After declaring support for Israel, Joe Biden's approval among DEMOCRATS dropped 11 points in 3 weeks

The DemoKKKrats hate Jews, period.

If this isn't clear proof of that, I don't know what is.

Biden's approval rating among Dems drops 11 points in one month​

President Biden's approval rating among Democrats has plummeted to a record low of 75% — down a staggering 11 percentage points over just the last month, according to a new Gallup poll conducted between Oct. 2 and Oct. 23.

Why it matters: Biden is at risk of alienating members of his own party with his unequivocal support for Israel, which has carried out a weeks-long bombardment and total siege of Gaza in response to Hamas' Oct. 7 terrorist attacks.
The Democrat Party is the anti-Israel Party. The Jews who continue to vote for Democrats after what we’ve seen not only prioritize liberalism above antisemitism, but they naively fall to see the connection between anti-Israelism and anti-semitism. They’re fools, at best.
The Democrat Party is the anti-Israel Party. The Jews who continue to vote for Democrats after what we’ve seen not only prioritize liberalism above antisemitism, but they naively fall to see the connection between anti-Israelism and anti-semitism. They’re fools, at best.
No we aren't. I heard Bibi heaping praise on Biden the other day. Is he a liar?
This country has become very antisemitic and Biden is realizing it.
I don't think Republicans, for example, would have overturned Roe V Wade if they knew the ass raping they'd take for it.
It was a stupid move. Yes.

In reality all they did was give it back to the states but it’s not how the Democrats are spinning it. Cost the GOP dearly. It’s a party run by idiots.
The DemoKKKrats hate Jews, period.

If this isn't clear proof of that, I don't know what is.

Biden's approval rating among Dems drops 11 points in one month​

President Biden's approval rating among Democrats has plummeted to a record low of 75% — down a staggering 11 percentage points over just the last month, according to a new Gallup poll conducted between Oct. 2 and Oct. 23.

Why it matters: Biden is at risk of alienating members of his own party with his unequivocal support for Israel, which has carried out a weeks-long bombardment and total siege of Gaza in response to Hamas' Oct. 7 terrorist attacks.
This is not a piece of cake declaration.Like what one would hear
from Howdy Doody or even Captain Kangaroo.
Nor Mystery Science Theatre with Crow T. Robot and Tom
Servo chiming-in to add harried context.
The number one backer and human instrument that boosted
and made Barack Obama a viable,then demanding unstoppable
2008 Presidential candidate was a Jew.A Big Apple Jew whose
own Mother worked in a Communist vein.While working at
PM { afternoon daily newspaper } as a journalist.Think sympathies likened to
a Lillian Hellman,.
That Jew was David Axelrod,who managed Barack Obama as if
a loving Grandparent.Issuing rules { not debatable } as to
2008 Presidential Candidate Barack Obama.
First rule was declaring things off limits { not tolerated }
First was any mention of Obama's Ears.Then His Middle name.
And most stringently his Religion or Pastor { Reverend Wright }.
Then of course Senate Majority leader Schumer.
Definately no gentile.But Jewish.Who mentored another
Jew { Anthony Weiner }.In some circles was known { social media }
as Carlos Danger.
Weiner was a very outspoken defender of all things concerning
his vaunted Democrats.Like Schumer is and always was.
I doubt this newday period of Woke Anti-Semitism is anything
but more a version of how BLM grew and became fashionable.
Until it became exposed to intense sunlight.
One tip off was the ACLU.Which I made mention of time
and again the last few years.And who the Number One benefactor
to and for the ACLU was.It was George Soros.
Which explained how the ACLU never in his short history
declared or not declared support of a Supreme Court
nominee.The ACLU changed when Brett Kavanaugh was under
nomination.They Vocally OPPOSED his Nomination.
It was a stupid move. Yes.

In reality all they did was give it back to the states but it’s not how the Democrats are spinning it. Cost the GOP dearly. It’s a party run by idiots.
Mike Johnson would pass a bill making abortion a federal crime of murder. Trump wouldn't veto it if he could. And Mitch will go along with whatever his handlers tell him to go along with.

And all of Trump's supreme court justice picks would say it's constitutional.
Mike Johnson would pass a bill making abortion a federal crime of murder. And all of Trump's supreme court justice picks would say it's constitutional.
NY passed laws allowing non citizens to vote in municipal elections. We have dumb people on both sides. From which party was a congresswoman just censured?
NY passed laws allowing non citizens to vote in municipal elections. We have dumb people on both sides. From which party was a congresswoman just censured?
You guys hoped the economy would be the key issue but I don't think anyone truly believes the GOP will make them more money. And even if they would, to take away a woman's right to choose? Man that's fucked up.
You guys hoped the economy would be the key issue but I don't think anyone truly believes the GOP will make them more money. And even if they would, to take away a woman's right to choose? Man that's fucked up.
I have no idea what will happen. Economy used to be the main issue now it’s hurt feelings. The economy is bad even if you don’t feel it. People will do as they please. I have given up on humanity seeing devout Muslim extremists and their liberal allies March against Jews and Israel.

Queers for Palestine is the stupidest slogan of all time
I have no idea what will happen. Economy used to be the main issue now it’s hurt feelings. The economy is bad even if you don’t feel it. People will do as they please. I have given up on humanity seeing devout Muslim extremists and their liberal allies March against Jews and Israel.

Queers for Palestine is the stupidest slogan of all time

If you make at least what I do, $100K, the economy is just find. We are hurting too but we know that Russia is what caused our stocks to tank. And Covid/Trump's tax breaks and spending caused inflation. Not Biden.

Did you know that people who went and looked for a new/better job found them? Even factoring in inflation, they are doing better than they were under Trump. Because the got better jobs and raises.

The Great Resignation, also known as the Big Quit[2][3] and the Great Reshuffle,[4][5] is an ongoing economic trend in which employees have voluntarily resigned from their jobs en masse, beginning in early 2021 in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.[6] Among the most cited reasons for resigning include wage stagnation amid rising cost of living, limited opportunities for career advancement, hostile work environments, lack of benefits, inflexible remote-work policies, and long-lasting job dissatisfaction.[7] Most likely to quit have been workers in hospitality, healthcare, and education.[8][9][10][11]

Some economists have described the Great Resignation as akin to a general strike, especially with regards to retail workers.[12][13][14] However, workforce participation in some regions has returned to or even exceeded the pre-pandemic rate.[15][16][17] This suggests that instead of remaining out of the workforce for extended periods (which can be financially difficult, especially at a time of high inflation), many workers have been simply swapping jobs.[9][8] Some regret quitting their old positions.[18][19]
Mike Johnson would pass a bill making abortion a federal crime of murder. Trump wouldn't veto it if he could. And Mitch will go along with whatever his handlers tell him to go along with.

And all of Trump's supreme court justice picks would say it's constitutional.
That's all a forgone conclusion.Never will see the light of day.
Because Drat Dimocrats saw to it.They don't like Birth.
They are too invested in being as Unamerican bossy as
poss-ee-bow.Like Joe Biden and party aren't the perfect vehicle
for Unamericanism gone amuck.
Of course with such utter contempt for Life and Liberty
it's bound to have consequences.For about what once was
and popular.Like the highly popular TV show :
To Tell the Truth
4 frickin' decades worth.Like all for nought.!
That's all a forgone conclusion.Never will see the light of day.
Because Drat Dimocrats saw to it.They don't like Birth.
They are too invested in being as Unamerican bossy as
poss-ee-bow.Like Joe Biden and party aren't the perfect vehicle
for Unamericanism gone amuck.
Of course with such utter contempt for Life and Liberty
it's bound to have consequences.For about what once was
and popular.Like the highly popular TV show :
To Tell the Truth
4 frickin' decades worth.Like all for nought.!
It will see the light of day if you keep voting for guys like Mike Johnson.
He has to praise him to get more money.

Everyone knows they hate each other.
And if he didn't go along Biden would hold up the money like Trump did to Ukraine? And within a year Trump's buddy Putin would invade? Like that?

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