After Last Night.Your "First Impression" Of Hillary.In Comparison To Recent Poll."Liar"?

"It doesn't matter."

In other words, "SHE LOOKED BAD but it doesn't matter because...."?

Hillary did look bad. She also used her 'political sleight of hand' to dance around the answers to some of Lauer's questions. Her having to use an ear-piece so she could be fed answers / help looked horrible as well.

So is THIS how we can expect the Trump-Hillary debates to go, Hillary only agreeing to 'debate' Trump if they are not on the same stage at the same time?! If she can't be in the presence of Donald Trump, how the hell is she going to face Putin and other world leaders?
It doesn't matter, Trump is so severely unequipped for the job that her mistakes are dust in the wind.

They are Judging Tony Hawk for wobbling and praising the kid who stays up on his bike with training wheels. This is the comparison they're making.

BUT Hillary's emails! Oh but we dont need Trumps!

BUT Hillary's Foundation! Oh but we dont need Trumps!

BUT Hillary's taxes! Right, we dont need Trumps!

Now after reviewing the evidence....Hillary's emails and foundation and taxes compared to Trump's nothing who do you Trust?

This is what the media is doing.
“She literally can’t help herself. She’s the kind of sociopath who will lie even if the truth were more beneficial,” added Woods, linking to an article by TruePundit which reported that Hillary was wearing an earpiece to receive “stealth coaching” during the NBC live town hall event."

Was Hillary Wearing an Earpiece During Last Night’s Presidential Forum?
"Woods also posted a Clinton email from the Wikileaks archive in which Huma Abedin asked Hillary, “Did u take your earpiece or do I need to get it?”
I forgot it was even on. But based of the lack of threads I've seen on it this morning I'm gonna guess no one left any lasting impression of worth
I was satisfied with the performance of both candidates last night. Thought Hillary drifted towards the end and would have done better focusing on her own proposals rather than on Trump's personality.
I forgot it was even on. But based of the lack of threads I've seen on it this morning I'm gonna guess no one left any lasting impression of worth

I choose not to watch it last night, I'm not a fan of television and pretty much the only thing I watch is a bit of NFL and college football. Did find it on YouTube and listened to the whole thing this morning.
I forgot it was even on. But based of the lack of threads I've seen on it this morning I'm gonna guess no one left any lasting impression of worth
In truth it was NOT a debate. They did an interview with one and then the other.
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After hearing all the stories of how sick Hillary seemed to be I
was shocked,shocked I say to see Hillary last night....

She looked

Wonderful Donald looked terrible...
His face was so red and his eyes so bloodshot I thought he was going to stroke out....
And Hillary is supposed to be the sick one????

Donald Trump praises Putin, Hillary Clinton defends email
his eyes were red cause he went second and that's the left over affect of his laughing in the waiting room listening to her. He must have split a gut and the obvious residual red eye from tears laughing so hard. It was indeed hilarious hitlery last night.
Wat dat in her ear?

tiny space alien telling the beast the answers?
Hill-Beast was unnerved as Matt Lauer left the Democrap reservation and asked her fair and unbiased journalistic questions. She was shaken.
My first impression was:


....she's gross.
After hearing all the stories of how sick Hillary seemed to be I
was shocked,shocked I say to see Hillary last night....

She looked

Wonderful Donald looked terrible...
His face was so red and his eyes so bloodshot I thought he was going to stroke out....
And Hillary is supposed to be the sick one????

Donald Trump praises Putin, Hillary Clinton defends email

So, you were falling down drunk then?
The biggest plus for Hillary last night is that she didn't have a coughing fit. Yet, Hill-bots are still extremely confident that she'll do great in the debates.

Bring on the debates and let there be sputum!
WTF? What a naive tool Trump is ...

Trump, who has struggled on foreign policy questions, was predictably erratic, light on details, and often inaccurate.
Trump said he would not be influenced by Putin's praise of him as "brilliant" (Putin denied a report he used the phrase) on a policy level, but also indicated he would repay it in kind on a personal level.
"If he says great things about me, I'm going to say great things about him," Trump said.

Putin can influence Hillary by simply writing her a check.

Clinton is always for sale.

But the issue of the night was;

{“As a naval flight officer, I held a top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance, and that provided me access to materials and information highly sensitive to our war-fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself, who were and are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president, when you clearly corrupted our national security?”}

Hillary was utterly crushed. She would be smart to duck the debates.
i think NBC should do another forum, only this time, just to be fair to Hillary, have Matt speak to a hamster for 30 minutes first,,,then Hillary

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