Zone1 Afterlife in Judaism


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
The first mistake you made was going to a “Jewish” website, where the fake Jews lied and told you there is virtually no references to the afterlife.

There are many references:
Gen 37:35
Gen 44:29
1 Kings 2:9
Psalm 18:5
Ezekiel 31:25-17
Jonah 2:2
Job 7:9
Isaiah 14:9-11
Isaiah 38:18
Num 16:33
1 Sam 2:16
Job 24:19
Isaiah 15:15

Sheol is the place the dead went to, good or bad. It was divided into two regions: the place of torment, and Abraham’s bosom. But even the place where the righteous go is described as gloomy. It is also always described as going “down” into the earth as well.

This is opposed to being “taken up” to heaven, like Elijah was.

The reason the righteous who died and could not go to heaven was because no one had paid for their sins. While ancient Jews had rituals, sacrificing a calf or goat, their blood ultimately doesn’t pay for their sins. Their covenant and rituals were a mere shadow of the covenant that would pay for their sins and exonerate them.

Once Jesus paid that price and descended into Sheol, he opened the gates to heaven. His sacrifice and blood paid that price.

So now when one dies, they either go to heaven, or to Sheol the place of torment.
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The single section that is the most unbelievable , imho , is an aspect of
Techiat Ha-Metim (Resurrection of the Dead):

" It is a time when God will resurrect the dead, reuniting their souls with their physical bodies ". Ludicrous . There is barely anybody who wants to live with their imperfect body -- and at what age, and in what condition . Badly thought out, and will never convince non Gullibes .
The first mistake you made was going to a “Jewish” website, where the fake Jews lied and told you there is virtually no references to the afterlife.
My problem is that there are many scholars who believe that the original Torah and therefore the first five chapters of the Old Testament were deliberately mistranslated by the rulers ( Gods). As a means to obtain control and compliance over the Sheeple who were required to be in servitude here . For their satisfaction and use .
The first mistake you made was going to a “Jewish” website, where the fake Jews lied and told you there is virtually no references to the afterlife.

There are many references:
Gen 37:35
Gen 44:29
1 Kings 2:9
Psalm 18:5
Ezekiel 31:25-17
Jonah 2:2
Job 7:9
Isaiah 14:9-11
Isaiah 38:18
Num 16:33
1 Sam 2:16
Job 24:19
Isaiah 15:15

Sheol is the place the dead went to, good or bad. It was divided into two regions: the place of torment, and Abraham’s bosom. But even the place where the righteous go is described as gloomy. It is also always described as going “down” into the earth as well.

This is opposed to being “taken up” to heaven, like Elijah was.

The reason the righteous who died and could not go to heaven was because no one had paid for their sins. While ancient Jews had rituals, sacrificing a calf or goat, their blood ultimately doesn’t pay for their sins. Their covenant and rituals were a mere shadow of the covenant that would pay for their sins and exonerate them.

Once Jesus paid that price and descended into Sheol, he opened the gates to heaven. His sacrifice and blood paid that price.

So now when one dies, they either go to heaven, or to Sheol the place of torment.

Um, wow. It's amusing to see how these fairy stories evolve, blend and turn into a bunch of theological sludge.

The OP is correct, the ancient Hebrews had no concept of an afterlife. Most Bronze Age people didn't. The two verses in Genesis just talk about graves, not an afterlife. I'm not going to sludge through the rest of them, but an Afterlife are like Demons, something the Abrahamic Religions ONLY adopted after encountering other concepts that had such concepts (Classical Greece, Persians, etc.)

The concept of Hell as a place of Torment is one that the Hebrews adopted from the Greeks, and our image of Hell have more to do with Dante and Milton than anything in the Bible.
The first mistake you made was going to a “Jewish” website, where the fake Jews lied and told you there is virtually no references to the afterlife.

There are many references:
Gen 37:35
Gen 44:29
1 Kings 2:9
Psalm 18:5
Ezekiel 31:25-17
Jonah 2:2
Job 7:9
Isaiah 14:9-11
Isaiah 38:18
Num 16:33
1 Sam 2:16
Job 24:19
Isaiah 15:15

Sheol is the place the dead went to, good or bad. It was divided into two regions: the place of torment, and Abraham’s bosom. But even the place where the righteous go is described as gloomy. It is also always described as going “down” into the earth as well.

This is opposed to being “taken up” to heaven, like Elijah was.

The reason the righteous who died and could not go to heaven was because no one had paid for their sins. While ancient Jews had rituals, sacrificing a calf or goat, their blood ultimately doesn’t pay for their sins. Their covenant and rituals were a mere shadow of the covenant that would pay for their sins and exonerate them.

Once Jesus paid that price and descended into Sheol, he opened the gates to heaven. His sacrifice and blood paid that price.

So now when one dies, they either go to heaven, or to Sheol the place of torment.

It's just bizarre how so many think 'Judaism' is some single collection of beliefs. They don't realize they're split up among dozens of cults, including some seriously racist nutjobbery. They've had dozens of 'Messiahs' over the centuries, including currently. Many do not follow the Old Testament and the written Torah of Moses at all.
It's just bizarre how so many think 'Judaism' is some single collection of beliefs. They don't realize they're split up among dozens of cults, including some seriously racist nutjobbery. They've had dozens of 'Messiahs' over the centuries, including currently. Many do not follow the Old Testament and the written Torah of Moses at all.
Hence why they are fake Jews.
and our image of Hell have more to do with Dante and Milton than anything in the Bible.
I agree that most people’s view of hell is completely wrong and not what the true biblical hell actually is.

Hell is not run by Satan or demons.
Hell is a place created by God for divine justice. Satan and fallen angels will be sent there and suffer torment for their crimes.
Um, wow. It's amusing to see how these fairy stories evolve, blend and turn into a bunch of theological sludge.

The OP is correct, the ancient Hebrews had no concept of an afterlife. Most Bronze Age people didn't. The two verses in Genesis just talk about graves, not an afterlife. I'm not going to sludge through the rest of them, but an Afterlife are like Demons, something the Abrahamic Religions ONLY adopted after encountering other concepts that had such concepts (Classical Greece, Persians, etc.
The rest of your rant is total nonsense. The Hebrews never adopted the Greek version of hell (Hades), but the word Sheol did get translated as Hades.
You cannot back up your claims with Hebrew Bible scripture.
Luke 16:19-31 is a parable that Jesus tells describing the netherworld.

The Rich Man and Lazarus: A Warning​

19 The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.[i]“There was a rich man who used to dress in purple garments and the finest linen and who feasted sumptuously every day. 20 And at his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, 21 who would have been grateful to be fed with the scraps that fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs would come and lick his sores.

22 “Now the poor man died, and he was carried away by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried. 23 In the netherworld,[j] where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham, far off, and Lazarus by his side. 24 And he called out, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me. Send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in these flames.’

25 “But Abraham replied, ‘My child, remember that during your lifetime you received many good things, while Lazarus suffered greatly. Now he is being comforted while you are in agony. 26 Moreover, between us and you a great chasm has been established, so that no one who wishes to do so can pass from our side to yours, nor can anyone pass from your side to ours.’

27 “ ‘Then I beg you, father,’ he said, ‘to send him to my father’s house, 28 to warn my five brothers, lest they too end up in this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham responded, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets. Let them listen to them.’

30 “He said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone from the dead goes to them, they will repent.’ 31 Abraham answered, ‘If they will not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone should rise from the dead.’ ”
‘If they will not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone should rise from the dead.’ ”

so abraham would not have listen to jesus if they had "risen from the dead" ...

as well the fallacies of judaism - heredity idolatry, apartheid heaven, a&e sinners in the beginning, the 10 commandments - moses was a madman or those writing in their name, all the same.
so abraham would not have listen to jesus if they had "risen from the dead" ...

as well the fallacies of judaism - heredity idolatry, apartheid heaven, a&e sinners in the beginning, the 10 commandments - moses was a madman or those writing in their name, all the same.
No, dolt.

Abraham is telling him that the Jews who do not follow Mosaic Law would not be convinced by anyone else, including a man that is raised from the dead to warn people about the pains of hell.

The only fallacy here is your reading comprehension.
Abraham is telling him that the Jews who do not follow Mosaic Law would not be convinced by anyone else
‘If they will not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone should rise from the dead.’ ”

jesus rejected judaism, mosaic law, the liar moses and their phony 10 commandments - dolt - and taught the heavenly religion of antiquity - liberation theology, self determination.

that's why the jews crucified him and the phony people that made up christianity, fellow crucifiers - hawk.
jesus rejected judaism, mosaic law, the liar moses and their phony 10 commandments - dolt - and taught the heavenly religion of antiquity - liberation theology, self determination.

that's why the jews crucified him and the phony people that made up christianity, fellow crucifiers - hawk.
Wrong again. He didn’t reject Mosaic Law, he fulfilled it.

He ended the first covenant and established a New Covenant. One cannot be bound to two covenants. Much like a marriage. You are bound to one until death, then you can remarry. The nation of Israel was bound to God through the first covenant. When it expired with Jesus’s death, then a new bond was established through the New Covenant with Jesus.
Um, wow. It's amusing to see how these fairy stories evolve, blend and turn into a bunch of theological sludge.

The OP is correct, the ancient Hebrews had no concept of an afterlife. Most Bronze Age people didn't. The two verses in Genesis just talk about graves, not an afterlife. I'm not going to sludge through the rest of them, but an Afterlife are like Demons, something the Abrahamic Religions ONLY adopted after encountering other concepts that had such concepts (Classical Greece, Persians, etc.)

The concept of Hell as a place of Torment is one that the Hebrews adopted from the Greeks, and our image of Hell have more to do with Dante and Milton than anything in the Bible.
To add to this, the concept of an eternal tormenting hell is counter to the "Loving God" stance in Christianity. There is a theologian who takes, not a new stance, but eloquently explains the case for Annihilationism.

It's a semi-long read, but well worth it if you're interested in a Christian theologian who doesn't believe in an eternal tormenting hell.... God forbid.

The rest of your rant is total nonsense. The Hebrews never adopted the Greek version of hell (Hades), but the word Sheol did get translated as Hades.
You cannot back up your claims with Hebrew Bible scripture.

You do realize that they didn't get these notions until they started interacting with other cultures.
It's completely absent from the Torah.

For instance, in 2 Samuel, God provokes David into taking a Census. In 2 Chronicles, it retells the same story, but now it was SATAN who provoked David into taking the Census.
You do realize that they didn't get these notions until they started interacting with other cultures.
It's completely absent from the Torah.

For instance, in 2 Samuel, God provokes David into taking a Census. In 2 Chronicles, it retells the same story, but now it was SATAN who provoked David into taking the Census.
Very silly example. What do either passage have to do with “interacting with other cultures”?

The two passages seem to contradict each other, was it Satan or the Lord who provoked David into taking the census. However it is not contradictory. The Lord has conversed with the accuser in other stories and allowed the devil to tempt man as a test. But Satan does not force the hand, the man still chooses to sin or not.
Very silly example. What do either passage have to do with “interacting with other cultures”?

I'm glad you asked. Chronicles was written in the Second Temple Period. After the Judeans became part of the Persian Empire, and were exposed to the Zoroastrian concept of duality. - Ahura-Madza (the Good God) being opposed by Ahriman (the Evil God). It was at that point that "Satan" started developing, not so much as a "Demon" but as an adversary of God.

The two passages seem to contradict each other, was it Satan or the Lord who provoked David into taking the census. However it is not contradictory. The Lord has conversed with the accuser in other stories and allowed the devil to tempt man as a test. But Satan does not force the hand, the man still chooses to sin or not.

A few problems with this. First and foremost, Satan in the Old Testament is seen as an agent of God, but in the New Testament, as God's adversary - again, those Zoroastrians having an influence.

There was a great YouTube video, that traces the evolution of Satan in Christian belief. Unfortunately the original creator took down his channel, but there are copies.


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