AG Barr: “Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research” – to Conduct Counter Intelligence

And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

The dossier is information Steele has collected and documented, it was always presented as "raw" material and FISA application disclosed to have political sourcing.

You may think "verified!" is some sort magical process of purification but in the intelligence bussiness you get bits and pieces that often take a long time to bear out.

You have suspicions, you get a warrant based on that, you collect information and see where the investigation goes.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified. That's where people are likely to get in trouble. It doesn't matter if some of the dossier was later found to be true, if they presented it and were not sure at the time that it was verified, there's a problem.
Which law school did you go to? Did you graduate?
When you ask for a FISA warrant to investigate (spy) on any American citizen, let alone a presidential nominee and/or his campaign, you gotta have solid evidence that has been verified. Yet the DOJ/FBI had NOTHING but the Steele Dossier and news reports that were based on that dossier, and that is not supposed to be the way our gov't agencies work. To this day, nothing substantial in that dossier has been verified, otherwise you can be sure the Mueller investigation would have said so in the report; for Christ sakes, they used Russian freakin' agents as sources! So, who really collaborated with the Russians? We now know it wasn't Trump or his campaign, but it's beginning to look like the DNC and the Clinton campaign might have, indirectly.
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And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

The dossier is information Steele has collected and documented, it was always presented as "raw" material and FISA application disclosed to have political sourcing.

You may think "verified!" is some sort magical process of purification but in the intelligence bussiness you get bits and pieces that often take a long time to bear out.

You have suspicions, you get a warrant based on that, you collect information and see where the investigation goes.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified.

Did you just make that up or you have an actual source?
When you ask for a FISA warrant to investigate (spy) on any American citizen, let alone a presidential nominee and/or his campaign, you gotta have solid evidence that has been verified.

Nope, when you have a highly suspicios subject like Carter who already had prior survailance warrants the standard is floor low.

Same with Manafort, who was a highly paid advisor for a pro-Russian regime in Ukraine, while running a campaign and failing to disclose being a foreign agent.

And by the way, lets not forget that the surveilance on these two characters was AFTER THEY LEFT THE CAMPAIGN.
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Libbies still banging the drum that the materials submitted were legitimate for the FISA yet the outcome of All OF It was a huge nothing. Outcome nothing, methods used to obtain nothing outcome were Nothing also.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

The dossier is information Steele has collected and documented, it was always presented as "raw" material and FISA application disclosed to have political sourcing.

You may think "verified!" is some sort magical process of purification but in the intelligence bussiness you get bits and pieces that often take a long time to bear out.

You have suspicions, you get a warrant based on that, you collect information and see where the investigation goes.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified. That's where people are likely to get in trouble. It doesn't matter if some of the dossier was later found to be true, if they presented it and were not sure at the time that it was verified, there's a problem.
Which law school did you go to? Did you graduate?

What does that have to do with anything? What I said is either true or it is not.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

It was never touted as " verified". It was raw intelligence. The kind used everyday in counterintel operations and investigations. Also known as " leads".

And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

The dossier is information Steele has collected and documented, it was always presented as "raw" material and FISA application disclosed to have political sourcing.

You may think "verified!" is some sort magical process of purification but in the intelligence bussiness you get bits and pieces that often take a long time to bear out.

You have suspicions, you get a warrant based on that, you collect information and see where the investigation goes.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified. That's where people are likely to get in trouble. It doesn't matter if some of the dossier was later found to be true, if they presented it and were not sure at the time that it was verified, there's a problem.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified.

Yes. Signed off by Rosenstein. Not once but four times. There were three renewals. Each renewal request required proof that the previous warrant garnered useful intel.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

It was never touted as " verified". It was raw intelligence. The kind used everyday in counterintel operations and investigations. Also known as " leads".

You don't present "leads" to FISA, dope.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

It was never touted as " verified". It was raw intelligence. The kind used everyday in counterintel operations and investigations. Also known as " leads".

You don't present "leads" to FISA, dope.

I never said they did, dope. The entire dossier was not used and other corroborating sources were included. Obviously the approving judge was satisfied. Not once, but four times.
And you know what? He's right. So glad we now have a strong AG to get to the bottom of this. What a great interview this morning.

BOOM! AG Bill Barr on Steele Dossier: "Very Unusual Situation to Have Opposition Research" - to Conduct Counter Intelligence (VIDEO)

Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

The dossier is information Steele has collected and documented, it was always presented as "raw" material and FISA application disclosed to have political sourcing.

You may think "verified!" is some sort magical process of purification but in the intelligence bussiness you get bits and pieces that often take a long time to bear out.

You have suspicions, you get a warrant based on that, you collect information and see where the investigation goes.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified. That's where people are likely to get in trouble. It doesn't matter if some of the dossier was later found to be true, if they presented it and were not sure at the time that it was verified, there's a problem.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified.

Yes. Signed off by Rosenstein. Not once but four times. There were three renewals. Each renewal request required proof that the previous warrant garnered useful intel.

And yet Comey says much of it wasn't verified. Is he lying again? If so, what does he gain from doing so?
Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

The dossier is information Steele has collected and documented, it was always presented as "raw" material and FISA application disclosed to have political sourcing.

You may think "verified!" is some sort magical process of purification but in the intelligence bussiness you get bits and pieces that often take a long time to bear out.

You have suspicions, you get a warrant based on that, you collect information and see where the investigation goes.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified. That's where people are likely to get in trouble. It doesn't matter if some of the dossier was later found to be true, if they presented it and were not sure at the time that it was verified, there's a problem.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified.

Yes. Signed off by Rosenstein. Not once but four times. There were three renewals. Each renewal request required proof that the previous warrant garnered useful intel.

And yet Comey says much of it wasn't verified. Is he lying again? If so, what does he gain from doing so?
Who said it needed to be?
It was raw intel and presented as such with other corroborating sources.
Nothing unusual about FBI using Steele's work as they have many times before. It was a trusted, reliable source.
The dossier was never verified! Comey fucked up!

The dossier is information Steele has collected and documented, it was always presented as "raw" material and FISA application disclosed to have political sourcing.

You may think "verified!" is some sort magical process of purification but in the intelligence bussiness you get bits and pieces that often take a long time to bear out.

You have suspicions, you get a warrant based on that, you collect information and see where the investigation goes.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified. That's where people are likely to get in trouble. It doesn't matter if some of the dossier was later found to be true, if they presented it and were not sure at the time that it was verified, there's a problem.

But you have to put your signature on a declaration that you know for sure the information you're presenting to get a warrant is true and verified.

Yes. Signed off by Rosenstein. Not once but four times. There were three renewals. Each renewal request required proof that the previous warrant garnered useful intel.

And yet Comey says much of it wasn't verified. Is he lying again? If so, what does he gain from doing so?

Thats because it wasn't and no one claimed otherwise, DUH.

Thats what the words "raw intelligence" mean.
Oh yeah, somebody heard some guy say something to somebody else.
How do you imagine investigations work? A suspect is just that. Suspected.
Warrants are issued all of the time soley on the basis of probable cause. The point of a warrant is to obtain information so investigators can determine if their subject has acted as they suspected or not.
Oh yeah, somebody heard some guy say something to somebody else.
How do you imagine investigations work? A suspect is just that. Suspected.
Warrants are issued all of the time soley on the basis of probable cause. The point of a warrant is to obtain information so investigators can determine if their subject has acted as they suspected or not.

It's amazing how far detached from reality Trumpsters are. Thats what makes them so succeptable to all the bullshit Trump spreads.
Oh yeah, somebody heard some guy say something to somebody else.
How do you imagine investigations work? A suspect is just that. Suspected.
Warrants are issued all of the time soley on the basis of probable cause. The point of a warrant is to obtain information so investigators can determine if their subject has acted as they suspected or not.

It's amazing how far detached from reality Trumpsters are. Thats what makes them so succeptable to all the bullshit Trump spreads.

They either can't or don't take a moment to think through things logically. They go straight to dopey conspiracy land.

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