Trump Trip to Saudi Arabia already a success...cultural changes highlighted with Trump...

Trump is breaking barriers and getting things done.....that is the only reason the establishment is trying to pull him down. They will fail bigly because the people are on Trump's side

Well, 38% are on his side. 56% disapprove of him, and 8% aren't sure. Some people are on his side, but no where near as many as you seem to think.
Trump's approval rating drops to new low: Poll

IT DOESN'T MATTER how many you think are on his side from some meaningless media poll! You don't run a nation from polls, you run a nation by what needs to get done.

I am so sick of people who take everything no matter how good, and deliberately try to put a negative spin on it.

Obama was a flaming asshole and he STILL had a 60% approval rating! Why? Because the media was on his side. He was a naturally gregarious person whom the media made appear even more so. About 96 to 99% of all media releases, article and stories from the MSM have all been negative on Trump, so how the hell can you expect the average person out there to think anything good about him? Good God, how can people not see that?!

Poll results will change eventually when people start seeing the RESULTS of his actions! And if you really believe that only 38% of the people out there approve of Trump, then HOW THE HELL did he win 30 states and 306 electoral votes? And Virginia he only lost by a shave.

Let me answer that for you, because what the public is responding to isn't their disdain for Trump, it is their disdain for all of the crap they keep reading in the press everyday, which is not what they want to be hearing, which is being created by the media and spun to be tagged on Trump as if it were all his fault. People want to see a government that is actually working, for them.

EVER SINGLE ISSUE in the news, if it were happening under Hillary or Obama, would be presented by the democrats and media (same difference) in an entirely different and better light!!!
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It feels good to finally have a president we can respect. :)

These nations in the Middle East are SO GLAD to be rid of Obama and to finally have a president they feel actually cares and is willing to help! Nothing much great in this world gets done without the USA leading the way. I'm not sure why that it, but it sure seems to be true.
Trump is breaking barriers and getting things done.....that is the only reason the establishment is trying to pull him down. They will fail bigly because the people are on Trump's side

Well, 38% are on his side. 56% disapprove of him, and 8% aren't sure. Some people are on his side, but no where near as many as you seem to think.
Trump's approval rating drops to new low: Poll

But yet he 2017 old time polling is no longer accurate

Actually, it was quite accurate. The polling counted the popular vote. It didn't consider the quirks of the electoral college. Hillary got 3 million more votes, just like the polling predicted.

Sorry Bulldog, you better go back and get your facts straight:

According to three different sources checked and verified by Snopes, Hillary got 1.9 million more votes, not the 3 many here are claiming. And the way Dems cheat, who knows how many of those were real. But as again, a totally meaningless statistic! You don't count or win elections by the popular vote, except at the STATE LEVEL. We are 50 STATES, not one big shopping bag. Trump won the popular vote in 30 states to Hillary's 20, and won 200 counties that Obama won the last time. They all swung for Trump, getting 306 electoral votes (36 more than needed) to Hillary's only 232. And that is the only thing that matters.

I can't wait until the next time a democrat wins the election but not the popular vote and all they do is DEFEND the electoral college system! Total hypocrites! If you think Hillary represents this country because of those 1.9 million people, they were all within a few miles of each other in a few big cities where their opinions could be easily controlled. Just look at the area of Blue, that is Hillary's turf, compared to the area of RED. That is Trump's turf. If you want to count an election by area, Trump BURIED the Hillary bitch! The exact reason why you cannot count a popular vote is because it is the only way all 50 states get equal representation, otherwise, LA, NYC, D.C. and Chicago would decide every election and the rest of the nation would have no voice, no say in their government!

Illegal votes don't count twit....this video shows how they got those illegal votes...the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign engaged in massive voter fraud scot foval and bob craemer admit on this video...

Maybe, finally, they will elect mandatory Voter ID in all 50 states! How is it that only blacks and certain minorities, the largest users of government benefits, all seem to have some problem carrying a simple driver's license or other form of positive identification?
Jared Kushner intervened to get the Saudis a cheaper missile system in a $110 billion deal

Winning! :rolleyeS:
It feels good to finally have a president we can respect. :)

These nations in the Middle East are SO GLAD to be rid of Obama and to finally have a president they feel actually cares and is willing to help! Nothing much great in this world gets done without the USA leading the way. I'm not sure why that it, but it sure seems to be true.
Yeah Obama didn't give them discount prices on weapons like Trump is doing. The Saudis who Trump spent his entire campaign blaming 9/11 for really love him.
The deal-maker president has told them that there is a price of continued American support.
This says it all. Its why we voted for him. America is going to be great again. I can't wait to see the next 8 years unfold.
Trump is breaking barriers and getting things done.....that is the only reason the establishment is trying to pull him down. They will fail bigly because the people are on Trump's side

Well, 38% are on his side. 56% disapprove of him, and 8% aren't sure. Some people are on his side, but no where near as many as you seem to think.
Trump's approval rating drops to new low: Poll

Yes...those polls also told us hilary is now the President......

I forgot. You're a RWNJ who thinks Rump on the popular vote. Carry on with your silly beliefs, Not my place to tell you yet again how you are wrong
Trump is breaking barriers and getting things done.....that is the only reason the establishment is trying to pull him down. They will fail bigly because the people are on Trump's side

Well, 38% are on his side. 56% disapprove of him, and 8% aren't sure. Some people are on his side, but no where near as many as you seem to think.
Trump's approval rating drops to new low: Poll

But yet he 2017 old time polling is no longer accurate

Actually, it was quite accurate. The polling counted the popular vote. It didn't consider the quirks of the electoral college. Hillary got 3 million more votes, just like the polling predicted.

Illegal votes don't count twit....this video shows how they got those illegal votes...the Democrat National Committee and the hilary campaign engaged in massive voter fraud scot foval and bob craemer admit on this video...

Trump is breaking barriers and getting things done.....that is the only reason the establishment is trying to pull him down. They will fail bigly because the people are on Trump's side

Well, 38% are on his side. 56% disapprove of him, and 8% aren't sure. Some people are on his side, but no where near as many as you seem to think.
Trump's approval rating drops to new low: Poll

It's not the quantity, but the quality that counts.

It's still just 38% to 56%
Democrats have a lot invested in the failure of this trip. The propaganda of embarrassment and disrespect have been put on the table. Those democrats won't accept success. Look for some major sabotage.
Trump is breaking barriers and getting things done.....that is the only reason the establishment is trying to pull him down. They will fail bigly because the people are on Trump's side

Well, 38% are on his side. 56% disapprove of him, and 8% aren't sure. Some people are on his side, but no where near as many as you seem to think.
Trump's approval rating drops to new low: Poll

IT DOESN'T MATTER how many you think are on his side from some meaningless media poll! You don't run a nation from polls, you run a nation by what needs to get done.

I am so sick of people who take everything no matter how good, and deliberately try to put a negative spin on it.

Obama was a flaming asshole and he STILL had a 60% approval rating! Why? Because the media was on his side. He was a naturally gregarious person whom the media made appear even more so. About 96 to 99% of all media releases, article and stories from the MSM have all been negative on Trump, so how the hell you expect the average person out there to think anything good about him? canGood God, how can people not see that?!

Poll results will change eventually when people start seeing the RESULTS of his actions! And if you really believe that only 38% of the people out there approve of Trump, then HOW THE HELL did he win 30 states and 306 electoral votes? And Virginia he only lost by a shave.

Let me answer that for you, because what the public is responding to isn't their disdain for Trump, it is their disdain for all of the crap they keep reading in the press everyday, which is not what they want to be hearing, which is being created by the media and spun to be tagged on Trump as if it were all his fault. People want to see a government that is actually working, for them.

EVER SINGLE ISSUE in the news, if it were happening under Hillary or Obama, would be presented by the democrats and media (same difference) in an entirely different and better light!!!

1. Obama had a 60% rating because that many people liked what he did.
2. Trump won because (a) LOTS of crazies believed the lies. (b) Sane people were too complacent to get out and vote (c) The electoral college allowed the guy with 3 million less votes to win.

If Hillary or Obama did the same as Trump, they would have been hated by 56% of the people too. Me included.
How dare Trump put America first!??

He should be at home, looking at "polls" and curling up in a fetal position!

Trump is breaking barriers and getting things done.....that is the only reason the establishment is trying to pull him down. They will fail bigly because the people are on Trump's side

Well, 38% are on his side. 56% disapprove of him, and 8% aren't sure. Some people are on his side, but no where near as many as you seem to think.
Trump's approval rating drops to new low: Poll

It's not the quantity, but the quality that counts.

It's still just 38% to 56%

Those numbers are roughly the same as the polls indicating Clinton to win the presidency.

Isn't about time to trust polls just a little bit less?

Polls right now are completely meaningless and it's nice to see someone govern without sticking his finger in the wind.
Trump is breaking barriers and getting things done.....that is the only reason the establishment is trying to pull him down. They will fail bigly because the people are on Trump's side

Well, 38% are on his side. 56% disapprove of him, and 8% aren't sure. Some people are on his side, but no where near as many as you seem to think.
Trump's approval rating drops to new low: Poll

But yet he 2017 old time polling is no longer accurate

Actually, it was quite accurate. The polling counted the popular vote. It didn't consider the quirks of the electoral college. Hillary got 3 million more votes, just like the polling predicted.

Sorry Bulldog, you better go back and get your facts straight:

According to three different sources checked and verified by Snopes, Hillary got 1.9 million more votes, not the 3 many here are claiming. And the way Dems cheat, who knows how many of those were real. But as again, a totally meaningless statistic! You don't count or win elections by the popular vote, except at the STATE LEVEL. We are 50 STATES, not one big shopping bag. Trump won the popular vote in 30 states to Hillary's 20, and won 200 counties that Obama won the last time. They all swung for Trump, getting 306 electoral votes (36 more than needed) to Hillary's only 232. And that is the only thing that matters.

I can't wait until the next time a democrat wins the election but not the popular vote and all they do is DEFEND the electoral college system! Total hypocrites! If you think Hillary represents this country because of those 1.9 million people, they were all within a few miles of each other in a few big cities where their opinions could be easily controlled. Just look at the area of Blue, that is Hillary's turf, compared to the area of RED. That is Trump's turf. If you want to count an election by area, Trump BURIED the Hillary bitch! The exact reason why you cannot count a popular vote is because it is the only way all 50 states get equal representation, otherwise, LA, NYC, D.C. and Chicago would decide every election and the rest of the nation would have no voice, no say in their government!

View attachment 127798

Not real likely for that to happen. Each and every time a president won without winning the popular vote, Democrats were screwed over.

In 1824, John Quincy Adams was elected president despite not winning either the popular vote or the electoral vote. Andrew Jackson was the winner in both categories. Jackson received 38,000 more popular votes than Adams, and beat him in the electoral vote 99 to 84. Despite his victories, Jackson didn’t reach the majority 131 votes needed in the Electoral College to be declared president. In fact, neither candidate did. The decision went to the House of Representatives, which voted Adams into the White House.

In 1876, Rutherford B. Hayes won the election (by a margin of one electoral vote), but he lost the popular vote by more than 250,000 ballots to Samuel J. Tilden.

In 1888, Benjamin Harrison received 233 electoral votes to Grover Cleveland’s 168, winning the presidency. But Harrison lost the popular vote by more than 90,000 votes.

In 2000, George W. Bush was declared the winner of the general election and became the 43rd president, but he didn’t win the popular vote either. Al Gore holds that distinction, garnering about 540,000 more votes than Bush. However, Bush won the electoral vote, 271 to 266.

In 2016, Donald Trump won the electoral vote by 304 to 227 over Hillary Clinton, but Trump lost the popular vote. Clinton received nearly 2.9 million more votes than Trump, according to an analysis by the Associated Press of the certified results in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
Interesting. In the OP pic it actually looks like the guy is bowing to her slightly. IDK what the exact meaning is over there, but in business here a tilt like that is a sign of respect. Could it be SA doesn't want to pay import/export tariffs so they're kissing a bit of ass?

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