After vaccination, can we get rid of masks? No according to Dr Fauci

If it's harmful to you then stay home. I know people who suffer from PTSD who are managing wearing masks in public quite bravely. You have no right to impose your stupidity and carelessness on other people.
The CDC has said that masks slow down and prevent the spread of the virus. I don't give a shit what some pencil head dealing in microns posits. People like you are the reason we constantly find ourselves in
this situation and why we won't be able to return to anything approaching normal.

After at least 50% of the population are vaccinated, things should turn back to normal. We shouldn't have to be wearing masks for nearly a year after vaccinations start.
Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, on Sunday recommended continued protections such as wearing masks and social distancing after a coronavirus vaccine becomes available.

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Fauci on "State of the Union" if “once the process is complete, does that mean [people] can take off their masks, they don't have to social distance, they can just go about their lives as before?”

“I would recommend that that is not the case. I would recommend you have an added area of protection,” Fauci replied.
“Obviously, with a 90-plus percent effective vaccine, you could feel much more confident. But I would recommend to people to not abandon all public health measures just because you have been vaccinated, because even though, for the general population, it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you don't necessarily know, for you, how effective it is,” he added.

“We are not going to turn it on and off, going from where we are to completely normal. It's going to be a gradual accrual of more normality as the weeks and the months go by, as we get well into 2021,” Fauci said.

In light of Biden's claim he will institute a national mask mandate, will he continue that mandate even after everybody is vaccinated? And if so, for how long? Fauci said "well into 2021" whatever the hell that means. It could mean if Biden keeps his win, we could still be wearing masks this time next year. Is this what we voted for, especially if a vaccine is showing remarkable results?
The operation is all about getting Trump out. At this point, if he wins these election fraud cases, they will use the 'Covid deaths rising' fear factor on the population to trigger new riots and huge protests- maybe civil war.,,...if Trump supporters get pissed off enough.
Biden will mandate masks - they want their authoritarian father figure to save us all.

The narrative seems to be even if he's right, Trump should give up to avoid unrest.
It was all about a global reset. Trump election in 2016 put a delay in those plans. The wonderful bill gates warned of a coronavirus in 2015. The plan was put on hold, and they unleashed the coronavirus cooked up in a NC lab and sent to Wuhan.

Now, back on track.
In light of Biden's claim he will institute a national mask mandate, will he continue that mandate even after everybody is vaccinated? And if so, for how long? Fauci said "well into 2021" whatever the hell that means. It could mean if Biden keeps his win, we could still be wearing masks this time next year. Is this what we voted for, especially if a vaccine is showing remarkable results?

There is much you have to learn about pandemics. The vaccine will be a big help, but it won't be the end of our problems. First of all thanks to Trump, there is great distrust thanks to the number and voracity of his COVID lies. For the vaccine to work, 65% of people on earth need to take it. Be lucky to make 50% here in the US thanks to the lies combined with the anti-vax movement.

Secondly, the first edition of the vaccine won't account for the fact that the virus will morph and bounce back and forth between out country and others. Each year it will need to be tweaked same as the flu vaccine is each year.

Listen to Fauci - Listen to the truth - Listen to SCIENCE
Fauci........False See. Time for him to take a hike. And one of the current Prog Socialist agendas is....SCIENCE dogma to rule over everything else even if the everything else is science. Trump wants to go to the Moon and that is not Science, Biden will delay it and that is Science. Biden will put some fake Earth monitoring satellites up around the planet with False See instruments to monitor the global climate change as to get tens of trillions of dollars for people living in advanced nations. Yeah....False see. Never have I seen a candidate say so little and promoted so vigourously. The Progs behind the scenes will work overtime taking our rights away. Maybe we will get lucky and a rogue military person will detonate a WMD in D.C.
The experiment of panic to control Americans and erode their liberties will not end at a vaccine. Many low or no producers have settled into their sloth, barking at others about being masked and keeping distance. Checkout clerks have become order givers. Mayors and councils and governors and county executive have been spouting decrees that are just so delicious to them. So after the vaccines there is going to be some further hoax “wait and see” and about 40% of all Americans will never return to full steam. Recovery groups in complete disarry and many previous faithful attendees have now become solo couch potatos of Zoom.
Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, on Sunday recommended continued protections such as wearing masks and social distancing after a coronavirus vaccine becomes available.

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Fauci on "State of the Union" if “once the process is complete, does that mean [people] can take off their masks, they don't have to social distance, they can just go about their lives as before?”

“I would recommend that that is not the case. I would recommend you have an added area of protection,” Fauci replied.
“Obviously, with a 90-plus percent effective vaccine, you could feel much more confident. But I would recommend to people to not abandon all public health measures just because you have been vaccinated, because even though, for the general population, it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you don't necessarily know, for you, how effective it is,” he added.

“We are not going to turn it on and off, going from where we are to completely normal. It's going to be a gradual accrual of more normality as the weeks and the months go by, as we get well into 2021,” Fauci said.

In light of Biden's claim he will institute a national mask mandate, will he continue that mandate even after everybody is vaccinated? And if so, for how long? Fauci said "well into 2021" whatever the hell that means. It could mean if Biden keeps his win, we could still be wearing masks this time next year. Is this what we voted for, especially if a vaccine is showing remarkable results?

Smart advice. I saw his interview with Jake Tapper on CNN this afternoon. He did say at the end of the interview that eventually, after enough people had been vaccinated that it might be possible.

EDIT - Biden won. Deal with it.
CNN doesn't count.
In light of Biden's claim he will institute a national mask mandate, will he continue that mandate even after everybody is vaccinated? And if so, for how long? Fauci said "well into 2021" whatever the hell that means. It could mean if Biden keeps his win, we could still be wearing masks this time next year. Is this what we voted for, especially if a vaccine is showing remarkable results?

There is much you have to learn about pandemics. The vaccine will be a big help, but it won't be the end of our problems. First of all thanks to Trump, there is great distrust thanks to the number and voracity of his COVID lies. For the vaccine to work, 65% of people on earth need to take it. Be lucky to make 50% here in the US thanks to the lies combined with the anti-vax movement.

Secondly, the first edition of the vaccine won't account for the fact that the virus will morph and bounce back and forth between out country and others. Each year it will need to be tweaked same as the flu vaccine is each year.

Listen to Fauci - Listen to the truth - Listen to SCIENCE
Fauci........False See. Time for him to take a hike. And one of the current Prog Socialist agendas is....SCIENCE dogma to rule over everything else even if the everything else is science. Trump wants to go to the Moon and that is not Science, Biden will delay it and that is Science. Biden will put some fake Earth monitoring satellites up around the planet with False See instruments to monitor the global climate change as to get tens of trillions of dollars for people living in advanced nations. Yeah....False see. Never have I seen a candidate say so little and promoted so vigourously. The Progs behind the scenes will work overtime taking our rights away. Maybe we will get lucky and a rogue military person will detonate a WMD in D.C.

Fauci will be back in short order. He's been right about almost everything. Better buckle up, you'll be hearing from Tony at least once a day next year and will probably start missing your fake COVID news from Rump and his quacks ;-)

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The experiment of panic to control Americans and erode their liberties will not end at a vaccine. Many low or no producers have settled into their sloth, barking at others about being masked and keeping distance. Checkout clerks have become order givers. Mayors and councils and governors and county executive have been spouting decrees that are just so delicious to them. So after the vaccines there is going to be some further hoax “wait and see” and about 40% of all Americans will never return to full steam. Recovery groups in complete disarry and many previous faithful attendees have now become solo couch potatos of Zoom.

If they can get away with this, what's stopping Biden from forcing us to wear masks every flu season? After all, between 15,000 and 30,000 Americans die every year from the flu.
The experiment of panic to control Americans and erode their liberties will not end at a vaccine. Many low or no producers have settled into their sloth, barking at others about being masked and keeping distance. Checkout clerks have become order givers. Mayors and councils and governors and county executive have been spouting decrees that are just so delicious to them. So after the vaccines there is going to be some further hoax “wait and see” and about 40% of all Americans will never return to full steam. Recovery groups in complete disarry and many previous faithful attendees have now become solo couch potatos of Zoom.

If they can get away with this, what's stopping Biden from forcing us to wear masks every flu season? After all, between 15,000 and 30,000 Americans die every year from the flu.
The flu isn't quite political enough.
if you don't wanna wear a mask, just say: "for medical reasons, i am exempt from wearing a mask!"

Now they have to wear face shields. There is no escape from the misery.

It begins with Costco but you know that is not the end.

No, it sure isn't the end. The news now is that airlines are going to offer "free" COVID tests, see, so you won't be afraid to fly. But they won't LET you fly without them! Like Costco and all the other stores. I'm reading the whole thing of commercial businesses becoming the enforcers for the government is about liability. If there were a law freeing stores from liability suits for gazumpteen dollars if someone gets sick "there," or says they did, this Mask Nazi and required testing (and soon, required proof of vaccination) would stop short. Because a lot of people will not cooperate with any of this, me, for instance, and so the businesses lose us as customers. All commerce swings toward online sales, and no wonder.
Fauci will be back in short order. He's been right about almost everything. Better buckle up, you'll be hearing from Tony at least once a day next year and will probably start missing your fake COVID news from Rump and his hacks ;-)

Be honest. You leftists love wearing these masks. That grip of government around your face is so comforting. Somebody is taking care of you.
The experiment of panic to control Americans and erode their liberties will not end at a vaccine. Many low or no producers have settled into their sloth, barking at others about being masked and keeping distance. Checkout clerks have become order givers. Mayors and councils and governors and county executive have been spouting decrees that are just so delicious to them. So after the vaccines there is going to be some further hoax “wait and see” and about 40% of all Americans will never return to full steam. Recovery groups in complete disarry and many previous faithful attendees have now become solo couch potatos of Zoom.

If they can get away with this, what's stopping Biden from forcing us to wear masks every flu season? After all, between 15,000 and 30,000 Americans die every year from the flu.
This hoax broke the ground for other freedom and liberty robbing actions over a lesser thing. Having now taken a bite of the lockdown Apple, those that find it pleasing will demand more. It’s a sickening idea that we must comply for “our and others well being” . That’s not America.
Fauci will be back in short order. He's been right about almost everything. Better buckle up, you'll be hearing from Tony at least once a day next year and will probably start missing your fake COVID news from Rump and his hacks ;-)

Be honest. You leftists love wearing these masks. That grip of government around your face is so comforting. Somebody is taking care of you.

Nope Ray - I listen to scientists and medical professionals. So should you. But you'll go on listening to quacks and believing that masks are this horrible and unconstitutional infringement of your FreeDumbs. Stay away from Oregon please.
Fauci will be back in short order. He's been right about almost everything. Better buckle up, you'll be hearing from Tony at least once a day next year and will probably start missing your fake COVID news from Rump and his hacks ;-)

Be honest. You leftists love wearing these masks. That grip of government around your face is so comforting. Somebody is taking care of you.
The only part you missed in your perfection is “...someone is taking care of you and forcing others to be controlled and taken care of.”
Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious diseases expert, on Sunday recommended continued protections such as wearing masks and social distancing after a coronavirus vaccine becomes available.

CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Fauci on "State of the Union" if “once the process is complete, does that mean [people] can take off their masks, they don't have to social distance, they can just go about their lives as before?”

“I would recommend that that is not the case. I would recommend you have an added area of protection,” Fauci replied.
“Obviously, with a 90-plus percent effective vaccine, you could feel much more confident. But I would recommend to people to not abandon all public health measures just because you have been vaccinated, because even though, for the general population, it might be 90 to 95 percent effective, you don't necessarily know, for you, how effective it is,” he added.

“We are not going to turn it on and off, going from where we are to completely normal. It's going to be a gradual accrual of more normality as the weeks and the months go by, as we get well into 2021,” Fauci said.

In light of Biden's claim he will institute a national mask mandate, will he continue that mandate even after everybody is vaccinated? And if so, for how long? Fauci said "well into 2021" whatever the hell that means. It could mean if Biden keeps his win, we could still be wearing masks this time next year. Is this what we voted for, especially if a vaccine is showing remarkable results?
The operation is all about getting Trump out. At this point, if he wins these election fraud cases, they will use the 'Covid deaths rising' fear factor on the population to trigger new riots and huge protests- maybe civil war.,,...if Trump supporters get pissed off enough.
Biden will mandate masks - they want their authoritarian father figure to save us all.

The narrative seems to be even if he's right, Trump should give up to avoid unrest.
Getting Trump out is a byproduct. The real effort is getting the Great Reset. Biden will not fight it. Trump will.
This hoax broke the ground for other freedom and liberty robbing actions over a lesser thing. Having now taken a bite of the lockdown Apple, those that find it pleasing will demand more. It’s a sickening idea that we must comply for “our and others well being” . That’s not America.

I've decided to say, "Guess what, I DON'T CARE." And I definitely do not care if a Mask Nazi control freak minding my business instead of his/hers gets COVID.

This control-control-control thing will escalate and escalate until people like us STOP it by refusing.

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