After Last Night.Your "First Impression" Of Hillary.In Comparison To Recent Poll."Liar"?

:eusa_shifty: :disbelief: :eusa_silenced: :eek: This is a poll that hopefully someone takes. Your impression of Hillary in one word after seeing her last night. Odds are that "Scary and Evil" will be in the top five. Anyone with a strong sixth sense could see right thru her. Evil/Evil intent must of been the impression of millions who saw the forum last night.
Aside from dishonest/liar, the fact that Hillary scared even more people last night could tank her/or keep her at her standard 39% in most polls.
You guys all feel the same way?
:iagree: :desk:
Well, Trump's Chumps set such incredibly low expectations for Hillary. I mean, I expected her to be wheeled out on a stretcher with IVs stuck in both arms. I thought she would be hacking like a chain smoker and stumbling into the furniture. I figured they'd have to stop after five minutes to let her catch her breath. No way did I expect she would make it 20 minutes without needing CPR!

Therefore, based on those expectations, one can only choose "Winner".

Any way you spell it, she's a big fat lying pig.
Looks like Clinton totally Rope-A-Doped all of Trump's Chumps, and Trump, too.
WTF? What a naive tool Trump is ...

Trump, who has struggled on foreign policy questions, was predictably erratic, light on details, and often inaccurate.
Trump said he would not be influenced by Putin's praise of him as "brilliant" (Putin denied a report he used the phrase) on a policy level, but also indicated he would repay it in kind on a personal level.
"If he says great things about me, I'm going to say great things about him," Trump said.

Putin can influence Hillary by simply writing her a check.

Clinton is always for sale.

But the issue of the night was;

{“As a naval flight officer, I held a top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance, and that provided me access to materials and information highly sensitive to our war-fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself, who were and are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president, when you clearly corrupted our national security?”}

And the 2nd biggest issue of the nite was Hillary dis-owning her vote to go to war with Iraq......."It was a mistake.....".
That has turned into her favorite line.......(re: setting up her own server, etc., etc.)
WTF? What a naive tool Trump is ...

Trump, who has struggled on foreign policy questions, was predictably erratic, light on details, and often inaccurate.
Trump said he would not be influenced by Putin's praise of him as "brilliant" (Putin denied a report he used the phrase) on a policy level, but also indicated he would repay it in kind on a personal level.
"If he says great things about me, I'm going to say great things about him," Trump said.

Putin can influence Hillary by simply writing her a check.

Clinton is always for sale.

But the issue of the night was;

{“As a naval flight officer, I held a top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance, and that provided me access to materials and information highly sensitive to our war-fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself, who were and are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president, when you clearly corrupted our national security?”}

And the 2nd biggest issue of the nite was Hillary dis-owning her vote to go to war with Iraq......."It was a mistake.....".
That has turned into her favorite line.......(re: setting up her own server, etc., etc.)
Invading Iraq, setting up her own server, marrying Bill, losing to Obama...

Any way you spell it, she's a big fat lying pig.

Wow, that was really, really clever. I see what you did there. That's so profound! You're a real fucking brainiac, aren't you?

Are all of the rightists on this forum in special ed?
Well, Trump's Chumps set such incredibly low expectations for Hillary. I mean, I expected her to be wheeled out on a stretcher with IVs stuck in both arms. I thought she would be hacking like a chain smoker and stumbling into the furniture. I figured they'd have to stop after five minutes to let her catch her breath. No way did I expect she would make it 20 minutes without needing CPR!

Therefore, based on those expectations, one can only choose "Winner".

You're still loving on your traitor, Comrade..

“you clearly corrupted our national security”

That is the issue, no matter how you and your filthy party lie, THAT is the issue.
next week,,nbc should do another forum,,,have monica come on first with a hot/revealing blue dress,,,,then 30 minutes later, have Bill come out and answer questions regarding his last 42 relationships
The biggest plus for Hillary last night is that she didn't have a coughing fit. Yet, Hill-bots are still extremely confident that she'll do great in the debates.

Bring on the debates and let there be sputum!
Yeah, I remember how much she coughed all during the debates with Sanders.

Oh, wait...

"I was waiting for her to cough and didn't hear a thing she said!"
Really? Does the op even try to be honest??? Trump lied his ass off.

:eusa_shifty: :disbelief: :eusa_silenced: :eek: This is a poll that hopefully someone takes. Your impression of Hillary in one word after seeing her last night. Odds are that "Scary and Evil" will be in the top five. Anyone with a strong sixth sense could see right thru her. Evil/Evil intent must of been the impression of millions who saw the forum last night.
Aside from dishonest/liar, the fact that Hillary scared even more people last night could tank her/or keep her at her standard 39% in most polls.
You guys all feel the same way?
:iagree: :desk:

In a word: Competent!

Now, answer my question:

Which psychedelic drug do you take on a daily basis, or, is a distorted reality something you've had since birth?
Hillary sounded like she ate two Whoppers right before the interview

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