After Last Night.Your "First Impression" Of Hillary.In Comparison To Recent Poll."Liar"?

WTF? What a naive tool Trump is ...

Trump, who has struggled on foreign policy questions, was predictably erratic, light on details, and often inaccurate.
Trump said he would not be influenced by Putin's praise of him as "brilliant" (Putin denied a report he used the phrase) on a policy level, but also indicated he would repay it in kind on a personal level.
"If he says great things about me, I'm going to say great things about him," Trump said.
the issue of the night was;
{“As a naval flight officer, I held a top secret sensitive compartmentalized information clearance, and that provided me access to materials and information highly sensitive to our war-fighting capabilities. Had I communicated this information not following prescribed protocols, I would have been prosecuted and imprisoned. Secretary Clinton, how can you expect those such as myself, who were and are entrusted with America’s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president, when you clearly corrupted our national security?”}
Wanna play tit for tat?
How do you like these apples:

A group of 50 high-profile former officials in Republican administrations have signed a letter denouncing Donald Trump's candidacy, warning he would be "a dangerous president and would put at risk our country's national security and well-being."

That's from GOP cons, not Dems!
Trump ate Hillary's lunch.
Then he took away her spending allowance.
It looked like she was about to pass out at any moment.
Her negro handler was only a few feet away with the defibrillator and epi-pen.

Interesting that people noticed how bad she looked and 3 days later, she did pass out.

Anytime I see or think of Hillary, the word 'corrupt' comes to mind. Can't trust her as far as you can throw her. Or maybe a more accurate statement would be you can't trust her as far as she can walk without help.
It doesn't matter, Trump is so severely unequipped for the job that her mistakes are dust in the wind.
She just lost top secret emails...that makes her qualified to be president.
How about showing us those top secret emails?
Oh sure, hitlerys top secret emails are all over the Internet.....


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