After spending 2.26 trillion $ USA realizes there's no military solution in Afghanistan

Turkey will secure the Afghan capital's airport after American troops withdraw, in an agreement designed to help the US, Britain and others to keep their embassies open.
Tayyip Erdogan, Turkey's president, told Joe Biden that his nation would take a lead role to safeguard the air link out of an increasingly beleaguered Kabul
If Turkey wants to engage in another hot point in Asia, it is up to them. It may well be that the burden they decided to shoulder will be heavy.

Future of Afghanistan will be decided by Pakistan. What Pakistan wants will happen in Afghanistan.
To the north Afghanistan is bordered by Uzbeskistan, Turkmenistan all allies of Turkey.
Just like in Libya Turks will overtake US taxpayer funded military installations.
Thank you very much !

Imran Khan

Well, maybe, we will see. Afghanistan and Central Asia have a unique place in the world geography. No surprise that various global players tried to set their foot there. That is a crossroad between China, India, Russia and Iran.

Something tells that this region will be a battlefield for intelligence agencies of various countries who will try to weaken their adversary by engaging it in regional conflicts.

French Special Forces (already left Afghanistan) visit Afghan tribal leaders.
It is not French or US flag hanging on the wall.

Don't understand what you tried to say by that. That is something about a Turkish flag hanging on the wall?
You said the burden for Turkey will be heavy staying in Afghanistan.
I showed you average-Joe Afghanis flying Turkish flag in their homes.
I gave you a video of Pakistan PM (the country which will decide Afghanistan's future) emphasizing special relations to Turkey.

USA probably killed more civilians in Afghanistan than Taliban.
So many stories about US drone-strikes with severe collateral damage like hitting weddings with drones.
Turkish Army didn't fire a single bullet on any Afghani.
You convince the average people you are there to help them and they'll appreciate you.
USA was only there to drop bombs and kill people, in Afghanistan USA is hated more than before Afghanistan invasion. Can you imagine the mood of an Afghan child whose parents were killed by an Obama drone-strike? What will he become in 10 years ? Surely not someone advancing US-Afghani friendship.

5 times a day all Afghanis and remaning Turkish soldiers will sit side-by-side and bow down their heads towards Mecca.
Meanwhile Pentagon will publish transgender videos to masquerade their 2.26 trillion $ failure in Afghanistan. Turks will feel comfortable in the installations created by US taxpayer funds , just like in Libya. Probably witjout your crusade there wouldn't be any Turkish power-projection in Afghanistan. Thank you very much !
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Now in Europe there is a series of trials of syrian militants accused of executions, torture, mass murder.
At the same time, no one tries to remember how 7-8 years ago these terrorists were painted by the western press as " moderate fighters for democracy and freedom":
It looks like the Taliban has made strong military gains, sensing a weak government.

What was it all for? :dunno:
You said the burden for Turkey will be heavy staying in Afghanistan.
I showed you average-Joe Afghanis flying Turkish flag in their homes.
I gave you a video of Pakistan PM (the country which will decide Afghanistan's future) emphasizing special relations to Turkey.

USA probably killed more civilians in Afghanistan than Taliban.
So many stories about US drone-strikes with severe collateral damage like hitting weddings with drones.
Turkish Army didn't fire a single bullet on any Afghani.
You convince the average people you are there to help them and they'll appreciate you.
USA was only there to drop bombs and kill people, in Afghanistan USA is hated more than before Afghanistan invasion. Can you imagine the mood of an Afghan child whose parents were killed by an Obama drone-strike? What will he become in 10 years ? Surely not someone advancing US-Afghani friendship.

5 times a day all Afghanis and remaning Turkish soldiers will sit side-by-side and bow down their heads towards Mecca.
Meanwhile Pentagon will publish transgender videos to masquerade their 2.26 trillion $ failure in Afghanistan. Turks will feel comfortable in the installations created by US taxpayer funds , just like in Libya. Probably witjout your crusade there wouldn't be any Turkish power-projection in Afghanistan. Thank you very much !
I have come across an interesting article (from the 13th of July) which says that the Taliban warned Turkey of consequences if its troops remain in Afghanistan.

"The claimes of Turkish officials about ongoing aggression against our country at the request of the US cause the feeling of hatred and animosity, and damage bilateral relations"

The article is in Russian, but you can use online translator.

That somehow contradicts fascinating stories about the Afgans and Turkish soldiers praying together.
I have come across an interesting article (from the 13th of July) which says that the Taliban warned Turkey of consequences if its troops remain in Afghanistan.

"The claimes of Turkish officials about ongoing aggression against our country at the request of the US cause the feeling of hatred and animosity, and damage bilateral relations"

The article is in Russian, but you can use online translator.

That somehow contradicts fascinating stories about the Afgans and Turkish soldiers praying together.

I said it before, what will happen in Afghanistan depends on Pakistan.

Prime Minister Imran Khan:
"And so we will be talking to the Taliban, to use our influence on them, to have a face-to-face talk with Turkey."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday he may receive the leader of the militant Taliban group to discuss the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.

Pakistan Navy begins constructing modern warships in coordination with Turkey

Pakistan Navy begins constructing modern warships in coordination with Turkey


Upgraded F-16 jets delivered to Pakistan​

Secretary Senate Of Pakistan Committee on Defense & Defense Production

Pakistan Air Force (PAF) Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan who was on a visit to Turkey last week said that "Pakistan and Turkey are two countries, one nation" as they "not only share common culture and faith but also have similar interests and challenges.”

I said it before, what will happen in Afghanistan depends on Pakistan.

Prime Minister Imran Khan:
"And so we will be talking to the Taliban, to use our influence on them, to have a face-to-face talk with Turkey."

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday he may receive the leader of the militant Taliban group to discuss the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan.

Pakistan Navy begins constructing modern warships in coordination with Turkey

Pakistan Navy begins constructing modern warships in coordination with Turkey


Upgraded F-16 jets delivered to Pakistan​

I am not going to diminish Pakistan's role in Afghanistan, but I don't think it will be the sole policymaker there. The Taliban now is an umbrella organisation for different groups inside of it. Afghanistan itself is ethnically diverse.

I think all that will lead to this country being a battleground for secret services of a number of countries. Afghanistan has a strategic location and I can't believe regional and global powers won't use it against each other.
I am not going to diminish Pakistan's role in Afghanistan, but I don't think it will be the sole policymaker there. The Taliban now is an umbrella organisation for different groups inside of it. Afghanistan itself is ethnically diverse.

I think all that will lead to this country being a battleground for secret services of a number of countries. Afghanistan has a strategic location and I can't believe regional and global powers won't use it against each other.

Security-umbrella of US Army under which wannabe-powers operated in Afghanistan is removed.
There'll be almost noone having the balls to stay or engage in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is no ground for some Hollywood-style Cold-War spy-thriller.

China is Pakistan's prime ally
Taliban and Pakistan are also no enemies.
Turkey will stay in Afghanistan, at least in Kabul and has very friendly relations with Pakistan.
None of either China or Turkey will act against interests of Pakistan in Afghanistan.

You fool yourself if you believe Afghanistan won't be dominated by Pakistan.
The only country which could impose a solution in Afghanistan without considering Pakistan's interests, is currently fleeing the country after having spent Trillions $.
Security-umbrella of US Army under which wannabe-powers operated in Afghanistan is removed.
There'll be almost noone having the balls to stay or engage in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan is no ground for some Hollywood-style Cold-War spy-thriller.

China is Pakistan's prime ally
Taliban and Pakistan are also no enemies.
Turkey will stay in Afghanistan, at least in Kabul and has very friendly relations with Pakistan.
None of either China or Turkey will act against interests of Pakistan in Afghanistan.

You fool yourself if you believe Afghanistan won't be dominated by Pakistan.
The only country which could impose a solution in Afghanistan without considering Pakistan's interests, is currently fleeing the country after having spent Trillions $.
Yes, I believe that Pakistan won't have total dominance over all of Afghanistan. In the times of the first Taliban's rule, they didn't control all the territory and except of that there were some strong regional warlords who were controlled by the central 'government' only nominally. I think now the situation will be looser.

I think that some Western secret services have been developing plans on not only staying in Afghanistan, but also on undermining the regimes in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan from there.

That won't be an easy task and will take the time, of course. Especially given that these services won't have friendly countries bordering with Afghanistan and a real possibility of evacuation of the US embassy.
Yes, I believe that Pakistan won't have total dominance over all of Afghanistan. In the times of the first Taliban's rule, they didn't control all the territory and except of that there were some strong regional warlords who were controlled by the central 'government' only nominally. I think now the situation will be looser.

I think that some Western secret services have been developing plans on not only staying in Afghanistan, but also on undermining the regimes in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan from there.

That won't be an easy task and will take the time, of course. Especially given that these services won't have friendly countries bordering with Afghanistan and a real possibility of evacuation of the US embassy.

From "Western countries" only USA has the capabilities and finances to plot some "secret services"-games in the middle of Asia.
And USA is fleeing bag and baggage.

You overestimate the other "Western" countries.
I never understood the mission in Afghanistan.

In early 2002 it was to get Bin Laden but we blew that at Tora Bora by not committing enough troops. The sonofabitch got away.

If the mission was to turn the country into a thriving Democracy so that the militant Muslim assholes had no base of operation to conduct terrorist activities then that was never going to succeed.

Why in the hell did The Worthless Negro escalate the war?

Why didn't we just claim victory after Bin Laden was killed and go home?
From "Western countries" only USA has the capabilities and finances to plot some "secret services"-games in the middle of Asia.
And USA is fleeing bag and baggage.

You overestimate the other "Western" countries.
Yes, I meant the US in the first turn. Maybe also the Brits to some extent.
Some people have made good money from this war. That's what it's all for
So when The Worthless Negro escalated the war then he was just setting things up for somebody to pay for his mega mansion?
Imagine ALL of the Infrastructure we could have upgraded. Provide for the general welfare not the general warfare!

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