AG Barr: Democrats Are Now the “Rousseauian Revolutionary Party That Believes in Tearing Down the System” (VIDEO)

White Power Matters

Gold Member
Jun 12, 2020
I just watched his interview with Mark Levin. He's so right. Democrat's want to dismantle our national system that has endured since the birth of our nation.

I just watched his interview with Mark Levin. He's so right. Democrat's want to dismantle our national system that has endured since the birth of our nation.

Youre afraid of loosing your head start? I thought you guys were superior?
I agree with AG Barr in his analysis of today's "Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat" Leftist actions that are taking place today. However, this didn't just start after the presidential election of Donald J. Trump. This is the continuation of the 1860's Civil War of America. It's never been about slavery. All you have to do is look back to when Socialism had it's start in the U.S. and Democrats that embraced it then and their hope to create a new Confederacy within America.
Read your history as both Mark Levin and AG Barr have and you will begin to understand...Why is it that immediately after the assassination of Lincoln did the Democrat Vice president Andrew Johnson attempt to nullify Reconstruction.
Note: "Under the administration of President Andrew Johnson in 1865 and 1866, new southern state legislatures passed restrictive black codes to control the labor and behavior of former slaves and other African Americans. Outrage in the North over these codes eroded support for the approach known as Presidential Reconstruction and led to the triumph of the more radical wing of the Republican Party. During Radical Reconstruction, which began with the passage of the Reconstruction Act of 1867, newly enfranchised blacks gained a voice in government for the first time in American history, winning election to southern state legislatures and even to the U.S. Congress. In less than a decade, however, reactionary forces–including the Ku Klux Klan–would reverse the changes wrought by Radical Reconstruction in a violent backlash that restored white supremacy in the South.".
With the election of Ulysses S. Grant came the true reconstruction....
Again we saw the resurgence of Democrats in the election of Woodrow Wilson that was a for all intents and purposes a Democrat failure. Yet, Democrats have never yielded their aggression toward the Constitution and the Republic. Hence what is happening today is the continuation of the :Democrat" dissatisfaction with the government of the United States of America. Remember we were forewarned by the writers of of Constitution that there are others within our nation that would try to change what We The People created....
I just watched his interview with Mark Levin. He's so right. Democrat's want to dismantle our national system that has endured since the birth of our nation.

Barr, Rump and the entire cabinet never heard of the Hatch Act. Another reason too send these merry band of criminals packing.

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