After The Jewish Stabbings -- Is It Time To Crack Down On The Blacks??

5 stabbed at Hanukkah celebration in latest attack on Jews

There have been literally dozens and dozens of Jewish attacks perpetrated by blacks in the past couple of weeks -- and the media or no one else (not even Trump) is willing to call out the blacks .....why??

"President Donald Trump condemned the “horrific" attack, saying in a tweet Sunday that “We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism." <<-- why didn't Trump name what the real problem is?? When you just say "anti-Semitism" -- you are letting blacks off the hook and making it appear like its whites or some other race who are attacking Jews...

The media doesn't even tell you about who this guy Grafton E. Thomas really is....He is black, he is 37, he lived in Greenwood Lake, New York with his mother and he is a racist...He has a long criminal history including reckless endangerment as well as punching a police horse?? Really..this guy punched a police horse?? Probably some black ritual they do when they join the hate group BLM.....but as usual, when it comes to blacks, they are playing the mental illness if to say that his mental health issues played a factor in these attacks?? Really??

"Grafton Thomas has a long history of mental illness and hospitalizations," the statement said. "He has no history of like violent acts and no convictions for any crime. He has no known history of anti-Semitism and was raised in a home which embraced and respected all religions and races."

Yea right, he was raised in a home that taught respect for all religions? Impossible...Blacks are well known for not respecting any religion but their own special brand of black voo-doo religion that teaches them that Jesus wasn't really white, that teaches them to disrespect Christmas and come up with their own black holidays like Kwanzaa, all due to their hatred of whites -- Let's not forget how blacks rejected Christ altogether and became Muslims, let's not forget all of the murders of Jews conducted by the Nation Islam ...let's not forget how they murdered so many Jews thru-out the past 100 years or so...helloo??? remember the holocaust??

....So no, it is what it is...blacks are racists...they are not wackos, they are not nut-jobs or lone wolves... These attacks by racist blacks are not hoaxes like Sandy Hook -- these are not false flags by the government to make blacks look bad, these attacks are all the product of black hate, orchestrated by the likes of Obama, Al Sharpton Soros, AOC, Omar, Elijah Cummings and soon to be dead, John Lewis -- and its time for sweeping legislation to crack down on blacks across the country until we can civilize them to not hate -- until then, the blood of these innocent people are on the hands of all blacks...except the few good ones who know their rightful place.

since whites (conservatives) also attacks jews perhaps we should go after THEM, too
We, both Democrats and Republicans, have been going after them but black anti semites have been off limits as far as Democrats are concerned.
5 stabbed at Hanukkah celebration in latest attack on Jews

There have been literally dozens and dozens of Jewish attacks perpetrated by blacks in the past couple of weeks -- and the media or no one else (not even Trump) is willing to call out the blacks .....why??

"President Donald Trump condemned the “horrific" attack, saying in a tweet Sunday that “We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism." <<-- why didn't Trump name what the real problem is?? When you just say "anti-Semitism" -- you are letting blacks off the hook and making it appear like its whites or some other race who are attacking Jews...

The media doesn't even tell you about who this guy Grafton E. Thomas really is....He is black, he is 37, he lived in Greenwood Lake, New York with his mother and he is a racist...He has a long criminal history including reckless endangerment as well as punching a police horse?? Really..this guy punched a police horse?? Probably some black ritual they do when they join the hate group BLM.....but as usual, when it comes to blacks, they are playing the mental illness if to say that his mental health issues played a factor in these attacks?? Really??

"Grafton Thomas has a long history of mental illness and hospitalizations," the statement said. "He has no history of like violent acts and no convictions for any crime. He has no known history of anti-Semitism and was raised in a home which embraced and respected all religions and races."

Yea right, he was raised in a home that taught respect for all religions? Impossible...Blacks are well known for not respecting any religion but their own special brand of black voo-doo religion that teaches them that Jesus wasn't really white, that teaches them to disrespect Christmas and come up with their own black holidays like Kwanzaa, all due to their hatred of whites -- Let's not forget how blacks rejected Christ altogether and became Muslims, let's not forget all of the murders of Jews conducted by the Nation Islam ...let's not forget how they murdered so many Jews thru-out the past 100 years or so...helloo??? remember the holocaust??

....So no, it is what it is...blacks are racists...they are not wackos, they are not nut-jobs or lone wolves... These attacks by racist blacks are not hoaxes like Sandy Hook -- these are not false flags by the government to make blacks look bad, these attacks are all the product of black hate, orchestrated by the likes of Obama, Al Sharpton Soros, AOC, Omar, Elijah Cummings and soon to be dead, John Lewis -- and its time for sweeping legislation to crack down on blacks across the country until we can civilize them to not hate -- until then, the blood of these innocent people are on the hands of all blacks...except the few good ones who know their rightful place.

since whites (conservatives) also attacks jews perhaps we should go after THEM, too
CONSERVATIVES don't attack anyone, moron
5 stabbed at Hanukkah celebration in latest attack on Jews

There have been literally dozens and dozens of Jewish attacks perpetrated by blacks in the past couple of weeks -- and the media or no one else (not even Trump) is willing to call out the blacks .....why??

"President Donald Trump condemned the “horrific" attack, saying in a tweet Sunday that “We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism." <<-- why didn't Trump name what the real problem is?? When you just say "anti-Semitism" -- you are letting blacks off the hook and making it appear like its whites or some other race who are attacking Jews...

The media doesn't even tell you about who this guy Grafton E. Thomas really is....He is black, he is 37, he lived in Greenwood Lake, New York with his mother and he is a racist...He has a long criminal history including reckless endangerment as well as punching a police horse?? Really..this guy punched a police horse?? Probably some black ritual they do when they join the hate group BLM.....but as usual, when it comes to blacks, they are playing the mental illness if to say that his mental health issues played a factor in these attacks?? Really??

"Grafton Thomas has a long history of mental illness and hospitalizations," the statement said. "He has no history of like violent acts and no convictions for any crime. He has no known history of anti-Semitism and was raised in a home which embraced and respected all religions and races."

Yea right, he was raised in a home that taught respect for all religions? Impossible...Blacks are well known for not respecting any religion but their own special brand of black voo-doo religion that teaches them that Jesus wasn't really white, that teaches them to disrespect Christmas and come up with their own black holidays like Kwanzaa, all due to their hatred of whites -- Let's not forget how blacks rejected Christ altogether and became Muslims, let's not forget all of the murders of Jews conducted by the Nation Islam ...let's not forget how they murdered so many Jews thru-out the past 100 years or so...helloo??? remember the holocaust??

....So no, it is what it is...blacks are racists...they are not wackos, they are not nut-jobs or lone wolves... These attacks by racist blacks are not hoaxes like Sandy Hook -- these are not false flags by the government to make blacks look bad, these attacks are all the product of black hate, orchestrated by the likes of Obama, Al Sharpton Soros, AOC, Omar, Elijah Cummings and soon to be dead, John Lewis -- and its time for sweeping legislation to crack down on blacks across the country until we can civilize them to not hate -- until then, the blood of these innocent people are on the hands of all blacks...except the few good ones who know their rightful place.

since whites (conservatives) also attacks jews perhaps we should go after THEM, too
CONSERVATIVES don't attack anyone, moron

yes they do.

FBI arrests white supremacist Richard Holzer in alleged plot to ... › nation › 2019/11/04 › fbi-arrests-self-pro...

Nov 4, 2019 - The FBI arrested a self-proclaimed white supremacist who allegedly planned to blow up a historic Colorado synagogue and poison ...
What the hell is wrong with you?
Trump's America, circa 2020.

That seems to be the message kicked out all over by NPR, de Blasio and Cuomo. Not only is the Democratic Party able to lay the blame on Trump, they can avoid having to actually deal with that issue altogether by avoiding any past or present members of congress history of antisemitic remarks.

Don't want to interrupt anyone's election plans and, of course, that is all we better focus on.

Here is the deal when you have people like Farrakhan,telling his followers that Jewish people are selling a special type of marijuana to make black men gay, calling them termites, and Satan that might be a problem. Black Hebrew Israelite street preaching doesn't help.

Why can't all this crap be dealt with now?
Because the Congressional Black Caucus will not tolerate criticism of Black Muslims and Democrats cannot win national elections without a large turnout of black voters.

So, I thought about that. We are in a nonstop election cycle--intentionally. Trump leaves soon or in another four years but he will leave at some point. Maybe we need to have these conversations without them. I mean that we don't need these folks to tell the rest of us what the hell is wrong. We don't need their wannabe "experts" in whatever field. We don't need the media to tell us what to talk about or how to talk about it. The tail is wagging the dog. These people are clearly not leaders.

Four people have been arrested. Three of them have some type of mental illness. We need to have the conversation on mental illness in the black communities. It's a topic that people have been trying to draw attention to for as long as I can remember. Not some mamby pamby discussion on "stigma" which is code for be more accepting because there isn't any funding for that. It's about to be 2020 and if a kid doesn't have a diagnosis then they just aren't doing it right. We need to include that there are family members that can't control mentally ill folks as adults. That's an issue that doesn't recognize race, religion or ethnicity. This is an opportunity. We need to take it.

We need very frank discussions on bail reform. We need to have very frank discussions on roving groups of teens that are assaulting people, terrorizing people, killing people and getting them off the street. There needs to be consequences for those actions. Immediately. We need to call out every damn time antisemitic remarks, harassment, assaults, etc. are made.

Changing hearts and minds is idealistic and it will be some 10-20 years before those results come in. We don't have that much time.
The question is, why are these perhaps mentally ill people acting out their issues by attacking Jews now in increasing numbers, and the answer is, this is Obama's legacy. From the time when he was a community organizer right through his two terms as president, Barack Obama resolutely refused to condemn anti semitic hate speech by Nation of Islam and clearly sought to demonize Israel in respect to Israel's conflict with the Palestinian terrorists. This is where it started and when Pelosi appointed the anti semites, Omar, Tlaib and AOC to high profile committee assignments to make them the face of the Democratic Party and the Congressional Black Caucus defended their frankly anti semitic speech, the entire basis for black attacks, mentally ill or not, on Jews was laid out. The attacks we are seeing now are symptomatic of the disease of Identity Politics that has taken over the Democratic Party. Make no mistake, identity politics is racism. It makes clearly anti semitic hate speech that would be reprehensible coming from a white person quite acceptable to Democrats when it comes from a person of color. Obama is an icon of the Democratic Party and Democrats will not challenge his dangerous legacy of anti semitism.

Ok. But, this happened before back in the 1980s through 1991. Identity politics began in the late 70s (I want to say 1977). The 1970s (maybe a decade earlier) is also when large amounts of money started being dropped into universities by Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern studies became available in the US. At the same time the Arab League's blacklist of firms with was in effect. Farrahkhan becomes active in the 70s.

Obama was anti-Israel. There seems to be a very treat them like children attitude. The Democratic Party absolutely benefits from keeping people divided. Omar, Tlaib and AOC are a problem.

Then there is this:
Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter & Ferguson Reps Take Historic Trip to Palestine
Trump's America, circa 2020.

That seems to be the message kicked out all over by NPR, de Blasio and Cuomo. Not only is the Democratic Party able to lay the blame on Trump, they can avoid having to actually deal with that issue altogether by avoiding any past or present members of congress history of antisemitic remarks.

Don't want to interrupt anyone's election plans and, of course, that is all we better focus on.

Here is the deal when you have people like Farrakhan,telling his followers that Jewish people are selling a special type of marijuana to make black men gay, calling them termites, and Satan that might be a problem. Black Hebrew Israelite street preaching doesn't help.

Why can't all this crap be dealt with now?
Because the Congressional Black Caucus will not tolerate criticism of Black Muslims and Democrats cannot win national elections without a large turnout of black voters.

So, I thought about that. We are in a nonstop election cycle--intentionally. Trump leaves soon or in another four years but he will leave at some point. Maybe we need to have these conversations without them. I mean that we don't need these folks to tell the rest of us what the hell is wrong. We don't need their wannabe "experts" in whatever field. We don't need the media to tell us what to talk about or how to talk about it. The tail is wagging the dog. These people are clearly not leaders.

Four people have been arrested. Three of them have some type of mental illness. We need to have the conversation on mental illness in the black communities. It's a topic that people have been trying to draw attention to for as long as I can remember. Not some mamby pamby discussion on "stigma" which is code for be more accepting because there isn't any funding for that. It's about to be 2020 and if a kid doesn't have a diagnosis then they just aren't doing it right. We need to include that there are family members that can't control mentally ill folks as adults. That's an issue that doesn't recognize race, religion or ethnicity. This is an opportunity. We need to take it.

We need very frank discussions on bail reform. We need to have very frank discussions on roving groups of teens that are assaulting people, terrorizing people, killing people and getting them off the street. There needs to be consequences for those actions. Immediately. We need to call out every damn time antisemitic remarks, harassment, assaults, etc. are made.

Changing hearts and minds is idealistic and it will be some 10-20 years before those results come in. We don't have that much time.
The question is, why are these perhaps mentally ill people acting out their issues by attacking Jews now in increasing numbers, and the answer is, this is Obama's legacy. From the time when he was a community organizer right through his two terms as president, Barack Obama resolutely refused to condemn anti semitic hate speech by Nation of Islam and clearly sought to demonize Israel in respect to Israel's conflict with the Palestinian terrorists. This is where it started and when Pelosi appointed the anti semites, Omar, Tlaib and AOC to high profile committee assignments to make them the face of the Democratic Party and the Congressional Black Caucus defended their frankly anti semitic speech, the entire basis for black attacks, mentally ill or not, on Jews was laid out. The attacks we are seeing now are symptomatic of the disease of Identity Politics that has taken over the Democratic Party. Make no mistake, identity politics is racism. It makes clearly anti semitic hate speech that would be reprehensible coming from a white person quite acceptable to Democrats when it comes from a person of color. Obama is an icon of the Democratic Party and Democrats will not challenge his dangerous legacy of anti semitism.

Ok. But, this happened before back in the 1980s through 1991. Identity politics began in the late 70s (I want to say 1977). The 1970s (maybe a decade earlier) is also when large amounts of money started being dropped into universities by Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern studies became available in the US. At the same time the Arab League's blacklist of firms with was in effect. Farrahkhan becomes active in the 70s.

Obama was anti-Israel. There seems to be a very treat them like children attitude. The Democratic Party absolutely benefits from keeping people divided. Omar, Tlaib and AOC are a problem.

Then there is this:
Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter & Ferguson Reps Take Historic Trip to Palestine
While it can be argued that the foundation for identity politics was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, identity politics didn't become the foundation of the Democratic Party until Obama became president. Black voters, along with most other minority voters, had favored the Democrats ever since FDR because most were poor and the Democrats were seen as the champions of the poor, but that changed when Clinton became president. Clinton shifted the Party's focus from the poor to the middle class because he believed that was the only way to defeat the Republicans and with his second election, he shifted the Party even further toward the right, completely severing the Democratic Party's connection with its ideological past. During the 1990's there were virtually no ideological differences between Democrats and Republicans; indeed, Democrats struggled mightily to find differences between themselves and their Republican opponents to campaign on, hence Kerry's famous "I was for it before I was against it" statement in the 2004 election.

As the 2008 election season approached, the Democrats were still stuck ideologically in the Clintonian no man's land, and in that context Hillary Clinton seemed to be the logical candidate, but along came Barack Obama, who Joe Biden described as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," and both black voters and white voters who felt ashamed of America's horrendous racial history were newly energized. Obama became an immediate cultural icon and this new race awareness he brought into the WH morphed into the identity politics that is the new ideological foundation of the Democratic Party.

Identity politics is a form of racism, and while some may argue that it is a benign form of racism or even a beneficial form of racism, all forms of racism are dangerous because they emphasize who someone is over what he does, and that is a betrayal of the ideal of America being a meritocracy. Obama's bland acceptance of anti semitic hate speech made it acceptable within the black community and the Democrats' embrace of identity politics, emphasizing who you are over what you do or say, has led black politicians to support openly anti semitic statements by people of color and while of course not all black people are mentally ill or violent, those that are now have culturally approved targets on whom to vent their hate and anger: Jews.
5 stabbed at Hanukkah celebration in latest attack on Jews

There have been literally dozens and dozens of Jewish attacks perpetrated by blacks in the past couple of weeks -- and the media or no one else (not even Trump) is willing to call out the blacks .....why??

"President Donald Trump condemned the “horrific" attack, saying in a tweet Sunday that “We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism." <<-- why didn't Trump name what the real problem is?? When you just say "anti-Semitism" -- you are letting blacks off the hook and making it appear like its whites or some other race who are attacking Jews...

The media doesn't even tell you about who this guy Grafton E. Thomas really is....He is black, he is 37, he lived in Greenwood Lake, New York with his mother and he is a racist...He has a long criminal history including reckless endangerment as well as punching a police horse?? Really..this guy punched a police horse?? Probably some black ritual they do when they join the hate group BLM.....but as usual, when it comes to blacks, they are playing the mental illness if to say that his mental health issues played a factor in these attacks?? Really??

"Grafton Thomas has a long history of mental illness and hospitalizations," the statement said. "He has no history of like violent acts and no convictions for any crime. He has no known history of anti-Semitism and was raised in a home which embraced and respected all religions and races."

Yea right, he was raised in a home that taught respect for all religions? Impossible...Blacks are well known for not respecting any religion but their own special brand of black voo-doo religion that teaches them that Jesus wasn't really white, that teaches them to disrespect Christmas and come up with their own black holidays like Kwanzaa, all due to their hatred of whites -- Let's not forget how blacks rejected Christ altogether and became Muslims, let's not forget all of the murders of Jews conducted by the Nation Islam ...let's not forget how they murdered so many Jews thru-out the past 100 years or so...helloo??? remember the holocaust??

....So no, it is what it is...blacks are racists...they are not wackos, they are not nut-jobs or lone wolves... These attacks by racist blacks are not hoaxes like Sandy Hook -- these are not false flags by the government to make blacks look bad, these attacks are all the product of black hate, orchestrated by the likes of Obama, Al Sharpton Soros, AOC, Omar, Elijah Cummings and soon to be dead, John Lewis -- and its time for sweeping legislation to crack down on blacks across the country until we can civilize them to not hate -- until then, the blood of these innocent people are on the hands of all blacks...except the few good ones who know their rightful place.

since whites (conservatives) also attacks jews perhaps we should go after THEM, too
CONSERVATIVES don't attack anyone, moron

yes they do.

FBI arrests white supremacist Richard Holzer in alleged plot to ... › nation › 2019/11/04 › fbi-arrests-self-pro...

Nov 4, 2019 - The FBI arrested a self-proclaimed white supremacist who allegedly planned to blow up a historic Colorado synagogue and poison ...

You claim conservatives attack people and then for "proof" you link to a white supremacist who was arrested for plotting to attack people.

Miss the ball much?
Last edited:
5 stabbed at Hanukkah celebration in latest attack on Jews

There have been literally dozens and dozens of Jewish attacks perpetrated by blacks in the past couple of weeks -- and the media or no one else (not even Trump) is willing to call out the blacks .....why??

"President Donald Trump condemned the “horrific" attack, saying in a tweet Sunday that “We must all come together to fight, confront, and eradicate the evil scourge of anti-Semitism." <<-- why didn't Trump name what the real problem is?? When you just say "anti-Semitism" -- you are letting blacks off the hook and making it appear like its whites or some other race who are attacking Jews...

The media doesn't even tell you about who this guy Grafton E. Thomas really is....He is black, he is 37, he lived in Greenwood Lake, New York with his mother and he is a racist...He has a long criminal history including reckless endangerment as well as punching a police horse?? Really..this guy punched a police horse?? Probably some black ritual they do when they join the hate group BLM.....but as usual, when it comes to blacks, they are playing the mental illness if to say that his mental health issues played a factor in these attacks?? Really??

"Grafton Thomas has a long history of mental illness and hospitalizations," the statement said. "He has no history of like violent acts and no convictions for any crime. He has no known history of anti-Semitism and was raised in a home which embraced and respected all religions and races."

Yea right, he was raised in a home that taught respect for all religions? Impossible...Blacks are well known for not respecting any religion but their own special brand of black voo-doo religion that teaches them that Jesus wasn't really white, that teaches them to disrespect Christmas and come up with their own black holidays like Kwanzaa, all due to their hatred of whites -- Let's not forget how blacks rejected Christ altogether and became Muslims, let's not forget all of the murders of Jews conducted by the Nation Islam ...let's not forget how they murdered so many Jews thru-out the past 100 years or so...helloo??? remember the holocaust??

....So no, it is what it is...blacks are racists...they are not wackos, they are not nut-jobs or lone wolves... These attacks by racist blacks are not hoaxes like Sandy Hook -- these are not false flags by the government to make blacks look bad, these attacks are all the product of black hate, orchestrated by the likes of Obama, Al Sharpton Soros, AOC, Omar, Elijah Cummings and soon to be dead, John Lewis -- and its time for sweeping legislation to crack down on blacks across the country until we can civilize them to not hate -- until then, the blood of these innocent people are on the hands of all blacks...except the few good ones who know their rightful place.

It's not time to crack down on skin color... It's time to crack down on antisemitism.

Were these 'blacks' members of the Farrakhan Kult... the single most obvious source of Black anti-Semitism?
That seems to be the message kicked out all over by NPR, de Blasio and Cuomo. Not only is the Democratic Party able to lay the blame on Trump, they can avoid having to actually deal with that issue altogether by avoiding any past or present members of congress history of antisemitic remarks.

Don't want to interrupt anyone's election plans and, of course, that is all we better focus on.

Here is the deal when you have people like Farrakhan,telling his followers that Jewish people are selling a special type of marijuana to make black men gay, calling them termites, and Satan that might be a problem. Black Hebrew Israelite street preaching doesn't help.

Why can't all this crap be dealt with now?
Because the Congressional Black Caucus will not tolerate criticism of Black Muslims and Democrats cannot win national elections without a large turnout of black voters.

So, I thought about that. We are in a nonstop election cycle--intentionally. Trump leaves soon or in another four years but he will leave at some point. Maybe we need to have these conversations without them. I mean that we don't need these folks to tell the rest of us what the hell is wrong. We don't need their wannabe "experts" in whatever field. We don't need the media to tell us what to talk about or how to talk about it. The tail is wagging the dog. These people are clearly not leaders.

Four people have been arrested. Three of them have some type of mental illness. We need to have the conversation on mental illness in the black communities. It's a topic that people have been trying to draw attention to for as long as I can remember. Not some mamby pamby discussion on "stigma" which is code for be more accepting because there isn't any funding for that. It's about to be 2020 and if a kid doesn't have a diagnosis then they just aren't doing it right. We need to include that there are family members that can't control mentally ill folks as adults. That's an issue that doesn't recognize race, religion or ethnicity. This is an opportunity. We need to take it.

We need very frank discussions on bail reform. We need to have very frank discussions on roving groups of teens that are assaulting people, terrorizing people, killing people and getting them off the street. There needs to be consequences for those actions. Immediately. We need to call out every damn time antisemitic remarks, harassment, assaults, etc. are made.

Changing hearts and minds is idealistic and it will be some 10-20 years before those results come in. We don't have that much time.
The question is, why are these perhaps mentally ill people acting out their issues by attacking Jews now in increasing numbers, and the answer is, this is Obama's legacy. From the time when he was a community organizer right through his two terms as president, Barack Obama resolutely refused to condemn anti semitic hate speech by Nation of Islam and clearly sought to demonize Israel in respect to Israel's conflict with the Palestinian terrorists. This is where it started and when Pelosi appointed the anti semites, Omar, Tlaib and AOC to high profile committee assignments to make them the face of the Democratic Party and the Congressional Black Caucus defended their frankly anti semitic speech, the entire basis for black attacks, mentally ill or not, on Jews was laid out. The attacks we are seeing now are symptomatic of the disease of Identity Politics that has taken over the Democratic Party. Make no mistake, identity politics is racism. It makes clearly anti semitic hate speech that would be reprehensible coming from a white person quite acceptable to Democrats when it comes from a person of color. Obama is an icon of the Democratic Party and Democrats will not challenge his dangerous legacy of anti semitism.

Ok. But, this happened before back in the 1980s through 1991. Identity politics began in the late 70s (I want to say 1977). The 1970s (maybe a decade earlier) is also when large amounts of money started being dropped into universities by Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern studies became available in the US. At the same time the Arab League's blacklist of firms with was in effect. Farrahkhan becomes active in the 70s.

Obama was anti-Israel. There seems to be a very treat them like children attitude. The Democratic Party absolutely benefits from keeping people divided. Omar, Tlaib and AOC are a problem.

Then there is this:
Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter & Ferguson Reps Take Historic Trip to Palestine
While it can be argued that the foundation for identity politics was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, identity politics didn't become the foundation of the Democratic Party until Obama became president. Black voters, along with most other minority voters, had favored the Democrats ever since FDR because most were poor and the Democrats were seen as the champions of the poor, but that changed when Clinton became president. Clinton shifted the Party's focus from the poor to the middle class because he believed that was the only way to defeat the Republicans and with his second election, he shifted the Party even further toward the right, completely severing the Democratic Party's connection with its ideological past. During the 1990's there were virtually no ideological differences between Democrats and Republicans; indeed, Democrats struggled mightily to find differences between themselves and their Republican opponents to campaign on, hence Kerry's famous "I was for it before I was against it" statement in the 2004 election.

As the 2008 election season approached, the Democrats were still stuck ideologically in the Clintonian no man's land, and in that context Hillary Clinton seemed to be the logical candidate, but along came Barack Obama, who Joe Biden described as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," and both black voters and white voters who felt ashamed of America's horrendous racial history were newly energized. Obama became an immediate cultural icon and this new race awareness he brought into the WH morphed into the identity politics that is the new ideological foundation of the Democratic Party.

Identity politics is a form of racism, and while some may argue that it is a benign form of racism or even a beneficial form of racism, all forms of racism are dangerous because they emphasize who someone is over what he does, and that is a betrayal of the ideal of America being a meritocracy. Obama's bland acceptance of anti semitic hate speech made it acceptable within the black community and the Democrats' embrace of identity politics, emphasizing who you are over what you do or say, has led black politicians to support openly anti semitic statements by people of color and while of course not all black people are mentally ill or violent, those that are now have culturally approved targets on whom to vent their hate and anger: Jews.

I am not ignoring you. I'm simply a bit too ADHD at the moment to respond appropriately,
...and its time for sweeping legislation to crack down on blacks across the country until we can civilize them to not hate...

That seems to be the message kicked out all over by NPR, de Blasio and Cuomo. Not only is the Democratic Party able to lay the blame on Trump, they can avoid having to actually deal with that issue altogether by avoiding any past or present members of congress history of antisemitic remarks.

Don't want to interrupt anyone's election plans and, of course, that is all we better focus on.

Here is the deal when you have people like Farrakhan,telling his followers that Jewish people are selling a special type of marijuana to make black men gay, calling them termites, and Satan that might be a problem. Black Hebrew Israelite street preaching doesn't help.

Why can't all this crap be dealt with now?
Because the Congressional Black Caucus will not tolerate criticism of Black Muslims and Democrats cannot win national elections without a large turnout of black voters.

So, I thought about that. We are in a nonstop election cycle--intentionally. Trump leaves soon or in another four years but he will leave at some point. Maybe we need to have these conversations without them. I mean that we don't need these folks to tell the rest of us what the hell is wrong. We don't need their wannabe "experts" in whatever field. We don't need the media to tell us what to talk about or how to talk about it. The tail is wagging the dog. These people are clearly not leaders.

Four people have been arrested. Three of them have some type of mental illness. We need to have the conversation on mental illness in the black communities. It's a topic that people have been trying to draw attention to for as long as I can remember. Not some mamby pamby discussion on "stigma" which is code for be more accepting because there isn't any funding for that. It's about to be 2020 and if a kid doesn't have a diagnosis then they just aren't doing it right. We need to include that there are family members that can't control mentally ill folks as adults. That's an issue that doesn't recognize race, religion or ethnicity. This is an opportunity. We need to take it.

We need very frank discussions on bail reform. We need to have very frank discussions on roving groups of teens that are assaulting people, terrorizing people, killing people and getting them off the street. There needs to be consequences for those actions. Immediately. We need to call out every damn time antisemitic remarks, harassment, assaults, etc. are made.

Changing hearts and minds is idealistic and it will be some 10-20 years before those results come in. We don't have that much time.
The question is, why are these perhaps mentally ill people acting out their issues by attacking Jews now in increasing numbers, and the answer is, this is Obama's legacy. From the time when he was a community organizer right through his two terms as president, Barack Obama resolutely refused to condemn anti semitic hate speech by Nation of Islam and clearly sought to demonize Israel in respect to Israel's conflict with the Palestinian terrorists. This is where it started and when Pelosi appointed the anti semites, Omar, Tlaib and AOC to high profile committee assignments to make them the face of the Democratic Party and the Congressional Black Caucus defended their frankly anti semitic speech, the entire basis for black attacks, mentally ill or not, on Jews was laid out. The attacks we are seeing now are symptomatic of the disease of Identity Politics that has taken over the Democratic Party. Make no mistake, identity politics is racism. It makes clearly anti semitic hate speech that would be reprehensible coming from a white person quite acceptable to Democrats when it comes from a person of color. Obama is an icon of the Democratic Party and Democrats will not challenge his dangerous legacy of anti semitism.

Ok. But, this happened before back in the 1980s through 1991. Identity politics began in the late 70s (I want to say 1977). The 1970s (maybe a decade earlier) is also when large amounts of money started being dropped into universities by Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern studies became available in the US. At the same time the Arab League's blacklist of firms with was in effect. Farrahkhan becomes active in the 70s.

Obama was anti-Israel. There seems to be a very treat them like children attitude. The Democratic Party absolutely benefits from keeping people divided. Omar, Tlaib and AOC are a problem.

Then there is this:
Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter & Ferguson Reps Take Historic Trip to Palestine
While it can be argued that the foundation for identity politics was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, identity politics didn't become the foundation of the Democratic Party until Obama became president. Black voters, along with most other minority voters, had favored the Democrats ever since FDR because most were poor and the Democrats were seen as the champions of the poor, but that changed when Clinton became president. Clinton shifted the Party's focus from the poor to the middle class because he believed that was the only way to defeat the Republicans and with his second election, he shifted the Party even further toward the right, completely severing the Democratic Party's connection with its ideological past. During the 1990's there were virtually no ideological differences between Democrats and Republicans; indeed, Democrats struggled mightily to find differences between themselves and their Republican opponents to campaign on, hence Kerry's famous "I was for it before I was against it" statement in the 2004 election.

As the 2008 election season approached, the Democrats were still stuck ideologically in the Clintonian no man's land, and in that context Hillary Clinton seemed to be the logical candidate, but along came Barack Obama, who Joe Biden described as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," and both black voters and white voters who felt ashamed of America's horrendous racial history were newly energized. Obama became an immediate cultural icon and this new race awareness he brought into the WH morphed into the identity politics that is the new ideological foundation of the Democratic Party.

Identity politics is a form of racism, and while some may argue that it is a benign form of racism or even a beneficial form of racism, all forms of racism are dangerous because they emphasize who someone is over what he does, and that is a betrayal of the ideal of America being a meritocracy. Obama's bland acceptance of anti semitic hate speech made it acceptable within the black community and the Democrats' embrace of identity politics, emphasizing who you are over what you do or say, has led black politicians to support openly anti semitic statements by people of color and while of course not all black people are mentally ill or violent, those that are now have culturally approved targets on whom to vent their hate and anger: Jews.

I agree with it being used to it's full potential by the Democratic Party since Obama was president. And it was absolutely acceptable.

So, what is the solution?

Some of these politicians were antisemitic before hand
Because the Congressional Black Caucus will not tolerate criticism of Black Muslims and Democrats cannot win national elections without a large turnout of black voters.

So, I thought about that. We are in a nonstop election cycle--intentionally. Trump leaves soon or in another four years but he will leave at some point. Maybe we need to have these conversations without them. I mean that we don't need these folks to tell the rest of us what the hell is wrong. We don't need their wannabe "experts" in whatever field. We don't need the media to tell us what to talk about or how to talk about it. The tail is wagging the dog. These people are clearly not leaders.

Four people have been arrested. Three of them have some type of mental illness. We need to have the conversation on mental illness in the black communities. It's a topic that people have been trying to draw attention to for as long as I can remember. Not some mamby pamby discussion on "stigma" which is code for be more accepting because there isn't any funding for that. It's about to be 2020 and if a kid doesn't have a diagnosis then they just aren't doing it right. We need to include that there are family members that can't control mentally ill folks as adults. That's an issue that doesn't recognize race, religion or ethnicity. This is an opportunity. We need to take it.

We need very frank discussions on bail reform. We need to have very frank discussions on roving groups of teens that are assaulting people, terrorizing people, killing people and getting them off the street. There needs to be consequences for those actions. Immediately. We need to call out every damn time antisemitic remarks, harassment, assaults, etc. are made.

Changing hearts and minds is idealistic and it will be some 10-20 years before those results come in. We don't have that much time.
The question is, why are these perhaps mentally ill people acting out their issues by attacking Jews now in increasing numbers, and the answer is, this is Obama's legacy. From the time when he was a community organizer right through his two terms as president, Barack Obama resolutely refused to condemn anti semitic hate speech by Nation of Islam and clearly sought to demonize Israel in respect to Israel's conflict with the Palestinian terrorists. This is where it started and when Pelosi appointed the anti semites, Omar, Tlaib and AOC to high profile committee assignments to make them the face of the Democratic Party and the Congressional Black Caucus defended their frankly anti semitic speech, the entire basis for black attacks, mentally ill or not, on Jews was laid out. The attacks we are seeing now are symptomatic of the disease of Identity Politics that has taken over the Democratic Party. Make no mistake, identity politics is racism. It makes clearly anti semitic hate speech that would be reprehensible coming from a white person quite acceptable to Democrats when it comes from a person of color. Obama is an icon of the Democratic Party and Democrats will not challenge his dangerous legacy of anti semitism.

Ok. But, this happened before back in the 1980s through 1991. Identity politics began in the late 70s (I want to say 1977). The 1970s (maybe a decade earlier) is also when large amounts of money started being dropped into universities by Saudi Arabia and Middle Eastern studies became available in the US. At the same time the Arab League's blacklist of firms with was in effect. Farrahkhan becomes active in the 70s.

Obama was anti-Israel. There seems to be a very treat them like children attitude. The Democratic Party absolutely benefits from keeping people divided. Omar, Tlaib and AOC are a problem.

Then there is this:
Dream Defenders, Black Lives Matter & Ferguson Reps Take Historic Trip to Palestine
While it can be argued that the foundation for identity politics was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, identity politics didn't become the foundation of the Democratic Party until Obama became president. Black voters, along with most other minority voters, had favored the Democrats ever since FDR because most were poor and the Democrats were seen as the champions of the poor, but that changed when Clinton became president. Clinton shifted the Party's focus from the poor to the middle class because he believed that was the only way to defeat the Republicans and with his second election, he shifted the Party even further toward the right, completely severing the Democratic Party's connection with its ideological past. During the 1990's there were virtually no ideological differences between Democrats and Republicans; indeed, Democrats struggled mightily to find differences between themselves and their Republican opponents to campaign on, hence Kerry's famous "I was for it before I was against it" statement in the 2004 election.

As the 2008 election season approached, the Democrats were still stuck ideologically in the Clintonian no man's land, and in that context Hillary Clinton seemed to be the logical candidate, but along came Barack Obama, who Joe Biden described as "the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," and both black voters and white voters who felt ashamed of America's horrendous racial history were newly energized. Obama became an immediate cultural icon and this new race awareness he brought into the WH morphed into the identity politics that is the new ideological foundation of the Democratic Party.

Identity politics is a form of racism, and while some may argue that it is a benign form of racism or even a beneficial form of racism, all forms of racism are dangerous because they emphasize who someone is over what he does, and that is a betrayal of the ideal of America being a meritocracy. Obama's bland acceptance of anti semitic hate speech made it acceptable within the black community and the Democrats' embrace of identity politics, emphasizing who you are over what you do or say, has led black politicians to support openly anti semitic statements by people of color and while of course not all black people are mentally ill or violent, those that are now have culturally approved targets on whom to vent their hate and anger: Jews.

I agree with it being used to it's full potential by the Democratic Party since Obama was president. And it was absolutely acceptable.

So, what is the solution?

Some of these politicians were antisemitic before hand
Anti semitism has been a core value of western culture since the first Crusades, when Europeans couldn't tell the difference between Muslims and Jews in the ME and Jews traveled freely between European and Muslim cultures while Europeans were still at war with Muslims or just between wars with Muslims. As far as I know, there is no solution to it. If you are Jewish, you just try to cope with it.

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