After the crisis has passed and normalcy is restored, let's kick Texas out of the USA


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
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This time it was a gas price spike of over 1000% what will it be next time?
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
Not just Texas. The country can peacefully separate.
I feel sorry for millions of Texans who are enduring this completely unnecessary privation and suffering. However, if they reelect this conservative gang of fools to continue to govern their state, they're dumber than a bag of hammers.

After all, why do we elect representatives in the first place? We elect them to watch out for OUR best interests. And what's more important than the safety and welfare of the citizenry who elected them in the first place? Got an answer for that?
I have no problem with helping people in a time of crisis. But we have a $3 trillion deficit. If Texas can identify funding they would like to give back, we could afford it.

Any money we send to Texas will be wasted on Pork, Pork, Pork
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

So, you wish to eliminate 8.8% of your economy, the second most contributing state outside of Cali (yes, even more than big bad New York), because of a once in a lifetime snowstorm?

Texas is the greatest state in your nation. Embrace her and learn from her. Starting with her populations patriotism. The same patriotism some leaders elsewhere seem to despise.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
I have to admit that the Texas politicians needed to do a far better job of preparing for disasters that could happen. Thus the blame is on their shoulders.
I also believe that the federal government should be far better stewards of our taxpayer dollars. When we pay our taxes, the money we have to pay, isn't actually theirs. It's supposed to be for the running of the government, instead the money goes to an ever increasing bloated government that feels that those tax dollars is theirs to throw away on pet projects, inane studies and towards foreign governments, including governments that openly hate us.
Texas may have learned a lesson from the current debacle (hopefully), the same can't be said for the federal government.
The left now wants to spend trillions on a "green new deal" while still drowning us in national debt. Not good money management.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

California wildfires are completely preventable, as are the blackouts that regularly occur there. The sheer hypocrisy of lefties on this matter is sickening. Also, some might remember that California and a lot of lefties talked leaving the country when Trump was elected. How many people on this board promised to leave the country if that happened and never did? Unless you held them to the same standard you want to hold Texas, nobody should care about such hypocritical 'arguments'.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
you forgot to mention the name of that well run state...tennessee is mostly republican dear
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
What state would that be? LOL. Here's another proposal. Expand the borders of Texas to Canada, on the north and Pacific Ocean on the west and the Mississippi R. on the east. Then Secede. Problem solved.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
Texas isn't going to be kicked out of the Union..

Good gawd, put your willie back in your panties and grab a clue
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

Weird how you didn't mention how everyone's tax dollars bailed out Californias wildfires. Anyway, Texas will be more than glad to leave the tyranny that libs love.
I have no problem with helping people in a time of crisis. But we have a $3 trillion deficit. If Texas can identify funding they would like to give back, we could afford it.

Any money we send to Texas will be wasted on Pork, Pork, Pork
keep all the money in washington...and keep the military there to protect them from the american people they have screwed so many freking times
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
Texas isn't going to be kicked out of the Union..

Good gawd, put your willie back in your panties and grab a clue

We can swap them with Puerto Rico and give Texas back to Mexico where they belong

We could even call Puerto Rico the Lone Star State
Nobody would notice the difference


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