After declaring support for Israel, Joe Biden's approval among DEMOCRATS dropped 11 points in 3 weeks

Anyone supporting Joe should be checked into a hospital and have their mental health evaluated.
It will see the light of day if you keep voting for guys like Mike Johnson.
Voting has now gone to the level of what to expect at a
Super Bowl Sunday halftime show.
I mean,Bill O'Reily had a chance back when Obama was
Potus { Fox was hosting the Super Bowl } and that means that
the President gets to be interviewed by the Host Network/Cable outlet.
So O'Reilly who was { at the time } top dog at Fox { before all those
Fox chicks decided to sue him for being a Fox female bully }
sat down with Obama.
O'Reilly decided to ask Massa Obama about the current
Investigation that was under way.
Obama blew it off { his nominal approach } as if with the
words " Not a smidgen of corruption! "
O'Reilly dint realize what a huge softball he was handed.
Not until a couple days later.Obama fuched-up.
That Investigation was Still Underway.
O'Reilly was patently a day late and dollar short.
O'Reilly could have made sure Barack Obama ended that
Superbowl Sunday interview with egg on his face.
But he dint.Probably because O'Reilly had such a big head
at Fox he wasn't thinking.He probably had all his questions
and reply's rehearsed to a tee.
And if he didn't go along Biden would hold up the money like Trump did to Ukraine? And within a year Trump's buddy Putin would invade? Like that?
Putin never invaded Ukraine during President Trump. He didn’t go in until your beloved Biden was in office for a year.

Nice try though.
Putin never invaded Ukraine during President Trump. He didn’t go in until your beloved Biden was in office for a year.

Nice try though.
He wouldn't do that to Trump right? LOL.

He would have and Trump wouldn't have helped Ukraine. Because they didn't dig up fake dirt on Hunter. How petty.
He wouldn't do that to Trump right? LOL.

He would have and Trump wouldn't have helped Ukraine. Because they didn't dig up fake dirt on Hunter. How petty.

Yet Putin waited until Biden was in the White House to invade. Just like the time before that. Why?
He wouldn't do that to Trump right? LOL.

He would have and Trump wouldn't have helped Ukraine. Because they didn't dig up fake dirt on Hunter. How petty.
^^ more imagined crimes by unhinged lefty.

Deal with reality.
America was doing just fine until Obama came along and unleashed his hatred for Jews and Whites on this country. Democrats swallowed it, hook line and sinker. So, Biden and the rest of the Democrats are basically following Obama's racist blueprint to transform this country to Marxism. In the end, it really doesn't matter who the Democrat candidate is because they're all anti White and Jew. Aside from some of the elitist tokens they elect, Democrats don't give two shits about Blacks or Hispanics either. MAGA
^^ more imagined crimes by unhinged lefty.

Deal with reality.

Trump was a criminal before he got in the White House and used his power as president to break all kinds of laws, thinking he was above the law. Now he's got 4 criminal cases against him and 2 civil. And it's not looking good. He's already guilty of sexual assault and over inflating the prices of his properties. We know he's guilty in the classified documents case, Georgia. His crew is getting immunity and they are going to tell all. You don't get immunity unless you have something of value to give to the prosecutors. He's toast. Wake up.

Oh, here is evidence that he was a criminal president. Remember this?

In a rare public appearance since he was fired from office, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson called President Donald Trump “undisciplined” and claimed that Trump would often ask him to do things unaware that such actions would violate the law.

“When the President would say, ‘Here’s what I want to do and here’s how I want to do it.’ And I’d have to say to him, ‘Well Mr. President, I understand what you want to do, but you can’t do it that way. It violates the law. It violates treaty,’” Tillerson said Thursday night at a fundraiser in Houston for the MD Anderson Cancer Center, according to video of the event posted by CBS News.

He went on to add, “He got really frustrated … I think he grew tired of me being the guy every day that told him you can’t do that and let’s talk about what we can do.”
Of course Biden will try to play both sides as much as possible. Rashida already called him out anyways. She will never forget she says!!this is not a threat she says!! LOL .. as she inserts the word into the sentence.
Someone please figure these people out.
Democrats has a whole view everyone as a part of a voting block hence the playing all sides.
The DemoKKKrats hate Jews, period.

If this isn't clear proof of that, I don't know what is.

Biden's approval rating among Dems drops 11 points in one month​

President Biden's approval rating among Democrats has plummeted to a record low of 75% — down a staggering 11 percentage points over just the last month, according to a new Gallup poll conducted between Oct. 2 and Oct. 23.

Why it matters: Biden is at risk of alienating members of his own party with his unequivocal support for Israel, which has carried out a weeks-long bombardment and total siege of Gaza in response to Hamas' Oct. 7 terrorist attacks.
Have the Israelis proposed any way forward?

Does Netanyahu have a peace plan?

Israel's Likud government doesn't listen to Biden nor any other US president.


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