After Four Years IRS Finally Confirms There Was No Targeting Of Teaparty Groups


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017

After 40 years, Charles Manson has confirmed that he did not commit the crimes he was accused of committing. Well. That settles it.

After 40 years, Charles Manson has confirmed that he did not commit the crimes he was accused of committing. Well. That settles it.

Well, the actual audit in the IRS case settles it.

Your reply also settles the fact you have any intellectual capacity.

And Manson is still guilty of the crimes he committed.

Consider this settled now.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember Lois Lerner? BOLO? IRS audits of tea party organizations?

Sure you do. Back in 2013 Republicans were on the warpath over this. The IRS had identified dozens, maybe hundreds, of tea party organizations for extreme audits becasue of their political leanings...

After Four Years, IRS Finally Confirms There Was No Targeting of Tea Party Groups – Mother Jones
didn't read the link...who confirmed this? the IRS? be clear I never believed they were targeting right wing/teaparty groups, it's just that if you are offering proof of innocence from information garnered by a group/person that investigated themselves then lets just let trump investigate himself and take his word for it on what ever he claims is the case...certainly you can see the folly in such an undertaking
Great....most 'Liberal Revisionist History'....

IRS admits targeting conservatives for tax scrutiny in 2012 election

"The Internal Revenue Service on Friday apologized for targeting groups with “tea party” or “patriot” in their names, confirming long-standing accusations by some conservatives that their applications for tax-exempt status were being improperly delayed and scrutinized. "

Interesting...the IRS apologized for targeting snowflakes are claiming they never committed?

IRS official Lois Lerner becomes face of scandal over targeting of conservative groups

"Lerner, director of the IRS’s exempt-organizations division,
let slip last week that low-level IRS staffers had focused extra scrutiny on conservative groups with words such as “tea party” or “patriot” in their names. Since then, internal reviews have shown that Lerner knew about the targeting in 2011 — but neither Congress nor the public knew until Friday."

IRS official held in contempt of Congress over Tea Party targeting

Lois Lerner pleads the fifth again, doesn't testify on IRS targeting

I.R.S. Apologizes to Conservative Groups Over Application Audits

“We made some mistakes; some people didn’t use good judgment.” “For that we’re apologetic,” she told reporters on a conference call.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember Lois Lerner? BOLO? IRS audits of tea party organizations?

Sure you do. Back in 2013 Republicans were on the warpath over this. The IRS had identified dozens, maybe hundreds, of tea party organizations for extreme audits becasue of their political leanings...

After Four Years, IRS Finally Confirms There Was No Targeting of Tea Party Groups – Mother Jones

So the IRS lies again, and you believe it?

You're a sucker.
Lois was charged with verifying a certain number of applications for federal benefits. One of the rules for these tax free organization is that they cannot be political (except some bureaucrat changed the law to less than half, but that's the story Congress critter don't want the rubes, er public, to focus on). So she used political sounding names as a criteria in selecting applications for review, when she should have just used some type of random generator. For the NSLP they have set guidelines for the verification process. They never set any for the IRS and these type of groups because until Citizens United there were not a whole lot the needed to be verified.

This information was available early on. But if Faux made you outraged, you might be a rube.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane. Do you remember Lois Lerner? BOLO? IRS audits of tea party organizations?

Sure you do. Back in 2013 Republicans were on the warpath over this. The IRS had identified dozens, maybe hundreds, of tea party organizations for extreme audits becasue of their political leanings...

After Four Years, IRS Finally Confirms There Was No Targeting of Tea Party Groups – Mother Jones
Someone needs to give those Tea Party people some cheese to go with their whine!

This story illustrates why I don't give so much as the time of day to people who posit "conspiracy theory" (or similar) lines of accusation and motivation for why "such and such" is done by, frankly, anyone. I mean really, after all that whining the Tea Partiers did about being targeted and now, under a GOP-led Administration, it comes out that "of...146 cases which received extra review based on words in the organization’s name, a grand total of ten were tea-party groups."


" In total, the IRS audited 111 left-wing groups and 19 right-wing groups based on BOLO criteria."
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for extreme audits
What the hell distinguishes an "extreme audit" from an audit?

In an audit, you send a bunch of bean counters to go over the books.

In an "extreme audit" you send in a bunch of bean counters to go over the books and then you threaten to hang 'em if they give you answers you don't like.
I presume you don't actually have substantive and accurate answer to the question I asked.
So, the IRS did an internal audit on itself, declared itself innocent, and you believe it?

No, I believe an actual audit.

In case you don't know what one of those are, it is a fact checked study in which actual numbers are counted, as was explain ed in the article had you actually taken the time to read it.

And for your future information, the IRS is charged with investigating, and prosecuting fraudulent information intentionally presented on tax forms and applications. They have a sworn duty on behalf of all tax payers to do so. That means "targeting" any application that warrants scrutiny based upon the information contained in it.

Now that an accurate audit has been completed, the IRS should immediately prosecute any groups, including teaparty groups that fraudulently applied for tax exempt status as a charity when they were actually nothing but front groups for political activity.
Someone needs to give those Tea Party people some cheese to go with their whine!

This story illustrates why I don't give so much as the time of day to people who posit "conspiracy theory" (or similar) lines of accusation and motivation for why "such and such" is done by, frankly, anyone. I mean really, after all that whining the Tea Partiers did about being targeted and now, under a GOP-led Administration, it comes out that "of...46 cases which received extra review based on words in the organization’s name, a grand total of ten were tea-party groups."


" In total, the IRS audited 111 left-wing groups and 19 right-wing groups based on BOLO criteria."
'IRS Confirms the IRS Did Not Target'

- Just like Bill Clinton confirmed Bill Clinton did NOT have sex with that woman...

for extreme audits
What the hell distinguishes an "extreme audit" from an audit?

In an audit, you send a bunch of bean counters to go over the books.

In an "extreme audit" you send in a bunch of bean counters to go over the books and then you threaten to hang 'em if they give you answers you don't like.
I presume you don't actually have substantive and accurate answer to the question I asked.
LOL, if you can't discern between reality and hyperbole by now then no I don't have a "substantive and accurate" answer to your question.

"Truthful hyperbole’ is a contradiction in terms. It’s a way of saying, ‘It’s a lie, but who cares" -- Tony Schwartz
The IRS says the IRS didn't target conservative nonprofit groups, (well, they actually did), and Hitlery says she's FINE... REALLY...


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