After Snubbing Obama- Saudi Arabia rolls out Pomp and Circumstance for Trump

How was Obama snubbed by Saudi Arabia? Saudi was the biggest donor to the Clinton Foundation until Hillary lost and could no longer sell influence. Here's how the left wing propaganda works. Lefties invent a theory and then they expound on it as if it was true.
"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears to have received the most expensive gift, described as “white gold jewelry with teardrop rubies and diamonds containing a necklace, a bracelet, earrings, and a ring.”

Bestowed upon Clinton by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, the jewelry is valued at half a million dollars."

The Saudi guy gave Trump a lovely necklace. Follow that up with a nice dinner and show and he might get to third base tonight.
Must be-

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears to have received the most expensive gift, described as “white gold jewelry with teardrop rubies and diamonds containing a necklace, a bracelet, earrings, and a ring.”

Bestowed upon Clinton by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, the jewelry is valued at half a million dollars. It is pending transfer to the GSA, according to the State Department.

Obama is a fuck stain and the whole world knows it


Wednesday 20 April 2016 16.02 EDTLast modified on Friday 11 November 2016 07.00 EST

Barack Obama arrived to a noticeably low-key reception in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday against a background of mutual irritation in a relationship tested by a turbulent Middle East, plummeting oil prices and economic and political uncertainty.

The US president was greeted at the airport by the governor of Riyadh, Prince Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud, and the event was not broadcast live on Saudi TV, as is routine with visiting heads of state – quickly generating talk of a snub.

Underlining the coolness, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, accompanied by other senior figures, was shown earlier on state television greeting the leaders of neighbouring states on the tarmac – ahead of Thursday’s summit of the six-member, Saudi-dominated Gulf Cooperation council, which Obama is to address.

Obama's chilly reception in Saudi Arabia hints at mutual distrust
Isn't it cool to have Saudi Arabia like you?
Trump ran on getting tough with Muslims, now he's kissing their asses.

And the Trumptards who voted for him for the former, couldn't care less.

And if Trump wouldn't go visit the saudis, you'd be complaining about that too. You'd say he wasn't being presidential or something.
Obama is a fuck stain and the whole world knows it


Wednesday 20 April 2016 16.02 EDTLast modified on Friday 11 November 2016 07.00 EST

Barack Obama arrived to a noticeably low-key reception in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday against a background of mutual irritation in a relationship tested by a turbulent Middle East, plummeting oil prices and economic and political uncertainty.

The US president was greeted at the airport by the governor of Riyadh, Prince Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud, and the event was not broadcast live on Saudi TV, as is routine with visiting heads of state – quickly generating talk of a snub.

Underlining the coolness, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, accompanied by other senior figures, was shown earlier on state television greeting the leaders of neighbouring states on the tarmac – ahead of Thursday’s summit of the six-member, Saudi-dominated Gulf Cooperation council, which Obama is to address.

Obama's chilly reception in Saudi Arabia hints at mutual distrust
They also have their hands out also, why that welfare called foreign aid is so splendid a give from you, the taxpayer....
Melania looks absolutely drop dead gorgeous even all covered up with a jump suit type outfit.

Much better than that Wookie that Obama had with him that was an embarrassment to the US
How would you look in a cocktail frock? I am sure not much better than Michelle, but she never was a nude "model", like Melania..
Obama is a fuck stain and the whole world knows it


Wednesday 20 April 2016 16.02 EDTLast modified on Friday 11 November 2016 07.00 EST

Barack Obama arrived to a noticeably low-key reception in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday against a background of mutual irritation in a relationship tested by a turbulent Middle East, plummeting oil prices and economic and political uncertainty.

The US president was greeted at the airport by the governor of Riyadh, Prince Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud, and the event was not broadcast live on Saudi TV, as is routine with visiting heads of state – quickly generating talk of a snub.

Underlining the coolness, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, accompanied by other senior figures, was shown earlier on state television greeting the leaders of neighbouring states on the tarmac – ahead of Thursday’s summit of the six-member, Saudi-dominated Gulf Cooperation council, which Obama is to address.

Obama's chilly reception in Saudi Arabia hints at mutual distrust
They also have their hands out also, why that welfare called foreign aid is so splendid a give from you, the taxpayer....

FWIW, Jared Kushner called the CEO of Northrop to negotiate a lower price on defense systems for the Saudis while the Saudis were in the room with him leading up to this trip. An interesting thing, essentially banging a US company on price in favor of the Saudis.
Obama is a fuck stain and the whole world knows it


Wednesday 20 April 2016 16.02 EDTLast modified on Friday 11 November 2016 07.00 EST

Barack Obama arrived to a noticeably low-key reception in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday against a background of mutual irritation in a relationship tested by a turbulent Middle East, plummeting oil prices and economic and political uncertainty.

The US president was greeted at the airport by the governor of Riyadh, Prince Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud, and the event was not broadcast live on Saudi TV, as is routine with visiting heads of state – quickly generating talk of a snub.

Underlining the coolness, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, accompanied by other senior figures, was shown earlier on state television greeting the leaders of neighbouring states on the tarmac – ahead of Thursday’s summit of the six-member, Saudi-dominated Gulf Cooperation council, which Obama is to address.

Obama's chilly reception in Saudi Arabia hints at mutual distrust
They also have their hands out also, why that welfare called foreign aid is so splendid a give from you, the taxpayer....

FWIW, Jared Kushner called the CEO of Northrop to negotiate a lower price on defense systems for the Saudis while the Saudis were in the room with him leading up to this trip. An interesting thing, essentially banging a US company on price in favor of the Saudis.
When you've got the inside man, anything can happen, they didn't tell them that the lower price didn't include the landing gear...
Obama is a fuck stain and the whole world knows it


Wednesday 20 April 2016 16.02 EDTLast modified on Friday 11 November 2016 07.00 EST

Barack Obama arrived to a noticeably low-key reception in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday against a background of mutual irritation in a relationship tested by a turbulent Middle East, plummeting oil prices and economic and political uncertainty.

The US president was greeted at the airport by the governor of Riyadh, Prince Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud, and the event was not broadcast live on Saudi TV, as is routine with visiting heads of state – quickly generating talk of a snub
Underlining the coolness, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, accompanied by other senior figures, was shown earlier on state television greeting the leaders of neighbouring states on the tarmac – ahead of Thursday’s summit of the six-member, Saudi-dominated Gulf Cooperation council, which Obama is to address.

Obama's chilly reception in Saudi Arabia hints at mutual distrust
I sort of wish though that President Trump hadn't used what the Saudis view as an obscene gesture in the airport.
"Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears to have received the most expensive gift, described as “white gold jewelry with teardrop rubies and diamonds containing a necklace, a bracelet, earrings, and a ring.”

Bestowed upon Clinton by King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia, the jewelry is valued at half a million dollars."

The Saudi guy gave Trump a lovely necklace. Follow that up with a nice dinner and show and he might get to third base tonight.
Fake news and a good example of how it is used in politics. US officials always accept gifts like this. The gifts immediately become the property of the US government. The only way a gift or gifts can be kept by the officials is if the officials pay the value of the gift to the US government.

Perhaps all it shows is that the Saudis know they can buy Trump by lavishing praise on him, while in Obama they saw a real man, not a guy who was going to get all excited by people pretending they actually like the guy.

The Saudis contributed millions to Crooked Hillary as did many other countries.

Trump is a billionaire that financed his own campaign.

You weren't one of these idiots that voted for Crooked Hillary, were you?

Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims

trump had a huuuuuuuuuge red DONATE button on his campaign website.

hillary had a pay to play button

If that scumbag Crooked Hillary had been elected (thank god she wasn't) the foreign policy of the US would have been based entirely on paying back the IOUs that foreign countries held on Crooked Hillary.

She got filthy rich promising government influence to foreign countries, Wall Street fat cats and billionaire environmental wackos.

Saudi Arabia held a very big IOU on Crooked Hillary.

Trump has even less clue than Obama, as will be clear by the end of this tour.

And NOBODY in the rest of the world respects Trump. Everything is laughing at him.

Trump understands American interest abroad. That is something that the Kenyan never understood.

Trump knows he is President of the US. He was elected on a platform of putting America first. It is a refreshing change from what we had the last eight years. That asshole Kenyan Catastrophe thought he was elected by the greedy scumbag Democrat special interest groups to be President of the world or Muslims or whatever.
Flash, post: 17303443
Saudi Arabia held a very big IOU on Crooked Hillary.

And what was that? Hillary owes Saudis what?

Fake headline with no news under it.

The Orange Haired Clown lovers can handle ten words at a time. More than that it implodes their brains.

She was not going to repeal the Iran nuclear deal unless Iran violated it.

Trump campaigned on ending it no matter what, but now figured out how stupid that was.
Flash, post: 17303443
Saudi Arabia held a very big IOU on Crooked Hillary.

And what was that? Hillary owes Saudis what?

Fake headline with no news under it.

The Orange Haired Clown lovers can handle ten words at a time. More than that it implodes their brains.

She was not going to repeal the Iran nuclear deal unless Iran violated it.

Trump campaigned on ending it no matter what, but now figured out how stupid that was.

The Saudis contributed millions to Crooked Hillary's sham money laundering foundation and I posted a link earlier where 20% of Crooked Hillary's campaign funds came from Saudi Arabia.

Crooked Hillary is probably the most bought politician in the history of our country.

She is a scumbag corrupt piece of shit that got filthy rich selling government influence and the Saudis were one of the buyers. Thank god she wasn't elected President. That would have been a disaster for our country.

I know you Moon Bats are really confused about most things because you get your news from Comedy Central and Rachael Maddow but if you are really so delusional about this I will provide you with other links to contribute to your education.
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The Saudi's know an easy mark when they see one.

Your orange hero responds to ass kissing like few before him.

Before the day is out, this buffoon will tell the free world what a fine feller King Salman is. I wonder if he'll joke that he loves salmon?

How sweet that our resident patriots suddenly care what Saudi Arabia thinks of us.

LOL, the easy mark was Obama, who bowed to the Saudi king like a child. Obama was/is an international joke and embarrassment to America.

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