After the crisis has passed and normalcy is restored, let's kick Texas out of the USA

Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Entirely forseeable? The last time Texas had weather like this was 1918.

What IS entirely foreseeable is the multiple annual rolling blackouts in KKKalifornia every summer.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Entirely forseeable? The last time Texas had weather like this was 1918.

What IS entirely foreseeable is the multiple annual rolling blackouts in KKKalifornia every summer.
They were warned about this 10 years ago and 12 years before that. But you keep on ignoring facts.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Entirely forseeable? The last time Texas had weather like this was 1918.

What IS entirely foreseeable is the multiple annual rolling blackouts in KKKalifornia every summer.
They were warned about this 10 years ago and 12 years before that. But you keep on ignoring facts.
They were? Who warned them?

Only warnings I recall was about how hot it would be by now.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Entirely forseeable? The last time Texas had weather like this was 1918.

What IS entirely foreseeable is the multiple annual rolling blackouts in KKKalifornia every summer.

The settlers foresaw winter weather in Texas. Am I expected to believe that modern man, with all his satellite forecasts and data sets going back over a hundred years, can't foresee a winter weather event in the northern hemisphere in winter?

I think you should run for office in Texas and tell the citizenry that all is well, and you wouldn't change a thing. Just tell them you're a Christian conservative and that God wouldn't allow a cold front to come any further south than Oklahoma. They might just believe you. Of course, they might burn you at the stake after the next storm too. Hey, it's a crap shoot.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.
I'm sure the people of Texas are comforted by your words.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Entirely forseeable? The last time Texas had weather like this was 1918.

What IS entirely foreseeable is the multiple annual rolling blackouts in KKKalifornia every summer.
They were warned about this 10 years ago and 12 years before that. But you keep on ignoring facts.
They were? Who warned them?

Only warnings I recall was about how hot it would be by now.

However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states
This isn't true. Like most leftists, you are misinformed.

But please...PLEASE move forward with alacrity separating from Texas...just be prepared for a bunch of other states to go with them.
However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states
This isn't true. Like most leftists, you are misinformed.

But please...PLEASE move forward with alacrity separating from Texas...just be prepared for a bunch of other states to go with them.
You mean laugh at them.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Common sense is new to you, I see. Next time you find yourself in Houston or Corpus Christi, tell me how necessary you believe it is to prepare for a relatively minor weather event.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.

So, you wish to eliminate 8.8% of your economy, the second most contributing state outside of Cali (yes, even more than big bad New York), because of a once in a lifetime snowstorm?

Texas is the greatest state in your nation. Embrace her and learn from her. Starting with her populations patriotism. The same patriotism some leaders elsewhere seem to despise.

If Texas was so great, they wouldn't be in the world of hurt they are now.

I've been to Texas a number of times, and while I've met some truly nice people, I'm sorry to say a lot of Texans are little more than loudmouth braggarts. While I hope the pain and suffering is addressed and alleviated sooner as opposed to later, I would like to believe that Texans will learn a lesson from this self-inflicted disaster, but human beings in general seem to require more than one episode before they truly LEARN their lesson. And considering that their idiot governor, Abbot, was blaming the "green new deal" for this debacle, two episodes might not be enough to wake the Texas people up.

You should really go back to Texas and tell everyone about how they need to learn their lesson. Hopefully, you would learn yours the hard way.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Entirely forseeable? The last time Texas had weather like this was 1918.

What IS entirely foreseeable is the multiple annual rolling blackouts in KKKalifornia every summer.
They were warned about this 10 years ago and 12 years before that. But you keep on ignoring facts.
They were? Who warned them?

Only warnings I recall was about how hot it would be by now.

You mean in 2011 when there were rolling blackouts for less than 24 hours? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Care to address the annual multiple blackouts every summer in KKKalifornia?
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Entirely forseeable? The last time Texas had weather like this was 1918.

What IS entirely foreseeable is the multiple annual rolling blackouts in KKKalifornia every summer.

The settlers foresaw winter weather in Texas. Am I expected to believe that modern man, with all his satellite forecasts and data sets going back over a hundred years, can't foresee a winter weather event in the northern hemisphere in winter?

I think you should run for office in Texas and tell the citizenry that all is well, and you wouldn't change a thing. Just tell them you're a Christian conservative and that God wouldn't allow a cold front to come any further south than Oklahoma. They might just believe you. Of course, they might burn you at the stake after the next storm too. Hey, it's a crap shoot.
Pretty sure everyone knows winter weather comes around every winter.

What happened to MMGW, Cultist?
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
You mean laugh at them.

Why would you laugh...every time we say let's go our seperate say no.

I'm very pleased a liberal loon like Mustang has come to one rational conclusion .... That a house divided against itself cannot stand.

We'll all be happier when you pajama people have your socialist utopia and we...the people who actually want freedom and liberty can have it.
You mean laugh at them.

Why would you laugh...every time we say let's go our seperate say no.

I'm very pleased a liberal loon like Mustang has come to one rational conclusion .... That a house divided against itself cannot stand.

We'll all be happier when you pajama people have your socialist utopia and we...the people who actually want freedom and liberty can have it.
Your side would fail very quickly. You don't have any policy that actually works. Repub governors do ok sometimes cause they don't have military spending. Repubs would bankrupt your side quickly. People aren't as separated as you might think.
Good grief
You've got the grief part right. There sure is one hell of a lot of it. I can't even imagine what Texans are going through trying to keep their kids warm only to later worry about having drinking water and no readily apparent place to find it. And even as all of this is going on, they have to worry about their aging parents who live alone. As much as I hate to say it, I suspect that a lot of older Texans will later be found dead in their homes.
You are jaded. You live in the most prosperous, most freedom-loving nation in the world where even the most poverty-stricken would be considered rich by any third world nation and you have the temerity to whine about a hundred year event that lasted for A WEEK. Social Justice Warriors. SMH.

I'm not whining about the "event" as you do indelicately describe it as if it was little more than some kind of minor fender bender on a residential street intersection. It's a state-wide screw up by people who are entrusted to plan for "events" like this which are entirely foreseeable.
Entirely forseeable? The last time Texas had weather like this was 1918.

What IS entirely foreseeable is the multiple annual rolling blackouts in KKKalifornia every summer.

The settlers foresaw winter weather in Texas. Am I expected to believe that modern man, with all his satellite forecasts and data sets going back over a hundred years, can't foresee a winter weather event in the northern hemisphere in winter?

I think you should run for office in Texas and tell the citizenry that all is well, and you wouldn't change a thing. Just tell them you're a Christian conservative and that God wouldn't allow a cold front to come any further south than Oklahoma. They might just believe you. Of course, they might burn you at the stake after the next storm too. Hey, it's a crap shoot.
The settlers prepared for THEMSELVES. They didn't expect the government to be their mommys. Who wipes your nose for you? That's forseeable. Maybe China Joe or Kameltoe will do it. You can pay for the preparations that TX would have to implement for your CO weather, moron. Avg. lows 47 Avg. highs 70 statewide. Spend YOUR money heating the desert/tropics.
If people recall, a lot of elected representatives from Texas balked at paying for natural disasters in CA (wildfires) and NY (Hurricane Sandy in 2012). While the disasters were predictable (in a historical sense, only), they certainly were not preventable. However, the Texas debacle of frozen power grids, an independent power grid unable to tap power from surrounding states, a virtual statewide loss of power, frozen and burst water pipes, a lack of drinking water and food, were all preventable if those conservative cheapskate Texas officials had actually planned ahead and spent the necessary money over time to weatherize their infrastructure. But no! They don't like gov't, and they don't like to plan ahead. However, what they DO want is for the rest of the US to bail them out. I'm sick of it, and I'm sick of them.

Now, unlike Ted Cruz, I care about human suffering (aside from himself and his family only). So, here's what I propose. Let's help Texas and Texans get back on their feet. Afterward, considering that they've been talking about seceding anyway, let's just give them the heave ho. As Fleetwood Mack once intoned, let them go their own way (and pay their own way).

Here's a helpful hint, Texas... You better start planning ahead! I know what I'm talking about because I live in a well-run Democratic state, and most of the people here are grateful to have competent governance that foresees problems before they arise and tackles them before they become crises on our doorsteps.
Oh, PLEASE don't throw me in the briar patch. PLEASE!!!


You mean laugh at them.

Why would you laugh...every time we say let's go our seperate say no.

I'm very pleased a liberal loon like Mustang has come to one rational conclusion .... That a house divided against itself cannot stand.

We'll all be happier when you pajama people have your socialist utopia and we...the people who actually want freedom and liberty can have it.
Your side would fail very quickly. You don't have any policy that actually works. Repub governors do ok sometimes cause they don't have military spending. Repubs would bankrupt your side quickly. People aren't as separated as you might think.
Moron, when was the last time you heard of Republicans asking for gov't assistance of any kind. That is a democrat MO. Look back on all of the "disasters" of the last 50 years and see who the whiners for "emergency funds" were.

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