duplicitous, or just talking about both sides of your mouth?

Hi Spare_change What is unchristian about anything I said here?

I believe the right solutions will unite people in agreement in Christ or by conscience.
So only the true answers will pass the test of everyone's standards,
and this will prove what is God's true will, by uniting us all regardless what tribe or nation we ascribe to and identify with.

I believe the spirit of Christ Jesus means "Restorative Justice"
"Equal Justice Under Law" and perfect love compassion and charity for all people.
So what is it that you object to as not being in the spirit of restoring peace and justice universally to all people?

Can you be specific about which thing or idea
that offends you as unchristian (or "unconscionable" to translate into secular terms).

Thanks in advance for this opportunity
for correction and clarification. Can you
please point out the error or omission you find fault with?

Thank you Spare_change
this is very important to the process
of establishing agreement on truth, justice and peace
which I believe is the process symbolized in the Bible.
You speak one language, but act in another.

You speak of "restorative justice:" on one hand - and bemoan the biblical justice of Christians. You say that you "believe" these things, but yet, your proposals give the lie to them. You can't be interested in "Equal justice under the law" and propose stripping people of their individual rights by expanding government control over every facet of their lives. You don't serve God - you deny Him. You claim to believe in an all-powerful God, but you clearly demonstrate a commitment to an all-powerful government.

Frankly, your so-called soliloquy is simply a lot of fluff and motion - missing facts and devoid of reality. You claim to be Christian, but yet you propose programs and policies that will enslave the people to the all-powerful government. You seek not to enrich the individual, but rather, to beggar him by robbing him of his most precious right - the right of self determination. Your political proposals strike at the very heart of those rights "endowed by our creator". You seek to diminish God, but yet, you falsely claim to be a follower of God.

If you wish, I will be more than pleased to go back to your earlier posts and discuss the heresy incumbent in your proposals - though, I seriously believe it would be an exercise in futility, because you have deluded yourself and would be unwilling to face any legitimate criticism.

Hi Spare_change Thanks for specifying where miscommunication has occurred here online.
No, I do not believe in "expanding govt control over every face of our lives."
Where did you get that from?

No, I do not believe in enslaving ppl to govt but have been fighting against
fellow Democrats and liberals for pushing this very thing.

I live in Freedmen's Town a national historic "freed slave" settlement where
the founders were MORE LIBERATED and financially independent before they became citizens
and were better off building their own bricks, roads, houses and churches without govt help.
All that was lost and destroyed under liberal Democratic type agenda of pushing social programming and dependence on govt ONTO people and taxpayers AGAINST their will and beliefs.

There are court records showing that 8 black families who used to own their own land fought up to the Supreme Court AGAINST eminent domain abused to take away their property, force it under govt, to build public housing that the govt "claimed" was supposed to help vets and military families during the Depression and subsequent recovery following WWII. Of course, the complex was never used for that.
Instead it was used to build an "all white" complex in the middle of a historic black district in order to "gentrify" the area and take over. APV (Allen Parkway Village) was later recognized and registered as both a military WWII historic site and a Civil Rights Landmark since a legal battle was fought and won to desegregate the complex after the Civil Rights Act was passed on the 1960's.

So given the history of the area where I live, and the past 20 years, that I have funded
and fought alongside church, nonprofit and business leaders and volunteers in this
national historic district (where both the housing complex at APV and the surrounding
Freedmen's Town district are BOTH nationally landmarked registered landmarks, sadly destroyed at taxpayer expense because federal preservation laws have never been enforced due to DEMOCRATIC PARTY POLITICS)
as a faith-based community still struggling to this day to save our history from abuse and destruction under DEMOCRATS.

Given the proof I have seen AND HAD TO PAY FOR BY BAILING OUT SEVERAL NONPROFITS AT A COST OF OVER 60,000 of my own money, credit card loans and labor, what makes you think I support this type of "genocidal" enslavement of people by govt abuses?

I have even offered or threatened to go on HUNGER STRIKE to oppose and expose this scam.
And only because the church women and other volunteers objected,
and had more faith there was a better way, did I ever consent to watch MORE destruction
go on abusing taxpayer's money while waiting for a "better time" to make a national statement
to stop the governmental GENOCIDE of an entire historic church community
did I back off and not go on hunger strike. Not yet.

I finally did work out an agreement with a political activist and advisor how to
form a strategy to THREATEN to go on a strike, and set up a game plan of
demands that could be made that CAN be successful so I never have to follow through on the threat and offer, but just use the commitment as publicity to push for solutions instead. That is the proper use of "civil disobedience" which in this case I would call "civil obedience" and obeying the laws while protesting violations of them by govt. So as part two of the fight for Civil Rights, by civil disobedience violating laws to protest bad govt policy, this is taking the opposite approach to expose Civil Wrongs by enforcing civil obedience, and thus turning the tables on govt who are the wrongdoers, not the protestors who are defending what is right and following laws. We are not the violators but are outting the govt officials who wasted tax dollars committing abuses.

So Spare_change just to let you know, I OPPOSE political enslavement by
govt intrusion and abuse SO MUCH that I not only paid my own money, working
two jobs to cover the credit card costs in excess of 60,000 I couldn't afford,
in order to support nonprofit volunteers doing the work to repair and restore
communities DAMAGED if not destroyed and taken over by government/political and legal/judicial abuse,

To make sure the demands go through, I offered to work with a lifelong activist who has
advised both govt/law enforcement and activist movements how to set up and execute strikes
where nobody gets harmed or killed, but it is agreed upon with authorities the point is to publicize
the wrongful abuses being challenged, and to put public attention on the process of correcting the
points that parties on both sides have agreed will be addressed and resolved as the point of the strike.

So I was going to offer my fellow Democrats (and Republicans) three options, where 2 of the 3
need to be agreed on in order to call off the strike. And work in advance with party leaders from
both major parties to set up a timeline where these things CAN be addressed, so when we set
the deadlines we are sure to make them so we meet the terms and I don't have to go on strike.
But just announce it, in order to publicize how seriously I take these solutions:

(1) a demand to both major parties and governors of states divided over the health care expansions
to agree to SEPARATE taxes as a choice on tax forms. So taxpayers can choose whether to fund
(a) original ACA plan as passed under the Obama administration with mandates and exchanges
and only those choosing this plan are under it, including those administrating and voting on it in Congress,
where the Democrats led by Obama Pelosi and others supporting this plan agree to take on reform of
prisons and mental health to pay and provide for universal care by converting existing facilities and resources
without charging taxpayers more money than we are already paying;
(b) revised plan under Cruz, Trump, Paul or other Republicans with an emphasis on free market choice
but still reserving some choices left to people and states (where people choosing this plan are AGAIN
responsible for paying for and revising it); and Republicans agree to focus on VA reform and improve
and expand this system to provide services for the greater population as the corruption and waste
of taxpayer money on contested military contracts (including APV if you want to start there!) is
assessed and paid or credited back to taxpayers to fund universal care using private free market
business and nonprofit models instead of going through federal govt
(c) neither a or b but no involvement of govt at all, going back to the system before health care was passed,
and totally working out plans independently
to cover health care costs of people choosing this option who are responsible for the terms
where they don't impose on others choosing a or b
(d) people choosing to fund and govern their health care through their states, let
those reps vote and choose for them which combination of the above will work
(e) people choosing to fund and manage their health care through their parties forming LLC
on either state or national levels, and electing their reps to vote and choose for them
which combination of the above will work

and these groups while working out terms can borrow, lend, invest or donate back and forth
between them to build sustainable plans even if some have more capital or support than others;

(2a) a demand to fix the marriage issue by ordering states to write NEUTRALLY WRITTEN policies
passed by consensus of currently opposing parties, or else remove marriage from govt
if states cannot agree how to write the laws. Again, states may opt to solve this problem by
allowing separation of benefits by party, and each party writing their own terms of marriage
for their members to claim benefits; or may opt to NEUTRALIZE state language to only
civil unions, partnerships, legal/financial authority over custody estates guardianship etc
and totally remove any reference to social relations if the citizens cannot agree how to word
this. Similar to asking to remove the words GOD or JESUS from public schools if not all
people agree what that means, and cannot come up with secular neutral terms or approach to replace that,
then just agree to remove it altogether.

(2b) a demand to fix the transgender bathroom policies similarly by agreeing to NEUTRAL units
if people of a city, state or other governing district cannot agree on a uniform policy and how to word it or enforce it.

IN general I would say that option 2 would involve either
(a) recognizing political beliefs and secular beliefs that are equally "faith based" and treating
these the same as religious beliefs and creeds, neither discriminating nor establishing or prohibiting
people from exercising and expressing their beliefs, whether it's beliefs for or against Christianity or LGBT policies,
Christian prayer or gay marriage, right to life or right to health care, right to vote or right to bear arms, etc etc.
So I would recommend either an agreement or an amendment recognizing political
beliefs as equally protected under law pursuant to limits in the First and Fourteenth
Amendments and Civil Rights laws against discrimination by creed.
(b) agreements to offer WAIVERS and DISCLAIMERS for arbitration/mediation
where businesses such as in wedding services can offer or require clients to sign
in advance mutual terms agreeing to resolve "any dispute" by mediation/consensus
or else agree not to conduct business together, in order to avoid legal costs and actions.
This would not discriminate against one side's beliefs or the others in any case of dispute,
but parties would agree to resolve issues by conflict resolution and consensus to reduce and prevent
risk of lawsuits and legal actions. It is similar to signing on to websites where users are required
to agree in advance to arbitration; but I would add the option of mediation chosen by the client
before resorting to arbitration chosen by the business. And recommend that conflict resolution
training and services be added to public and private schools to provide this support to cut costs of lawsuits and legal abuse
over disputes that are cheaper to resolve by mediation.

(3) demand to either Democrats or Republicans to recognize the genocidal destruction of
Freedmen's Town as a glaring historic example of the difference between local ownership
of land and management vs. government dictatorship and abuse to control resources and people to
force them back into slavery who were once better off free from govt assistance as noncitizens building their own settlement.
And to agree either the Democrats join me in paying back restitution for the Civil Wrongs committed
since legal documentation was started where the sources and parties causing the abuse can be identified specifically,
or allow Republicans to join Gladys House in buying out the district as a business LLC or native tribal settlement,
if the Democrats refuse to acknowledge any wrongdoing or offer to pay back taxpayers any of the millions dollars
abused to destroy two national landmarks because the laws were subverted either by negligence or deliberate abuse.

I believe the Obama supporters will rally to push the Democrats to fund the Campus Plans
for restitution and restoration, www.campusplan.org and would also challenge Republicans to replicate these
Campus Plans to create solutions to health care, immigration and prison costs by
creating similar Campus Communities along the border for sustainable development, jobs, education and services.

Spare-change I don't know WHERE you got the idea I support govt controls
when I detest and have suffered ***for 20 years*** under corruption and abuse of govt to enslave me and fellow volunteers
working for free to fix problems caused by Democrats giving millions of our faxdollars to competing corporate interests to DESTROY
the very community and plans we fought by ourselves to save from this ongoing onslaught that is a form of genocide.

We have nearly been wiped out both economically and by eviction of community members to take over,
and seizure of land and property abusing govt resources authority and abuse of laws when this was contested as unlawful.

Our petitions went unheard while govt officials colluded with private developer interests to subvert and censor
our "inalienable" right to "assemble and petition" as a community to defend our rights and interests
and to petition to redress grievances that have never been heard publicly, much less taken seriously, much less defended or corrected.

So those are the 3 basic demands and I will ask Obama Pelosi and other Democrats
to agree to address at least 2 of the 3 in order not to go on hunger strike by a given
deadline we all agree can be met for at least 2/3 of these points. I will give one strike
because people are human and cannot take on this much change at once.

If I even get 1 agreement out of this, I will allow extension of the deadlines to try to get
a second point. And if 2/3 get some action going, I will assume the 3rd will either follow
or won't matter if we get the other 2.

Special Thanks to Ray Hill, and other liberal Democrats Greens progressives and KPFT leaders and activists who have been consulting with me on how to spell out these plans and points where tangible steps can be targeted and accomplished.

I would like to set up the campus plans to help the Vets, military, police and Constitutionalists who have inspired me to forgive any personal sacrifice I was compelled to make to defend Constitutional principles as a tribute to the greater sacrifices they have made; and in honor of the leaders in Freedmen's Town who taught me what it means to have humble Christian faith and to wait for the right time and place to petition so that this is done by agreement and thus consolidates the will of the
people and the direction of govt without imposing but by free will and consent of the governed.

NOTE (4) if people aren't ready to address these issues as stated, I also propose to set up the Astrodome in Houston Texas as a people's Congress where parliamentary type coalition meetings and conferences can be held recognizing representation by party. And create jobs for inmates and immigrants who need legal jobs renovating this third National Historic landmark and setting up the enrollment/exchanges need to register people who want to work off debts and damages owed to taxpayers for violations. see Proposed Amendments 28 and 29 on Equality and Right to Health Care
I also have a similar amendment on Consent of the Governed and right to mediation,
so I would recommend a Constitutional Conference to address how to resolve conflicts involving religious and political beliefs by bringing together reps from all parties to write out position papers on where people agree or disagree, and submit those recommendations to Congress/legislators/leaders before they try to pass any laws or orders.

Is this where you thought I believe in govt expansion to control people?
No, I mean to reform the current prison and immigration system that already deprives people of liberty due to convictions of violations.

So given that our system is already enslaving people without ability to work,
I am offering a way to change that by having parties take on responsibility for creating programs and jobs for people to implement reforms.

The people who CHOSE to be under Democrats like Obama who want to form their own exchanges are free to be sponsored and paid for under that. Just like people choose to be under the Catholic pope and the church's programs and principles.

People who prefer to govern themselves under Libertarian Conservative Christian Constitutional or Veteran/Military policy can set up their jobs and programs/benefits
under parties/LLC they form with their own likeminded members. So they would likely NOT want to be under govt as the liberals who WANT to use govt as their central collective authority.

People would have a choice unlike the "involuntary servitude" we have now.
See also the DOJ definition of "economic abuse" and depriving people of income:
Domestic Violence | OVW | Department of Justice

Economic Abuse: Is defined as making or attempting to make an individual financially dependent by maintaining total control over financial resources, withholding one's access to money, or forbidding one's attendance at school or employment.

No, Spare_change I have seen this type of economic abuse perpetrated on people by politicians abusing corporate and public resources, I do not support it at all, but the opposite and have been campaigning against it in keeping with my oath and political beliefs in upholding Constitutional principles and ethics I have witnessed violated by Democrats in office. see also www.ethics-commission.net


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A 3 punch combination ending with an upper cut to the jaw of the establishment.
Thanks eagle1462010

I think Cruz can better dismantle out of control govt with
Constitutional tax reforms. Trump is not a Constitutionalist,
but as long as he listens to those who are, we can get
govt back on track. And shift social programs back to
states and people to fund as they believe instead of fighting on a federal level
not designed for such sensitive issues govt cannot regulate on our behalf.

Go Cruz! Go Trump! Sanders and Paul!
If we team up, we can clean up govt by
answering the grievances that all parties
have researched where govt has run amok.
Collectively, that's a lot of dirt, damages and debts
we can agree to charge back to wrongdoers and
credit back to taxpayers who should not be punished
for the crimes and corruption of others. The party leaders
can pull this off, and Trump could be the one to pull them all together
on a central plan that utilizes their best talents and knowledge to clean up govt messes and abuses.
Cruz is a fokking insane ego maniac.

He wants to play Ronnie Reagan in a movie.

Dear yiostheoy whatever ego Cruz and Trump have
let's use that to put them in charge of a winning solution they can take credit for and courage and pride in.

I'm glad you think what I said is funny.
If it's entertaining, to force parties to team up on a solutions,
we could pitch a reality show contest so these leaders
can compete to demonstrate who is more effective.

I'd like to pitch the idea to Trump to challenge party leaders
including Clinton and Sanders, Cruz and the Libertarians
to each build a city state from scratch along the border, so they
create legal jobs to end the war on illegal trafficking of drugs and immigrant workers.

The University of Texas at Brownsville already has an international program
that crosses the border, so build similar campuses in each border state
so enrollees who register in the program can apply for dual citizenship
instead of dividing families of mixed status. Then work out terms of
working and student visas, where applicants earn their amnesty by
working off debts or penalties owed for past violations, provided they
disclose all information to authorities to qualify for the programs.

yiostheoy if you think this real life political reality show
would be funny, to watch candidates scramble to look good
by actually solving the problems they preach about, raise funds
to develop and implement policies they would lead in order to
prove they will deliver on their promises, let's pitch this to Trump.

I'm sure he would enjoy being in charge of hiring firing or
dressing down the people who take on the challenges,
and let viewers vote with their donations which parties
they want to support in creating real life solutions.

What do you think of that idea?

Just add cameras, post online, and let viewers
and voters fund the leaders and programs they
believe deserve their invested dollars or donations,
then subtract these from taxes so the money goes
directly into localized govt decided by the people funding it.
RE: Why
Dear Spare_change see Code of Ethics on
seeking to employ the most "economical means" of accomplishing tasks.

Instead of wasting media resource fighting and blaming other parties for problems
we can use the same time and talents to promote solutions
and shine the spotlight on leaders who can actually make them happen.

Thus voters and taxpayers can start directing more funds to create
jobs in nonprofits, businesses, schools, or even their own parties
to finance solutions directly and fund these govt reforms based on
restitution for debts and damages TAXPAYERS ALREADY PAID FOR
instead of charging us more money to fix the messes made under bad govt.

This would save resources we waste in triplicate:
a. first donating to campaigns to run for office
b. then paying govt officials who do get into positions
c. then paying to lobby and campaign for legislation or reforms even after they get into office
d. while all the time, people like me and the nonprofit volunteers I have supported while they
work for free PAY with our own time and money to support SOLUTIONS that aren't covered
by paying for A B or C.

So it saves time and tax dollars to invest our income directly into D
and use THOSE solutions to campaign for leaders or legislative changes

It's the best ethical and economic/cost effective approach I can assimilate
given the solutions put forth by all the parties I've studied contributing to collaborative innovations
that can change our economy and govt and quit the abuse and waste going on currently.

That's why!

Thank you for asking Spare_change
and I hope you get some insights from the answers
I have collected from all the diverse parties
I believe are equally part of the solution
In honor of Obama's birthday today (regardless what country you believe this occurred in), HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my evil twin. Almost. My birthdate is August 5, 1966, while Obama's is August 4, 1961. (And August 6 is Children's World Peace Day and Worldwide Forgiveness Day, both events I celebrate and promote.)

What's ironic is even though I oppose Obama's abuse and overriding of Constitutional process of Govt, some of his writings on proposed reforms are almost "mirror images" of things I've written. From microlending to a "national security force" where citizens get involved as a team.

Here is my answer posted on Yahoo 'a decado ago' (7/1/2007) when someone else asked the question

"What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

They would like to help the poor people leave behind their traditional technology so that they can take advantage of better health care and deal with people coming into there territory. What would you suggest that would be given to these people to hellp them change their way of life for the better.....'

What if the president of your country asked you for your advice?

Best Answer chosen by Asker [of 7 answers posted]

Best Answer:
1. Build more teaching hospitals that provide scholarships to interns in medical education in exchange for service in public health care. Reduce class sizes in schools to create more jobs for more teachers while providing better education and individual attention to students. Promote peer mediation and means for school communities to vote on or decide their own policies on prayer and religion, sex education, creation/evolution, etc.

2. Create a federal banking program, modeled after the federal reserve, where loans are issued in the form of notes against the debt owed to victims of fraud and civil rights violations. This would allow taxpayers to be paid back for corruption or malfeasance by government or corporate wrongdoing, such as Enron. And the loans could be used to finance rebuilding of impoverished areas to help low-income people to become owners of land, homes and businesses. Microlending is not a handout, but promotes financial education and training, and could eventually replace the current welfare system. Microfinancing to promote property and business ownership would also be a feasible alternative to reparations for slavery; but restitution for all civil rights violations could be provided this way.

3. Expand the Justice Dept. into the Dept. of Peace and Justice. Create and train a peace force of civilian volunteers to work with leaders and citizens in oppressed or at-risk areas to prevent war and violence. Add "mediation and consensus" to the choices along with "trial by judge" and "trial by jury." Add a third house of Congress based on "proportional representation" by party, where all groups have representation, and any one or any group can propose legislation, but bills are written by joint committees and endorsed by consensus. So the point is for opposing groups to work out the issues that divide them and create legislation that fairly represents the whole public, not one side over the other.

4. I would allow and encourage the President and Vice President to come from different parties to balance the ticket. I would recommend using the President's position to focus on external affairs, or foreign policy; and use the Vice President position to focus on internal affairs or domestic policy. As President of the Senate, the Vice President can make sure there is consensus among the 100 Senators on legislation that touches on "church and state" issues such as gay marriage, the death penalty/abortion/euthanasia, school prayer and evolution/creation, immigration and war, etc. in order to prevent any religious imposition by one group over another. For example, in order to remove the unfair bias against women in criminalizing abortion, I would propose legislation that holds men responsible for the consequences of sex, by making it a lesser degree of rape (punishable by mandatory counseling or other restitution) if sex results in an unwanted child, unwanted pregnancy or unwanted abortion or other injury to the woman.

5. Foreign policy -- Define a civil procedure by which minority states can petition for independence from the parent country WITHOUT bloodshed, war or violence. Since history shows that independence is a natural stage in social development, why not define a process and provide a mentoring or support system by which states can take steps to become self-governing and economically viable, with civil infrastructure and educational and social resources to support a healthy population.

6. Immigration -- Build a series of campus complexes across the Mexican border to create city-states for dual citizens to live legally while accessing educational and work opportunities, health care and other services. U.S. Residents and businesses that have committed violations of immigration laws can either provide voluntary or mandatory restitution in the form of community service hours or investing money or other resources to build "North Mexico" so that no one has to break the law in order to seek a better life. The border state will include a maximum security prison system and correctional facility, so that the armed prison guards will double as border patrol. Inmates will include sex offenders, who need to be segregated from the general population while seeking therapy, and violent conflicts who will lose their citizenship for the duration of their sentence, to create a space for an immigrant applying for citizenship who wants to be a law-abiding productive member of society. So this system would enforce respect for laws as the requirement of citizenship by rewarding civil behavior and punishing violation or abuse of rights and freedoms by loss of citizenship and serving time across the border.

7. For sex offenders who have committed rape or murder, these convicts could serve restitution by working in factories in place of child laborers. So in place of the lives or childhood dreams they destroyed, they can save the lives of young children otherwise sold into slavery or sex trafficking, who can then go to school and get an education to have a better life. So I would propose this system as a joint program between the government, which would provide the military security, and the Catholic church which supports immigrant services, is opposed to the death penalty, and believes in restitution and rehabilitation.

8. Constitutional reform, education, and compliance - I would support legislation that requires corporations and citizens to respect the same Constitutional rights and freedoms required of government, including the Bill of Rights and the Code of Ethics for Government Service. Set up a grievance process for Constitutional compliance, modeled after OSHA process, and mediation process that requires consensus to resolve conflicts between parties. Any state or community, local or foreign, where corporations enjoy Constitutional rights and freedoms, the local population would be guaranteed the same. I would also apply the petitioning and mediation process to help embattled regions worldwide to resolve political and religious conflicts. For local areas, such as the Headwaters Redwood Forest in California and Freedmen's Town in Houston, restitution for corporate and government abuses of public resources and civil rights would be invested in preserving these areas as National Parks. All government agencies and institutions would be reviewed for Constitutional compliance or violation, and reformed or removed accordingly and/or replaced with an appropriate private or nonprofit organization funded voluntarily instead of with public taxes.

9. Invest medical research into documenting the existence and treatment of spiritual "viruses" or negative "demonic" energies that cause mental and criminal illness and addictions so proper treatment can be made accessible to prevent victims of these. Addicts or offenders or their families could be required to report crimes in order for convicts to qualify to serve sentences locally if they cooperate with authorities; while those who evade the law or obstruct justice would lose the right to citizenship and be forced to serve time in foreign prisons for the length of the sentence. This would encourage people to come forward to receive treatment for criminal addiction or illness, and provide harsher punishment to those who refuse to seek help to change their behavior.

10. Tax reform -- legislation that allows citizens to choose options to fund that do not violate their religious beliefs, such as those alternatives mentioned above: life in foreign labor or community service as an alternative to capital punishment; service in the peace force as opposed to military and war; options to fund private schools, private prisons, privatized social security that recognizes same sex partnerships and benefits; more effective sex and spiritual education to prevent abandoned children, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions, etc. Instead of punishing tax evasion by imprisonment, restitution or fines could be paid into funding alternative solutions and programs listed above.

emilynghiem 1 decade ago


From your near-evil twin who believes in constitutional limits on govt giving taxpayers free choice in fund reforms we believe in to prevent imposing conflict.

May your visions of microlending to rebuild the economy finally come to fruition when parties agree to work together instead of against each other.


Funny how every proposal drives up cost, enslaves the citizenry to the government, and erodes individual freedoms.

You couldn't have done better if you were Karl Marx.

^ Dear Spare_change
1. only for people who CHOOSE to keep funding this mess with their own dollars.
that's the best way to stop it is to charge the costs back to the people who vote to support it.
Let them pay and maybe they'll figure out they can't afford it.

2. I guess I didn't emphasize or explain enough how all the cost of the
labor to reform these systems will be charged AGAINST debts already
owed to taxpayers for violations of govt and unauthorized spending of tax dollars ALREADY SPENT.

We are just collecting back credits on what is already on the books as debts.

Whatever the total cost to implement sustainable solutions will be assessed as the VALUE Of the project or program.
So notes are issued representing the VALUE of that program and anyone working on it is paid using that currency.
The property and programs are owned and held as collateral by investors donors or workers claiming shares.
So the value is based on owning and maintaining that system by those who choose to support it.
It is completely voluntary, such as if an owner chooses to invest in a house worth 5 million or a car
worth 500,000. That is the "arbitrary" market value of that car and only people who recognize the value
will pay to preserve it as is. So if the car is worth 500,000 to them, paying 10,000 to keep it worth 500,000 is worth it.

But you don't force other people to pay that cost, just the ones who want to own and preserve it.
And they pay each other the costs to maintain it on a sustainable basis.
Totally voluntarily.

And you do the same with restoration of either historic or environmental sites,
banking against the value of the labor it takes to do the work involved.
And let investors own shares in the total value of that project.

And same with restoring health care access by reforming prisons, creating jobs for
inmates, and medical professionals in converting these to medical programs and services
that become accessible and affordable to the public with the SAME tax dollars we already have been spending.

And reforming VA and immigration centers by letting actual vets and immigrant workers
invest in ownership of the programs they create by reforming the current system.

see www.ithacahours.com or www.paulglover.org
on issuing currency against labor hours.
To this model from the Greens, I am adding the idea
from the federal reserve of banking against the value
of debts and damages and the cost of restitution. So taxpayers
collect on past abuses and apply those credits toward paid work in
reforms and sustainable solutions that will eventually pay back the
debts and start paying forward.

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