After Suing CNN, Sandmann’s legal team now targeting Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin, HBO, NBC and AP

I am amazed that a dumb ass tard like yourself can generate enough

brain power to type your bull shit…..

I would bet you couldn’t type and fart at the same time without blowing a fuse………

Do you understand simple math?

If I make a million a year and your dumb ass makes 100,000. a year, you do understand

that if we were both taxed at 10% I would pay 100,000. and your dumb ass would pay 10,000.

Later you Super Duper Shit….

oooOOooo, Haiku
I wouldnt be. The punishment should equal the crime. The only time I support a large settlement is when consequences are severe like certain death or drastic and permanent reduction in quality of life due to negligent or intentional malfeasance. I'm talking people being robbed of their livelihood and excessively traumatized. Or...smaller transgressions carried out en masse with a paper trail of diabolic intention.

In the case of this kid, he will live on just fine and has been mostly exonerated of any wrong doing. At worst, he has suffered some undue trauma and likely had to watch his back for a bit, so he does deserve something maybe in the low millions.

From who? For what?

Hey if I go stand nose-to-nose with somebody and smirk, can I get some low millions too? I'm not picky, I'll even take medium millions.

And here I thought you had to actually work for that sort of thing.
Some prominent jounalists and pundits framed the kid to be a bad guy before getting the full story. They got the story wrong...or not entirely correct..which lead to your standard social media pitchfork mob reigning down on the poor kid, his family, and school.

He's a minor. Smirking isnt a crime worthy of what he got in blowback which was generated by the misleading headlines and editorials. The kid got death threats. That isnt acceptable and the disseminators of the incorrect narrative are culpable.

What would you think would be the proper compensation? I think $250 million is way to high.
As an armchair arbiter, I'd say 1 to 10 million from the culpable organization. The family has likely already incurred significant costs and the kid needs to be protected for awhile until the fringe crazies move on. Who knows maybe more comes out in the lawsuit.

Until I see more of the case, I’m inclined to think $250,000 to $5 million, I can’t see a court going much more than that, however jury cases can be unpredictable.
With social media these days, they'll have to start cultivating a jury pool of off-the-grid types to get good rulings.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.

This is a really smart lawyer "sue them all" let the courts sort out the losers. Bill Maher is dumbass, Kathy Griffin a female version I hope they lose their asses, to this Lawyer. Throw enough crap against the wall something is going to stick, They will remember his name!:poke:
Like the George Zimmerman lawsuit against NBC, all of these will be tossed. And Larry Flynt's win against Jerry Falwell will ensure Bill Maher and Kathy Griffin are protected.

Ironic, isn't it, that Republicans are cheering the kid's lawsuits, yet they were the ones to advocate caps on punitive damages, even if someone dies or is maimed thanks to a doctor or a corporation. But when it comes to suing CNN, well, f*** punitives.

Republicans remain hypocrites.
Brainwashed functional morons I tell you LOL...
oooOOooo, Haiku
From who? For what?

Hey if I go stand nose-to-nose with somebody and smirk, can I get some low millions too? I'm not picky, I'll even take medium millions.

And here I thought you had to actually work for that sort of thing.
Some prominent jounalists and pundits framed the kid to be a bad guy before getting the full story. They got the story wrong...or not entirely correct..which lead to your standard social media pitchfork mob reigning down on the poor kid, his family, and school.

He's a minor. Smirking isnt a crime worthy of what he got in blowback which was generated by the misleading headlines and editorials. The kid got death threats. That isnt acceptable and the disseminators of the incorrect narrative are culpable.

What would you think would be the proper compensation? I think $250 million is way to high.
As an armchair arbiter, I'd say 1 to 10 million from the culpable organization. The family has likely already incurred significant costs and the kid needs to be protected for awhile until the fringe crazies move on. Who knows maybe more comes out in the lawsuit.

Until I see more of the case, I’m inclined to think $250,000 to $5 million, I can’t see a court going much more than that, however jury cases can be unpredictable.
With social media these days, they'll have to start cultivating a jury pool of off-the-grid types to get good rulings.
People who get their news from social media are morons already. Republicans normally
What would you think would be the proper compensation? I think $250 million is way to high.
As an armchair arbiter, I'd say 1 to 10 million from the culpable organization. The family has likely already incurred significant costs and the kid needs to be protected for awhile until the fringe crazies move on. Who knows maybe more comes out in the lawsuit.

See?? There you go again "awarding" 1 to 10 million on the basis of nothing.

That's why I keep asking for something more than nothing. You can't just give money away for nothing.
Yeah but I prefaced with self identifying as an armchair arbiter. You're arguing with someone that doesnt give a rip.

Well then, can I have 10 million for no reason? I take PayPal.
I'll allow it. But I need a processing fee of 100 bucks cash dropped at the 3rd booth of Trump's fav DC McDonalds to be able to transfer the funds.

OK. It's there right now. Be quick, I'm not responsible if you miss it.
I mean --- you don't need evidence that it's there, so it's all set.
Last edited:
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.
Doesn’t matter. Trump knew he was being false and reckless. Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Ummm, just like a doctor gets slapped with a malpractice suit
for gross negligence or carelessness on their part,
for causing a patient unnecessary problems....

if ANY of the reporters would have done their job
and did thorough investigations, to begin with...

They would not have become casualties
of their own narrative they’ve been feeding the public


What's to investigate? The story was that "there's this video of a smirk". Whelp --- there was. There still is. And?
What's to investigate?
The story was that "there's this video of a smirk". Whelp --- there was. There still is. And?
No bitch...try again

The story was...

Red MAGA cap = Trump supporters
Trump supporters = Trump
Trump = Orange Man Bad
I really look forward to watching this attention & money seeking thug getting hoist on his own petard.

Wow, what a sophisticated thug. Who knew you could assault someone by doing nothing? What did he do, mentally force the hapless adult to invade his personal space? It is truly to laugh.
In what way were the children "harmed" in the story? This wouldn't even had BEEN a story that went on for weeks if the parents hadn't pushed, pushed, pushed it, and, let's be honest about what was said about these kids. Nothing really all that harmful. That they behaved badly, which they did, and that they shouldn't have done what they did, which Sandman admitted himself. He said he should have just walked away and he wished he had.

There goes the case right there.

Stop posting while drinking. The WaPo has already ADMITTED they lied.

AGAIN, same question sitting for the last two months.................................................................. Link?

Your first grade education is glaringly obvious. The WaPo admitted they lied.

Yeah? Where?

See what I mean? Nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Null. The Void. Blank.... Empty.... Space.


Now crying because you're incapable of a simple search. Watching you cry because you got your ass handed to you again is fun. Again STOP DEFLECTING asshole. Show your proof on Sandman or STFU. YOU are nothing. YOU are the loser. I forget, you claim you wouldn't know AOC witout this board. Proving you neither watch newscasts or read any newspapers. You are dismissed.

Pogo is trolling...ignore him/her
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.
Doesn’t matter. Trump knew he was being false and reckless. Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Ummm, just like a doctor gets slapped with a malpractice suit
for gross negligence or carelessness on their part,
for causing a patient unnecessary problems....

if ANY of the reporters would have done their job
and did thorough investigations, to begin with...

They would not have become casualties
of their own narrative they’ve been feeding the public


What's to investigate? The story was that "there's this video of a smirk". Whelp --- there was. There still is. And?
What's to investigate?
The story was that "there's this video of a smirk". Whelp --- there was. There still is. And?
No bitch...try again

The story was...

Red MAGA cap = Trump supporters
Trump supporters = Trump
Trump = Orange Man Bad

once AGAIN ... you can pretend the "story" was whatever you'd like to pretend it was.

What you can't do is show evidence of it outside your own head.
Stop posting while drinking. The WaPo has already ADMITTED they lied.

AGAIN, same question sitting for the last two months.................................................................. Link?

Your first grade education is glaringly obvious. The WaPo admitted they lied.

Yeah? Where?

See what I mean? Nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Null. The Void. Blank.... Empty.... Space.


Now crying because you're incapable of a simple search. Watching you cry because you got your ass handed to you again is fun. Again STOP DEFLECTING asshole. Show your proof on Sandman or STFU. YOU are nothing. YOU are the loser. I forget, you claim you wouldn't know AOC witout this board. Proving you neither watch newscasts or read any newspapers. You are dismissed.

Pogo is trolling...ignore him/her

Pogo is presenting the central question nobody can answer. Including you.

Prove me wrong.
Then Trump is in deep shit if butthurt little Nicky wins
Cite examples.
Everybody he’s ever slandered on twitter, in speeaches, etc. For example, slandering Hillary by spending years calling her a criminal and murderer
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.

This is a really smart lawyer "sue them all" let the courts sort out the losers. Bill Maher is dumbass, Kathy Griffin a female version I hope they lose their asses, to this Lawyer. Throw enough crap against the wall something is going to stick, They will remember his name!:poke:
Like the George Zimmerman lawsuit against NBC, all of these will be tossed. And Larry Flynt's win against Jerry Falwell will ensure Bill Maher and Kathy Griffin are protected.

Ironic, isn't it, that Republicans are cheering the kid's lawsuits, yet they were the ones to advocate caps on punitive damages, even if someone dies or is maimed thanks to a doctor or a corporation. But when it comes to suing CNN, well, f*** punitives.

Republicans remain hypocrites.
Screw you! A kid who visits Washington and buys a hat is frigging turned into the worst thing since Hitler for nothing! Is Brian Stelter a left wing secular jewish guy. The kid would beat his azz if both his arms were tied and with a blindfold on. Propaganda is propaganda. And the black Israelite adults you would not even see Stelter's sell out body if it came to it. Those guys are suckers as people like him live like princes.
Nick Sandmann deserves to be rewarded for standing his ground, That fucked up Indian activist is the one that approached him not the other way around.
Nathan Phillips which is not his real name is a fraud and a piece of shit. These mainstream media networks that stood behind Nathan Phillips should be Called out for the fraudulent pieces of shit they are.
AGAIN, same question sitting for the last two months.................................................................. Link?

Your first grade education is glaringly obvious. The WaPo admitted they lied.

Yeah? Where?

See what I mean? Nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Null. The Void. Blank.... Empty.... Space.


Now crying because you're incapable of a simple search. Watching you cry because you got your ass handed to you again is fun. Again STOP DEFLECTING asshole. Show your proof on Sandman or STFU. YOU are nothing. YOU are the loser. I forget, you claim you wouldn't know AOC witout this board. Proving you neither watch newscasts or read any newspapers. You are dismissed.

Pogo is trolling...ignore him/her

Pogo is presenting the central question nobody can answer. Including you.

Prove me wrong.

The sky is blue..
Pogo: prove it.
Slice it anyway you want. The kid is going to be a multimillionaire soon.
He has the best lawyer on the planet. I predict the kid and his lawyer will end up with about 200 million when the dust settles.
Your first grade education is glaringly obvious. The WaPo admitted they lied.

Yeah? Where?

See what I mean? Nothing. Zero. Bupkis. Null. The Void. Blank.... Empty.... Space.


Now crying because you're incapable of a simple search. Watching you cry because you got your ass handed to you again is fun. Again STOP DEFLECTING asshole. Show your proof on Sandman or STFU. YOU are nothing. YOU are the loser. I forget, you claim you wouldn't know AOC witout this board. Proving you neither watch newscasts or read any newspapers. You are dismissed.

Pogo is trolling...ignore him/her

Pogo is presenting the central question nobody can answer. Including you.

Prove me wrong.

The sky is blue..
Pogo: prove it.

Oboy. An easy one.

It's not my assertion. YOU prove it.
Slice it anyway you want. The kid is going to be a multimillionaire soon.
He has the best lawyer on the planet. I predict the kid and his lawyer will end up with about 200 million when the dust settles.

"Best lawyer on the planet", some schlub Mitch McConnell fellow traveller who nobody ever heard of until two weeks ago.

Joey Gallo he ain't.
She's a public figure, dumbass. Sandman is not.
Doesn’t matter. Trump knew he was being false and reckless. Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Not only did the networks and reporters not know, it’s still arguable that their reporting was 100% correct; which in my opinion, it was.
Ummm, just like a doctor gets slapped with a malpractice suit
for gross negligence or carelessness on their part,
for causing a patient unnecessary problems....

if ANY of the reporters would have done their job
and did thorough investigations, to begin with...

They would not have become casualties
of their own narrative they’ve been feeding the public


What's to investigate? The story was that "there's this video of a smirk". Whelp --- there was. There still is. And?
What's to investigate?
The story was that "there's this video of a smirk". Whelp --- there was. There still is. And?
No bitch...try again

The story was...

Red MAGA cap = Trump supporters
Trump supporters = Trump
Trump = Orange Man Bad

once AGAIN ... you can pretend the "story" was whatever you'd like to pretend it was.

What you can't do is show evidence of it outside your own head.
once AGAIN ... you can pretend the "story" was whatever you'd like to pretend it was.
An Open Apology To
Covington Catholic MAGA Hat Harassment Team

Nigga, I don’t need to see a “longer video” to know
if a group of white boys wearing MAGA hats
at an Indigenous People’s March are actually racist!

You could’ve stopped at white boys wearing MAGA hats!

What you can't do is show evidence of it outside your own head
Apologies Come Flooding In
After Larger Picture of Covington Boys Is Revealed

The problem with hot takes is that they often require people
to extrapolate from incomplete information.
There are certain circumstances
where this is extremely problematic —
say, if it involves high school kids being blamed

for a racist incident based on a short video
and the fact they were wearing “Make America Great Again” hats.

Alyssa Milano to Covington boys:
'Sorry not sorry'

Alyssa Milano refused to apologize Wednesday
for comparing the pro-President Trump hats
worn by the Covington Catholic High School boys
to Ku Klux Klan hoods.

Some in Twitter Mob
Delete or Apologize for Tweets
About Covington Students

Some celebrities and journalists are facing some serious Twitter-regret in the aftermath of the shameful cyber-mob attack on MAGA hat-wearing teens from Kentucky. As more of the original video of the event at the Lincoln Memorial on Friday afternoon was released showing that the group of Catholic school kids were actually the target of intimidation rather than the perpetrators of it, many in the Twitter-mob are quietly deleting tweets that were critical of the teens.

Some of the more honorable people who were taken in by the fake news have apologized for their tweets critical of the students. Dilbert creator Scott Adams posted a video in which he apologized for his initial reaction to a CNN story about the incident. “Upon seeing new videos and seeing different angles and seeing the complete video and seeing the context, everything that CNN reported about this was absolutely fake news,” Adams said.

Perhaps the saddest part of this entire story about the Covington boys is that faced with actual and incontrovertible evidence that the boys did nothing to provoke the Native American Phillips and were, in fact, the targets of vicious name-calling by members the Black Hebrew Israelite cult, many are still sticking to the initial take on the story.

Also, where is the outrage about the racist and homophobic comments from those cultists? They’ve called the students “crackers,” “school shooters,” and “incest children,” among other things.

Perhaps President Trump is right when he characterizes some in the media as “the enemy of the people.” In the rush to be first to report this story, no one investigated what the actual story was. Instead, they went with cherry-picked video and photos that supposedly confirmed their own biases. They attacked school kids because of their hats. In the end, this story is yet another example of a news media that is far more concerned with narrative than truth.

Red MAGA cap = Trump supporters
Trump supporters = Trump
Trump = Orange Man Bad
Orange Man Bad = Trump supporters bad too

YOU can pretend the story
is whatever YOU pretend it’s not

What you can’t do is see the evidence
outside your own head....
while it’s shoved so far up your ass!
Leftist bullshiters seem quite upset that their lying media comrades in the Fifth Column may finally pay the price for their slanderous lies.
One of the most prominent libel lawyers in the country, who in the aftermath of the Atlanta Olympics successfully sued the same media goons who lied about Covington, is running this show and that's hardly "frivolous".
I feel your pain.
I dont. I hope Bill Maher ends up living in a downtown LA alleyway.
He's just a greedy pos. You'd all hate that if it were reversed. Imo, award him a few mil and send him on his way. No reason for anything more when the average worker doesnt even make that in a lifetime and this kid as a maga doper is definitely falling into that category.
If the situation were of conservatives doing that to libtarded kids and then all the media blamed the kids and smeared them as racist, you would be chewing the carpet so hard you'd fall into a coma from the fit.
Parsing whether the kid is a "public figure" is immaterial. A libel case must first show that libel exists, whether it's a public figure or not. Something that was printed. Without such evidence, nothing can proceed.
So sad for you that the media printed everything they were saying. My gosh but you are a bumbling silly person sometimes.

Sometimes? This is pogo the no-go who is constantly, 110% obliviously silly everytime he wakes up.

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