after tonight's debate are any Dems going to condemn the DNC for not allowing anyone to challenge Biden for the primary ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
the DNC basically stonewalled anyone from the left from challenging Biden on the primaries .. after tonight's terrible debate performance by Biden are Dems now angry with the DNC for not allowing them to vote for a different candidate ?

here's an example of what they did in NC to deny Dems a choice ..

the DNC basically stonewalled anyone from the left from challenging Biden on the primaries .. after tonight's terrible debate performance by Biden are Dems now angry with the DNC for not allowing them to vote for a different candidate ?

here's an example of what they did in NC to deny Dems a choice ..

These unimpressive career political hanger ons are run by fools in Europe and elsewhere. The same fools who are getting trounced by the right already and the only right wing government in England is going to be turfed for betraying their voters and just being "left-wing light".
Yes, read my thread.......

10 days ago.....June 17th.
Yes, read my thread.......

10 days ago.....June 17th.
Too bad your party is run by a bunch of sycophants who cannot allow anyone to run that is opposed to stupid forever wars. Otherwise RFK Jr would be running away with it.
Too bad your party is run by a bunch of sycophants who cannot allow anyone to run that is opposed to stupid forever wars. Otherwise RFJ Jr would be running away with it.
I don't have a party.
I despise ALL politicians.

Why are you such a %^&#*$#
the DNC basically stonewalled anyone from the left from challenging Biden on the primaries .. after tonight's terrible debate performance by Biden are Dems now angry with the DNC for not allowing them to vote for a different candidate ?

here's an example of what they did in NC to deny Dems a choice ..

No. Because Trump lied all night.
No. Because Trump lied all night.
These are CNN viewers:
the DNC basically stonewalled anyone from the left from challenging Biden on the primaries .. after tonight's terrible debate performance by Biden are Dems now angry with the DNC for not allowing them to vote for a different candidate ?

here's an example of what they did in NC to deny Dems a choice ..

They should’ve allowed RFK Junior to become the nominee.

They should’ve allowed RFK Junior to become the nominee.

It doesn't help that the Dems really don't have a bench. Who were/are they going to toss in there?


What everyone on this board along with every American has to realize is------------->

FORGET Trump for a minute...............MSM, The DNC, and the Whitehouse have all been LYING to ALL of us. Virtually 70% of Americans see that Joe is unable to run the country, or are certainly convinced that in his current condition, they do not trust him to do so. They kept telling people, "no, no, no, he is fine, he is a dynamo." And ALL of the Leftwingers on TV, on here, and in public brought into it and hit us over the head with it.

YOU can make your case against Trump all you want, but the DNC, the MSM, and the Whitehouse has made it so you can NOT make a case FOR Biden now. What this means in political terms is simple---------------------> If you do not have the votes to win now, you aren't going to change any minds going forward. The only thing you can do now is convince Trump voters NOT to vote, and while that sounds good, that is only worth 1/2 a vote in political parlance, because the vote will not change sides.

On the other hand, Trump doesn't have to do anything as Joe has convinced not only the DNC, but most of America that he is not up to the task. Again, they will not vote for him, but they probably won't vote for Trump either, but the key difference is...........who/whom is ahead as of this reckoning, and every major poll has it as Trumps race to lose.

Again, in political parlance, what that means is-------------->you have to convince far more Trump voters to NOT vote, than Joe has convinced by his debate to not for him. You actually think that is going to happen in MAGA country?!?!?! If you do, you DO NOT KNOW POLITICS. Biden is in deep, deep, trouble, no matter how you spin it.
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