After vaccination, can we get rid of masks? No according to Dr Fauci

Nope Ray - I listen to scientists and medical professionals. So should you. But you'll go on listening to quacks and believing that masks are this horrible and unconstitutional infringement of your FreeDumbs. Stay away from Oregon please.

Everyone with sense stays well away from anarchist Oregon, are you kidding?
Nope Ray - I listen to scientists and medical professionals. So should you. But you'll go on listening to quacks and believing that masks are this horrible and unconstitutional infringement of your FreeDumbs. Stay away from Oregon please.

Everyone with sense stays well away from anarchist Oregon, are you kidding?

You obviously don't know Oregon. Good- Stay the fuck away! :)
Stay the fuck away! :)

Clue: putting a Happy Face after a sentence obscenely cussing someone out is the apogee of hypocrisy and cowardice. Either express your hatred and own it OR be friendly: you can't split the difference and hope to be nasty but not get blamed.
Stay the fuck away! :)

Clue: putting a Happy Face after a sentence obscenely cussing someone out is the apogee of hypocrisy and cowardice. Either express your hatred and own it OR be friendly: you can't split the difference and hope to be nasty but not get blamed.
Obscenities and name calling is waving the flag of surrender. Thank them and feel pity as they can offer no fact based rebuttal so fling spittle instead
Nope Ray - I listen to scientists and medical professionals. So should you. But you'll go on listening to quacks and believing that masks are this horrible and unconstitutional infringement of your FreeDumbs. Stay away from Oregon please.

Trust me, I have no desire to go to any commie state. Just so you know, I do wear a mask when out in public. I sanitize my hands before I leave the car, when I go back to my car, and at hand sanitizing stands where they exist in the store. When I get home, I wash my hands for at least 20 seconds with Dial antibacterial soap. I avoid going to places I don't have to be because of my various medical conditions that put me at high risk if I catch this thing. I don't do these things because of some politician, I do it because it was a recommendation by my care providers at the Cleveland Clinic.

But because I do these things doesn't mean I have a right to insist others do the same. Fauci or Biden shouldn't insist on it either.

The one good thing about mask wearing is I can now tell who the Democrats are while driving. They're the ones in their car all alone wearing that stupid mask.
The one good thing about mask wearing is I can now tell who the Democrats are while driving. They're the ones in their car all alone wearing that stupid mask.

I love it. Can you BELIEVE some people do this crazy thing? I tell you, some people are just born looking for an order to obey.
Part of eroding liberties and freedoms is to declare “laws” that don’t exist and get as many as possible to comply. Create and cater to people’s fears that there is an out of control deadly situation that they must comply with orders or die or at least become imprisioned , sick or fined.
It’s called Totalitarianism
I love it. Can you BELIEVE some people do this crazy thing? I tell you, some people are just born looking for an order to obey.

I think they really enjoy it. I live on a main street and see them walking around or on a bike, nobody near them, and wearing a mask. It's like I've always said about liberals. They only do what they're told, not put any thought into what they were instructed to do or believe.
Part of eroding liberties and freedoms is to declare “laws” that don’t exist and get as many as possible to comply. Create and cater to people’s fears that there is an out of control deadly situation that they must comply with orders or die or at least become imprisioned , sick or fined.
It’s called Totalitarianism

I suppose you are thinking of the Reichstag Fire, in which the same thing happened. It was an incredible, HUGE fire of the German parliament building, and absolutely everyone (except the communists) just KNEW it was the communists who had set it to destroy German in a civil war starting right then. Hitler thought so the same as everyone else (we've got a transcription of what he said that night!) and he took emergency powers from that time --- and we know the rest.

However, it was just a feebleminded young Dutchman who had bought some wax firelighters. The police arrested him right as he was lighting up another room. No one else was ever found to have been there. The Reichstag turned out to be a firetrap because of the old curtains and the dome, which worked as a chimney.

But yes, Germans were absolutely terrified, it was a 9/11 event, and Hitler did use it to enact totalitarianism about pretty much every aspect of Germans' lives including control of their children. He was fooled himself, we know, but he was quick off the mark to institute personal control.

Like so many of our governors are doing.
Now governors are trying to declare that no more than 10 people at your house for Thanksgiving AND masks must be worn inside
Now governors are trying to declare that no more than 10 people at your house for Thanksgiving AND masks must be worn inside

Good luck to them trying to enforce it. We are going to have a country of lawsuits against these representatives for constitutional violations when this is all over.
One thing each person is going to have to learn for themselves is that it isn't about the virus.
It's about the control.
One thing each person is going to have to learn for themselves is that it isn't about the virus.
It's about the control.
With all that experience you talk about and he's been wrong on nearly every event with this pandemic. :auiqs.jpg:

It's always been catch up with him

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