After serving 15 years for a brutal murder, a Tennessee African American man has been exonerated by a judge who ruled he was wrongly convicted

LOL, it wasn’t “the system” that framed him, it was a witness who said it was him. Now, years later, they change their story?

Probably paid by Soros to say so.
what's wrong with my America? WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY AMERICA?

Cool story Basquebro. Glad it got rectified, though there is no way to make up the 15 years time lost to the guy. People see what they see or think they see. Congrats to Webster, Horwitz on the successful legal representation and the Davidson County District attorney's office for doing the right thing.
If the guy's black it's only a matter of time before he commits a crime.
What was his previous record? I don't click on links to CNN, for the same reasons I don't watch the scum on TV.
what's wrong with my America? WHAT'S WRONG WITH MY AMERICA?

Things like this are wrong. No one wants to be in that position. I would also say that if a man did not do a crime he was convicted for but was in trouble many tines getting away with those crimes, and was convicted, he would have it deserved. Also there are many many people who have gotten away with crimes. Juries failing to convict. And failing to convict on racial terms. Many crimes are committed and noting happens to the perp. The riots had endless people involved with some heinous crimes and they got away with it.
It is better that ten guilty persons go free than have ONE innocent person be convicted.

Too many innocent blacks are convicted due to racism, moreover wicked DA's that know it and REFUSE to act to set them free, and/or convicted them in the first place.

America's slowly changing for the better, thank God!
The system is way too lenient on most black criminals as it is, pleabargaining sets them loose way too early and the go on to commit even more violence. Making membership in a criminal gang would make it easier to get the scum off the streets, but until then dragging the vermin off the streets and giving them max time for any offense is the only good alternative. Nobody is obligated to let criminals run amok just because they're black, violent, and stupid.
We need to start PUNISHING cops when they get caught committing crimes.

Too much lawlessness right now.

Hopefully Sleep Joe and Kamala the Top Cop will rectify that situation.

REAL law and order.

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